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No. : 2/La Ka Na (Naing) 097438
Date : 27.2.2018
with round Name : CHAN MYAE THU
seal) Father’s Name : U JOE Z
Date of Birth : 6.1.1998
Race/Religion : Kayan/Christian
Height : 5’, Blood Type : “A”
Identification Marks : Mole on nose
Signature of Issuer
Sd/-xxx, 27.2.18
Name : Aung Mon
Rank : Head Officer, LaWaKa-6453
On the Reverse Side
(Left thumb
impression) Serial No. : AB503895
Identity Card No. :
Occupation : Student
Address : Daw Ou Khu Ward, Loikaw Town.
Usual Signature : Sd/-xxx
Remarks : (1) Bear this card whenever travel.
(2) If the card is lost or damaged, it should be reported to the Police
Station and Immigration and National Registration Department con-
(3) This card must be changed at the age of ( ). If fail to do so, the
holder will be taken action.
AUTHENTICATED, true and correct English translation.

Sint - Nrc-1

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