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 U.S. English and spellings must be used at all times

 These need to be clean verbatim, but there are some rules:

 if they say "yeah", you type "yeah", not "yes".

 If they say "we've", you type "we've", not "we have".

 Always type "want to", not "wanna", "going to", not "gonna",
"because" not "'cause" and the like.

 When a witness says a time with AM and PM it should be types as

"a.m." and "p.m."

 A date said only in numbers should read as follows: "9/15/21"

 When a person speaks the date in words, type what the person says.
If they say May 2, 2021, then type May 2, 2021. If they say May 2nd,
2021 then write May 2nd, 2021. Same for th (4th), st (1st), etc…

 Page numbers, exhibit numbers, section numbers, etc. should be in

digits, not words: Page 3, not Page three. These are identifiers, not
quantities, and all identifiers are in digits.

 Capitalize Exhibit when it has a number after it. "Please mark that as
Exhibit 3.: -- correct. "Did we already admit that exhibit?" -- correct.

 mm-hum should be um-hum

 No comma after "And," "But" or "So" at the start of a sentence.

 Quotation marks are ONLY for actually quoted text, something that someone is
reading from somewhere, or to set off a word.  It's not used for suggested
language.  Examples:

1.   Incorrect:    Did you say, "I don't know what you mean?" or did you say something
2. Correct:  Did you say, I don't know what you mean?  Or did you say something else? 
3. Correct:    Are you familiar with the word "Pagos"?
4. Correct:    What does the term "variables" refer to there?
5. Correct:    Counsel just asked you if you knew about the lies being told.  You
answered "we all knew."  Who was the "we" you were referring to?

 No tags for laughter.

 A space belongs on  both sides of the double dash and a capital letter should
never come after a double dash, since the double dash signifies a stutter or
change in course of the same sentence.
 Please use (indiscernible 00:00:00) for when something cannot be heard or
(Indiscernible 00:00:00) if it's at the beginning of a sentence and standing alone.
Not bolded, rounded brackets.

 All proper names should be confirmed; if they are not, they should be marked
phonetic to make clear that the spelling may be wrong, as so:  Dena Farbman

 No need to type out the oath (from "Do you swear to tell the truth" through

to the witness saying "I do").  Instead, just use PARTIES DULY SWORN at the
left-hand margin lining up with the speaker ID.

 R: The Act requires all testimony under oath.


R: Now, let's --

Speaker Identification for UCBR -- Unemployment Compensation Board of Review are one or
two characters.
R – for Referee
CW – for claimant witness
EW – for employer's witness
UF – for unidentified speaker (Updated 11/7/22)

Additional guidelines (Updated 10/28/2022)

1. You can start a sentence with conjunctions like And, But, So. (do not omit these words)
2. If there is an interpreter, then they would be transcribed when they are speaking English and
translating what was said, and their speaker ID will be whoever they are translating for.  If the
interpreter is asking a clarifying question such as, "Can you repeat that", then they would get their
own speaker ID.  If someone speaks in a foreign language, but it isn't translated, then we use
(foreign language spoken).  In a nutshell, if the interpreter is acting as an interpreter, then ignore
the foreign language and type the English interpretation.  And if it isn't interpreted, then use the
foreign language spoken parenthetical.  
3. You do not need to include stutters and repetitions.  
(Updated 11/7/22)

 Please review the screenshot below with the correct way to handle interpreters. 

 In addition, there are a couple of additional updates and changes

 Please use UF: for unidentified speakers (not of US)
 Please use REC: for the automated voice recordings (not of AS)
 The claimant is always C. The speaker IDs can be found in the Word document of each

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