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Teacher: Kirsten Kahlert

Grade: 2nd
Content Area: Shared Reading

Content and Standards:

RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
RL.2.3 Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.

Students should be able to identify the main characters and key details of the story or article.
Instructional Objective:

SWBAT use the text as reference IOT create their own project to combat a challenge their
community may face.
Instructional Procedures:

I will begin the lesson by asking students “remind me- what is our unit theme for this month?” -
A: Cultivating a love of community

I will then move on to my review of our units' essential questions.

I will ask “how have we been learning about the people in our community? -A: various answers
And “How can we work together to make our community a better place for all members? A:
various answers relating to articles and stories we have read over the past 2 weeks.

Learning Goals:

Learning goal will be read to students once.

Students will be asked to repeat to me what our goal for the day is.
I will once again repeat the goal.
As a review, students will grab a piece of looseleaf paper from their materials table (each group has a
table of supplies needed for each lesson).

Students will be asked to “place your name at the top of the worksheet and put your pencil down.
Once complete, give me a thumbs up so I know we are ready to move on for the next set of
Students will then conduct a quick write. Over the course of the week, students have been
reading about different students who have positively impacted their communities.
During this quick write, students will tell me the name of one of those students, and what that
student did.
I will tell students to use the images on the slide to jog their memory. I will also let them know,
there are 3 minutes on the clock. This is independent work. We will have the chance to talk
While students write I will walk around and ensure everyone is on task. I will ask struggling
students “do any of the images of the children on the board look familiar to you? Tell me what
you think about them? Look closely to each picture, you may see a clue that will remind you
about their community and how they positively impacted it?”
When the three-minute timer goes off, I will say 1,2,3 eyes on me. Students will repeat 1, 2 eyes
on you. I will ask them to put their pencils down and look up front.

Turn and talk:

Students will now have the opportunity to talk about each of the people they wrote about during
our quick write. Students will be reminded there are 7 minutes on the clock (approximately 1
minute per group member).
At this time, I will walk around and ensure that conversations are on track. I will ask questions
such as: “did anyone else write about this person? Is there something you could add”?

When the 7-minute timer goes off, I will say 1,2,3 eyes on me. Students will repeat 1, 2 eyes on
you. I will ask them to put their pencils down and look up front. We will now briefly discuss as a
class each student we read about and their positive impact on their community.
I will ask questions such as: "Is there something you could add”? “Did we miss any key details.
Do you agree (thumbs up) or disagree (thumbs down).
Based on the information we reviewed today from each article, as well as work completed
yesterday (community needs assessment) students will now complete the following sentences,
that will help guide them when conducting their PowerPoint presentations tomorrow.

Formative assessment: Students will use information from background knowledge and
previous classroom discussions/lessons to answer the following prompt:

Students will be reminded while they work that tomorrow, they will be using this
information to create a slideshow with images and the above prompt, to show their
classmates their great ideas for improving their community in a group share.

Materials and Equipment:

• Story- Maybe Something Beautiful

• Articles
• Pencil
• Chromebook

• Smart board
• Chromebooks
ELL Support:

During the formative assessment ELL students will have the opportunity to use “voice to type”
to complete the writing prompt. If needed ELLs can also draw a picture to match their writing

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