Short Story Joe Roegan X Elon Musk

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Joe Roegan was sitting in his room getting ready.

He had to make himself look pretty, since he

was going to visit his boyfriend Elon. After Joe was finished with his makeup he put on his
favorite outfit and headed downstairs. He was going to attempt to sneak out of the house
because the outfit he had chosen was to scandelous for his mother. “Joseph James Roegan
were on EARTH do you think your going looking like that”. Joe’s dad was cooking dinner quietly
in the corner, keeping to himself. He wouldn’t even dream of talking back to his wife, but Joe
was a bit more well, confrontational than his father. “I think My outfit looks great mom Bye.” Joe
quickly ran out of the house, god he hated living there his mom was such a bitch and his dad
was no help at all, the only person who truly loved Joe was Elon, all of Joes worries and cares
melted away as soon as Elon came in his sights. They met in the park, like they always did,
seeing as neither Elon or Joe’s parents approved of their love. As soon as they had finished
tenderly embracing eachother wink wink. Elon pooped a question that he had been long thinking
about.”Baby I love you so much but our love wont survive in this town please my love run away
with me, we can leave tonight and start a new life together.” Without a second thought Joe
agreed he’s always wanted to leave this horrible little city filled with homophobes and abusive
wives. Elon Agreed to pick up his lover at midnight from the park in which their love had started.
Joe headed home at 9, he got there at 9:30. When he walked in the door the first thing he
noticed was his fathers seemingly new pair of sunglasses, Joe didn’t ask any questions, he
knew what this meant. Although Joe’s mother had always been verbally abusive, as her
alcholism got worse so did the beatings, leaving Mr. Roegan a shrivled shell of the person he
used to be.”Goodnight dad I love you.” With that he headed upstairs, into his room and began
packing. It took him an hour giving him another 2 to contemplate the new life he and his lover
would be living. Joe woke up it was midnight on the dot, he looked out of his bedroom window,
Elon was just pulling up, he turned off his headlights, Joe hurriedly gathered his belongings and
hoped out of his widow climbing down the nearby tree and scrambaling into the car. Joe looked
back one last time, seeing his mother in the Kitchen drinking. He left without regrets.

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