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After telling the internet about his story, Stanley was invited to an interview a few weeks ago.

accepted this offer as soon as he saw the mail. It was an opportunity to introduce the world to the
backstory of Camp Green Lake. His mom and dad came with him to the interview. They were sitting in
the front row. The excited audience stopped talking as Stanley entered the interview room. Mrs. Olivia,
the interviewer, smiled brightly at Stanley, noticing he was nervous.
"How does it feel to come back from Camp Green Lake?" she started the conversation.
"After that much happened there, my usual lifestyle felt weird. I think I got used to the harsh living
conditions there. It felt nice to eat delicious food." Stanley answered.
"What about going back to school?"
"It was hard to adapt since I missed a few months of lessons. Hector helped me with maths, and I helped
him with English lessons. I am used to it now."
Mrs. Olivia nodded understandingly. "Do you still want to work for the FBI?" she continued.
"Yes, I do. Camp Green Lake made me realize that there are way more criminals in this world that we
aren't aware of or see as good people. I want to help the world solve this problem."
"That is a very fitting job for you, Stanley." complimented the interviewer. "What do you think about
"Hector is a very caring person. I'm glad to be friends with him. He still isn't very talkative, but I like him
this way. He is also intelligent, and it is enjoyable to spend time with him." answered Stanley.
"What about Hector's mom?"
"His mom is also a silent person, and she only talks when it's necessary. I like her very much. She cares
for Hector a lot." Hector's mom was near Hector all of the time. It was clear that she missed Hector after
all that time. It was nice to see someone else caring for him.
"Do you ever feel bad for the Warden?"
Stanley thought a few seconds, then said: "A bit. The Warden dug holes all her life. It is understandable
for her to run a camp like that."
"What about the people that worked with her?"
"I don't feel bad for them. It was their choice to work there and torture children."
"I agree." Mrs. Olivia said. "How did your family react after you told them what happened to you?".
"My mom was about to faint when I finished explaining," said Stanley. "My dad and granddad were
furious about this, understandably."
Mrs. Olivia would react the same and couldn't imagine what it would feel like to send your child to a
camp like that. Poor woman, she thought. "So she believed all the things you wrote in your letters?"
"Yes, she did," Stanley replied. "That's why she was shocked to hear the reality."
"What do you think about Clyde Livingston now?" the interviewer asked.
"Clyde Livingston has always been my favorite sports player. He still is. I don't blame him or anyone for
what happened to me. It was because of bad luck." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Do you believe in the curse?" asked Mrs. Olivia curiously.
"I do. How else can you explain that my dad invented Sploosh the day I carried Hector up the mountain?"
answered Stanley. Mrs. Olivia nodded. It made sense to her. "What do you think about your dad and his
"My dad is intelligent. I believe he will accomplish anything he wants to do since the curse is gone. I am
helping him daily with his work. I may also work as an inventor as a side job in the future."
"Alan wanted you to call his mom. Did you do it? What was the reaction?"
"Of course I did. Alan was feeling very guilty about his actions. He couldn't apologize to his mom before
he got sent to the camp. His mother was glad that I called her." Stanley remembered how happy his
mother was. He felt sad for them.
"What was your motive to share the story on the internet?"
"I wanted to spread the message that not all 'bad kids' are bad. They are misunderstood by the community
or not educated properly."
"What were the reactions to your story?“
ed a lot of love from people. They empathized with me a lot. It spread quickly through the net. Everyone
had a lot of questions about it."
"Thank you, Stanley, for this lovely interview," said Mrs. Olivia while standing up. The room roared with
clapping. She shook Stanley's hand and showed him the way out.

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