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Sir Steve Bullock Mayor of Lewisham Civic Suite Catford London SE6 4RU direct line 020 8314 6193 11/08/2011

Dear Lewisham business Over the last few days we have witnessed some despicable acts of criminal violence on the streets of our borough and our city. Many local businesses have borne the brunt of this violence and will be struggling now to recover in what are already very difficult times. I have recently written to you to pass on advice from the police to help you take precautionary measures to protect your business. If you have any information that may help the police bring to justice the perpetrators of the appalling crimes we have seen please get in touch with the Investigation Team on 020 8345 4142. Local businesses are essential for the wellbeing of our community. The services you provide to your customers and the jobs you provide for your staff are vital and tremendously valued by the Council. I want to be able to do what I can to show that support in meaningful ways, particularly to those businesses who have suffered from this weeks events either directly from violence or looting, or through loss of trade. Making an insurance claim You can get free support, advice or information from the Lewisham Business Advisory Service by calling 020 8297 4428 or emailing The Association of British Insurers has provided some guidance for businesses which have been affected by the rioting, which is available on the website They have emphasised the importance of submitting a claim as soon as possible. Most insurers are operating 24 hour call centres at the moment. Check your insurance policies to see what is covered. It may also be possible to claim under the RDA (Riots Damage Act) even if your business is not insured. Claims under the RDA usually need to be made within seven days but the Government has currently extended the period to 42 days.

National assistance The Governments online resource for business,, has already been updated with practical advice and information on business continuity, risk management, and safety guidance. The business link national helpline number is 0845 600 9006. There has also been an announcement today of a national fund for High Street Support and we will communicate further on this once we have the details about how it is to be allocated. HMRC will delay tax payments for businesses needing help through Time to Pay and will offer other practical support. They have today announced a single Civil Disorder Help Line number 0845 3661207 to provide comprehensive advice. Seriously damaged business properties will be taken off valuation lists, and the Secretary of State for Communities has strongly encouraged the Valuation Office Agency to do so as promptly as possible. This could remove liability for council tax or business rates. Lewishams Business Recovery Grant The Council has set aside a local one-off fund of 125,000 to support Lewisham's business community through this very challenging period. This money will be made available to support independent businesses with priority given to independent small businesses whose premises have been damaged as a result of the recent disturbances. There is no automatic entitlement to a grant and all applications will be subject to individual assessment. Please contact the Business Recovery Grant Advice Line on 020 8314 7073. Business rates I am also conscious that for many of you cash flow is a real challenge, particularly when revenues are interrupted by extraordinary events. I have asked our Business Rates Team to consider adjusting instalment plans if this helps you manage your cash flows. I have also asked them to consider adjusting the charge if the property has been damaged or emptied by rioters. Furthermore, the Council will implement as a
priority any extra assistance policies the government decides to do introduce in the coming days and weeks to help local businesses with their rates. Please contact the Business

Rates Team on 020 8314 6150 for further information. It is important in these times that we all stand together. I am proud of the strong and supportive communities we have in this borough and I am heartened to see how people have been responding individually and in their neighbourhoods to these events. I hope that the measures I have set out will offer you some help and encouragement for you to continue your business and to provide services to the local community into the future. Yours sincerely

Sir Steve Bullock Mayor of Lewisham

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