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One that was completely new to you

One of the subject we talked inn class about that was completely new to me was for one the
concept of sociology. Sociology wasn’t something I had heard of a lot more that I had never
learned about. I knew the concepts would talked about life due to how society works. I got to
learn how the whole world runs according to social standards such as structures, inequalities,
institution and social change. It was also interesting to see how sociological imagination plays
an important role and are incorporated into di erent types of issues such as public issues and
personal troubles. The whole concept of sociology was new to me and allowed me to open up
my eyes to a new perspective how many di erent sociological domains.

2) One that you thought was very interesting and you loved hearing about.

My favourite lectures this year was the one about social structure. It was my favourite
personally because it allowed me to see how people are treated and live based on their social
status in life. The activity we did also allowed me to see someone else’s social structure and
what sacri ces certain people have to make to live in todays society. The game also allowed
me to see many others perspective whilst the class all had di erent character. It allowed me to
see how race, gender, sexuality and money control everyones social class and opportunities in
life which I thought was very interesting to learn more about allowing me a better
understanding of the subject.

3) One that you feel will be useful for your life in the future.

I believe that once again that learning about social structure is one of the subject that will most
be useful in my future. I believe it will be the most important because it allows be to see past
ones social class and allows be to not be bias in my future in the work industry. It also teaches
me to be grateful for what I have been given in life and all the opportunities Ive had in life due
to my own social class and standing in society. It allowed me to learn that everyone struggles
in di erent ways and that it’s important to always help others and look through what role
society has given them and allows me to see who they truly are as individuals.

4) One that you disagreed with or did not understand.

One of the things I had a harder time understanding was alienation in the work environment. I
had a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that certain people just have jobs to ll an
o ce one that its work won’t even be taken into consideration. I thought it was weird that our
world is focused on consumerizion and ability to be productive. Work is not seen as important
for most it’s just seen as a way to do something with ones life.

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