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This document is intended for ANY department who may have artists, guests,

vendors, or some other entity (hereinafter referred to as “Seller”) that is selling

merchandise at events outside of the Marketplace or Rock Island.

All departments who may have related entities selling in/around their event space, a list of all
Sellers must be emailed to

The following steps outline the requirements for Sellers at event; the Director of Business
Operations will handle this process but for informational purposes, please familiarize yourself
with these requirements:

● For Super MAGFest, anyone who will be selling merchandise at the event MUST fill out
our Maryland Tax Info Collection Form. This must be completed by a specific date
specified by the Director of Business Operations. For MAGWest, no form is required,
however, the list of all Sellers (the list must include a contact email) must be sent to the
Director of Business Operations.

● All Sellers MUST obtain a Temporary Sales and Use Tax License. This includes Sellers
from out-of-state and international Sellers. For Super MAGFest, we assist sellers in
obtaining their permits by collecting all required information and sending it to Maryland
Comptroller who will then email each Seller their permit. The form linked above collects
the required information and will be used to submit to the Comptroller. For MAGWest,
we do not assist in obtaining their permits but still require copies of permits.
○ Once the permit has been received, the Seller MUST upload the permit to our
secure portal.
○ Sellers may provide a printed copy of their permit upon arriving at the event.
These printed copies must be turned in to the Director of Business Operations by
the end of the event.
○ Any Seller who fails to provide a copy of their permit CANNOT sell at the event.
○ Some Sellers may already have a permanent Trader’s License; if this is the case,
the Seller must still fill out the above linked collection form for tracking purposes
only and must upload a copy of their license to our secure portal or bring a
printed copy of the license to the event.

Last Updated 11/14/2022

● For Super MAGFest, Sellers who are obtaining a Temporary Permit, they MUST fill out
the Exhibitor’s Affidavit form. A copy of this may be submitted through our secure portal
or a printed copy may be brought to the event. These printed copies must be turned in to
the Director of Business Operations by the end of the event. Sellers who have a
Permanent License DO NOT need to fill this out.

● Sellers should have their permit, license, and/or exhibitors affidavit with them at all times
while selling at the event.

● After the event, Sellers must remit the sales tax collected from all sales processed during
the event. MAGFest cannot and will not assist Sellers in this process.

Sellers can find helpful information on our MAGFest Sellers Permit Information guide.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

Helpful Resources
Accounting Notion Page
Maryland Tax Info Collection Form
Exhibitor’s Affidavit
MAGFest Sellers Permit Information
Secure Portal
#money-questions-and-discussions on Slack

Last Updated 11/14/2022

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