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Sacred Heart Academy, INC.

Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Acceptability of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Extract

and Calamansi (Citrus Madurensis) Peels Extract as an Alternative

A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of Inquiries, Investigation and


Sacred Heart Academy, Inc.

Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research II

Espera, Josh Daniel

Sustiger, Christian

Ceballos, Moaselle Nishia


Mediana, Dianne Marie

Rodriguez, Jenevieve
Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Table of Contents







Statement of the Problem

2 Hypothesis

3 Conceptual Framework

4 Significance of the Study

5 Scope and Limitation of

the Study 6 Conceptual and

Operational Definition

of Terms 7 2 REVIEW OF



Reseach Design 17

Sources of Data


Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Data Gathering Instrument 19

Data Gathering Procedure 20

Precautionary Measure 28

Data Processing Technique 29

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

List of Tables

Table PAGE

1 Materials that were used in the Study 21

and their cost

2 Comparing the prices of commercial 22

Perfume and Perfume made

from Lemongrass extract and

Calamansi Peels extract

3 Equipment that was borrowed from 22

Home and School

4 Equipment/Tools and their Uses 24

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

List of Figures

Figure PAGE

1 Paradigm of the Study 4

2 Procedure of the Study 26

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo



Background of the Study

Philippines belongs to a tropical country. The air is humid

especially during summer season which causes some people to have an

unpleasant odor. With this, fragrance plays a huge role in this

situation. Having a pleasant scent makes us more attractive and it can

boost our self-confidence. The emotional response to a smell varies

widely from person to person based on his or her personal experience

(Bergland, 2016). In order for the person to smell good, most of them

use fragrance mist like perfumes, colognes and body sprays. However,

these different mists are not always available for all people because

of the cost. Aside from being expensive, it contains artificial

formulas or chemicals that may harm the environment or even the health

of a person using.

Hence, the researchers come up an idea of producing an organic

and affordable perfume with the use of lemongrass extract and

calamansi peels extract, with same soothing scent with the commercial

one but environmentally friendly.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the acceptability

of Lemongrass extract and Calamansi peels extract an alternative


Specifically, the researches aims to find answers to these

specific questions:

1. What is the most acceptable treatment of Lemongrass Extract and

Calamansi Peels as an alternative perfume as to its aroma and


a. 22.5g Lemongrass Extract and 7.5 Calamansi Peels Extract

b. 15g Lemongrass Extract and 15g Calamansi Peels Extract

c. 7.5 Lemongrass Extract and 22.5g Calamansi Peels Extract

d. Commercial Product

2. Is there a significant difference in the aroma and duration of the

alternative perfume made from Lemongrass Extract and Calamansi Peels

Extract and the commercial perfumes?

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo


There is no significant difference in the aroma and duration of

the alternative perfume made from Lemongrass extract and Calamansi

peels extract and commercial perfume set at 0.05 level of


Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the Product Development Theory. Product

development also called the new product development is a series of

steps that includes the conceptualization, design, development

marketing of newly created or newly rebranded goods or services. The

objectives of Product Development Theory are to cultivate, maintain

and increase a company's market share by satisfying consumers demand.

(Rouse, 2016)

In this study, Product Development Theory is applied as the

researchers attempted to create a new product using Lemongrass extract

and Calamansi peels extract as an alternative perfume.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Conceptual Framework:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Level of acceptability of
Lemongrass extract and
o 22.5g Lemongrass Calamansi peels as to it:
extract and 7.5g
Calamansi peels Aroma
extract Duration
o 15g Lemongrass
extract and 15g
Calamansi peels
o 7.5g Lemongrass
extract and 22.5g
Peels extract
o Citronella and Lime
Fragrance Oil

Figure 1. The Paradigm of the Study

The Paradigm of the Study, as shown in Figure 1 the dependent

variable were divided into five treatments: A. 22.5g Lemongrass

extract and 7.5g Calamansi peels extract B. 15g Lemongrass extract and

15g Calamansi peels extract C. 7.5g Lemongrass extract and 22.5g

Calamansi peels extract. The dependent variable is the level of

acceptability of Lemongrass extract and Calamansi peels as to its

aroma and duration.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will benefit the following:

a. Environment. This study helps minimize the waste in the

environment by making use of the said abandoned Calamansi peels as an

alternative constituent in making a fragrant substance.

b. Parents. This study provides the awareness to the parents of

the benefits from Calamansi peels. They can also gain the idea of new


c. Manufacturers. This study can help the companies use this

ideas and help them develop new products which is yet more affordable

and serves as an alternative.

d. Consumers. This study can help create a newly developed,

planet-friendly perfume.

e. Future researchers. This study can serve as a motivation and

reference in the same field, especially in developing a fragrant


Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Scope and Limitations

This study will be only limited to determining the acceptability

of perfume made of the various treatments of lemongrass extract and

calamansi peels extract. As for the different treatments labeled:

Treatment A is made up of 22.5g of lemongrass extract and 7.5g

calamansi peels extract with perfume mediums. Treatment B is made up

of 15g of lemongrass extract and 15g of calamansi peels extract with

perfume mediums. Treatment C is made up of 7.5g lemongrass extract and

22.5g calamansi peels extract with perfume mediums. Other harmful

substances or chemicals are not included in the study.

This study will be conducted at the Science Laboratory of Sacred

Heart Academy, Inc., Jalandoni St.,Zarraga, Iloilo. The lemongrass and

calamnsi peels will be taken from Plana’s Residence, Brgy. Jalaud Sur,

Zarraga, Iloilo.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Conceptual and Operational Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity and understanding the following terms

are defined conceptually and operationally

Acceptability – the quality of being satisfactory and able to be

agreed to or approved of (Cambridge Dictionary, 2002).

In this study, acceptability refers to the Lemongrass Extract and

Calamansi Peels Extract as a fragrant substance.

Alternative - a proposition or situation offering a choice between two

or more things only one of which may be chosen. (Merriam Webster,


In this study, it refers to the Lemongrass extract and Calamansi

peels to make an alternative perfume.

Aroma – a distinctive, typically pleasant smell. (Oxford Dictionary,


In this study, aroma is used to determine the smell of the


Calamansi - a small hybrid citrus plant which bears fragrant white

flowers followed by small round fruit, native to the Philippines and

grown as a houseplant. (Oxford Dictionary, 2017)

In this study, it refers to the Calamansi that the researchers

will be using to make a perfume.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Duration – the time during which something exists or lasts (Merriam

Webster, 2017)

In this study, duration is used to determine the span of the

aroma of the perfume.

Lemongrass – it is fragrant tropical grass yield oil that smells

lemon. It is widely used in Asian cooking and in perfumery and

medicine. (Oxford Dictionary, 2017)

In this study, it refers to the Lemongrass that the researchers

will be mixed with Calamansi peels in making perfume.

Perfume- a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils

extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to

one's body or clothes. (Oxford Dictionary, 2017)

In this study, perfume refers to the product of this study.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Related Legal Basis

REPUBLIC ACT. NO 9003 or the (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of


RA 9003 declares the policy of the state in adopting a systematic,

comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program that

ensures the protection of public health and the environment and the

proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and

disposal of solid waste through the formulation and adoption of best

environmental practices. (Aquino et. Al, 2013)

The forgoing legal basis will employ since the researchers wanted

to help in minimizing ecological solid waste emitted by the creation

of the commercial perfume by making an alternative organic perfume

from Lemongrass extract and Calamansi peels which are environmentally


Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

REPUBLIC ACT. NO 8749 (Clean Air Act of the Philippines)

Section 11: Air Quality Control Techniques supports as the legal basis

of the study. It states that the development program contained in this

act and upon the consultation with appropriate advisory committees,

government agencies, and Local Government Units shall issue and revise

information on air pollution control techniques which includes:

Best available technology and alternative methods of prevention,

management and control for air pollution.

Best available technology and economically achievable which shall

refer to the technological basis for emission limits applicable to

existing, direct industrial emitters at non-conventional and toxic

pollutants (Corpus Juris, 2019)

The forgoing legal basis will employ since the researchers wanted

to help in minimizing air pollution emitted by the creation of

commercial perfume by making an alternative organic perfume from

Lemongrass extract and Calamansi peels which is not harmful to air.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Related Literature


Perfumes and deodorants are popular today because not only do

they help fight body odor, but also boost your morale (Ameya C, 2019).

Fragrances and flavors are well known for their ability to tap into

primordial feeling and instincts, so marketers continue to search for

new ways to tap into and initiate powerful influence. Its no wonder

why fragrances and flavors remain as relevant today as ever; as do

some of their formulation challenges.

As a search of the latest fragrance research literature

reveals, the industry remains focused on improving fragrance

duration/release, as well as finding label-friendly natural materials.

Interestingly, however, with the advent of genetic research

applications, flavour and fragrance preference profiling is now

possible. Following is a review of these recent literature findings.

(Rachel Grabenhofer, 2018)


Calamansi Essential Oil has the capacity to help deodorize any

bad odor. It eliminates the unwanted odors by overpowering other scent

molecules in the air since the human nose is a lot more sensitive and

appreciative to citrus smells. Making a linen spray of Calamansi

Essential Oil will definitely keep your room or any area of your house

smelling fresh and wonderful.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Smelling Calamansi Essential Oil can affect behavior. Studies

gave indications that Calamansi Essential Oil have anti-anxiety

effects. Just by smelling it, one can feel relaxed and refreshed, some

even feeling a tingling effect while smelling.

Also, Calamansi Essential Oil has antimicrobial properties. It is

not only astringent, but it can inhibit the growth of bacteria. Adding

it on the stuff that you use when cleaning the sink or your bathroom

not only deodorizes, but helps eliminate bad bacteria present in those

surfaces. (Casa de Lorenzo,2013)

According to Department of Agriculture- Agriculture and Fisheries

Market Information System, the Calamansi (Citrus Madurencis) is

considered as one of the major fruit crops in the Philippines, which

is indigenous to the country. This plant is characterized by wing-like

appendages on the leaf stalks and white or purplish flowers. Its fruit

has either a spongy or leathery rind with a juicy pulp that is divided

into sections. Its trees have an average life span of five years. The

peak season of calamansi is during the months of June to October and

lean months from November to May.


Lemongrass may be a common component of Asian cuisine, its smoky

citrus aroma adding satisfying fragrance to a variety of Indian, Thai,

Vietnamese, and Chinese dishes. But it’s also highly prized as an

essential oil.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

It is also used for centuries to purify the skin, eliminate odor-

causing bacteria, and promote digestive health when taken orally.

The essential oil of lemongrass, which is extracted from the leaves

and stalks of the plant, is commonly used in aromatherapy.


In addition, the oil has a wonderful, invigorating citrus scent.

This is why you may have seen lemongrass body lotions, soaps, candles

and other home and body products. You can use the oil for massage,

topical applications and inhalation. Reportedly, lemongrass essential

oil is “...becoming a popular tool in aromatherapy to help relieve

stress, anxiety, and depression.” (Stephenson- Laws, 2017)

Lemongrass is a tropical perennial plant that yields aromatic

oil. The name lemongrass is derived from the typical lemon-like odour

of the essential oil present in the shoot. The lemongrass oil of

commerce is popularly known as Cochin oil in world trade, since 90% of

it is shipped from Cochin port. The state of Kerala in India had the

monopoly in the production and export of lemongrass oil. The annual

world production of lemongrass oil is around 1000 t from an area of

16,000 ha. In India it is cultivated in about 4000 ha and the annual

production is around 250 t. The crop is extensively cultivated in the

poor, marginal and waste lands and also along the bunds as live mulch.

The well ramified root system of the plant helps in soil and water

conservation. (Skaria et. Al, 2016)

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Related Studies

In the study conducted by Tiago Costa Goes, Fábio Reis Carvalho

Ursulino, Thiago Henrique Almeida-Souza, Péricles Barreto Alves,

Flavia Teixeira-Silva, 2015 entitled “Effect of Lemongrass Aroma on

Experimental Anxiety in Humans”. The objective of this study was to

evaluate the potential anxiolytic effect of lemongrass aroma in

healthy volunteers submitted to an anxiogenic situation. Forty male

volunteers were allocated to four different groups for the inhalation

of lemongrass essential oil (test aroma: three or six drops), tea tree

essential oil (control aroma: three drops), or distilled water

(nonaromatic control: three drops). The result showed that immediately

after inhalation, each volunteer was submitted to an experimental

model of anxiety, the video-monitored version of the Stroop Color-

World Test (SCWT).Psychologic parameters (state anxiety, subjective

tension, tranquilization, and sedation) and psychologic parameters

(heart rate and gastrocnemius electromyogram activity) were evaluated

before the inhalation period and before, during, and after the Stroop

Color-World Test (SCWT).The result showed that immediately after

inhalation, each volunteer was submitted to an experimental model of

anxiety, the video-monitored version of the Stroop Color-World Test

(SCWT).Individuals exposed to the test aroma (three and six drops),

unlike the control groups, presented a reduction in state anxiety and

subjective tension, immediately after treatment administration.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Although more investigations are necessary to clarify the

clinical relevance of lemongrass essential oil as an anxiety

treatment, this work shows that very brief exposure to this aroma has

some perceived anxiolytic effects.

The above mentioned study is related to the present study because

the researcher wanted to determine the acceptability of lemongrass

extract in terms of aroma.

According to Marag, Berde, and Jadhav, 2019 entitled “Extraction

of Lemongrass Oil and Formation of Perfume”, essential oils’ or

volatile oils, are found in many different plants. These oils are

different from fatty oils because they evaporate or volatize on

contact with the air and they possess a pleasant taste and strong

aromatic odour. The main objective of this research is to extract

essential oil and formulate perfume from lemongrass.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

The research focuses on the production of perfumes from natural,

plant sources as against synthetic chemicals and to study the various

parameter such as time, size that affect the quality of lemongrass

oil. The result showed that the quality and quantity of oil essential

mainly depends on the extraction procedures. Therefore, optimizing

extraction procedure is considered as a vital process. From the

analysis we come to know that the higher the time given for extraction

greater is the amount of oil obtained. Continuing the process above 96

hours. Will cost the losses in solvent as cold solvent get evaporated

after certain time.

Among the experiments performed for the different conditions of

raw material, the conditions for the maximum yield and the cost

effectiveness of the essential oil produced was proved to be the size

of the lemongrass leaves should be the range of 0.5-1.0 cm. and the

time 96 hours. Which is maximum time given for the extraction process.

It is seen that the minimum size and maximum time is giving highest

yield. Adding fixatives to perfume improves the longevity of the

perfume. The perfume which have formulated from lemongrass has nice

and pleasing smell.

The study mentioned is related to the present study because the

researcher wanted to determine the acceptability of lemongrass extract

and Calamansi peels as an alternative perfume in terms of smell or

aroma and the longevity of the perfume or its duration.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Chapter 3
Research Methodology

Research Design

The purpose of this study is to determine if the Lemongrass

extract and Calamansi peels can be made into an alternative


The research design that will be using in this study is

experimental design. According to McLeod, S. (2007), experimental

design is to divide the participants into two groups, the

experimental group and the control group, and then introduce a

change to the experimental group and not the control group.

The specific experimental design is the two-group design.

This design involves two comparable groups employed as control

and experimental groups.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Sources Of Data

Lemongrass extract and calamansi peels which are the main

ingredients of this study are utilized as alternative perfume.

The researcher conducted a try-out experiment, to find out if the

lemongrass extract and calamansi peels are acceptable in making

an alternative perfume. The lemongrass extract and the calamnsi

peels were taken from Plana’s Residence, Brgy. Jalaud Sur,

Zarrraga, Iloilo.

The aroma of finished product will be evaluated by thirty –

eight (38) faculty of Sacred Heart Academy using the Likert

Scale; while the duration will be evaluated by determining the

aroma of the perfume everyday for nine (9) hours and beyond at

three (3) weeks or until the aroma will no longer noticeable. The

respondents will be selected using simple random sampling. In

order to determine the respondents, the researchers will be using

the formula of slovin as follows:

n= 2
1+ Ne

Where n= a sample size

e= desired margin of error (5%)
N= population size

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

After the respondents rated the product, the researchers

will gather the data to be tallied, tabulated and analyzed.

Data Gathering Instrument

A Sensory Evaluation Scoresheet was used as an instrument in

gathering data. The research instrument is based on the Likert

Scale. Each product of the four treatments of perfume will be

evaluated with:

To test the aroma, five categories are set as rating:

5- Extremely liked
4- Liked
3- Neutral
2- Unliked
1- Extremely Unliked
To test the duration of the perfume, the researchers will
observe the smell of the perfume using a tally system for 3 weeks
or until the odor is no longer noticeable.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Data Gathering Procedure

This experimental study will be divided into three phases:

Phase 1. Preparation of materials, tools, utensils and

equipment;Phase 2. Making of the alternative perfume; and Phase

3. Evaluation of the finished product.

The finished product will be evaluated and rated by the

respondents the acceptability of the alternative perfume product

in terms of aroma and duration.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Phase 1. Preparation Of Materials, Tools, Utensils and Equipment

The researchers gather, label, and place all the materials

tools and equipment on the table.

These were materials needed in making alternative perfume with

their respective cost.

Table 1. Materials To Be Used In The Study And Their Cost

Quantity Item Unit Cost Total Cost

1 Bottle Oil-Base Php 150.00 Php 150.00


1 1/2 Kilo extract * *

2 Kilo * *

3 Bottles Empty Perfume

Php 15.00 Php 45.00
(100 mL) Bottle

6 Pairs Gloves Php 15.00 Php 60.00

Pieces Face Mask Php 5.00 Php 20.00

Total Cost Php 300.00

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Table 2.Comparing the prices of commercial Perfume and Perfume

made from Lemongrass extract and Calamansi Peels

Quantity Item Unit Cost Total Cost

1 Bottle Lemongrass * *

(100 mL) Extract and


Peels Perfume

1 Bottle Commercial Php 75.00 Php 75.00

(70 mL) Perfume

Table 3. Equipment/Tools Borrowed From Home And School

Quantity Description

2 Cheese Cloth

1 Empty Container

3 Empty Dropper Bottle

1 Measuring Cups

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

1 Pot

1 Steamer

1 Stirring rod

1 Stove

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Table 4. Equipment/Tools And Its Use

Tools/ equipment Uses

Calamansi peels It will be used as one of the variables in

conducting the research.

Cheese cloth It will be used to separate the lemongrass

leaves that form the extract

Empty container It will be used to store the lemon grass


Empty dropper It will be used to store the perfume


Face mask It will be used to cover the mouth and nose in

order to avoid inhalation of undesirable

microorganism during the experiment

Gloves It will be used to cover the hands

Lemongrass extract It will used as one of the variables in

conducting the experiment

Measuring cup It will be used to measure the ingredients

before mixing

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Oil-base It will be used as the base ingredient for the


Pot It will be used to boil the mixture

Steamer It will be used to steam the lemongrass to start

the distillation process

Stove It will be used to cook the mixture

Phase 2. Making Of The Alternative Perfume

The researchers will base their procedure from the study of:

Aayush Parab, Kashmira Salgaonkar, Omkar Padwekar, Dr. S.J.

Purohit(2020), entitled “Extraction and Formulation of Perfume

from Lemongrass.”

Collecting all the materials needed

Wearing safety precaution gear

Cleaning and sterilizing the empty

dropper bottles

Air-dry the lemongrass and calamansi


Start the steam distillation process

Gather the end product of the steam

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Start of the hydro distillation process

Gathering the end product of the hydro


Refilling the empty dropper bottles

Figure 2. Procedure of the Study

Collecting The Materials Needed, the researchers will gather

the materials needed such as Calamansi peels, Cheesecloth, Empty

container, Empty dropper bottle, Face mask, Gloves, Lemongrass,

Measuring cup, Oil-base, Pot, Steamer and Stove.

Wearing Safety Precaution Gears, the researchers will wear

safety precaution gears to protect themselves from untoward


Cleaning And Sterilizing The Empty Dropper Containers, the

researchers will clean and sterilize the perfume bottle in order

to sanitize, and clean the perfume bottle from unnecessary


Air-dry the Lemongrass and Calamansi Peels, the researchers

will air-dry the lemongrass and calamansi peels for 4-5 days.

Start the Steam Distillation Process, the researchers will

make a makeshift steam distiller in order to extract the

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

concentrated raw oils of the lemongrass, clamondin, along with

the oil-base

Gather the End Product of the Steam Distillation, the

researchers will gather the end product of the steam distillation

process to keep it for the next step.

Start of the Hydro Distillation Process, the researchers will

now make a make the set-up for the hydro distiller and will be

leaving the product for about 1-2 weeks.

Gathering the End Product of the Hydro Distillation, after the

cooking process the researchers filtered the mixture to ensure no

stray particles will be added to the final product.

Refilling The Empty Dropper Bottles, the researchers refills

the alternative perfume into the main perfume container.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Phase 3. Evaluation of the Finished Products

Aroma of Alternative perfume will be evaluated by thirty-

eight (38) faculty of Sacred heart Academy using the Likert

Scale. .The duration will be evaluated by determining the aroma

of the perfume everyday for nine (9) hours and beyond at 3 weeks

or until the aroma is no longer noticeable. Their responses

served as the main source of data in this study.

The acceptability of the the varied formulations of

lemongrass extract and calamansi peels extract were rated as


5- Extremely liked

4- Liked

3- Neutral

2- Unliked

1- Extremely Unliked

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Precautionary Measures

Perfume is impossible to predict allergic reactions in

individuals to a specific ingredient or ingredient combination.

Some can develop an allergy to any number of ingredients in food,

skincare or perfume, at any time.

Following these simple rules will ensure you are using

perfumes safely and appropriately.

● Perfumes are flammable. Do not apply near fire, flame, heat

or while smoking

● For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not

swallow or take perfume internally.

● Keep out of the reach children and pets.

● Do not apply to sensitive skin. Do not apply to broken or

inflamed skin. If irritation develops, reduce frequency or

discontinue use.

● Avoid wearing on areas that are exposed to the sun. Many of

the essential oils and alcohol present in most perfumes

could cause a rash or burning when the skin covered with

this oil is exposed to the sun.

● If you develop any allergic reactions, stop using the

product immediately.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Data Processing Technique

The data that will be gathered from this study are

subjected to the following descriptive and inferential

statistics. The level of significance was set to 0.05. the

statistical tools used will be the Mean and ANOVA.

Mean – it is an average of all numbers and is sometimes

called arithmetic mean. To calculate mean, add together all of

the numbers in a set and divide the sum by the total count of

numbers (Rouse, 2016). This was used to compute the different

ratings of the respondents and to determine the most acceptable

treatment in terms of aroma, and duration.

The computed mean is analysed and interpreted using the

arbitrary scale

Range Description

4.21-5.00 Extremely Liked

3.41-4.20 Liked

2.61-3.40 Neutral

1.81-2.60 Unliked

1.00-1.80 Extremely Unliked

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) or F-Test. It is an

inferential statistics used to determine the significant

difference of three or more variables collected from an

experimental research (Calmorin, 2010).

In this study, it is used to determine if there is a

significant difference among the treatments of Lemongrass Extract

and Calamansi Peel Perfume and the commercial perfume.

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo



Geddes and Grosset, (2002). Websters Universal Dictionary

and Thesaurus.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (2017). United States of

America: Merriam Webster, INC.

Oxford Dictionary.(2017). Oxford University: Oxford

University Press.

Online References

Aayush Parab, Kashmira Salgaonkar, Omkar Padwekar, Dr. S.J.

Purohit(2020) “Extraction and Formulation of Perfume from

Lemongrass.” from


Ameya C (2020) Perfume Retrieved January 2020 from

Casa de Lorenzo (2013) Calamansi Retrieved October 2019



Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Department of Agriculture- Agriculture and Fisheries Market

Information System (2014) Calamansi Retrieved November 2019 from

Insights Association (2017). Likert Scale Association.



Marag, Berde, and Jadhav (2019) “Extraction of Lemongrass

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Parks Candles (2014) Lemongrass Retrieved on October 2019



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Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo

Tiago Costa Goes, Fábio Reis Carvalho Ursulino, Thiago

Henrique Almeida-Souza, Péricles Barreto Alves, Flavia Teixeira-

Silva (2015) “Effect of Lemongrass Aroma on Experimental Anxiety

in Humans” Retrieved February 19, 2021 from https://pubmed.ncbi.

Zoologist Perfume (2021) Safety and Allergy Precaution

Retrieved February 19,2021 from https://www.zoologist

Sacred Heart Academy, INC.
Jalandoni St., Zarraga, Iloilo


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