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Creating assemble, construct, creating a unique, original What would you predict/

(Synthesis): can create, design, de- product that may be in ver- infer from...?
the student create velop, formulate, bal form or may be a phys-
new product or write. What ideas can you add
ical object; to...?
point of view?
combination of ideas to How would you create/de-
form a new whole sign a new...?
What might happen if you
What solutions would you
suggest for...?

Evaluating (Eval- appraise, argue, de- Do you agree...? What do

uation): can the fend, judge, select, you think about...? What is
student justify a support, value, eval- subdividing something to the most important...?
stand or decision? uate show how it is put together;
finding the underlying Place the following in or-
structure of a communica- der of priority... How
tion; identifying motives; would you decide about...?
separation of a whole into What criteria would you
component parts use to assess…?

Analyzing appraise, compare, . What are the parts or fea-

(Analysing): can contrast, criticize, tures of...?
the student distin- differentiate, dis- making value decisions cording to... Outline/dia-
guish between the criminate, distin- about issues; gram... How
different parts? guish, examine, ex- resolving controversies or pare/contrast with...? What
periment, question, differences of opinion; evidence can you list
test for…?
development of opinions,
judgements or decisions

Applying choose, demonstrate, problem solving; applying How example of...?
(Application): can dramatize, employ, information to produce How is...related to...? Why
the student use the illustrate, interpret, some result; is...significant?
information in a operate, schedule,
new way? sketch, solve, use, use of facts, rules and prin-
write ciples

(Comprehension): classify, describe,
can the student ex- discuss, explain, interpreting; translating
plain ideas or con- identify, locate, rec- from one medium to an- Retell
cepts? ognize, report, se- other; describing in one's
lect, translate, para- own words; organization
phrase and selection of facts and
(Knowledge): can define, duplicate,
the student recall or list, memorize, re-
remember the in- call, repeat, repro- remembering; memorizing;
formation? duce state recognizing; recalling Who, what, when, where,
identification and recall of how ...?

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