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Revision 1.1

Important: the technical information contained in this

manual is property of Matica Fintec S.p.A. and is secured by
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permitted uses and other limitations.

Reproduction of any part of this manual, in any form, is

forbidden without the explicit written permission of Matica
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Technical information contained in the present manual is

subject to change without notice. If not otherwise specified,
any reference to companies, names, dates and addresses is
purely incidental and is only intended to illustrate the use of
the Matica Fintec S.p.A. product.

Every care has been taken in the collection and verification of

the documentation inserted in this manual; nevertheless,
Matica Fintec S.p.A. cannot assume any responsibility
deriving from its use.

Copyright © 2019 Matica Fintec S.p.A.

All rights reserved
Published by Matica Fintec S.p.A.

Printed in Italy
Issue: December 2019
Revision 1.1

Matica Fintec S.r.l.

vicolo Omar, 33
20862 – Galliate (NO)
Phone +39.0321.1828601
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Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 2/346


Table of contents

Paragraph 1 – Introduction .............................................................. 5

Paragraph 2 – Punch Motor Fan replacement ................................... 6
Paragraph 3 – Punch Motor Brushes replacement ............................ 10
Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement .................... 13
Paragraph 5 – Embossing Cycle Sensor replacement ....................... 22
Paragraph 6 – Potentiometer replacement....................................... 26
Paragraph 7 – Drum Motor replacement .......................................... 31
Paragraph 8 – Drum Sensor replacement ......................................... 35
Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement .............................................. 38
Paragraph 10 – Punch Levers Bearings replacement ....................... 53
Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement ..................................................58
Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement .............................................. 73
Paragraph 13 – Punches Spring replacement ................................... 83
Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement ........................ 86
Paragraph 15 – Input Sensor replacement ....................................... 96
Paragraph 16 – Input Rollers replacement ...................................... 98
Paragraph 17 – Input Link Gears replacement ................................. 105
Paragraph 18 – Input Link Sensor replacement ............................... 112
Paragraph 19 – Input Link Rollers replacement ............................... 114
Paragraph 20 – Input Link replacement ........................................... 118
Paragraph 21 – X-axis Sensors replacement .................................... 120
Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement .................................................124
Paragraph 23 – Clamp Bearings replacement ................................... 138
Paragraph 24 – Clamp Rollers replacement ..................................... 141
Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement .................... 145
Paragraph 26 – Y-axis Belt replacement .......................................... 156
Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement ....................... 158
Paragraph 28 – Y-axis Sensor and Board replacement ..................... 166
Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement .......................................... 173
Paragraph 30 – X-axis Belt Pulleys replacement .............................. 181

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Paragraph 31 – X-axis Motor replacement ....................................... 184

Paragraph 32 – X-axis Driven Gear replacement .............................. 188
Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement ........................... 193
Paragraph 34 – X-axis Guide replacement ....................................... 203
Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication ................................................ 206
Paragraph 36 – Embosser lubrication .............................................. 214
Paragraph 37 – Modules assembling ................................................ 220
Paragraph 38 – Carriage Flat Cable replacement ............................. 225
Paragraph 39 – Carriage Extension Board replacement ................... 229
Paragraph 40 – Embosser Keys Board replacement ......................... 232
Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing ....................................................... 235
Paragraph 42 – Motors testing ......................................................... 243
Paragraph 43 – Punch Cycle Clutch Board adjustment ..................... 246
Paragraph 44 – Reverse Clamp Adjustments overview .................... 252
Paragraph 45 – Reverse Clamp Drum Home Position adjustment .... 254
Paragraph 46 – Reverse Clamp Configuration Parameters saving .... 259
Paragraph 47 – Reverse Clamp Home Position adjustment .............. 262
Paragraph 48 – Reverse Clamp Load Position adjustment ............... 265
Paragraph 49 – Reverse Clamp Entry Position adjustment............... 271
Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment .. 273
Paragraph 51 – Reverse Clamp Unload Position adjustment ............ 288
Paragraph 52 – Reverse Clamp Drum Layout changing .................... 292
Paragraph 53 – Soft Clamp Adjustments overview .......................... 299
Paragraph 54 – Soft Clamp Drum Home Position adjustment........... 302
Paragraph 55 – Soft Clamp Configuration Parameters saving .......... 307
Paragraph 56 – Soft Clamp Home Position adjustment .................... 310
Paragraph 57 – Soft Clamp Load Position adjustment ...................... 313
Paragraph 58 – Soft Clamp Entry Position adjustment ..................... 319
Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment ........ 321
Paragraph 60 – Soft Clamp Unload Position adjustment .................. 336
Paragraph 61 – Soft Clamp Drum Layout changing .......................... 340

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Paragraph 1 – Introduction

Paragraph 1 – Introduction
This manual describes how to replace and adjust the components mounted on
the Embosser module, in order to assure the machine perfect functionality and
in the same time the best performance, reliability and duration.

Before taking any action it’s strongly recommended to read carefully the
procedures to be performed and follow in detail the described instructions.

The incorrect execution of the shown instructions can lead to the damaging of
the system and to the decay of the warranty.

The replacement procedures are explained with the module already removed
from the rest of the machine and with the cables disconnected.

All the actions described must be performed by qualified technical personnel.

If not otherwise specified, all the procedures
must be performed with the machine switched
off and with the power cord unplugged.

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Paragraph 2 – Punch Motor Fan replacement

Paragraph 2 – Punch Motor Fan replacement

Unscrew the two Fan Support fixing screws and remove the Support.

While holding the four Fan fixing screws on the Grid, unscrew the related nuts
on the Support; then remove the Fan.

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Paragraph 2 – Punch Motor Fan replacement

Match the four holes on the corners of the new Fan with the related ones on the
Grid from the Fan wire opposite side.
Match the four holes on the corners of the Fan wire side with the related ones
on the Support. Be careful that the Support fixing holes is opposite to the Fan

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Paragraph 2 – Punch Motor Fan replacement

Insert the four Fan fixing screws in the aforesaid holes from the Grid side, then
hold the screws and tighten the related nuts with their washers on the Support.

Match the two holes on the Fan Support with the related ones on the Right

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Paragraph 2 – Punch Motor Fan replacement

Tighten the two Fan Support fixing screws into the aforesaid holes.

Be sure that the Fan Support doesn’t touch the Punch Motor.

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Paragraph 3 – Punch Motor Brushes replacement

Paragraph 3 – Punch Motor Brushes replacement

Remove the Fan Support as described in Paragraph 2.
Remove the Cap of the Brush to be replaced from the Punch Motor.

Remove the Brush together with its Support from the Cap.

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Paragraph 3 – Punch Motor Brushes replacement

Insert the Support of the new Brush into the Cap.

Be careful to insert the Support flaps into the related slots on the Cap; if needed
cut a little bit the flaps. Be sure that the Support is well-inserted.

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Paragraph 3 – Punch Motor Brushes replacement

Insert the new Brush into the related hole on the Punch Motor.

Match the Support flags with the related guides on the Motor and push the Brush
spring; then close the Cap.
Be sure that the Cap is settled, otherwise move a bit the Support flags and retry;
refer to the flat top side of the Cap which has to be parallel to the motor surface.

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Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Unscrew the four fixing screws of the Punch Motor, together with their washers,
and remove the Motor being sure that the red and black cables of the Motor
connector are disconnected from the Clutch Board.

Unscrew the two Knob grub screws and remove the Motor Knob.

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Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Unscrew the Outer Coupling fixing screw and remove the Coupling together with
its Sleeve.

Unscrew the four Disk fixing screws and remove the Motor Disk.

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Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Unscrew the Inner Coupling fixing screw and remove the Coupling.

Insert the knob on the new Punch Motor shaft near the Brushes.

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Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Tighten the two Knob grub screws leaving 3 mm between the Knob and the
Punch Motor.

Match the four holes on the Disk with the related one on the Motor other side.

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Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Tighten the four fixing screws of the Motor Disk into the aforesaid holes.

Insert the new Outer Coupling on the Punch Motor shaft.

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Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Apply a thread-locking liquid to the Coupling fixing screw, then tighten the screw
into the related hole on the Outer Coupling, being sure that end of the Motor
shaft is aligned to the Coupling.

Insert the new Sleeve on the Outer Coupling.

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Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Screw without tighten the related fixing screw in the new Inner Coupling, then
insert the Coupling on the Sleeve.

Push the Inner Coupling completely against the Sleeve.

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Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Clean inside the Motor Support, then Insert the Coupling on the Cams shaft
matching the four holes on the Motor Disk with the related ones on the Support.
Be sure that the Motor cable is downward.

Tighten the four fixing screws of the Punch Motor into the aforesaid holes,
together with their washers.

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Paragraph 4 – Punch Motor and Coupling replacement

Create a 1 mm gap, using a flat screwdriver, between the Sleeve, the two
Coupling and the Motor Support to avoid any contact between them.

Apply a thread-locking liquid to the fixing screw of the Inner Coupling, then
tighten the screw into the related hole on the Coupling. Be sure that the Coupling
movement is free without any friction.

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Paragraph 5 – Embossing Cycle Sensor replacement

Paragraph 5 – Embossing Cycle Sensor replacement

Unscrew the two Sensor Support fixing screws and remove the Support.

Unscrew the two Sensor fixing screws and remove the Embossing Cycle Sensor
together with its two spacers.

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Paragraph 5 – Embossing Cycle Sensor replacement

Match the two holes on the new Embossing Cycle Sensor with their spacers and
with the related holes on the Support, leaving the two Support fixing holes on
the right side.

Tighten the two fixing screws of the new Embossing Cycle Sensor into the
aforesaid holes.

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Paragraph 5 – Embossing Cycle Sensor replacement

Match the two holes on the Left Shoulder with the related ones on the Embossing
Cycle Sensor Support.

Tighten the lower fixing screw of the Sensor Support into the aforesaid hole;
check that the Potentiometer Flag is in the middle of the Sensor.

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Paragraph 5 – Embossing Cycle Sensor replacement

Insert the ground cable fastener and the related lock washer into the upper
Sensor Support fixing screw; then insert the screw into the related fixing hole
on the Support.

Tighten the upper fixing screw of the Sensor Support, checking that the fastener
rivet is outward.

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Paragraph 6 – Potentiometer replacement

Paragraph 6 – Potentiometer replacement

Unscrew the fixing screw of the ground cable fastener and remove the fastener
together with its lock washer.

Unscrew the Potentiometer Lever fixing screw and remove the Lever.

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Paragraph 6 – Potentiometer replacement

Loose the Potentiometer fixing grub screw and remove the Potentiometer.

Insert the new Potentiometer into the related Hub hole, matching the flat side
of the Potentiometer shaft with its fixing grub screw.

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Paragraph 6 – Potentiometer replacement

Tighten the Potentiometer fixing grub screw.

Insert the ground cable fastener and the related lock washer into the fastener
fixing screw; then insert the screw into the related upper fixing hole on the
Support of the Embossing Cycle Sensor.

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Paragraph 6 – Potentiometer replacement

Tighten the fixing screw of the ground cable fastener, checking that the fastener
rivet is outward.

Match the Slot of the Potentiometer Lever with the related spacer hole, then
screw without tighten the Lever fixing screw into the aforesaid hole.

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Paragraph 6 – Potentiometer replacement

Insert the Lever other end screw in the Potentiometer right hole when the
Potentiometer cables are upward.

Move the Potentiometer Flag in the middle of the Embossing Cycle Sensor and
tighten the Lever fixing screw, checking that the Potentiometer is in vertical
position and that its cables is on the Sensor side.

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Paragraph 7 – Drum Motor replacement

Paragraph 7 – Drum Motor replacement

Unscrew the four Drum Motor fixing screws together with their lock and flat
washers, then remove the Motor.

Unscrew the two Motor Pulley fixing grub screws and remove the Pulley.

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Paragraph 7 – Drum Motor replacement

Insert the Pulley on the shaft of the new Drum Motor leaving 0.8 mm of space
between the Pulley and the Motor.

Apply a thread-locking liquid to the two Pulley fixing grub screws, then tighten
the grub screws in the related Pulley holes.

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Paragraph 7 – Drum Motor replacement

Match the four fixing holes on the Drum Motor with the related ones on the Motor
Support, checking that the Motor cable is outward.

Screw without tighten the four Motor fixing screws together with their lock and
flat washers.
To ensure the right sliding of the Drum, push the Motor toward the Drum by 0.6
Kg or 7 N using a dynamometer and tighten the four Motor fixing screws.

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Paragraph 7 – Drum Motor replacement

While holding the Motor shaft, rotate the Drum by four different points and check
that there won’t be any vibration; otherwise repeat the Motor assembly
procedure with the dynamometer.

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Paragraph 8 – Drum Sensor replacement

Paragraph 8 – Drum Sensor replacement

Unscrew the two Drum Sensor Support fixing screws and remove the Support.

Unscrew the two Drum Sensor fixing screws and remove the Sensor.

Match the two holes on the new Sensor with the related ones on the Support.

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Paragraph 8 – Drum Sensor replacement

Tighten the two Sensor fixing screws, checking that the Support fixing holes is
on the same side of the Sensor cable.

Match the two fixing holes on the Sensor Support with the related ones on the
Drum Lower Bridge.

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Paragraph 8 – Drum Sensor replacement

Tighten the two Sensor Support fixing screws together with their washers.

Be sure that the Drum Sensor Flag passes in the middle of the Sensor without
touching it.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Upper Hammer Block and remove it.

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Lower Block together with their washers
and remove the Block.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Lower Hammer Block and remove it.

Block the Upper or Lower Hammer Support in a vice.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Loosen the Hammer nut.

Unscrew the Hammer together with its nut.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Remove the nut from the Hammer.

Screw completely the nut on the new Hammer.

Remove the Hammer Block together with its spring.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Clean the Block, the Support and the spring.

Apply some grease on the Hammer Support and insert the spring on it.

Insert completely the Hammer Block on the Support and move the Block up and
down to lubricate it.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Tighten completely the Hammer in its Support.

Apply again some grease on the Support and remove it from the vice.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Match the two fixing holes on the Upper Hammer Block with the related ones on
the Right Shoulder, being sure that the Hammer Support flat sides matches the

Tighten the two fixing screws of the Upper Hammer Block while pushing the
Block. Check that the Hammer moves up and down without friction.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Match the two fixing holes on the Lower Hammer Block with the related ones on
the Right Shoulder, being sure that the Hammer Support flat sides matches the

Tighten the two fixing screws of the Lower Hammer Block while pushing the
Block. Check that the Hammer moves up and down without friction.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Rotate the Punch Motor knob.

Check that the Upper and Lower Hammers hit the related Punches at the same

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Insert a plastic card into the Drum under the Standard Gothic “8” punch, then
emboss the card rotating the Punch Motor knob.

Measure the plastic card thickness with a caliper.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Reset the caliper measure.

Measure the embossed character thickness; the value has to be between 0.42
and 0.48 mm.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

If the embossed character thickness is not between 0.42 and 0.48 mm, tighten
or loosen the Upper and Lower Hammers to modify the vertical position of the
Hammer depending on the detected pressure on the card. Screwing the Hammer
the pressure decreases because increases the distance between the Hammer
and the Punch, otherwise unscrewing the Hammer the pressure increases
because decreases the distance between the Hammer and the Punch.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

After adjusting the Hammers position, emboss again the plastic card and repeat
the procedure until the embossed character thickness is between 0.42 and 0.48
Tighten the Upper Hammer nut while holding the Hammer.

Tighten the Lower Hammer nut while holding the Hammer.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Match the two fixing holes on the Lower Block with the related ones on the

Tighten the two Lower block fixing screws together with their washers into the
aforesaid holes, while pushing downward the Block.

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Paragraph 9 – Hammers replacement

Be absolutely sure that the Lower Block ramp doesn’t touch the Drum while it’s

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Paragraph 10 – Punch Levers Bearings replacement

Paragraph 10 – Punch Levers Bearings replacement

The replacement procedure for the upper and lower Front Bearings of the Punch
Levers is the same.
Block the Bearing fixing screw and unscrew the related fixing nut together with
its washer; then remove the Front Bearing.

Clean the Bearing position on the Lever and apply some grease.
Match the new Front Bearing with related holes on the Lever.

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Paragraph 10 – Punch Levers Bearings replacement

Insert the Front Bearing pin into the aforesaid holes.

Apply a thread-locking liquid to the pin and tighten on it the Bearing fixing nut
together with its washer.

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Paragraph 10 – Punch Levers Bearings replacement

The replacement procedure for the upper and lower Back Bearings of the Punch
Levers is the same; the only difference is the spacer and pin opposite position.
Remove the Fan Support as shown in Paragraph 2.
Block the Bearing fixing screw and unscrew the related fixing nut together with
its washer; then remove the Back Bearing together with its spacer.

Clean the Bearing position on the Lever then insert the Back Bearing pin into the
related input hole on the Punch Lever.

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Paragraph 10 – Punch Levers Bearings replacement

Insert the spacer on the Back Bearing pin.

Insert the Bearing on its pin.

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Paragraph 10 – Punch Levers Bearings replacement

Insert the Back Bearing pin into the related output hole on the Punch Lever.
Apply a thread-locking liquid to the pin and tighten on it the Bearing fixing nut
together with its washer.

Apply some grease on the Back Bearings and on the related Cams, then move
the Cams to lubricate the Bearings.
Replace the Fan Support as shown in Paragraph 2.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Remove the two Hammers Blocks as shown in Paragraph 9.
Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Upper Bridge on the Right Shoulder
together with their washer.

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Upper Bridge on the Left Shoulder together
with their washer.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Lower Bridge on the Right Shoulder
together with their washer.

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Lower Bridge on the Left Shoulder together
with their washer.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Pull out the Drum together with its Bridges.

Unscrew the Upper Bridge fixing screw and remove the Bridge together with its

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Remove the upper clip from the Drum shaft.

Unscrew the Lower Bridge fixing screw and remove the Bridge together with its

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Remove the lower clip from the Drum shaft.

Loosen the Sensor Flag scrub screw and remove the Flag.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Insert the punches on the new Drum, if needed, as shown in Paragraph 12.
Insert the Sensor Flag on the lower end of the new Drum shaft with the Flag slot
downward; the lower side of the Drum is the one without gear.

Insert the related clip on the slot of the new Drum shaft lower end.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Insert the related washer on the new Drum shaft lower end.

Apply some oil on the Lower Bridge and insert it completely on the new Drum
shaft lower end with the Sensor Support downward.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Tighten the fixing screw of the Lower Bridge in the new Drum shaft lower end
together with its washer.

Insert the related clip on the slot of the new Drum shaft upper end.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Insert the related washer on the new Drum shaft upper end.

Apply some oil on the Upper Bridge and insert it completely on the new Drum
shaft upper end.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Tighten the fixing screw of the Upper Bridge in the new Drum shaft upper end
together with its washer.

Loosen the four fixing screws of the Drum Motor.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Insert the new Drum between its Levers and Shoulders, matching the four holes
on the Upper and Lower Bridges with the related ones on the Right and Left
Shoulders; check that the Drum Sensor is on the same side of the Drum Motor.

Screw without tighten the two fixing screws of the Upper Bridge on the Right
Shoulder together with their washer.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Screw without tighten the two fixing screws of the Upper Bridge on the Left
Shoulder together with their washer.

Screw without tighten the two fixing screws of the Lower Bridge on the Right
Shoulder together with their washer.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Screw without tighten the two fixing screws of the Lower Bridge on the Left
Shoulder together with their washer.

To check the Drum parallelism, measure the distance between the Shoulders
and the Drum upper and lower sides for each of the four Drum pin position. If
the difference of the measures values is more than ±0.1 mm, move the Bridges
a little to change the Drum inclination and measure again the distances until
they are the same with a tolerance of ±0.1 mm.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

To check the Drum heights, measure the distance between the Shoulders and
the Drum upper and lower sides. If the difference between these two measures
is more than ±0.1 mm, remove the Drum as shown before and insert the needed
washer to balance the two distances; then assembly the Drum as shown before
and check again the Drum parallelism and heights.
Tighten the four fixing screws on the Upper and Lower Drum Bridge.

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Paragraph 11 – Drum replacement

Replace the two Hammers Blocks as shown in Paragraph 9.

Rotate the Drum to position the Hammers in the middle of the first character.
Rotate the Drum Sensor Flag to position its slot in the middle of the Sensor.
Insert the screwdriver in the Flag fixing grub screw to raise the Flag.

Be sure that the Sensor Flag doesn’t touch the Drum Sensor and tighten the Flag
fixing grab screw.
Rotate the Drum to check that the Flag passes through the Drum Sensor.
Adjust the Drum Motor position as shown in Paragraph 7.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Lift and move the Drum Flat upper Spring out of its Drum pin to replace an upper

Hold the Upper Punches Plate by its holes and rotate counter-clockwise the Plate
to unhook it from the Drum pins.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Be sure that the upper Punches Spring is mounted on the Drum to avoid the
Punches falling.

Move the Upper Punches Plate to free the Punch to be replaced.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Push the Punches aside the Punch to be replaced in order to unhook it from the
upper Punches Spring.

Remove the desired upper Punch.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Insert vertically the new upper Punch into the related empty slot on the Drum
with its pin inward and push the Punch downward without forcing it.

Push the replaced Punch and the other ones next to it, both upper and lower
ones, in order to check that the Punches move up and down at the same time
without any friction; the Punches have to return to the starting position.
Mach the Upper Punches Plate fixing holes with the related Drum pins.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Rotate completely clockwise the Upper Punches Plate in order to hook it under
the Drum pins clips.

Hook the Drum Flat upper Spring to its Drum pin.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Lift and move the Drum Flat lower Spring out of its Drum pin to replace a lower

Be sure that the lower Punches Spring is mounted on the Drum to avoid the
Punches falling.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Hold the Lower Punches Plate by its holes and rotate counter-clockwise the Plate
to unhook it from the Drum pins.

Move the Lower Punches Plate to free the Punch to be replaced.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Push the Punches aside the Punch to be replaced in order to unhook it from the
lower Punches Spring.

Remove the desired lower Punch.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Insert vertically the new lower Punch into the related empty slot on the Drum
with its pin inward and push the Punch upward without forcing it.

Push the replaced Punch and the other ones next to it, both upper and lower
ones, in order to check that the Punches move up and down at the same time
without any friction; the Punches have to return to the starting position.
Mach the Lower Punches Plate fixing holes with the related Drum pins; if needed
refer to the Upper Punches Plate and Drum upper pins position.

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Paragraph 12 – Punches replacement

Rotate completely clockwise the Lower Punches Plate in order to hook it under
the Drum pins clips.

Hook the Drum Flat lower Spring to its Drum pin.

If the characters configuration on the Drum is changed (e.g. if a character has

been replaced by another one or moved in another slot), the Drum Layout in the
MM Config program must be updated with the machine switched on.

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Paragraph 13 – Punches Spring replacement

Paragraph 13 – Punches Spring replacement

Unhook the upper Punches Spring and remove it from its Drum slot.

Grease the new upper Punch Spring and pass it between the Drum Motor gear
and the Drum gear.

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Paragraph 13 – Punches Spring replacement

Hook the new upper Punch Spring.

Close the upper Punch Spring hooks.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 84/346

Paragraph 13 – Punches Spring replacement

Pass the upper Punches Spring into its slot through the whole Drum gear.
Match the Spring hooks with an empty Punch slot or between two Punches.

The replacing procedure of the lower Punches Spring is the same as the upper
one; the only difference is that the lower Spring doesn’t need to be passed
between the Drum motor gear and the Drum gear.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 85/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Unscrew the fixing screws of the Input Motor Support together with their washer
and remove the Support.

Unscrew the Motor Gear grub screw and remove the Gear.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 86/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Unscrew the fixing screws of the Input Motor together with their washer and
remove the Motor; the remove the Motor spacer.

Insert the Motor spacer on the shaft of the new Input Motor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 87/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Insert the Motor Support middle hole on the shaft of the new Input Motor and
match the holes on the Input Motor with the related ones on the Support.

While blocking the Motor to the Support, tighten the three Input Motor fixing
screws together with their washers into the aforesaid holes.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 88/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Insert the Motor Gear on the Motor shaft from the gear opposite side, matching
the Gear fixing grub screw with the shaft flat side.

Tighten the Gear fixing grub screw with the Gear completely against the Motor

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 89/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Unscrew the Middle Gear grub screw and remove the Gear.

Unscrew the Inner Gear grub screw and remove the Gear together with its spacer
and washer.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 90/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Insert the Inner Gear washer on the Gear shaft.

Hold the Gear Roller and insert almost completely the new Inner Gear on its
shaft from the gear side, matching its fixing grub screw with the shaft flat side.

Tighten the fixing grub screw on the Inner Gear, checking that the Gear runs
without any friction and without side play.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 91/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Insert the Inner Gear spacer on the Gear shaft.

Insert completely the new Middle Gear on its shaft from the gear opposite side,
matching its fixing grub screw with the shaft flat side; then tighten the fixing
grub screw on the new Middle Gear.

Unscrew the Lower Gear grub screw and remove the Gear together with its

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 92/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Insert the Lower Gear washer on the Gear shaft.

Insert the new Lower Gear on its shaft from the gear side, matching its fixing
grub screw with the shaft flat side.

Hold the Gear Roller and push almost completely the new Lower Gear on its
shaft; tighten the fixing grub screw on the Gear, checking that the Inner Gear
and the Lower Gear match and run without any friction.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 93/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Match the three fixing holes on the Input Motor Support with the related Motor

Match the Input Motor Gear with the Middle Gear.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 94/346

Paragraph 14 – Input Motor and Gears replacement

Tighten the three Input Motor fixing screws together with their washers, while
holding upward the Motor.
Check that there is a little play on the Gears.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 95/346

Paragraph 15 – Input Sensor replacement

Paragraph 15 – Input Sensor replacement

Unscrew the two Input Sensor fixing screws and remove the Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 96/346

Paragraph 15 – Input Sensor replacement

Match the two fixing holes on the new Input Sensor with the related ones on the
Input Card Plane.

Tighten the two fixing screws of the Input Sensor into the aforesaid holes.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 97/346

Paragraph 16 – Input Rollers replacement

Paragraph 16 – Input Rollers replacement

Unscrew the two fixing grub screws of the Upper Input Roller and remove it.

Unscrew the two fixing grub screws of the Lower Input Roller and remove it.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 98/346

Paragraph 16 – Input Rollers replacement

Insert the new Lower Input Roller on its shaft by the grub screws side.

Hold the Lower Input Roller together with the related Gear and push almost
completely the Roller on its shaft; then tighten the two fixing grub screws on the

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 99/346

Paragraph 16 – Input Rollers replacement

Insert the new Upper Input Roller on its shaft by the grub screws side.

Hold the Upper Input Roller together with the related Gear and push almost
completely the Roller on its shaft; then tighten the two fixing grub screws on the

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 100/346

Paragraph 16 – Input Rollers replacement

Check that the Lower and Upper Input Rollers are vertically aligned.

Insert a plastic card between the Lower and Upper Input Rollers; then check that
the card moves when rotating the Rollers Gears.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 101/346

Paragraph 16 – Input Rollers replacement

Remove the clip on the Outer Roller then remove the Roller.

Insert the new Outer Roller on its shaft by the Roller opposite side, checking that
the related Roller washers are already inserted on the shaft.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 102/346

Paragraph 16 – Input Rollers replacement

Insert the clip on the new Outer Roller.

Insert a plastic card under the Outer Roller and check that there is friction
between the Roller and the card; then check that the Roller runs without friction
if removing the card.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 103/346

Paragraph 16 – Input Rollers replacement

If there isn’t any friction with the card under the Outer Roller or there is friction
on the Roller without the card, adjust the Roller Column loosening the related
fixing screw and rotating the Column; rotate downward the Column in order to
near the Roller to the Card Plane or rotate upward the Column in order to send
away the Roller from the Card Plane. Check again the grip between the Roller
and the card, if needed repeat the adjusting procedure.

Check that the plastic card is parallel to the Card Plane Guide.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 104/346

Paragraph 17 – Input Link Gears replacement

Paragraph 17 – Input Link Gears replacement

Remove the clip on each of the three Input Link Upper Gears, then remove the
Left Gear, the Middle Gear and the Right Gear.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 105/346

Paragraph 17 – Input Link Gears replacement

Insert the new Upper Right Gear on its shaft.

Insert the related washer and clip on the Upper Right Gear shaft.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 106/346

Paragraph 17 – Input Link Gears replacement

Insert the new Upper Middle Gear on its shaft.

Insert the related washer and clip on the Upper Middle Gear shaft.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 107/346

Paragraph 17 – Input Link Gears replacement

Insert the new Upper Left Gear on its shaft.

Insert the related washer and clip on the Upper Left Gear shaft.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 108/346

Paragraph 17 – Input Link Gears replacement

Unscrew the Middle Gear fixing grub screw and remove the Gear.

Insert the new Middle Gear on its shaft by the Gear side, matching the shaft flat
side with the Gear grub screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 109/346

Paragraph 17 – Input Link Gears replacement

Hold the Gear Roller and push almost completely the new Middle Gear on its
shaft; then tighten the fixing grub screw on the Gear.

Unscrew the Lower Gear fixing grub screw and remove the Gear.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 110/346

Paragraph 17 – Input Link Gears replacement

Insert the new Lower Gear on its shaft by the Gear side, matching the shaft flat
side with the Gear grub screw.

Hold the Gear Roller and push almost completely the new Lower Gear on its
shaft; tighten the fixing grub screw on the Gear, checking that the Middle Gear
and the Lower Gear match and run without any friction.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 111/346

Paragraph 18 – Input Link Sensor replacement

Paragraph 18 – Input Link Sensor replacement

Unscrew the two Input Link Sensor fixing screws and remove the Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 112/346

Paragraph 18 – Input Link Sensor replacement

Match the two fixing holes on the new Input Link Sensor with the related ones
on the Input Link.

Tighten the two fixing screws of the Input Link Sensor into the aforesaid holes.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 113/346

Paragraph 19 – Input Link Rollers replacement

Paragraph 19 – Input Link Rollers replacement

Unscrew the two fixing grub screws of the Input Link Upper Roller and remove

Unscrew the two fixing grub screws of the Input Link Lower Roller and remove

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 114/346

Paragraph 19 – Input Link Rollers replacement

Insert the new Input Link Lower Roller on its shaft by the grub screws side.

Hold the Input Link Lower Roller together with the related Gear and push almost
completely the Roller on its shaft; then tighten the two fixing grub screws on the

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 115/346

Paragraph 19 – Input Link Rollers replacement

Insert the new Input Link Upper Roller on its shaft by the grub screws side.

Hold the Input Link Upper Roller together with the related Gear and push almost
completely the Roller on its shaft; then tighten the two fixing grub screws on the

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 116/346

Paragraph 19 – Input Link Rollers replacement

Check that the Input Link Lower and Upper Rollers are vertically aligned.

Insert a plastic card between the Input Link Lower and Upper Rollers; then check
the grip on the card when rotating the Rollers Gears.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 117/346

Paragraph 20 – Input Link replacement

Paragraph 20 – Input Link replacement

Unscrew the Input Link fixing screw and remove the Link.

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Paragraph 20 – Input Link replacement

Insert the two left guides of the new Input Link into the related holes on the
Input Card Plane and match the new Input Link fixing hole with the related one
on the Input Card Plane.

Push the Input Link against the Input Card Plane and tighten the Input Link
fixing screw into the aforesaid holes.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 119/346

Paragraph 21 – X-axis sensors replacement

Paragraph 21 – X-axis Sensors replacement

Unscrew the two X-End Sensor fixing screws and remove the Sensor.

Match the two holes on the new X-End Sensor over the related ones on the
Output Shoulder with the Sensor upward.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 120/346

Paragraph 21 – X-axis sensors replacement

Tighten the two fixing screws of the X-End Sensor into the aforesaid holes.

Check that the X-axis Flag passes through the X-End Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 121/346

Paragraph 21 – X-axis sensors replacement

Unscrew the two X-Home Sensor fixing screws and remove the Sensor.

Match the two holes on the new X-Home Sensor over the related ones on the
Input Shoulder with the Sensor upward.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 122/346

Paragraph 21 – X-axis sensors replacement

Tighten the two fixing screws of the X-Home Sensor into the aforesaid holes.

Check that the X-axis Flag passes through the X-Home Sensor.

Run X Total function, as shown in the Paragraph 42 – Motors testing in


Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 123/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Y-Home Sensor Support and remove it.

Loosen the two fixing screws of the Y-axis Motor in order to loose the Y-axis Belt

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 124/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Unscrew the fixing screw of the Y-axis Belt Pusher and remove it.

Remove the Reverse Clamp from its Guide.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 125/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Unscrew the fixing screw of the Y-axis Belt Pusher on the new Reverse Clamp
and remove the Pusher.

Clean the Clamp Guide with a cloth and insert the new Clamp on its Guide.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 126/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

If the new Reverse Clamp can’t be inserted on its Guide, adjust the Eccentric
Roll position blocking its lower black nut and loosening its upper fixing nut, then
rotate the lower black nut and insert again the Clamp on the Guide.

Adjust the possible side play of the new Reverse Clamp on the Guide, rotating
the lower black nut of the Eccentric Roll; then tighten the Eccentric Roll upper
fixing nut while blocking the related lower black nut.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 127/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Check the new Reverse Clamp sliding on its Guide, holding one of the two
Concentric Rolls and rotating the Eccentric one. If the eccentric Roll doesn’t move
at all, the Clamp friction on the Guide it’s too high; otherwise if the eccentric
Roll moves too easily, the Clamp friction on the Guide it’s too low.
The right condition is that the Eccentric Roll has to be hard and move slowly.
The Clamp friction can be adjusted blocking the Eccentric Roll lower black nut
and loosening its upper fixing nut, then rotate the lower black nut until the Clamp
friction is right; finally tighten the Eccentric Roll upper fixing nut while blocking
the related lower black nut.
Move the Reverse Clamp from the beginning to the end of its Guide to check
that there isn’t any side play.

Align the Y-axis Belt junction with the Belt Pusher fixing hole on the Clamp.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 128/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Insert the Belt Pusher under the Y-axis Belt junction and match the Pusher fixing
hole with the related one on the Clamp.

Screw without tighten the Belt Pusher fixing screw, together with its lock and
flat and washers, into the aforesaid holes.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 129/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Check the matching between the Belt Pusher and the Y-axis Belt junction.

Tighten the Belt Pusher fixing screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 130/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Move the Reverse Clamp forward until the Guide end; then push downward the
Y-axis Motor to raise the Y-axis Belt tension and tighten of the of the two Motor
fixing screws.

Measure with a dynamometer the Y-axis Belt tension aside the Guide fixing
screw near the Y-Home Sensor; the value has to be about 10 Newton.
Otherwise loose again the Y-axis Motor fixing screw and repeat adjusting
procedure of the Y-axis Belt tension; more the Motor is pushed downward and
more the Belt is tensioned.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 131/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Tighten the two fixing screws of the Y-axis Motor.

Match the two fixing holes on the Y-Home Support with the related one on the
Reverse Clamp Guide.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 132/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Check that the Sensor Flag on the Clamp passes through the Y-Home Sensor
and tighten the two Sensor support fixing screws together with their washers
into the aforesaid holes.

Insert a plastic card in the Input Card Plane and open manually the Reverse
Clamp pushing down the Clamp Lever.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 133/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Move the plastic card against the Reverse Clamp and check that card passes
through the Clamp Teeth.

If the plastic card doesn’t pass through the Clamp Teeth, unscrew the two fixing
screws of the Input Card Plane and remove the Plane.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 134/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Put the needed washers on the two Plane Support fixing holes related to the
Input Card Plane.

Match the two fixing holes on the Plane Support with the related Input Card
Plane fixing ones and tighten the two Plane fixing screws into the aforesaid
holes; then check again the Clamp card input.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 135/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Insert a plastic card in the Input Card Plane and check that the Reverse Clamp
is parallel to the Plane.

If the Reverse Clamp isn’t parallel to the Input Card Plane, loosen the outer
fixing screws of the Plane and move it to get the parallel condition; then tighten
the Plane outer fixing screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 136/346

Paragraph 22 – Clamp replacement

Move the Reverse Clamp completely against the plastic card on the Input Plane
and close manually the Clamp pushing its Lever with the Clamp Locking Pin.

Check that there is a distance of about 0.5 mm of between the Clamp Lever and
the Clamp Locking Pin, and also between the Input Tooth Pin and the Input Card
Plane. Finally check that there isn’t any distance between the plastic card and
the Input Card Plane.

About 0.5 mm

About 0.5 mm

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 137/346

Paragraph 23 – Clamp Bearings replacement

Paragraph 23 – Clamp Bearings replacement

Unscrew the fixing screw of the Clamp Lever Bearing together with its washer
and remove the Bering.

Match the new Clamp Lever Bearing and its washer with the related fixing hole
on the Clamp Lever.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 138/346

Paragraph 23 – Clamp Bearings replacement

Tighten the fixing screw of the Clamp Lever Bearing into the aforesaid hole.

Unscrew the fixing screw of the Clamp Opening Bearing together with its washer
and remove the Bering.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 139/346

Paragraph 23 – Clamp Bearings replacement

Match the new Clamp Opening Bearing and its washer with the related fixing
hole on the Clamp Lever.

Tighten the fixing screw of the Clamp Opening Bearing into the aforesaid hole.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 140/346

Paragraph 24 – Clamp Rollers replacement

Paragraph 24 – Clamp Rollers replacement

Remove the Clamp as shown in Paragraph 22.
Unscrew the upper fixing nut of the Eccentric Roller while holding the Roller Pin
black nut and remove the Roller.

Unscrew the upper fixing nut of the outer Concentric Roller while holding the
Roller Pin black nut and remove the Roller.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 141/346

Paragraph 24 – Clamp Rollers replacement

Unscrew the upper fixing nut of the inner Concentric Roller while holding the
Roller Pin black nut and remove the Roller.

Insert the Pin of the new Eccentric Roller in to the related fixing hole on the

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 142/346

Paragraph 24 – Clamp Rollers replacement

Tighten the fixing nut of the Eccentric Roller on the Roller Pin.

Insert the Pin on each of the two new Concentric Rollers into the related fixing
holes on the Clamp.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 143/346

Paragraph 24 – Clamp Rollers replacement

Tighten the fixing nut of the outer Concentric Roller on the Roller Pin while
holding the Pin black nut.

Tighten the fixing nut of the inner Concentric Roller on the Roller Pin while
holding the Pin black nut.

Replace the Clamp as shown in Paragraph 22.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 144/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Remove the Clamp as shown in Paragraph 22.
Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Teeth Spring Block under the Clamp while
pushing downward the Block in order to remove it together with its grub screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 145/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Remove the Teeth Spring.

Unscrew the fixing grub screw on each of the two Teeth Blocks in order to
remove the Teeth together with their Pins and Washers.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 146/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Match the fixing hole on each of the two new Clamp Teeth with their inner and
outer washers and with the related hole on the Teeth Blocks; then insert the
Pins into the aforesaid holes matching the Pin flat side with the Block grub
screws. Check that the Teeth rotates on the Pins without any friction.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 147/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Tighten the fixing grub screw on each of the two Teeth Blocks with the Pins
completely against the Clamp. Be sure the Teeth moves without side play.

Remove the clip on each of the two Teeth Bearings.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 148/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Insert the new Teeth Bearings in the related Clamp Pins checking that the
Bearing washers are already on the Pins.

Insert the Clip on each of the two Teeth Bearings Pins.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 149/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Insert the new Teeth Spring on the related slots on the Clamp Teeth.

Insert the grub screw of the Teeth Spring Block in the middle of the Teeth Spring.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 150/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Match the two fixing holes on the Teeth Spring Block with the related ones on
the Clamp.

Screw without tighten the first fixing screw of the Teeth Spring Block.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 151/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Screw without tighten the second fixing screw of the Teeth Spring Block while
pushing downward the Block.

Tighten the two fixing screws of the Teeth Spring Block, then check that the
Clamp Teeth opens and closes by moving the Clamp Lever.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 152/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Unscrew the Clamp Pivot and remove it together with its Spring.

Remove the spring from the Clamp Pivot.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 153/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Lubricate the Pivot, with grease, and insert the ring end of the new Spring into
the related Pivot hole.

Screw without tighten the Clamp Pivot into the related hole on the Clamp
checking that the Pivot Spring is well-inserted.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 154/346

Paragraph 25 – Clamp Teeth and Springs replacement

Tighten the Clamp Pivot.

Check that Pivot Lever is on the left of the Clamp Stop Pin and the Spring is not
under the Pivot; then insert the straight end of the Clamp Pivot Spring into the
related hole on the Clamp.

Replace the Clamp as shown in Paragraph 22.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 155/346

Paragraph 26 – Y-axis Belt replacement

Paragraph 26 – Y-axis Belt replacement

Remove the Clamp and loosen the two fixing screws of the Y-axis Motor as shown
in Paragraph 22 in order to access to the Y-axis Belt.

Remove the Y-axis Belt starting from the Y-axis Sensor side.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 156/346

Paragraph 26 – Y-axis Belt replacement

Insert the new Y-axis Belt, with the Belt joint outward, under the Y-axis Motor
Pulley and over the Bearings on the Y-axis Motor Support.

Pass the new Y-axis Belt around the inner Bearings on the Y-axis Guide; then
push upward the Y-axis Motor and Pass the Belt around the outer Bearings.

Replace the Clamp as shown in Paragraph 22.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 157/346

Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement

Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement

Remove the Clamp as shown in Paragraph 22.
Disconnect the Y-axis Motor connector.

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Y-axis Motor together with their washer
and remove the Motor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 158/346

Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement

Loosen the two fixing grub screws of the Y-axis Motor Pulley and remove it.

Insert the Motor Pulley on the shaft of the new Y-axis Motor matching one of the
two Pulley grub screws with the shaft flat side.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 159/346

Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement

Be sure that there is a distance of 2.3 ±0.1 mm between the end of the Motor
shaft and the Pulley; then apply a thread-locking liquid on the two Pulley grub
screws and tighten them.

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Y-axis Guide and remove it.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 160/346

Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement

Unscrew the fixing screw of the Clamp Stop and remove it.

Match the slot on the Clamp Stop with the related hole on the new Y-axis Guide.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 161/346

Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement

Screw without tighten the fixing screw of the Clamp Stop into the aforesaid hole.

Be sure that there is a distance of 127 ±0.05 mm between the Clamp Stop and
the opposite end of the Y-axis Guide; then tighten the Clamp Stop fixing screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 162/346

Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement

Check that the Clamp Stop is parallel to the Y-axis Guide and doesn’t touch the

Insert the Y-axis Motor Pulley in the middle hole on the Motor Support, matching
the two Motor fixing holes with the related Support ones.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 163/346

Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement

Be sure that the Motor connector is downward.

Screw without tighten the two Fixing screws of the Y-axis Motor together with
their washer into the aforesaid holes.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 164/346

Paragraph 27 – Y-axis Motor and Guide replacement

Match the two fixing holes of the new Y-axis Guide with the related ones on the
Y-axis Motor support.

Tighten the two fixing screws of Y-axis guide into the aforesaid holes while
holding the Y-axis Guide completely against the Motor.

Replace the Clamp as shown in Paragraph 22.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 165/346

Paragraph 28 – Y-axis Sensor and Board replacement

Paragraph 28 – Y-axis Sensor and Board replacement

Remove the sheath of the Y-axis Sensor cable and disconnect the Y-axis Sensor

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Y-axis sensor and remove it.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 166/346

Paragraph 28 – Y-axis Sensor and Board replacement

Match the two holes on the new Y-axis Sensor with the related ones on its

Tighten the two fixing screws of the Y-axis Sensor into the aforesaid holes.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 167/346

Paragraph 28 – Y-axis Sensor and Board replacement

Disconnect the Y-axis Sensor and Motor connectors on the Y-axis Board.

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Y-axis Board together with their spacers
and remove the Board.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 168/346

Paragraph 28 – Y-axis Sensor and Board replacement

Match the two Board spacers over the two holes on the new Y-axis Board.

Insert the two Board fixing screws under the related Y-axis Board holes.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 169/346

Paragraph 28 – Y-axis Sensor and Board replacement

Insert the two fixing screws of the Y-axis Board together with its spacers into
the related holes under the Y-axis Motor support. Check that the flat cable
connector is on the Carriage input side.

Tighten the two fixing screws of the Y-axis Board.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 170/346

Paragraph 28 – Y-axis Sensor and Board replacement

Connect the Y-axis Sensor to the Y-axis Board.

Connect the Y-axis Motor to the Y-axis Board.

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Paragraph 28 – Y-axis Sensor and Board replacement

Put the sheath on the Y-axis Motor and Sensor cables; then connect the Y-axis
Motor cable to the Motor connector.

Replace the Clamp as shown in Paragraph 22.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 172/346

Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement

Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement

Hold the Output Pulley shaft nut of the X-axis Belt and loosen the related Pulley
fixing nut.

Rotate the eccentric shaft nut of the Output Pulley and remove the X-axis Belt
from its Pulleys.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 173/346

Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement

Unscrew the fixing screw of the X-axis Belt Pusher and remove it together with
the Belt.

Rotate the eccentric shaft nut of the X-axis Belt Output Pulley in order to increase
the distance between the Pulley and the Output Shoulder.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 174/346

Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement

Pass the new X-axis Belt around its Output Pulley and under the Clamp.

Pass the new X-axis Belt around its Input Pulley.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 175/346

Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement

Rotate the eccentric shaft nut of the Output Pulley in order to tension a bit the
X-axis Belt.

Move the X-axis Belt in order to position it in the middle of its Pulleys; the move
the Clamp in the middle of the X-axis Carriage.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 176/346

Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement

Match the Belt pusher fixing hole with the related one on the Clamp.

Insert the Belt Pusher fixing screw together with its washer into the aforesaid
holes and match the Pusher teeth with the X-axis Belt ones.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 177/346

Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement

Tighten the fixing screws of the X-axis Belt Pusher.

Move the Clamp to the X-axis Carriage input and check that the X-axis Belt is
parallel to the X-axis Guide.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 178/346

Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement

Push downward the X-axis Belt with a dynamometer in the middle of the Belt
near the middle fixing screw of the X-axis Guide; the value has to be about 40

Hold the Output Pulley shaft nut of the X-axis Belt and tighten the related Pulley
fixing nut.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 179/346

Paragraph 29 – X-axis Belt replacement

Check that the Output Pulley doesn’t touch the Output Shoulder.

Check that the Output Pulley doesn’t touch the X-axis Motor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 180/346

Paragraph 30 – X-axis Belt Pulleys replacement

Paragraph 30 – X-axis Belt Pulleys replacement

Remove the X-axis Belt as shown in Paragraph 29.
Remove the Belt Output Pulley clip together with its outer washer in order to pull
out the Pulley.

Insert the new Output Pulley on the related shaft checking that the inner washer
is already present on the shaft.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 181/346

Paragraph 30 – X-axis Belt Pulleys replacement

Insert the outer washer and the Pulley fixing clip on the Output Pullet shaft;
check that the Output Pulley rotates easily.

Unscrew the two Input Pulley grub screws and remove the Pulley.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 182/346

Paragraph 30 – X-axis Belt Pulleys replacement

Check that the inner washer is already present on the Input Pulley shaft.
Insert the new Input Pulley on the related shaft checking that one of the two
Pulley grub screws matches with the shaft flat side.

Check that the Input Pulley is at a distance of 0.1 mm from its Bearing.
Apply a thread-locking liquid to the two Pulley fixing grub screws, then tighten
the grub screws in the related Input Pulley holes.

Replace the X-axis Belt as shown in Paragraph 29.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 183/346

Paragraph 31 – X-axis Motor replacement

Paragraph 31 – X-axis Motor replacement

Unscrew the four X-axis Motor fixing screw together with their washers and
remove the Motor.

Unscrew the two fixing grub screws of the X-axis Motor Pulley and remove it.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 184/346

Paragraph 31 – X-axis Motor replacement

Insert the Motor Pulley by its grub screws side on the shaft of the new X-axis

Be sure that there is a distance of 8.3 ±0.1 mm between the end of the X-axis
Motor shaft and the Pulley; then apply a thread-locking liquid on the two Pulley
grub screws and tighten them.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 185/346

Paragraph 31 – X-axis Motor replacement

Match the four fixing holes of the new X-axis Motor with the related ones on the
Motor Support checking that the Motor cable is downward.

Match the X-axis Motor Pulley gear with the X-axis Driven Gear.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 186/346

Paragraph 31 – X-axis Motor replacement

Screw without tighten the four fixing screws of the X-axis Motor, together with
their washers, into the aforesaid holes. Push with a dynamometer the X-axis
Motor toward the Carriage input up to 15 Newton; then tighten the four X-axis
Motor fixing screws. Check that there isn’t any space between the Motor Pulley
gear and the X-axis Driven Gear and that they rotate smoothly.

Move the Y-axis Carriage in different positions on the X-axis Guide and check
that there isn’t any gap between the X-axis Motor Pulley and the Driven Gear;
otherwise repeat the adjusting procedure of the X-axis Motor position.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 187/346

Paragraph 32 – X-axis Driven Gear replacement

Paragraph 32 – X-axis Driven Gear replacement

Remove the X-axis Motor as shown in Paragraph 31.
Unscrew the side fixing screw of the X-axis Motor Support on the X-axis Guide.

Rotate the Carriage and unscrew the three bottom fixing screws of the X-axis
Motor Support together with their washers; then remove the Motor Support.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 188/346

Paragraph 32 – X-axis Driven Gear replacement

Unscrew the two fixing grub screws on the X-axis Driven Gear and remove it.

Insert the new X-axis Driven Gear on the related shaft by the Gear grub screws
side, matching one of the two grub screws with the shaft flat side.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 189/346

Paragraph 32 – X-axis Driven Gear replacement

Check that the shaft doesn’t come out of the Driven Gear and tighten the two
Gear fixing grub screw. Be sure that the Driven Gear and the related Pulley on
the other side of the X-axis Guide run without any friction.

Match the fixing hole on the X-axis Motor Support with the related one on the
X-axis Guide.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 190/346

Paragraph 32 – X-axis Driven Gear replacement

Screw without tighten the side fixing screw of the X-axis Motor Support into the
aforesaid holes.

Screw without tighten the three bottom fixing screws of the X-axis Motor
Support, together with their washers; check that the shorter screw of the three
is inserted in the outer fixing hole corresponding to the Pulley.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 191/346

Paragraph 32 – X-axis Driven Gear replacement

Tighten the three bottom fixing screws and the side fixing screw of the X-axis
Motor Support.

Be sure that the X-axis Driven Gear doesn’t touch the X-axis Motor Support.

Replace the X-axis Motor as shown in Paragraph 31.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 192/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Remove the X-axis Belt as shown in Paragraph 29.
Unscrews the five fixing screws of the Output Shoulder together with their
washers and remove the Shoulder.

Hold the Output Pulley shaft nut and unscrew the Pulley fixing nut; then remove
the Output Pulley and its shaft.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 193/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Pull out the X-axis Rollers from the X-axis Guide.

Hold the fixing nut on the desired one of the two X-axis Guide Concentric Rollers
and unscrew the related Concentric Roller screw in order to remove it together
with its spacer.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 194/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the X-axis Sensors Flag and remove it.

Hold the fixing nut of the X-axis Guide Eccentric Roller and unscrew the Eccentric
Roller screw in order to remove the Roller together with its washer and spacer.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 195/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Insert the new X-axis Eccentric Roller together with its spacer and washer into
the related hole on the X-axis Rollers Support.

Insert the Eccentric Roller fixing nut together with its washer on the Roller shaft.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 196/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Insert the new X-axis Concentric Roller together with its spacer into the related
hole on the X-axis Rollers Support.

Insert the Concentric Roller fixing nut together with its washer on the Roller

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 197/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

While holding each Roller screw, tighten the Concentric Roller and screw without
tighten the Eccentric Roller; check that the two Concentric Rollers turn without
any friction.

Insert the X-axis Guide Rollers on the X-axis Guide.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 198/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Insert the Output Pulley shaft in the related hole on the X-axis Guide.

Hold the Output Pulley shaft nut and screw without tighten the Pulley fixing nut
together with its washer.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 199/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Insert the two alignment holes of the Output Shoulder in the two side pins of
the X-axis Guide; then match the five fixing holes of the Shoulder with the
related three holes on the X-axis Guide and two Shoulders shafts.

Tighten the five fixing screws of the Output Shoulder together with theirs
washers into the aforesaid fixing holes and shafts.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 200/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Remove the Y-axis Board as shown in Paragraph 28.

Hold manually the Concentric Roller aside the Y-axis Motor and move forward
and backward the Y-axis Carriage. If the Roller slides on the X-axis Guide too
much easily it means that the friction is not enough, if the Roller can’t be hold
and doesn’t slide on the Guide it means that the friction is too strong, if the
Roller slides slowly and hardly on the Guide, it means that the friction is good.

The friction can be adjusted holding the Eccentric Roller nut and rotating the
related shaft screw; then replace the Y-axis Board as shown in Paragraph 28.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 201/346

Paragraph 33 – X-axis Guide Rollers replacement

Match the two fixing holes of the X-axis sensor Flag with the related ones on the
X-axis Rollers Support.

Screw without tighten the two fixing screws of the X-axis Sensors Flag; then
measure a distance of 3 ±0.1 mm between the X-axis Rollers Support and the
Tighten the X-axis Sensors Flag fixing screws and check that the Flag is in the
middle of the X-Home and X-End Sensors.

Replace the X-axis Belt as shown in Paragraph 29.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 202/346

Paragraph 34 – X-axis Guide replacement

Paragraph 34 – X-axis Guide replacement

Remove the Y-axis Carriage as shown in Paragraph 33.
Unscrew the three lower fixing screws of the Input Shoulder together with their
washers and remove the Shoulder and the Card Input Plane.

Unscrew the three fixing screws of the X-axis Crossbar and remove it.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 203/346

Paragraph 34 – X-axis Guide replacement

Remove the X-axis Motor and Driven Gear as shown in Paragraphs 31 and 32.

Replace the X-axis Motor and Driven Gear as shown in Paragraphs 31 and 32 on
the new X-axis Guide; then match the three fixing holes on the X-axis Crossbar
with the related ones on the new Guide.

Tighten the three X-axis Crossbar fixing screws into the aforesaid holes while
pushing downward the X-axis Guide.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 204/346

Paragraph 34 – X-axis Guide replacement

Insert the two alignment holes of the Input Shoulder in the two side pins of the
X-axis Guide; then match the three lower fixing holes of the Shoulder with the
related holes on the X-axis Guide.

Tighten the three fixing screws of the Input Shoulder together with their washers
into the aforesaid holes.

Replace the Y-axis Carriage as shown in Paragraph 33.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 205/346

Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication

Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication

Perform the following operation to lubricate the Carriage components.
The part number to order the grease is B2.300.20.01.
The part number to order the oil is B2.300.20.02.
Remove the dust from X-axis and Y-axis Guides.
Clean the X-axis and Y-axis Guides with an oiled cloth.
Move the Clamp in the middle of the X-axis Guide and apply grease on the upper
and lower side of the Guide.

Apply grease on the X-axis Guide Rollers and move the Rollers along the X-axis

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 206/346

Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication

Move the Clamp inward and apply grease on the left and right side of the Y-axis
Guide; then move the Clamp outward and repeat the procedure.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 207/346

Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication

Apply grease on the Clamp Rollers and move the Clamp along the Y-axis Guide.
Remove possible grease surplus on the X-axis and Y-axis Guides and Rollers.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 208/346

Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication

Remove the dust from the X-axis Gears.

Move the Clamp in the middle of the X-axis Guide and apply grease between the
X-axis Gears.

Move the Clamp forward and backward on the X-axis Guide until the X-axis Gears
is completely greased.
Remove possible grease surplus on the X-axis Gears.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 209/346

Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication

Clean the Input Motor Gears.

Apply grease on the Input Motor Gears.
Rotate the Input Motor Rollers until the Gears are completely greased.
Remove possible grease surplus on the Input Motor Gears.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 210/346

Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication

Clean the Input Link Gears.

Apply grease on the Input Link Upper Gears.
Rotate the Input Link Rollers until the Gears are completely greased.
Remove possible grease surplus on the Input Link Upper Gears.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 211/346

Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication

Apply grease on the Input Link Lower Gears.

Rotate the Input Link Rollers until the Gears are completely greased.
Remove possible grease surplus on the Input Link Lower Gears.

Apply grease on the lower side of the X-axis Unloader Cam.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 212/346

Paragraph 35 – Carriage lubrication

Apply oil on the Clamp Pivot.

Apply oil on the Clamp Opening Bearing.

Open and close the Clamp to lubricate the whole mechanism.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 213/346

Paragraph 36 – Embosser lubrication

Paragraph 36 – Embosser lubrication

Perform the following operation to lubricate the Embosser components.
The part number to order the grease is B2.300.20.01.
Clean the Embossing Levers Cams and Bearings.
Apply grease on the Upper Lever Bearing in two opposite positions.

Apply grease on the Lower Lever Bearing in two opposite positions.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 214/346

Paragraph 36 – Embosser lubrication

Apply grease on the Levers Cams in two opposite positions.

Rotate manually the Punch Motor Disk to lubricate the whole mechanism.
Remove possible grease surplus on the Lever Cams and Bearings.

Clean the Hammers.

Apply grease on the top side of the Upper Hammer.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 215/346

Paragraph 36 – Embosser lubrication

Apply grease on the bottom side of the Upper Hammer.

Move the Upper Hammer to lubricate the whole mechanism.
Remove possible grease surplus on the Upper Hammer.

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Lower Block together with their washers
and remove the Block.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 216/346

Paragraph 36 – Embosser lubrication

Apply grease on the bottom side of the Lower Hammer.

Apply grease on the top side of the Lower Hammer.

Move the Lower Hammer to lubricate the whole mechanism.
Remove possible grease surplus on the Lower Hammer.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 217/346

Paragraph 36 – Embosser lubrication

Match the two fixing holes on the Lower Block with the related ones on the

Tighten the two Lower block fixing screws together with their washers into the
aforesaid holes, while pushing downward the Block.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 218/346

Paragraph 36 – Embosser lubrication

Clean the Drum Motor Pulley and the Drum Gear.

Apply grease on the Drum Motor Pulley in two opposite positions.

Apply a little grease on the Drum Gear.

Rotate the Drum to lubricate the whole mechanism.
Remove possible grease surplus on the Drum Motor Pulley and the Drum Gear.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 219/346

Paragraph 37 – Modules assembling

Paragraph 37 – Modules assembling

Insert the four fixing holes on the Embosser Module Basement on the related
machine columns; be careful to keep possible washers on the columns.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 220/346

Paragraph 37 – Modules assembling

Insert the two fixing holes on the Carriage Module Basement on the related
machine columns; be careful to keep possible washers on the columns.

Screw without tighten the two Carriage fixing nuts together with their washers
on the related Carriage columns.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 221/346

Paragraph 37 – Modules assembling

Put a plastic card in the Clamp and move it into the Drum.

Check that the card height is in the middle of Drum.

If the card is too low, remove the needed washers from the four Embosser
Basement columns; in case that any washer is present on the columns, it must
be added the needed washers to the Carriage columns to raise its height.
If the card is too high, add the needed washers to the four Embosser Basement

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 222/346

Paragraph 37 – Modules assembling

Tighten the four Embosser fixing nuts together with their washers on the related
Embosser columns. Check that the Embosser Basement is parallel to the
machine one.

Push inward the Carriage and tighten the two Carriage fixing nuts.
Insert a plastic card to check the alignment between the Carriage and the
previous module.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 223/346

Paragraph 37 – Modules assembling

If the alignment between the Carriage and the previous module is wrong, loosen
the two Carriage Input fixing screws and move the Carriage Input until the card
passes between the modules with a little side gap on both sides to avoid diagonal
movement. Then tighten the two Carriage Input fixing screws.

Connect the following cables: Drum Motor, Drum Home Sensor, Punch Sensor,
Card In Sensor, X-Home Sensor, X-End Sensor, Input Motor, X-axis Motor and
the Embosser Board Fan on the Embosser Board; Potentiometer and Punch
Motor on the Clutch Board; Punch Cycle Signal from the Embosser Board to the
Clutch Board; Y-axis Flat Cable on the Y-axis Extension Board.
Be careful that the Punch Motor is connected with its black minus cable on the
pin 1 and the red plus cable on the pin 2 of the Clutch Board J1 connector.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 224/346

Paragraph 38 – Carriage Flat Cable replacement

Paragraph 38 – Carriage Flat Cable replacement

Disconnect the Flat Cable on the Y-axis Board pushing the related connector key.

Unscrew one of the two fixing screws on each cable holders.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 225/346

Paragraph 38 – Carriage Flat Cable replacement

Disconnect the Flat Cable on the Carriage Extension Board pushing the related
connector key and remove the Flat Cable from its holders.

Fold gently the new Flat Cable using the removed one as a reference.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 226/346

Paragraph 38 – Carriage Flat Cable replacement

Connect the new Flat Cable to the Carriage Extension Board.

Connect the other end of the Flat Cable to the Y-axis Board; check that the key
of the Flat Cable connector is upward.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 227/346

Paragraph 38 – Carriage Flat Cable replacement

Pass the Flat Cable under its holders and match the fixing hole of each cable
holder with the related one on the machine basement.

Check that the Flat cable is parallel to the machine basement and tighten the
cable holders fixing screws into the aforesaid holes.

Check the Flat Cable movement sliding leftward and rightward the X-axis

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 228/346

Paragraph 39 – Carriage Extension Board replacement

Paragraph 39 – Carriage Extension Board replacement

Disconnect the Carriage Flat Cable as shown in Paragraph 38.
Unscrew the two fixing screws on the Carriage Extension Board together with
their washers and spacers and remove the Board Cover.

Disconnect the Extension Board Flat Cable and remove the Board.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 229/346

Paragraph 39 – Carriage Extension Board replacement

Match the two holes on the new Extension Board with the related lower spacers,
upper spacers, Board Cover holes and insert the Board fixing screws into the
aforesaid holes together with their washers.

Insert the two fixing screws of new Extension Board into the related holes on
the machine basement.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 230/346

Paragraph 39 – Carriage Extension Board replacement

Tighten the two Extension Board fixing screws into the aforesaid holes.

Connect the Extension Board Flat Cable to the related Board connector.

Connect the Carriage Flat Cable as shown in Paragraph 38.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 231/346

Paragraph 40 – Embosser Keys Board replacement

Paragraph 40 – Embosser Keys Board replacement

Disconnect the Embosser Keys Board cable.

Unscrew the two fixing screws of the Embosser Keys Board together with their
washers and remove the Board.
If needed unscrew the two Board Columns.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 232/346

Paragraph 40 – Embosser Keys Board replacement

If removed, tighten the Keys Board Columns into the related holes on the
Embosser Shoulders. Check that possible Columns washers are present.

Match the two holes on the new Keys Board with the related Columns holes.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 233/346

Paragraph 40 – Embosser Keys Board replacement

Tighten the two fixing screws of the new Embosser Keys Board together with
their washers into the aforesaid holes.

Connect the Embosser Keys Board cable to the related Board connector.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 234/346

Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing

Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing

Power ON the machine, without perform the machine reset.
Run the MM Test program from the User PC.
(Refer to the related MM Test guide for its complete functions)
Choose the Remote modality of the Communication command from the Option

Select the Open command from the File menu

Browse and open the desired machine configuration mpm file.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 235/346

Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing

The program shows all the modules present in the selected configuration; the
modules shown in the sample below are only the ones to be described.

Select the Emboss MS module and click the Enable Passthrough button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 236/346

Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing

Click the Connect button, to connect the module selected.

Note that, if a sensor is marked as red it means that it’s free.

If a sensor is marked as green, it means that it’s busy.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 237/346

Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing

Insert a card in the Input Carriage to test the CN06 Card In Sensor.

Move the X-axis Carriage in input position to test the CN07 X-Home Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 238/346

Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing

Move the X-axis Carriage in output position to test the CN08 X-End Sensor.
The X-Home and X-End Sensors can’t be both busy at the same time.

Move outward the Clamp to test the CN0Y Y-Home Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 239/346

Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing

When the CN0Y Y-Home Sensor is busy, the LED near the CN50 connector on
the Embosser Board lights on.

Rotate the Drum to test the CN09 Drum Home Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 240/346

Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing

Rotate the Punch Motor Disk to test the CN10 Punch Sensor.

Insert a card in the Carriage output position to test the CN01 Card Out Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 241/346

Paragraph 41 – Sensors testing

Press the Red Key on the Keys Board to test the CN19 Pause Red Key.

Press the Green Key on the Keys Board to test the CN20 Pause Green Key (Clear)
The LED on the Keys Board is on in working status and is off in pause status.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 242/346

Paragraph 42 – Motors testing

Paragraph 42 – Motors testing

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module as shown in
Paragraph 41.
Select the Motors tab.

Click the X Total button to measure the total X-axis length in steps; this
operation has to be performed after replacing the X-axis Belt, the X-Home
Sensor and the X-End Sensor.
Click the X Total button a couple of times and check that the X TOT value remains
the same, otherwise adjust the X-axis Belt tension as shown in Paragraph 29.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 243/346

Paragraph 42 – Motors testing

Move the Clamp in the middle of the X-axis and toward the Drum.

Click the Eject command to move the Clamp in home position checking the X-
axis and Y-axis Stepper Motor functionality.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 244/346

Paragraph 42 – Motors testing

Move the Drum Sensor Flag out of the Drum Home Sensor.

Click the Restore command to move the Drum in home position checking the
Drum Motor functionality.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 245/346

Paragraph 43 – Punch Cycle Clutch Board adjustment

Paragraph 43 – Punch Cycle Clutch Board adjustment

Move manually the Drum a match exactly the Upper Hammer with a punch in
the centre.

Click the Punch button several times and check that the Punch value is the same;
the value has to be between 37 and 42 msec. The higher is the Punch value and
the lower is the Punch Motor speed, otherwise the lower is the Punch value and
the higher is the Punch Motor speed.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 246/346

Paragraph 43 – Punch Cycle Clutch Board adjustment

If the Punch value is out of the aforesaid range, adjust it on the Clutch Board.
Check that the D8 LED on the Clutch board is on if the Board has been powered
on; otherwise check with a tester that there is 24 Volt current on the pin 3 white
cable and pin 4 black cable of the power supply J1 connector. If there isn’t any
current replace the Board.
To adjust the Punch value, turn the VR1 trimmer until the D9 Led lights on to
have about 14 Ampere threshold.

Turn 360° counter-clockwise the trimmer to have about 13 Ampere, getting a

Punch value between 37 and 42 msec.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 247/346

Paragraph 43 – Punch Cycle Clutch Board adjustment

To stabilize the Punch Sensor Flag oscillation, adjust it on the Clutch Board.
Turn the P1 trimmer until the Punch Sensor Flag stops with a little oscillation.
The P1 and VR1 adjustments are related to get the right Punch value.

Check that the Punch Sensor Flag stops with a little oscillation matching the
middle of the Flag with the Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 248/346

Paragraph 43 – Punch Cycle Clutch Board adjustment

If the Punch Sensor Flag stops in the Sensor opposite side after clicking the
Punch button, perform the following procedure.

Pull the Potentiometer Lever pin out of the Potentiometer.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 249/346

Paragraph 43 – Punch Cycle Clutch Board adjustment

Rotate 180° the Potentiometer to move it inside the Punch Sensor and insert the
Lever pin in the Potentiometer upper hole.

If the middle of the Punch Sensor Flag is not inside the Sensor, perform the
following procedure.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 250/346

Paragraph 43 – Punch Cycle Clutch Board adjustment

Loose the Potentiometer Lever fixing screw.

Move the Lever to get the middle of the Flag inside the Sensor.
Tighten the Potentiometer Lever fixing screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 251/346

Paragraph 44 – Reverse Clamp Adjustments overview

Paragraph 44 – Reverse Clamp Adjustments overview

The MM Test program must be used to perform the Embosser adjustments.
The Drum and Clamp parameters are related to the Embosser MS module in the
MM Test program, while the Card Input Plane parameters are related to the
Carriage V1 module in the MM Test program.
Each parameters values unit represents 0.18 mm or 1/140 inch for the X-axis
and 0.127 mm or 1/200 inch for the Y-axis.

Embosser module

Embosser module

Carriage module

The position of each sensor related to the parameters values is shown below.




Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 252/346

Paragraph 44 – Reverse Clamp Adjustments overview

The parameters related to the Clamp positions cycle are shown below.
Refer to the following paragraphs to adjust each Drum and Clamp position.


Parameters: Y HOME / X HOME
Clamp Status: OPENED
Waiting for the card

Related Sensors: X-Y HOME

Parameters: Y LOAD / X LOAD
Clamp Status: CLOSED
Loading the card

Related Sensors: X-Y HOME / CARD IN

Parameters: X ENTRY / Y ENTRY
Clamp Status: CLOSED
Moving the card in front of the Drum
Related Sensors: X-Y HOME


Clamp Status: CLOSED
Moving the card in the FIRST character position

Related Sensors: X-Y HOME

Parameters: Y UNLOAD / X UNLOAD
Clamp Status: OPENED
Ejecting the card to the next module

Related Sensors: X END / Y HOME / CARD OUT

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 253/346

Paragraph 45 – Reverse Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

Paragraph 45 – Reverse Clamp Drum Home position

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module as shown in
Paragraph 41. Click the Restore command to move the Drum in home position.

Check that the Upper Hammer matches the Drum first punch.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 254/346

Paragraph 45 – Reverse Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

If the Hammer is far more than one character from the first punch, rotate the
drum to match the Hammer with the first punch and loosen the fixing grub screw
of the Drum Home Sensor Flag.

Move the Flag until its middle slot is inside the Drum Home Sensor; then be
absolutely sure to keep the Flag upward and tighten its fixing grub screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 255/346

Paragraph 45 – Reverse Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

If the Hammer is slightly shifted from the Drum first punch, click the Parameters
tab in the MM Test program.

Change the Drum Home parameter value.

If the Hammer is on the right of the punch, increase the Drum Home value.
If the Hammer is on the left of the punch, decrease the Drum Home value.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 256/346

Paragraph 45 – Reverse Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

Click the Write button to store the new value directly on the Embosser Board
and then click on the Restore button to check the new Drum Home position.
Note: the first character physically mounted on the Drum matches with the first
one of the Drum Layout shown by the MM Config program.

Push down the Hammer and check that it hits the middle of the first punch.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 257/346

Paragraph 45 – Reverse Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

To update the mpm Machine configuration file on the Embedded PC and its copy
inside the MP_Files directory on the User PC with the new Drum Home parameter
value, first click the Disconnect button.

Click the Disable Passthrough button.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 46.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 258/346

Paragraph 46 – Reverse Clamp Configuration Parameters saving

Paragraph 46 – Reverse Clamp Configuration

Parameters saving
Run the MM Config program.

Check that IP Address of the Embedded PC is and click on the

Read From Machine button.
If occurs a connection error, check that the MM_Main program is open in the
Embedded PC.

Click the Change User button

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 259/346

Paragraph 46 – Reverse Clamp Configuration Parameters saving

Digit the tech2 password and click the Change User button.

Select the Emboss MS module from the list in the Modules box.
Digit the new value in the desired parameter.
Click the Write To Machine button to update the mpm Machine configuration file
on the Embedded PC.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 260/346

Paragraph 46 – Reverse Clamp Configuration Parameters saving

Click the Save File button.

Choose the C:/MATICA/7000/MP_Files/ on the User PC to overwrite the mpm

Machine configuration file.

Click Yes in the confirmation window.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 261/346

Paragraph 47 – Reverse Clamp Home Position adjustment

Paragraph 47 – Reverse Clamp Home Position

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module as shown in
Paragraph 41. Click the Restore command.

Check that the Clamp is open with the Clamp Lever on the right.
Insert manually a plastic card in the Input Carriage and check that there is a
distance of about 1/1.5 mm between the card outer edge and the Clamp Base.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 262/346

Paragraph 47 – Reverse Clamp Home Position adjustment

Then check there is a distance of about 1/3 mm between the Clamp stop pin on
the Carriage Shoulder and the related Clamp Lever.

stop pin


clamp lever

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 263/346

Paragraph 47 – Reverse Clamp Home Position adjustment

Change the X Home parameter value to adjust the distance between the card
outer edge and the Clamp Base; increasing the value decreases the distance and
while decreasing the value increases the distance.

Change the Y Home parameter value to adjust the distance between the Clamp
stop pin and the Clamp Lever; increasing the value increases the distance and
while decreasing the value decreases the distance (the minimum value is 5).
If the Clamp still closes, adjust the Clamp Locking Pin at a distance of 54 mm
from the Input Shoulder of the X-axis Carriage (see the previous page picture).

If the Clamp remains closed, decrease the X Home parameter value or adjust
the Clamp Unload position (X Unload parameter) as shown in Paragraph 51.

Click the Write button and then the Restore button after
each parameter value changing, to check the new position.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 46.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 264/346

Paragraph 48 – Reverse Clamp Load Position adjustment

Paragraph 48 – Reverse Clamp Load Position

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module as shown in
Paragraph 41; then adjust the Clamp Home position as shown in Paragraph 47.
Insert manually a plastic card in the module before the Embosser and move the
card under the Carriage Input Roller.

In the MM Test program click the Left Arrow button to display the Carriage.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 265/346

Paragraph 48 – Reverse Clamp Load Position adjustment

Click the Start Test button in the Motors area to load the card in the module.

After loading the card, click the Stop Test button in the Motors area.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 266/346

Paragraph 48 – Reverse Clamp Load Position adjustment

Check that the card is moved inside the Carriage by the Input Outer Roller,
otherwise adjust the Roller position as shown in Paragraph 16.

In the MM Test program click the Right Arrow button to display the Embosser.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 267/346

Paragraph 48 – Reverse Clamp Load Position adjustment

If the plastic card hits the Clamp, decrease the Y Load parameter value.

Once the card has been loaded, press the Embosser Red key on the Keys Board
to pause the module.

In the MM Test program click the Load button .

Press one time the Embosser Green key on the Keys Board to get the Drum
Home position.
Press a second time the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp in its Y Load
Press a third time the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp in its X Load

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 268/346

Paragraph 48 – Reverse Clamp Load Position adjustment

Check that the Clamp is closed with the card loaded.

Check that there is space between the Clamp stop pin and the Clamp Lever.
Check that there is space between the Clamp Base and the Input Plane.
Open manually the Clamp and move the plastic card in order to check that there
isn’t any side play and that the card has a little friction.

If there are side play on the card, increase the Y Load parameter value related
to the Y-Home Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 269/346

Paragraph 48 – Reverse Clamp Load Position adjustment

If there isn’t any space between the Clamp stop pin and the Clamp Lever or if
the Clamp hits the stop pin, decrease the X Load parameter value related to the
X-Home Sensor.

Click the Write button after each parameter value changing.

To check again the Clamp Load position, press the Red key on the Keys Board
to remove the Embosser pause status and click the Restore button in the MM
Test program to get the Clamp Home position; then insert manually a plastic
card in the module before the Embosser repeat the procedure.

During the testing modality, an error message related to the module lost
communication could be displayed pressing the Green Key.

Click OK on the message, press the Red key to remove the pause status and
click the Connect button to connect again the embosser module.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 46.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 270/346

Paragraph 49 – Reverse Clamp Entry Position adjustment

Paragraph 49 – Reverse Clamp Entry Position

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module as shown in
Paragraph 41; then adjust the Clamp Home and Load position as shown in
Paragraphs 47 and 48.
Press the Embosser Red key on the Keys Board to pause the module.

In the MM Test program click the Load button .

Press five times the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp X Entry position; then
press a sixth time the Green key to get the Clamp Y Entry position.

The Clamp has to be closed with the plastic card moved in front of the Drum and
not inside.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 271/346

Paragraph 49 – Reverse Clamp Entry Position adjustment

If the card is not in front of the Drum, adjust the X entry parameter value.

If the card is inside the Drum, decrease the Y entry parameter value.

Click the Write button after each parameter value changing.

To check again the Clamp Entry position, press the Red key on the Keys Board
to remove the Embosser pause status and click the Restore button in the MM
Test program, then repeat the procedure.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 46.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 272/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Paragraph 50 –Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position

Switch off the machine and rotate manually the Punch Motor Disk to push the
punches with the Hammers, then move the Clamp against the Drum and check
that the Clamp doesn’t hit the punches.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 273/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

If the Clamp hits the punches, adjust backward the Clamp Stopper position.

Loose the Clamp Stopper fixing screw and move backward the Stopper until the
Clamp doesn’t hit the punches; then tighten the Stopper fixing screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 274/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Switch on the machine, run the MM Test program and select the Embosser
module as shown in Paragraph 41.
Click the Save button in the Module Test area to create an mpf file with the
current emboss fields.

Choose the file folder and name (suggested name Card Test 5.mpf), then click
the Save button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 275/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Select each emboss fields in the Module Test area and click the Delete button.

Click the Add button to display the Edit Emboss Filed window.

Select the Standard Gothic option in the Font combo box, then set the following
X: 60 Y:110 CPI: 100 Text: L for the first format;
X: 780 Y:500 CPI: 100 Text: L for the second format;
X: 60 Y:500 CPI: 100 Text: L for the third format;
X: 780 Y:110 CPI: 100 Text: L for the fourth format;
click the Confirm button for each format.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 276/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Save button in the Module Test area to create an mpf file with the
created emboss fields.

Choose the file folder and name (suggested name Card Test 1.mpf), then click
the Save button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 277/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Restore button .

Insert manually a plastic card in the module before the Embosser and move the
card under the Carriage Input Roller.

In the MM Test program click the Left Arrow button to display the Carriage.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 278/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Start Test button in the Motors area to load the card in the module.

After loading the card, click the Stop Test button in the Motors area.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 279/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Check that the card is moved inside the Carriage by the Input Outer Roller,
otherwise adjust the Roller position as shown in Paragraph 16.

In the MM Test program click the Right Arrow button to display the Embosser.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 280/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Load button in the Module Test area.

Select the Card Test 1.mpf and click the Open button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 281/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

In the MM Test program click the Load button .

The plastic card is moved in front of the Drum.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 282/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Emboss button in the Module Test area.

The card is embossed with the Module Test specifications.

Note: Card Test 1 could be performed also with the MM_Main program.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 283/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

The embossed card is finally moved in the unload position.

Check the embossed character positions on the plastic card.

The distance between the two upper L and the upper edge of the card has to be
the same (about 11 mm).

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 284/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

The distance between the two L on the left and the left edge of the card has to
be the same (about 6 mm).

11 ± 0.1 11 ± 0.1
mm mm

mm 78 ± 0.1

78 ± 0.1
6± mm
50 ± 0.1 50 ± 0.1
mm mm

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 285/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

If the two upper L are not at the same distance from the upper card edge or if
the two L on the left are not at the same distance from the left card edge, loosen
one of the two Y-axis Guide fixing screws and rotate a bit the Guide to get the
correct parallelism between the four L and the related card edges.
Rotate clockwise the Guide if the distance of the upper left L is more than the
distance of the upper right L from the upper card edge, otherwise rotate counter-
clockwise the Guide if the distance of the upper left L is less than the distance
of the upper right L from the upper card edge.
When the needed parallelism is obtained, tighten the Y-axis Guide fixing screw.

If the distance between the two upper L and the upper edge of the card is more
than 11 ±0.1 mm, decrease the Y Start Emboss parameter value related to the
Y-Home Sensor; otherwise if the distance is more than 11 ±0.1 mm increase
the Y Start Emboss value.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 286/346

Paragraph 50 – Reverse Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

If the distance the two L on the left and the left edge of the card is more than 6
±0.1 mm, decrease the X Start Emboss parameter value related to the X-Home
Sensor; otherwise if the distance is more than 6 ±0.1 mm, increase the X Start
Emboss value.

Open and emboss the Card Test 1.mpf file following the same procedure shown
for the Card Test 5.mpf file in order to test the characters alignment.

the Card Test 1 could be performed also with the MM_Main program.

If the characters alignment is correct after performing the Card Test 1, perform
few times the Card Test 5 in the MM_Main program and check that the module
works correctly with any Y-Motor error displayed; otherwise check the Y Start
Emboss parameter value.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 46.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 287/346

Paragraph 51 – Reverse Clamp Unload Position adjustment

Paragraph 51 – Reverse Clamp Unload Position

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module as shown in
Paragraph 41. Click the Restore command.

Press the Embosser Red key on the Keys Board.

Click again the Restore button .

Press four times the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp in its Y Unload
Press a fifth time the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp in its X Unload

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 288/346

Paragraph 51 – Reverse Clamp Unload Position adjustment

Check manually that the Clamp Opening Lever moves freely to get the Clamp
completely open.
Check that pushing down the Clamp Lever there is space between the related
Cam and Bearing.
Check that there is space, about 7/8 mm, between the Clamp Base and the
Tipper Input Plane (or the next Carriage Plane).

Increase the X Unload parameter value to get the Clamp more open.
Decrease the X Unload parameter value to have more space, about 7/8 mm,
between the Clamp Base and the Tipper Input Plane (or the next Carriage Plane).

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 289/346

Paragraph 51 – Reverse Clamp Unload Position adjustment

Insert a plastic card inside the Clamp and move it on the Tipper Input Plane.
The card has to be in the middle of the Plane leaving space on both its sides.

Decrease the Y Unload parameter value if the Clamp is too much inside the
Embosser and the card can’t be moved manually in the Tipper Input plane.
Increase the Y Unload parameter value if the Clamp is too much outside the
Embosser and the card can’t be moved manually in the Tipper Input plane.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 290/346

Paragraph 51 – Reverse Clamp Unload Position adjustment

When the card is aligned to the Tipper Input Plane, press the Embosser Red key
on the Keys Board.

To check that all the Clamp positions are correct perform the following procedure
shown in Paragraph 50:
• click the Restore button in the MM Test program;
• insert manually a plastic card in the module before the Embosser;
• click the left arrow in the MM Test program to display the Carriage module;
• click the Start Test button in the Motors area to load the card;
• click the Stop Test button;
• click the right arrow to display the Embosser module;
• open the Card Test 5.mpf file;
• click the Load button;
• click the Emboss button in the Module Test area.

Repeat this procedure several times to check that the module works correctly.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 46.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 291/346

Paragraph 52 – Reverse Clamp Drum Layout changing

Paragraph 52 – Reverse Clamp Drum Layout changing

Switch on the machine and run the MM Config program.

Click the Read From Machine button

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 292/346

Paragraph 52 – Reverse Clamp Drum Layout changing

Click the Change User button.

Insert the tech2 password and click the Change User button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 293/346

Paragraph 52 – Reverse Clamp Drum Layout changing

Select the desired Embosser module and click the Drum Layout button.

To insert a new character in an empty slot, select the space where to set the
desired character and digit in the Edit Character Value box the related character
value; then click the Update button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 294/346

Paragraph 52 – Reverse Clamp Drum Layout changing

Click the Ok button.

To change the position of a character, select the character to move and press
CTRL+C on the keyboard; then select the place where the character has to be
moved and press CTRL+C on the keyboard.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 295/346

Paragraph 52 – Reverse Clamp Drum Layout changing

Select the original place of the moved character and click the Remove button.

Click the Empty button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 296/346

Paragraph 52 – Reverse Clamp Drum Layout changing

Click the Ok button.

Click the Write to Machine button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 297/346

Paragraph 52 – Reverse Clamp Drum Layout changing

Click the Save File button.

Select the mpm file already saved in the Maticard Pro MP_Files directory and
click the Save button to replace the existing machine configuration file.

To test the whole drum layout, perform the Card Test 3 in the MM_Main program.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 298/346

Paragraph 53 – Soft Clamp Adjustments overview

Paragraph 53 – Soft Clamp Adjustments overview

The MM Test program must be used to perform the Embosser adjustments.
The Drum and Clamp parameters are related to the Embosser MS module in the
MM Test program, while the Card Input Plane parameters are related to the
Carriage V1 module in the MM Test program.
Each parameters values unit represents 0.18 mm or 1/140 inch for the X-axis
and 0.127 mm or 1/200 inch for the Y-axis.

Embosser module

Embosser module

Carriage module

The position of each sensor related to the parameters values is shown below.




Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 299/346

Paragraph 53 – Soft Clamp Adjustments overview

The parameters related to the Soft Clamp positions cycle are shown below.
Refer to the following paragraphs to adjust each Drum and Soft Clamp


Parameters: Y HOME / X HOME = X LOAD
Clamp Status: OPENED
Waiting for the card

Related Sensors: X-Y HOME

Parameters: Y LOAD / X LOAD
Clamp Status: CLOSED
Loading the card

Related Sensors: X-Y HOME / CARD IN

Parameters: X ENTRY / Y ENTRY
Clamp Status: CLOSED
Moving the card in front of the Drum
Related Sensors: X-Y HOME


Clamp Status: CLOSED
Moving the card in the FIRST character position

Related Sensors: X-Y HOME

Parameters: Y UNLOAD / X UNLOAD
Clamp Status: OPENED
Ejecting the card to the next module

Related Sensors: X END / Y HOME / CARD OUT


Y UNLOAD 2 = Y UNLOAD – 20 steps

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 300/346

Paragraph 53 – Soft Clamp Adjustments overview

S7000 and S6000 S5000
X HOME =195 steps (F) X HOME =195 steps (F)
Y HOME = 7-8 steps (R) Y HOME = 5-9 steps (R)
X LOAD = 195 steps (F) X LOAD = 195 steps (F)
Y LOAD = 100-120 steps (R) Y LOAD = 105-125 steps (R)
X ENTRY = 600 steps (F) X ENTRY = 580 steps (F)
Y ENTRY = 200-202 steps (R) Y ENTRY = 160 steps (F)
X START = 650-700 steps (R) X START = 165-200 steps (R)
Y START = 190-220 steps (R) Y START = 185-205 steps (R)
X UNLOAD = 230 steps (F) X UNLOAD = 240 steps (F)
Y UNLOAD = 100-130 steps (R) Y UNLOAD = 110-120 steps (R)

F = fixed value
R = range of values

The two carriage cams must be adjusted as described below in order to work
correctly with the parameters above.

The distance between the left cam and the carriage upper shaft must be from
9.2 to 9.5 mm, and the right cam must be from 2.2 to 2.5 mm.


If the distances are not included in these value range, adjust their position with
the nuts on the shoulders.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 301/346

Paragraph 54 – Soft Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

Paragraph 54 – Soft Clamp Drum Home position

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module. Click the Restore
command to move the Drum in home position.

Check that the Upper Hammer matches the Drum first punch.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 302/346

Paragraph 54 – Soft Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

If the Hammer is far more than one character from the first punch, rotate the
drum to match the Hammer with the first punch and loosen the fixing grub screw
of the Drum Home Sensor Flag.

Move the Flag until its middle slot is inside the Drum Home Sensor; then be
absolutely sure to keep the Flag upward and tighten its fixing grub screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 303/346

Paragraph 54 – Soft Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

If the Hammer is slightly shifted from the Drum first punch, click the Parameters
tab in the MM Test program.

Change the Drum Home parameter value.

If the Hammer is on the right of the punch, increase the Drum Home value.
If the Hammer is on the left of the punch, decrease the Drum Home value.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 304/346

Paragraph 54 – Soft Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

Click the Write button to store the new value directly on the Embosser Board
and then click on the Restore button to check the new Drum Home position.
Note: the first character physically mounted on the Drum matches with the first
one of the Drum Layout shown by the MM Config program.

Push down the Hammer and check that it hits the middle of the first punch.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 305/346

Paragraph 54 – Soft Clamp Drum Home position adjustment

To update the mpm Machine configuration file on the Embedded PC and its copy
inside the MP_Files directory on the User PC with the new Drum Home parameter
value, first click the Disconnect button.

Click the Disable Passthrough button.

Save the configuration parameters.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 306/346

Paragraph 55 – Soft Clamp Configuration Parameters saving

Paragraph 55 – Soft Clamp Configuration Parameters

Run the MM Config program.

Check that IP Address of the Embedded PC is and click on the

Read From Machine button.
If occurs a connection error, check that the MM_Main program is open in the
Embedded PC.

Click the Change User button

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 307/346

Paragraph 55 – Soft Clamp Configuration Parameters saving

Digit the tech2 password and click the Change User button.

Select the Emboss MS module from the list in the Modules box.
Digit the new value in the desired parameter.
Click the Write To Machine button to update the mpm Machine configuration file
on the Embedded PC.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 308/346

Paragraph 55 – Soft Clamp Configuration Parameters saving

Click the Save File button.

Choose the C:/MATICA/7000/MP_Files/ on the User PC to overwrite the mpm

Machine configuration file.

Click Yes in the confirmation window.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 309/346

Paragraph 56 – Soft Clamp Home Position adjustment

Paragraph 56 – Soft Clamp Home Position adjustment

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module. Click the Restore

Check that the Clamp is open.

Insert manually a plastic card in the Input Carriage and check that there is a
distance of about 11.2 – 11.4 mm between the card outer edge and the Clamp

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 310/346

Paragraph 56 – Soft Clamp Home Position adjustment

Then check there is a distance of about 15 - 18 mm between the Clamp stop pin
on the Carriage Shoulder and the related Clamp Lever.

15-18 mm

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 311/346

Paragraph 56 – Soft Clamp Home Position adjustment

Change the X Home parameter value to adjust the distance between the card
outer edge and the Clamp Base; increasing the value decreases the distance and
while decreasing the value increases the distance.

Change the Y Home parameter value to adjust the distance between the Clamp
and the Clamp Lever; increasing the value increases the distance and while
decreasing the value decreases the distance.
If the Clamp still closes, adjust the Clamp Locking Pin at a distance of 54 mm
from the Input Shoulder of the X-axis Carriage (see the previous page picture).

If the Clamp remains closed, decrease the X Home parameter value.

Click the Write button and then the Restore button after
each parameter value changing, to check the new position.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 3.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 312/346

Paragraph 57 – Soft Clamp Load Position adjustment

Paragraph 57 – Soft Clamp Load Position adjustment

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module; then adjust the
Clamp Home position as shown in Paragraph 4.
Insert manually a plastic card in the module before the Embosser and move the
card under the Carriage Input Roller.

In the MM Test program click the Left Arrow button to display the Carriage.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 313/346

Paragraph 57 – Soft Clamp Load Position adjustment

Click the Start Test button in the Motors area to load the card in the module.

After loading the card, click the Stop Test button in the Motors area.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 314/346

Paragraph 57 – Soft Clamp Load Position adjustment

Check that the card is moved inside the Carriage by the Input Outer Roller,
otherwise adjust the Roller position as shown in Embosser Service Manual.

In the MM Test program click the Right Arrow button to display the Embosser.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 315/346

Paragraph 57 – Soft Clamp Load Position adjustment

Once the card has been loaded, press the Embosser Red key on the Keys Board
to pause the module.

In the MM Test program click the Load button .

Press one time the Embosser Green key on the Keys Board to get the Drum
Home position.
Press a second time the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp in its Y Load
Press a third time the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp in its X Load

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 316/346

Paragraph 57 – Soft Clamp Load Position adjustment

Check that the Clamp is closed with the card loaded.

Check that there is space between the Clamp stop pin and the Clamp Lever.
Check that there is space between the Clamp Base and the Input Plane.
Open manually the Clamp and move the plastic card in order to check that there
isn’t any side play and that the card has a little friction.

If there are side play on the card, increase the Y Load parameter value related
to the Y-Home Sensor.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 317/346

Paragraph 57 – Soft Clamp Load Position adjustment

If the Clamp doesn’t touch the card, decrease the X Load parameter value
related to the X-Home Sensor.

Click the Write button after each parameter value changing.

To check again the Clamp Load position, press the Red key on the Keys Board
to remove the Embosser pause status and click the Restore button in the MM
Test program to get the Clamp Home position; then insert manually a plastic
card in the module before the Embosser repeat the procedure.

During the testing modality, an error message related to the module lost
communication could be displayed pressing the Green Key.

Click OK on the message, press the Red key to remove the pause status and
click the Connect button to connect again the embosser module.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 3.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 318/346

Paragraph 58 – Soft Clamp Entry Position adjustment

Paragraph 58 – Soft Clamp Entry Position adjustment

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module; then adjust the
Clamp Home and Load position as shown in Paragraphs 4 and 5.
Press the Embosser Red key on the Keys Board to pause the module.

In the MM Test program click the Load button .

Press five times the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp X Entry position; then
press a sixth time the Green key to get the Clamp Y Entry position.

The Clamp has to be closed with the plastic card moved in front of the Drum and
not inside.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 319/346

Paragraph 58 – Soft Clamp Entry Position adjustment

If the card is not in front of the Drum, adjust the X entry parameter value.

If the card is inside the Drum, decrease the Y entry parameter value.

Click the Write button after each parameter value changing.

To check again the Clamp Entry position, press the Red key on the Keys Board
to remove the Embosser pause status and click the Restore button in the MM
Test program, then repeat the procedure.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 3.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 320/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position

Switch off the machine and rotate manually the Punch Motor Disk to push the
punches with the Hammers, then move the Clamp against the Drum and check
that the Clamp doesn’t hit the punches.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 321/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

If the Clamp hits the punches, adjust backward the Clamp Stopper position.

Loose the Clamp Stopper fixing screw and move backward the Stopper until the
Clamp doesn’t hit the punches; then tighten the Stopper fixing screw.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 322/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Switch on the machine, run the MM Test program and select the Embosser
Click the Save button in the Module Test area to create an mpf file with the
current emboss fields.

Choose the file folder and name (suggested name Card Test 5.mpf), then click
the Save button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 323/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Select each emboss fields in the Module Test area and click the Delete button.

Click the Add button to display the Edit Emboss Filed window.

Select the Standard Gothic option in the Font combo box, then set the following
X: 60 Y:110 CPI: 100 Text: L for the first format;
X: 780 Y:500 CPI: 100 Text: L for the second format;
X: 60 Y:500 CPI: 100 Text: L for the third format;
X: 780 Y:110 CPI: 100 Text: L for the fourth format;
click the Confirm button for each format.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 324/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Save button in the Module Test area to create an mpf file with the
created emboss fields.

Choose the file folder and name (suggested name Card Test 1.mpf), then click
the Save button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 325/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Restore button .

Insert manually a plastic card in the module before the Embosser and move the
card under the Carriage Input Roller.

In the MM Test program click the Left Arrow button to display the Carriage.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 326/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Start Test button in the Motors area to load the card in the module.

After loading the card, click the Stop Test button in the Motors area.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 327/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Check that the card is moved inside the Carriage by the Input Outer Roller,
otherwise adjust the Roller position as in the Embosser Service Manual.

In the MM Test program click the Right Arrow button to display the Embosser.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 328/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Load button in the Module Test area.

Select the Card Test 1.mpf and click the Open button.

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Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

In the MM Test program click the Load button .

The plastic card is moved in front of the Drum.

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Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

Click the Emboss button in the Module Test area.

The card is embossed with the Module Test specifications.

Note: Card Test 1 could be performed also with the MM_Main program.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 331/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

The embossed card is finally moved in the unload position.

Check the embossed character positions on the plastic card.

The distance between the two upper L and the upper edge of the card has to be
the same (about 11 mm).

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 332/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

The distance between the two L on the left and the left edge of the card has to
be the same (about 6 mm).

11 ± 0.1 11 ± 0.1
mm mm

mm 78 ± 0.1

78 ± 0.1
6± mm
50 ± 0.1 50 ± 0.1
mm mm

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 333/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

If the two upper L are not at the same distance from the upper card edge or if
the two L on the left are not at the same distance from the left card edge, loosen
one of the two Y-axis Guide fixing screws and rotate a bit the Guide to get the
correct parallelism between the four L and the related card edges.
Rotate clockwise the Guide if the distance of the upper left L is more than the
distance of the upper right L from the upper card edge, otherwise rotate counter-
clockwise the Guide if the distance of the upper left L is less than the distance
of the upper right L from the upper card edge.
When the needed parallelism is obtained, tighten the Y-axis Guide fixing screw.

If the distance between the two upper L and the upper edge of the card is more
than 11 ±0.1 mm, decrease the Y Start Emboss parameter value related to the
Y-Home Sensor; otherwise if the distance is more than 11 ±0.1 mm increase
the Y Start Emboss value.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 334/346

Paragraph 59 – Soft Clamp Start Emboss Position adjustment

If the distance the two L on the left and the left edge of the card is more than 6
±0.1 mm, decrease the X Start Emboss parameter value related to the X-Home
Sensor; otherwise if the distance is more than 6 ±0.1 mm, increase the X Start
Emboss value.

Open and emboss the Card Test 1.mpf file following the same procedure shown
for the Card Test 5.mpf file in order to test the characters alignment.

the Card Test 1 could be performed also with the MM_Main program.

If the characters alignment is correct after performing the Card Test 1, perform
few times the Card Test 5 in the MM_Main program and check that the module
works correctly with any Y-Motor error displayed; otherwise check the Y Start
Emboss parameter value.

Save the configuration parameters as shown in Paragraph 3.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 335/346

Paragraph 60 – Soft Clamp Unload Position adjustment

Paragraph 60 – Soft Clamp Unload Position

Run the MM Test program and select the Embosser module.
Click the Restore command.

Press the Embosser Red key on the Keys Board.

Click again the Restore button .

Press four times the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp in its Y Unload
Press a fifth time the Embosser Green key to get the Clamp in its X Unload

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 336/346

Paragraph 60 – Soft Clamp Unload Position adjustment

Check that pushing down the Clamp Levers there is space between the related
Cam and Bearing.
Check that there is space, about 8 – 8.2 mm, between the Clamp Base and the
Tipper Input Plane (or the next Carriage Plane).

Increase the X Unload parameter value to get the Clamp more open.
Decrease the X Unload parameter value to have more space.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 337/346

Paragraph 60 – Soft Clamp Unload Position adjustment

Insert a plastic card inside the Clamp and move it on the Tipper Input Plane.
The card has to be in the middle of the Plane leaving space on both its sides.

Decrease the Y Unload parameter value if the Clamp is too much inside the
Embosser and the card can’t be moved manually in the Tipper Input plane.
Increase the Y Unload parameter value if the Clamp is too much outside the
Embosser and the card can’t be moved manually in the Tipper Input plane.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 338/346

Paragraph 60 – Soft Clamp Unload Position adjustment

When the card is aligned to the Tipper Input Plane, press the Embosser Red key
on the Keys Board.

To check that all the Clamp positions are correct perform the following procedure
shown in Paragraph 7:
• click the Restore button in the MM Test program;
• insert manually a plastic card in the module before the Embosser;
• click the left arrow in the MM Test program to display the Carriage module;
• click the Start Test button in the Motors area to load the card;
• click the Stop Test button;
• click the right arrow to display the Embosser module;
• open the Card Test 5.mpf file;
• click the Load button;
• click the Emboss button in the Module Test area.

Repeat this procedure several times to check that the module works correctly.

Save the configuration parameters.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 339/346

Paragraph 61 – Soft Clamp Drum Layout changing

Paragraph 61 – Soft Clamp Drum Layout changing

Switch on the machine and run the MM Config program.

Click the Read From Machine button

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 340/346

Paragraph 61 – Soft Clamp Drum Layout changing

Click the Change User button.

Insert the tech2 password and click the Change User button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 341/346

Paragraph 61 – Soft Clamp Drum Layout changing

Select the desired Embosser module and click the Drum Layout button.

To insert a new character in an empty slot, select the space where to set the
desired character and digit in the Edit Character Value box the related character
value; then click the Update button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 342/346

Paragraph 61 – Soft Clamp Drum Layout changing

Click the Ok button.

To change the position of a character, select the character to move and press
CTRL+C on the keyboard; then select the place where the character has to be
moved and press CTRL+C on the keyboard.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 343/346

Paragraph 61 – Soft Clamp Drum Layout changing

Select the original place of the moved character and click the Remove button.

Click the Empty button.

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Paragraph 61 – Soft Clamp Drum Layout changing

Click the Ok button.

Click the Write to Machine button.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 345/346

Paragraph 61 – Soft Clamp Drum Layout changing

Click the Save File button.

Select the mpm file already saved in the Maticard Pro MP_Files directory and
click the Save button to replace the existing machine configuration file.

To test the whole drum layout, perform the Card Test 3 in the MM_Main program.

Embosser Service Manual Rev. 1.1 Page 346/346

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