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Student Monitoring- Android-Based Attendance Tracker using QR code with push notification

to Parents
Chapter 1


Using an attendance monitoring system, it is possible to keep track of each student's precise
arrival time and immediately notify parents when a kid is absent. Additionally, teachers can track
student attendance in their classes, note absence reasons, and send SMS and email notifications to
parents about their children's absences.


 Determines the student with or without attendance through scan QR code.

 Parents/Guardian automatically notify the absence or present from school.

Scope and limitation

This study covers the school. This study allows the Office-in-charge and the school head to
enroll students, view, record, save and submit data regarding the status of the student.

The Office-in-charge is allowed to register students, view student information and update
student records by promoting student to another class level.

Objectives of the project

This study aims to develop a system for SCHOOL to help in securing data, registration of
student, viewing of student profile.

Objectives of the project

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Design and develop an enrolment system for ACLC that will:

1. Manage LRN of every student.
2. Allow the teacher to monitor the list of enrolled students, schedule of
events and activities.
3. Create database for convenient way of encoding storing, tracking of
student’s record.
4. Provide accurate data of the student.

2. Evaluate the ACLC Enrolment system according to ISO-9126 standard.

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