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POW TSXMil< MALAYSIA BAHAGIAN PEPERIKSAAN DAN PENILAIAN JABATAN PENDIDIKAN POLITEKNIK DAN KOLEJ KOMUNITI KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI JABATAN PERDAGANGAN PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR SESIM : 2021 / 2022 DPA50163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 TARIKH =: 8 JULAI 2022 (SUMAAT) MASA + 8.30 AM — 10.30 AM (2 JAM) Kertas ini mengandungi DUA PULUH SATU (21) halaman bercetak. Struktur (4 soalan) Dokumen sokongan yang disertakan : Jadual Cukai JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIARAHKAN, (CLO yang tertera hanya sebagai rujukan) CLO! SULIT DPAS0163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 INSTRUCTION: This section consists of FOUR (4) structured questions. Answers ALL questions, ARAHAN : Soalan ini mengandungi EMPAT (4) soalan struktur. Jawab SEMUA soalan, QUESTION 1 (@ Gi) Define partnership. [2 marks] Gi) Alif, Alam and Amin formed a partnership known as Yaasin Ventures on 1 October 2017.-Presented below-is the Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year led 31 December 2021. The partnership agreement consists of the following Sinformation : ~~~ Partners | Monthly | Profit (Loss) | Capital Interest on Salary(RM) | Sharing Contribution | Capital (%) Ratio RM) 1,500 | Proportion on 15,000 5 2,000 capital 20,000 3 2,500 contribution 25,000 5 accifnmulated capital and profits, Afia was ted 10 join the parnerstip and contributed a sum of money as capital. 2 suLiT SULIT DPASO163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 The partnership agreement has been changed as follows Partners] Monthly | Profit (Loss) Capital | Interest Salary Sharing Ratio | Contribution | on Capital (RM) (RM) (%) | | Alf | 2,000 |” Proportionon | 20,000 +[ 6 | ‘Alam 2,000 capital 20,000 6 Alia 2,000 contribution 20,000 3 ‘The partnership accounts continue to be closed annually on 31 December. [. ¥aasin Ventures Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 December 2021 Notes | RM RM Sales 549,560 Cost of Goods Sol Opening Stock 35,644 Add: Purchases 325,450 Less: Closing Stock (36,550) 544) Gross Profit 225,016 Less: | Operating Expenses Salary 1 110,000 Utilities 2 18,240 Repair & Maintenance a 10,320 Donations 5,000 ‘Transportation 4 6,550 Advertising 3,200 Miscellaneous on |. 2340 " Depreciation’, Cs) 15,000 Intérest oii Capital a 3,300 173,950) 51,066 Add: | Other Income Rental 21,000 Net Profit 2.066 3 SULIT cLo1 3 cLo1 cor) cLol cL cLol C3 SULIT DPASO1G3: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 Notes to the accounts : 1, Salary consists of salary paid to each partner and salary of employees. The partnership hired one disable worker who is paid RM1,000 per month. 2. The utility bills are inclusive of the bill for Alif and Alam’s house amounted to RM750 and RM335 respectively. 3. Repair and maintenance include repair expenses for Amin's car of RM2,100. 4, Included in the transportation expenses were the cost of purchasing flight ticket +, for fia fer personal purposes amounted RM1,500. ‘Ec Capital Allowance RMS, 000 for the year assessment 2021. Requiveds__ Peer Compute the divisible income of the partnership for the year of assessment 2021, [11 marks) (iii) From question ii, find the divisible income for Alif, Alam, Amin and Afia. [2 marks] (6) (i) List FOUR @) types of industrial building under Paragraph 63, Sch 3, ITA 1967 and TREREE (3) types of non-industrial building. (7 marks} (ii) Legasi Sdn. Bhd incurred the following expenditure to construct a factory: a. | Cost ofiand/site RM260,000 b. | Legal Fees and stamp duty relates to the acquisition of land RM7,000 c. | Architect's fee and plan RM36,000 4. | Cost of demolished old factory ** RM70,000 «. | Construction cost (material, labour and overieads) RM2,000,000 £ | Road and car park within the factory complex RM60,000 | g.| Wiring and plumbing RM70,000 h. | Cost of Machine RM50,000 i. | Cost of preparing to install machine RM150,000 °F The new factory is situated precisely on the same site of old factory. Calculate the Qualifying Building Expenditure (QBE) for the factory constructed by Legasi Sdn, Bhd [8 marks] 4 SULIT cLoOL cL SULIT SOALAN 1 (@ @W Definisi perkongsian, DPASOI63: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 [2 markahy Gi) Alif, Alam dan Amin membentuk perkongsian dikenali sebagai Yasin Ventures pada 1 Oktober 2017. Di bawah ini dibentangkan Penyata Pendapatan Komprehensif bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2021. Perjanjian perkongsian terdiri daripada maklumat berikut: Pekongsi| Gaji_ | Nisbah Untung ‘Modal Faedah Bulanan Rugi Disumbanghan | Atas Modal (RM) (RM) (%). Alif 7,500 ‘Pembahagian 15,000 ‘Alam 2,000 | mengikut modal 20,000 Amin 2.500 disumbangkan 25,000 modal, Perjanjian perkongsian telah berubah seperti berikut + Pada 1 Julai 2021, Amin memutuskan untuk meninggatkan perkongsian itu dan mengeluarkan semua modal dan keuntungan terkumpulaya, Afia telah dijemput untuk menyertai perkongsian tersebut dan menyumbang sejumlah wang sebagai Pekongsi | Gaji Bulanan | Nisbah Untung | “Modal | Faedah Atas (RM) Rugi Disumbangkan | Modal (%) (RM) Alif 2,000 Pembahagian 20,000 Alan 2,000 mengikut modal | 20,000 Afia 2,000 disumbangkan 20,000 6 suLIT SULIT DPASOIG3: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 Akaun perkongsian ditutup pada 31 Disember setiap tahun. Fac Ventures | Penyata Pendapatan Komprehensif bagi Tahun Berakhir 31 Disember 2021 RM RM Jualan 549,560 j Kos Jualan: | Stok Awal 35,644 | +: Belian 325,450 | (): Stok Akhir (36,550) (324, 544) | Untung Kasar 225,016 Tolak: Belanja Operasi | Gaji r 110,000 Utiliti 2 18,240 Pembaikan & Penyelenggaraan 3 10,320 Derma 4 5,000 Pengangkutan 6,550 | Pengiklanan 3,200 Pelbagai | 2.340 Susuinila | 5 15,000 Faedah Atas Modat 3,300 Tambah: | Hasit Sewa 21,000 (eee Untung Bersth : aH 72.066 Nota kepada akaun: 1. Gaji terdiri daripada gajt yang dibayar kepada setiap rakan kongsi dan gaji pekerja. Perkongsian itu mengupah seorang pekerja kurang upaya yang dibayar RMI,000 sebulan, 2. Bil wtilitt adalah termasuk bil rumah Alif dan Alam masing-masing berjumlah RM750 dan RM335, 3. Pembaikan dan penyelenggaraan termasuk perbelanjaan pembaikan kereta Amin sebanyak RM2, 100. 6 suLIT cLO1 C3 cLO1 C4 col cl col C3 SULIT DPAS0163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 4. Termasuk dalam perbelanjaan pengangkutan adalah kos pembelian tiket penerbangan untuk Afia untuk tujuan peribadi berjumlah RMI, 500. 5, Elaun Modal RM15,000 watuk tahun taksiran 2021 Dikehendaki: Kira pendapatan boleh bahagi perkongsian untuk tahun taksivan 2021. [1 markah] (ii) Daripada soalan ii, cari pendapatan boleh bahagi untuk Alif, Amin, Alam dan Afi [2 markah] (6) (i) Senaraikan EMPAT (4) jenis bangunan industri di bawah Perenggan 63, Jadual 3.ACP 1967 dan TIGA (3) jenis bagunan bukan industri [7 markah] (ii) Legasi Sdn. Bhd telah melakukan perbelanjaan berikut untuk membina sebuah kilang: Kos tanah/tapak RM260,000 ‘b. Yuran Guaman dan duti setem berkaitan dengan pengambilan tanah RM7,000 ©. | Bayaran arkitek dan pelan RM36,000 d.| Kos kilang lama yang dirobohkan ** RM70,000 | Kos pembinaan (bahan, buruh dan overied) RM2,000,000 Jalan dan tempat letak kereta dalam kompleks kilang RM60,000 Pendawaian dan paip RM70,000 Kos Mesin RMS50,000 Kos penyediaan tapak untuk meletak mesin RM150,000 * Kilang baru terletak di tapak kilang lama yang sama, Kira Perbelanjaan Bangunan Layak (PBL) bagi kilang yang dibina oleh Legasi Sdn. Bhd. [8 markah] 7 SULI cLo1 cz SULIT @ @ QUESTION 2 DPASO163; MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 ‘Match the expenditure below whether it is capital expenditure or revenue expenditure, Expenditure Revenue Capital Expediture | Expenditure ‘An expenditure incurred to discharge @ revenue liability It is shown in the statement of financial position (SOFP) Tis increases the earning capacity of the business Modification of factory and business premises The cost of installation of machines that are included in the repairs and maintenance accounts, [5 marks] (ii) Aina Sdn. Bhd, has been in the business of manufacturing tiles since 2000. The paid-up capital for the company is RM2.3 million. For the year ended 31 December 2021, its statement of comprehensive income was as follows: Sales Less: Cost of sales Add: Other income Gross Profit Less: Operating expenditure Salary Professionals fees 1 RM 22,000,000 (16,868,000) 3,132,000 | 2,750,000 300,000 SULIT SULIT DPASOI63: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 Donations 5 235,000 Bad and doubtful debts 6 50,000 Administrative expenses 24,000 Profit before taxation ~~ 1,843,000 | Notes: 1. Cost of sales including: i. Depreciation of factory plant, machinery and vehicles amounted to RMS5,500, ii, Export credit insurance premiums paid to local insurance company, RM70,000 Other income comprises: Interest charged on trade debtors for late payment of account worth RMS30,000. ii, Rental of warehouse worth RM40,000, 3. Salary including: i, Entertainment allowance for staff worth RM60,000 ii, Wages for securities in warehouse amounted RM 20,000 4, Professional fees: i, Legal fees on recovery trade debts worth RM250,000. ii, Stamp duty on the increase in authorised share capital worth RMS0,000 iii, Legal fees for acquired working capital RM3,000 Donation comprises: i, Cash donation ofRM30,000 for the public library. ii, Cash donation of RM30,000 for the state government. iti, Cash donation for Hari Sukan Komuniti RM20,000 iv, RM175,000 was made to en approved institution, 9 SULIT cLol C3 suLIT DPASOI63: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 6. Bad and doubtful debis accounts in respect of trading debts are made up of the following ‘movements during the year: i, Bad debt written off RM10,000 ii, General bad debts provision RM20,000 iit. Specific debts provision RM20,000 Additional information: Capital allowances for the year assessment 2021 were RM 100,000. You are required to: ‘Compute the company tax payable for Aina Sdn. Bhd. for the Year of Assesment 2021 [20 marks) 10 SULIT cLOL c2 SULIT @ Ww SOALAN 2 DPASOI63: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 Padankan perbelanjaan di bawah sama ada perbelanjaan modal atau perbelanjaan hasil. Belanja Perbelanjaan Modal Perbelanjaan Hasil Perbelanjaan yang dilakukan untuk memunaikan liabiliti hasil Ta ditunjukkan kedudukan kewangan dalam penyata Ta meningkatkan kapasiti pendapatan perniagaan Pengubahs perniagaan lang dan premix ‘Kos pemasangan mesin yang termasuk dalam —akaun —pembaikan dan penyelenggaraan [3 markah] (ii) Aina Sdn. Bhd, telah menjalankan perniogaan pembuatan jubin sefak tahun 2000, Modal berbayar sparikat itu ialah RM2.3 juta, Bagi tal berakhir 31 Disember 2021, penyata pendapatan komprehensif adalah seperti berikut: Nota aM Jualan 22,000,000 Tolak: Kos jualan 1 (16,868,000) “5,132,000 | Tambah: Pendapatan lain 2 90,000 Pendapatan Kasar “5,222,000 | Tolak: Perbelanjaan mengurus Gaji 2,750,000 Yuran profesional 300,000 Derma 255,000 a SULIT SULIT DPAS0163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 “Hutang lapuk dan ragu 6 ~~ $0,000 Perbelanjaan pentadbiran 24,000 Keuntungan sebelum cukat Nota: 1. Kos jualan termasuk: 4, Susut nilai laji Kilang, jentera dan kenderaan berjumlah RM85,500, ii, Premium insurans kredit eksport yang dibayar kepada syarikat insurans tempatan, RM70,000 2, Pendapatan lain terdiri daripada: i. Faedah yang dikenakan ke atas penghutang perdagangan untuk pembayaran lewat akaun bernilai RM50,000. ii, Sewa gudang bernilai RI0,000, 3. Gaji termasuk: i. Blaun keraian kakitangan bernilai RM60,000 fi, Upah bagi sekuriti di gudang berjumlah RM 20,000 4, Yuran profesional i. Yuran guaman ke atas hutang perdagangan pemulihan bernilai RM250,000, ii, Duti setem ke atas pertambahan modal saham dibenarkan bernilai RMS0,000 iii, Yuran guaman untuk modal kerja yang diperolehi RM3,000 5, Sumbangan terdiri daripada: i. Sumbangan wang tunai RM30,000 untuk perpustakaan awam. 4i, Sumbangan wang tunai RM30,000 untuk kerajaan negeri iii, Sumbangan tunai untuk Hari Sukan Komuniti RM20,000 iv, RMI75,000 telah dibuat kepada institusi yang diluluskan. 2 SULIT cLo1 C3 suuir DPASO1G3: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 6. Akaun hutang lapuk dan ragu berhubung dengan hutang dagangan terdiri daripada pergerakan berikut pada tahun ini i. Hutang lapuk dihapuskira RM10,000 ii, Peruntukan hutang lapuk am RM20,000 iii, Peruntukam hutang Khusus RM20,000 Maklumat tambahan: Elaun modal bagi tahun taksivan 2021 ialah RM 100,000, Anda dikehendakis Kira eukat syarikat yang perlu dibayar untuk Aina Sdn, Bhd. untuk Tahun Taksiran 2021, [20 markah] 1B SULIT CLO cl CLOI C2 cLo1 C4 cLol cl cLOL a cLol C3 suLIT DPASOI63: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 QUESTION 3 (@) @_List TWO (2) incentives under Promotion of an Investment Act 1986 [4 marks] i) Discuss about indirect incentives and direct incentives. [4 marks] (ii) Janji Sdn, Bhd. qualifies for Reinvestment Allowance, The company incurred qualifying capital expenditure of RM120,000, Statutory Income is RM200,000. Determine the chargeable income for Janji Sdn. Bhd, for the year of assessment 2021. (4 marks] (0) G@__ Define the meaning of real property according to Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT) Act 1976. [2 marks] (ii) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer : Disposal Price > Acquisition Price = Disposal Price < Acquisition Price = : : [2 marks} (iii) Jay purchased a commercial property in Bertam Perdana and signed a Sale Purchase Agreement on 1 May 2017. However, on 1 February 2021, he had to move to Kuala Lumpur and sold his commereiel property to Lee on 1 April 2021 Compute the holding period and determine the RPGT rate if he is a resident, [4 marks] 4 SULIT cLoi cl cLO1 cz clot cLo1 cl cLol cLol C3 SULIT DPASO163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 SOALAN 3 @ WO (i) (iti) ) (i) (iti) Senaraikan DUA (2) insentif di bawah Akta Penggalakan Pelaburan 1986, [4 markah] Bincangkan tentang insentif tidak langsung dan insentif langsung H4 markah} Janji Sdn. Bhd. layak mendapat Elaun Pelaburan Semula, Syarikat itu menanggung perbelanjaan modal yang layak sebanyak RM120,000. Pendapatan berkanun RM200,000. Tentukam pendapatan bercukai bagi Janjt Sdn. Bhd. bagi tahun taksiran 2021. [4 markahy Takrifkan maksud harta tanah mengikut Akia Cukai Keuntungan Hartanah (CKHT) 1976. 2 markah] Isi tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul : ‘Harga Pelupusan > Harga Perolehan = Harga Pelupusan < Harga Perolehan = 22 markah] Jay membeli bagunan komersial di Bertam Perdana dan menandatangani Perjanjian Jual Beli pada I Mei 2017. Bagaimanapun, pada 1 Febuari 2021, dia terpaksa berpindah ke Kuala Lumpur dan menjual bagunan komersial itu kepada Lee pada 1 April 2021. Kira tempoh pegangan dan kadar Cukai Keuntungan Hartanah (CKHT) jika beliau seorang pemastautin. [4 markah] 18 SULIT SULIT DPAS0I63: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 QUESTION 4 cio1 [(@) (List FOUR (4) types of indirect taxes, cl [4 marks] (i) Zenlet Sdn Bhd, a registered manufacturer under the Sales Tax Act (STA) 2018, imported aw materials for the manufacturer of taxable goods in Malaysia. They did not apply certificate of exemption on importation. The purchase price of the raw materials was RM2,700,000; insurance was RMS5,000; freight RM27,000 and import duty at the rate of 25%, Zenlet Sdn Bhd paid sales tax for the above import on 5 February 2021. The sales tax rate applies to the taxable goods was 10%. clot ‘You are required to: ec Fill in the correct answer in the solution table below for the above que Solution table: Purchase price Insurance Freight ‘Add : Import duty @ 25% Taxable Goods ‘Sales Tax Rate Sales Tax Payable [11 marks) 16 suuir cLO1 cl suLIT DPASOI63: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 (b) — @ _ Identify the correct terms (a) and (c) and definition (b) below : Terms Definition eee @ ‘How taxpayers are planning their Gx payable. } feta Heeb eee Avoidance oO Minimize the tax payable iliegally such understated the income, overstated in expenses, not registered the business | entity, not retum the tax form in the allowed period, not keep } tax documents for seven years and not paid the tax. [3 marks} (i) Kim arrived in Malaysia on 1 July 2020 to take up one-year local employment with Relax Sdn, Bhd. His wife accompanied him but his three children (under age of 18) remained behind in Singapore to continue their schooling, Details of his one-year remuneration up to 30 June 2021 are: == = RM Salary 450,000 [Benefit inking ——~—~*«(|-~—=«s19,000—*| 469,000 Kim has made no overseas trip during his period of employment but he has booked flights for a social visit to Singapore on 1 January 2021 with the intention of returning on 15 January 2021 v7 SULIT SULIT DPAS0163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 cot ‘You are required to: C2 Fill in the blank in the table below with the correct answer about Kim resident status. Duration ‘Days Year of Assessment | Resident Status 1/7/2020 — 31/12/2020 Social Visit (15 days) 16/1/2021 — 2021 30/6/2021 [7 marks] 8 sur SULIT DPAS0163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 SOALAN 4 cLOL Cl |@ @ — Senaraikan EMPAT (4) jenis cukai tidak langsung [4 Markah] (ii) Zenlet Sdn Bhd, pengeluar berdaftar di bawah Akta Cukai Juatan 2018, mengimport bahan mentah untuk pengeluar barang bercukai di Malaysia Mereka tidak memohon sijil pengecualian ke atas pengimportan. Harga pembelian bahan mentah itu ialah RM2,700,000; insurans ialah RMSS,000; ‘muatan RM27,000 dan duti import pada kadar 25%. Zenlet Scin Bhd membayar ccukai jualan untuk import di atas pada 5 Febuari 2021 Anda dikehendaki: Isikan jewapan yang betul dalam jadual penyelesaian di bawah untuk soalan di cLo1 2 atas, Jadual penyelesaian: Harga pembelian Tasurans Pengangkutan Tambah : Duti import @ 25% Cukai Jualan Kena Bayar [11 markahy 9 suLIT cLOL cl SULIT (b) DPASO163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 (9 Kenal past istilah yang betul bagi (a) dan (o) dan definisi bg (b) di bawah : ai Terma Definist @ ‘Bagaimana pembayar cukai merancang cukai mereka yang perlu dibayar Pengelakkan @ Cukai oO ‘Minimumkan cukai yang perlu dibayar secara tidak sak seperti pendapatan yang Rurang nyata, perbelanjaan yang berlebihan, tidak mendaftarkan entiti perniagaan, tidak memulangkan borang cukai dalam tempoh yang dibenarkan, tidak menyimpan dokumen cukai selama ‘ujuh tahun dan tidak membayar cukai, 3 markah] Kim tiba di Malaysia pada 1 Julai 2020 untuk mengambil pekerjaan tempatan selama setahun dengan Relax Sin Bhd. Isterinya menemaninya tetapi tiga anaknya (di bawah wmur 18 tahun) tinggal di Singapura untuk meneruskan persekolahan mereka, Butiran imbuhan setahun beliau sehingga 30 Jun 2021 adalah: Rif Galt 450.000 ‘Manfaat 19,000 763,000 Kim tidak membuat perjalanan ke luar negara sepanjang tempoh pekerjaannya tetapi dia telah menempah penerbangan untuk lawatan sosial ke Singapura pada 1 Januari 2021 dengan niat untuk kembali pada 15 Januari 2021. 20 cLOL cz SULIT Anda dikehendaki: DPAS0163: MALAYSIAN TAXATION 2 Isikan tempat kosong dalam jadual di bawah dengan jawapan yang betul tentang status pemastautin Noah a Tempoh Jumlah | Tahun Taksiran | Status Pemastautin Hari 1/7/2020— 31/12/2020 Lawatan Sosial (15 hari) 15/172021 - 2021 30/6/2021 {7 markah] SOALAN TAMAT SULIT LAMPIRAI INCOME TAX RATES KADAR CUKAI PENDAPATAN Resident Individual /Individu Pomastautin Chargeable Income (RM) YA 2021 772021 Pendapatan Bercukai (RM) Tax Rate Tax Kadar Cukai- Citka (9%) @M) ‘5,001 — 20,000 ‘On the first 5,000 Next 15,000 20,001 — 35,000 On the first 20,000 15,000 35,001 — 50,000 On the first 35,000 ‘Next 15,000 On the first $0,000 Next 20,000 ‘On the first 70,000 Next 30,000 On the first 100,000 ‘Next 150,000 On the first 250,000, Next 150,000 400,001 — 600,000 On the first 400,000. Next 200,000 600,001 — 1,000,000 On the first 600.000 Next 400,000, 1,000,000 — On the first 1,000,000 7,000,000 Next 1,000,000 50,001 - 70,000 70,001 — 100,000 100,001 = 250,000 250,001 ~ 400,000 83,450 25 50,000 133,450 Exceeding 2,000,000 CAPITAL ALLOWANCES ELAUN MODAL Initial Allowance ‘Annual Rate (%) Allowance Rate Cr) Plant and machinery — General 20 14 ‘Motor vehicles and heavy machinery 20 20 Office equipment, fimiture end fittings 20 10 PERSONAL RELIEF AND ALLOWANCES (YA 2021) No. | Individual Relief Types eM) T._ | Individual and dependent relatives 9,000 Disabled Person (Further deduction)- Taxpayer (additional) 6,000 2._| Husbend/wife/payment of alimony for former wite 4.500 Disabled husbandwife (additional) 5,000 3.__| Bach unmarried child and under the age of 18 years old 2,000 Each unmarried child of 18 years and above who is receiving fill 2,000 time education ("A-Level”, certificate, matriculation or preparatory courses). ‘Each unmarried child of 18 years and above that: receiving further education in Malaysia in respect of an award of diploma or higher (excluding matriculation’ preparatory courses). receiving further education outside Malaysia in respect of an 8,000 award of degree or its equivalent (including Master or Doctorate). -the instruction and educetional establishment shall be approved by the relevant government authority. Disabled Child 6,000 ‘Additional exemption of RMS,000 disable child age 18 years old 8,000 and above, not matried and pursuing diplomas or above {add) qualification in Malaysia @ bachelor degree or above outside Total Malaysia in program and in Higher Education Tnstitute that is | RM14,000 accredited by related Government authorities 4, | Purchase of breastfeeding equipment for own use for a child aged 1,000 2 years and below (deduction allowed once in every 2 years of assessment) 5. | Child care fees to-a registered child care Centre/kindergarten for al 3,000 child aged 6 years and below 6. | Life insurance and EP INCLUDING not through salary deduction Pensionable public servant category Life insurance premium. OTHER than pensionable public servant category 3,000 . Life insurance premium (Restricted to RM3,000) No, | Individual Relief Types (RM) . ‘Conitibution to BPF / approved scheme 4000 (Restricted to RM,000) 7. | Béucation end medical insurance (INCLUDING not through 3,000 salary deduction) B._ | Education fees (self) (restricted to) Other than a degree at masters or doctorate level - Course of study) in Jaw, accounting, Islamic financing, technical, vocational, 7,000 industrial, scientific or technology (restricted) Degree at masters or doctorate level - Any course of stud 9. | Medical treatment, special needs and care expenses for parents, 8,000 {medical condition certified by medical practitioner) we.fYA | (restricted) 2021 10. | Supporting equipment for the disabled taxpayer, spouse, children 6,000 ‘or parent (max) “Medical expenses for ferility treatment for fexpayer or spouse 300 ‘Complete medical exannination for self, spouse, child (restricted) COVID-19 detection test and vaccination expenses for self, 1,000 spouse, child (restricted) ‘Vaccination expenses for self, spouse and child. Types of vaccine] ‘which qualify for deduction are as follows: Pneumococcal; Human papillomavirus (HPV); 1,000 Influenza; (restricted) Rotavirus; Varicella; Meningococcal; ‘TDAP combination ( tetanus-diphtheria-acellular-pertussis); and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) {item no, 10 : Restricted to RM8,000) TT. | Lifestyle; expenses for the use/benefits of self, spouse or child in 2,500 respect of: purchase of reading materials (books, journals, magazines, print daily newspapers and other similar publications excluding ban pablications), purchase of personal computer, smartphone or tablet (not f business use) Purchase of sports equipment (for sports activities as defined under the Sports Development Act 1997), and gymnasium membershi fee Payment of monthly bill for intemet subscription (under own name) Lifestyle; Purchase of personal computer, smartphone or tablet 2500 for self, spouse or child and not for business use (additional (edational 0 deduction) item no 13) ‘Additional lifestyle tax relief related to sports activity expendod by that individual for the following: Purchase of sport equipment for any sports activity as defined ‘under the Sport Development Act 1997 (excluding motorized two-wheel bicycles); 500 Payment of rental or entrance fee fo any sports facility; and (additional) Payment of registcation fee for any sports competition where the ‘organizer is approved and licensed by the Commissioner of Sports under the Sport Developinent Act 1997, No. | Individual Relief Types (RM) | 12, | Net deposit in Skim Sinpanan Pendidikan Nasional (SSPN) 8,000 (otal deposit in YA MINUS total withdrawal in YA) (restricted) Example : Deposit RM6,000, withdraw RMI,500 in YA 2021, the relief is RM4,500 13. | Deferred Annuity and Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) 3,000 (with effect from YA 2012 until YA 2025) (¥A2012 to 2025) Ta. | Contribution to the Social Security Organization (SOCSO) 250 13. | Payment for accommodation at premises revisiered with the 1,000 Commissioner of Tourism and entrance fee to a tourist attraction | (restricted) (YA 2021 : Expenses incurred on or after Ist March 2020 until | (1,3.2020 to 31st Decomber 2021) 31.12.2021), Registered accommodation premises ean be check thru link of _hitp:/www.motae pov.tny/enicheck/registered-hotel REBATES ‘Chargeable income not exceeding RM35,000 RM Tndividual 400 Spouse 400 Zakat Full amount ‘THE PRESCRIBE VALUE OF MOTORCAR AND ITS RELATED BENEFITS Cost of motorear ‘Annual preseribe ‘Annual prescribe (new)(RM) benefit of motorcar benefit of petrol (RM) (RM) Up to 50,000 1,200 600 50,001 = 75,000 2,400 900 75,001 — 100,000 3,600 1,200 100,001 — 150,000 5,000 1,500 150,001 — 200,000 7,000 1,800 200,001 ~ 250,000 9,000 2,100 250,001 — 350,000 15,000 2,400 350,001 — 500,000 21,250 2,700 300,001 and above 25,000 3,000 ‘The value of the car benefit equal to half the prescribed annual value (above) is taken ifthe car provided is more than five (5) years old. Ifa driver is provided by the employer, the value of the benefits is fixed at RM600 per month. OTHER BENEFITS RM per year Semi-fumished with furniture in the Tounge, 340 dining room or bedroom Semi-furnished with furniture as above plus air 1,680 conditionersand/or curtains and carpets Fully fumished premises 3,360 TAX RATE FOR RESIDENT COMPANY FOR YEAR OF ASSESSMENT 2021 With effect from ‘YA 2020 a (Rate) ‘A. | Company or Non-SMEs Needs to fulfil the following conditions: W% ‘© paid-up capital > RM2.5 million ‘+ paid-up capital < RM2.5m , but Gross Income > RMSOm fs ‘Small and Medium Seale Company (SMEs) B. | #1" RM600,000 of chargeable income 17% # Next (> RM600,000) 24% Needs to fuifill the following conditions: + Paid up capital < RM2.5m * Gross income of all business < RMS0m ‘Non-resident company 2% REAL PROPERTY GAIN TAX RATES / KADAR-KADAR CURAT KEUNTUNGAN HARTA — TANAH (With effect from 1.1.2019) Tax Rate: Tax Rate: | Non-Citizen / ‘Tax Rate: | Other Taxpayer | _ Permanent Disposal Date / Company (%) / (%) Resident (%) / Tarikh Pelupusan Kadar Cukai | | Kadar Cu Kadar Cukai: Syarikat (%) | Pembayar Cukai Bukan Lain (%) Warganegara/ Penduduk Z Tetap (%6) ‘Within three years after acquisition 30 30 30 date / Dalam tahun ketiga selepas | pemerotehan Tn the fourth year afier acquisition | 20 | 20 30 date / Dalam tahun keempat selepas | | tarikh pemerolehan In the fifth year after acquisition date 1B 15 30 1 Dalam talun elima selepas tarikh pemerolehan Z In the sixth year after acquisition 10 3 10 date or thereafter / Dalam tahun ikeenam selepas tarikh pemeroehan atau seterusnya Be e Pee

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