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 Answer all the questions.
 Write down your index number in the space provided in the answer sheet.
 Instructions are also given on the back of the answer sheet. Follow those carefully.
 In each of the questions 1 to 50, pick one of the alternatives (1),(2),(3),(4),(5) which is correct or most
appropriate and mark a cross (X) in accordance with the instructions given on the back of the answer
 Use of calculators is not allowed.

1. “The data area that is used to store data in order to substitute the difference in operation speeds of various
amounts of data is called the ……………………..”
Which of the following is suitable to fill in the blank?
(1) Cache memory (2) Memory
(3) Virtual memory (4) Memory Management Unit (MMU)
(5) Buffer

2. Consider the following statements.

A - Decoding
B - Transferring
C - Fetching
Which of the above is/are steps of the fetch-execute cycle ?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) A,B only (4) A,C only (5) B,C only

3. Consider the following statements.

A – Accessing files from anywhere through the internet
B – Less software cost
C – Threat to privacy/ security of data
Which if the above is/are considered as advantages of cloud computing?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) A,B only (4) A,C only (5) B,C only

4. Which of the following components provides a software interface to hardware devices?

(1) Device driver (2) BIOS (3) CMOS
(4) IRQ (5) EPROM

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5. The fastest storage unit that the Arithmetic Logic Unit of the microprocessor must have is the
…………………………. .
(1) Cache memory (2) Hard disk (3) Control Unit
(4) Magnetic disk (5) Register

6. If X = 101000102 and Y = 111010102 > What is the value of X NOR Y?

(1) 000101012 (2) 111000102 (3) 111010102 (4) 001010102 (5) 100010102

7. Consider the given Karnaugh map.

AB 0 1 Which of the following Boolean expression is shown in the given
1 0 Karnaugh map?
0 1
(1) 𝐴𝐶 + 𝐴̅𝐵̅ (2) 𝐴𝐵 + 𝐵𝐶 + 𝐴̅𝐵̅𝐶̅
01 (3) 𝐴𝐵 + 𝐴̅𝐵𝐶 (4) 𝐵𝐶 + 𝐴𝐵 + 𝐴𝐶̅
11 1 1 (5) 𝐵𝐶̅ + 𝐴̅𝐶

10 0 0

8. Consider the following logic circuit.


Which of the following logic circuit(s) give(s) an equivalent result as Z in the above logic circuit?



(1) I only (2) I,II only (3) I,III only (4) II,III only (5) I,II,III all

9. The two’s complements of (+1810) and (-1210) respectively

(1) 100110002 , 000010112 (2) 111110002 , 011010112 (3) 111010002 , 001010112
(4) 111010002 , 000100112 (5) 000100102 , 111101002

[See page 3

10. What is the simplified expression of the Boolean expression 𝐴̅𝐵𝐶 + 𝐴𝐵̅𝐶 + 𝐴𝐵𝐶̅ + 𝐴𝐵𝐶 ?
(1) 𝐴𝐵 + 𝐵̅𝐶 + 𝐴𝐶̅ (2) 𝐴𝐵 + 𝐵𝐶 + 𝐴𝐶 (3) 𝐴𝐵̅ + 𝐵𝐶 + 𝐴𝐶
(4) 𝐴𝐵 + 𝐵̅𝐶̅ + 𝐴𝐶 (5) 𝐴̅𝐵 + 𝐵̅𝐶 + 𝐴̅𝐶̅

11. Which of the following is not an information commonly found in the Process Control Block (PCB) of the
Operating System?
(1) Process number
(2) Capacity of hard disk
(3) Process scheduling state
(4) Program counter
(5) Process state

12. The Operating System uses various techniques for the space allocation of files. Among them,
“……………………………….. creates an index table at the time of file creation.”
Which of the following is suitable to fill in the blank?
(1) Linked allocation
(2) Memory allocation
(3) Contiguous allocation
(4) Indexed allocation
(5) Hard disk allocation

13. The Operating System maintains a page table for each process. Moreover, to identify the entry of a
virtual page the virtual page number is used as the index. Which of the following is not inserted in the
Page table entries?
(1) Frame number
(2) Valid and invalid bit
(3) Page fault
(4) Referenced bit
(5) Modified bit

14. In the OSI reference model, in which layer is the router found?
(1) Physical layer (2) Application layer
(3) Data link layer (4) Network layer
(5) Presentation layer

15. Consider the IP address . How many bits are needed to identify the IP addresses and
Host number respectively ?
(1) 29, 3 (2) 28, 3 (3) 30, 2 (4) 28, 4 (5) 29, 4

16. In Computer Networking, Which of the following statements is/are correct in regards to TCP ?
A - Less overhead
B - Secure data transaction
C - Connection oriented
D - Guaranteed delivery
(1) A only (2) B,C only (3) A,B only (4) A,D only (5) B,C,D only

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17. Among the media used in data communication and computer networking, which of the following groups
only has unguided media?
(1) Infra Red rays> Fiber optic cable, Radio waves
(2) Coaxial cable, Microwaves, Radio waves
(3) Infra Red rays, Microwaves, Twisted pair cable
(4) Infra Red rays, Microwaves, Radio waves
(5) Twisted pair cable, Fiber optic cable, Coaxial cable

18. The encryption method which uses the same key for encryption and decryption is called as,
(1) Symmetric encryption
(2) Asymmetric encryption
(3) Public key encryption
(4) Special key encryption
(5) Hybrid encryption

19. Consider the following statements about malware.

A - Computer virus replicates itself and spreads from one computer to another
B - Trojan horse appears useful to the user and steals valuable data from the computer it enters
C - Worms replicate themselves and used computer networks to spread from one machine to another
without the interference of the user.
Which of these is/are correct?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) B,C only (5) A,B,C all

20. Consider the following statements regarding Software processing models.

• Function modules are developed parallelly at the same time as prototypes, and then by combining them
all together an efficient system is made.
• When the user’s needs are well understood, the system can be created by the development team in a
very short period of time as a “fully functioning software.”

Which of the following Software models satisfies the above given statements?
(1) Waterfall model
(2) RAD model
(3) Spiral model
(4) Object-oriented model
(5) Agile process model

21. Which of the following is/are correct about Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Software?
A -They are developed to satisfy the need of particular customers
B - In comparison to customized packages, users can use most of their features
C - They are less costly in comparison to custom packages
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) A,B only (5) A,B,C all

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22. Consider the given table.

Information Systems Description

(i) Executive Support (a) A system which uses knowledge to solve complicated
Systems problems in a logical manner.
(ii) Decision Support (b) An Information System that compiles data and analysis
System models, or provides the administrative staff with analysis
tools, makes the semi-structures and structured decisions
of an organization.
(iii) Expert System (c) information system that addresses unstructured decision
making through advanced graphics and communications
for the strategic level users of an organization.

Which of the below given is correct in regards to the table?

(1) (i) → (a), (ii) → (b), (iii) → (c) (2) (i) → (b), (ii) → (a), (iii) → (c)
(3) (i) → (b), (ii) → (c), (iii) → (a) (4) (i) → (a), (ii) → (c), (iii) → (b)
(5) (i) → (c), (ii) → (b), (iii) → (a)

23. Consider the following statements.

A - When reserving a book the response time of the computer should be quick. (e.g. Less than 5
B - The system should be able to provide security for the personal details of the library members.
C - Library members should be able to search the availability of books.
Which of the above is/are functional needs of an online library system?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) B,C only (5) A,B,C only

24. Consider the following statements about Data Flow Diagram (DFD).
A - It represents the process model.
B - The first level DFD is decomposed to obtain the second level diagram
C - In the first level DFD, external entities can be considered as data sources
Which of the above is/ are correct?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) A,B only (4) B,C only (5) A,B,C all

Consider the following situation in order to answer question 25 and 26.

Pharmaceutical companies are producing drugs. Each company’s drugs are uniquely identified by their
commercial name. Each and every pharmacy sells many drugs. Each drug has its own price. One drug can be
sold at various pharmacies at a fixed price. A Pharmaceutical company holds contract with many
pharmacies. At the same time, a pharmacy holds contract with many Pharmaceutical companies.

25. As per the given situation, how should price be indicated?

(1) As an attribute of Pharmacy
(2) As an attribute of the relationship between pharmacy and drug
(3) As an attribute of the relationship between Pharmacy and pharmaceutical companies
(4) As an attribute of drug
(5) As an attribute of Pharmaceutical company

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26. If the price of the drugs differ with each pharmacy, how should price be indicated?
(1) As an attribute of drug
(2) As an attribute of the relationship between pharmacy and drug
(3) As an attribute of the relationship between Pharmacy and pharmaceutical companies
(4) As an attribute of Pharmacy
(5) As an attribute of Pharmaceutical company

27. Consider the following SQL statements. (Consider that all tables and fields are given.)
A - SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN ('Sri Lanka', 'Australia', 'India');
B - SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Price BETWEEN 50 AND 100;
C - SELECT COUNT(CustomerID), Country FROM Customers GROUP BY Country;
Which of the above is/are syntactically correct?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) A,B only (5) A,B,C all

28. Consider the following E-R diagram.

Order places Customer

If a customer places more than one order, and an order can only be placed by a maximum of one
customer, which of the following describes the relationships between the entities best?
(1) 1: N (2) M: N (3) 1: 1 (4) 0: M (5) 0: 1

29. Consider the table Inventory (PartNo, Warehouse, Location, Quantity, Weight, Colour)
Weight, Colour are dependednt on PartNo
Quantity is dependent on (PartNo, Warehouse)
Location is dependent on Warehouse
Which of the following statement is correct in relation to the table ?
(1) It is in 0NF (2) It is in 1NF (3) It is in 2NF
(4) It is in 3NF (5) It is in BCNF

30. Consider the following description.

• Client places orders.
• An order is for one client.
• An order belongs to one category.
Information regarding the clientele is given on the table ‘Client’ with sample data.

clientno shop city contact orderno category value

C0034 Akbar Shop Colombo Hakeem O06325 Personal Items 14325.00
C0045 Shanthi Shop Galle Perera O83763 Personal Items 18367.00
C0534 Xtreme Shop Kandy Nastriya O26498 Ornamental 20873.00
C0625 S.J.S Shop Matara Robbin O82743 Gift Items 89738.40
C1826 Lalitha Jewels Jaffna Raja O82634 Ornaments 95000.00
C1826 Lalitha Jewels Jaffna Raja O72634 Personal Items 28273.93

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Which of the following relationships give 3NF in schema format?

A - Client (clientno, shop, city, contact)
B - Order (clientno, orderno, category, value)
C - Order (orderno, value)
D - ClientOrder (clientno, orderno, value)
(1) A only (2) A, B only (3) C only (4) B, C only (5) A, B, D only

31. Consider the following symbols used in Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams.

① ② ③

EmpID PhoneNo Age

The attributes ①, ② and ③ respectively are,

(1) Derived attribute> Identifier attribute, Multi valued attribute
(2) Multi valued attribute> Identifier attribute> Derived attribute
(3) Identifier attribute> Multi valued attribute> Derived attribute
(4) Identifier attribute> Derived attribute> Multi valued attribute
(5) Multi valued attribute> Derived attribute> Identifier attribute

32. Consider the following python program.

What is the output of the above program when it is executed?

x = "awesome"
def myfunc(): (1) (2)
global x Python is awesome Python is awesome
x = "fantastic" Python is awesome Python is fantastic
print ("Python is " + x)
myfunc() (3) (4)
print ("Python is " + x) Python is fantastic Python is fantastic
Python is awesome Python is fantastic

(5) Will show error message

33. Consider the following python program.

S = 'The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing'
ch = "e"
for i in range(len(S)):
if c % 2 == 0 and S[i] == ch:
w += 1
elif S[i] == " ":
What is the output of the above program when it is executed?
(1) 4 (2) 12 (3) e (4) 6 (5) get
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34. Consider the following python statements.

A – a, b = (2, [3, 4]) B – s = set()
C – c = 2, 3, 4 D – a = b, c = (1, [2, 3])
Which of the above is/are valid python statements?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) A,C only (4) A,B,C only (5) A,B,C,D all

35. In the following python program, what is the output when the user inputs 11?
res = 'A'
n =int(input())
if n > 5:
res = 'P'
if n > 8:
res = 'Q'
res = 'R'
if n > 10:
res = 'S'

(1) A (2) P (3) Q (4) Z (5) S

36. What is the output after the python statement print(5 | 2 ^ 3 >> 2) is executed?
(1) 2 (2) 7 (3) 3 (4) 1 (5) 0

Answer questions 37, and 38 using the flowchart given below.


Enter an integer value, N


Is No
i <= N ? Stop

Is No
N mod i =0 ?


Print i


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37. Which of the following statements is/are correct in relation to the above flowchart?
A - When a negative value is given to N, one output will be shown.
B - When N is given a positive whole number value it stops.
C - When N is given the value 6 the output is 1 2 3 6
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) A,B only (5) A,B,C all

38. Which of the following is/are equivalent to the python program in (37)?
i=1 i=1 n = int(input())
n = int(input()) n = int(input()) for i in range (N):
while i <= n: while True: if n % i == 0:
if n % i == 0: if n % i == 0: print(i)
print(i) print(i)
i=i+1 i=i+1
if i > N: break

(1) I only (2) II only (3) III only (4) I,II only (5) I,II,III all

39. If 5 is given as the input in the following program, what will be the output?

a = int(input())
n1, n2 = 0, 1
count = 0
while count < a:
print(n1,end=' ')
n = n1 + n2
n1 = n2
n2 = n
count += 1

(1) 1 2 3 4 5 (2) 0 1 2 3 4 (3) 0 1 1 2 3

(4) 5 (5) 0 1 2 3 4

40. Consider the following statements in regards to computer programming

A – Python is an object-oriented programming language.
B – First and second generation programming languages are collectively called as “ High-level
programming languages.”
C – Compiler translates one instruction at a time from source code to machine code
Which of the above is/are correct?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) A,B only (5) A,B,C all

[See page 10

41. Which of the following is the HTML code to insert an audio clip in a webpage?
(1) <play controls> <source src=”song.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”> </play>
(2) <audio controls> <source src=”song.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”> </audio>
(3) <video controls> <source src=”song.mp3” sound=”audio/mp3”> </video>
(4) <run controls> <source src=”song.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”> </run>
(5) <sound controls> <source src=”song.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”> </sound>

42. Which of the following is the HTML code to insert an inline frame in a webpage?
(1) <inlineframe href="demo.html" height="200" width="300" title="display"></inlineframe>
(2) <frameset src="demo.html" height="200" width="300" title="display"></frameset>
(3) <frame src="demo.html" height="200" width="300" title="display"></frame>
(4) <iframe src="demo.html" height="200" width="300" title="display"></iframe>
(5) <frames href="demo.html" height="200" width="300" title="display"></frames>

43. Which of the following is the method to use an external stylesheet in CSS?
(1) <link src = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "mainstyle.css">
(2) <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "mainstyle.css">
(3) <style src = "mainstyle.css">
(4) <stylesheet> mainstyle.css </stylesheet>
(5) <link url = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "mainstyle.css">

44. Consider the following CSS code.

text-align: center;
color: blue;
<h1 style="color:red;"> CSS </h1>
<p style="color:green;"> Style </p>
<p id="para1"> Selector </p>
<p style="color:yellow;"> Paragraph </p>

Which of the following is correct regarding the above CSS code?

(1) All the texts will appear blue in color
(2) All the texts will appear red in color
(3) All the texts will appear green in color
(4) All the texts will appear yellow in color
(5) The texts CSS will appear in red, Style in green, Selector in blue, and Paragraph in yellow colors.

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45. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding PHP GET and POST ?
(1) With GET request the data being sent through a form is shown in the URL.
(2) GET requests has limits on the data being sent.
(3) POST requests cannot be cached.
(4) GET requests are stored in the browser history.
(5) POST requests can be bookmarked

46.; Consider the following PHP script.

<?php What would be the output when the above PHP
$cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota"); script is run on the web browser?
$arrlength = count($cars); (1) Volvo BMW Toyota
for($x = 0; $x < $arrlength-1; $x++) (2) Toyota BMW Volvo
{ (3) Volvo BMW
echo $cars[$x]." "; (4) BMW Volvo
} (5) 3
47. Which of the following statements is/are correct in relation to the shopping cart software used in
electronic commerce ?
A - It helps customers in selecting objects and making the payment
B - It is a tool that can be used to manage the order of goods.
C - It automatically calculates the sales amount, sales tax, sales discount etc.
(1) B only (2) C only (3) A,B only (4) B,C only (5) A,B,C all

48. Consider the following statements about agent technology

A - Agent technology is a computer process, that performs a task autonomously in a dynamic
environment at a particular schedule on behalf of another entity or the user.
B - A multi agent system is a network of problem solving entities called agents. The system works
together to solve problems beyond each agent to solve problems and find solutions.
C - An Intelligent agents is an autonomous entity, it observes an environment using sensors and acts as
per the goal of that environment.
Which of the above is/are correct?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) A,B only (4) B,C only (5) A,B,C all

49. Consider the following statements

A - Large amounts of data can be processed using qubits in quantum systems.
B - Can be used in large database management, such as modeling and encryption.
C - Data processing speed is higher than that of traditional computers.
Which of the above are correct regarding quantum computing?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) A,B only (5) A,B,C all

50. Consider the following statements

A - Provides the best route to reach destination by analyzing the data of traffic jams.
B - Automatically calculating the bills of road usage by recognizing vehicles.
C - Identifying the state of air, water, soil and pollution
Which of the above are services of ubiquitous computing environments?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) A,C only (4) A, B only (5) A, B,C all
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KOg;gjpg;GupikAilaJ / All Rights Reserved ]

Index No. : …………………………………….

❖ This paper comprises of two parts A and B. The For Examiner’s Use Only
time allotted for the two parts is three hours Part Marks
only. Additional Reading time – 10 minutes. 1
❖ Use of calculators is not allowed. 2
❑ Part A – Structured Essay
❖ Answer all the questions on the question paper
❖ Write your answers in the space provided for
each question. 7

❖ Please note that the space provided is sufficient B 8

for the answer and extensive answers are not 9

expected. 10
❑ Part B – Essay Percentage
❖ This part consists of six questions. Answer Final Marks
four questions only. Use the papers supplied In numbers
In words
for this purpose.
Code Numbers
❖ At the end of the time allotted for this paper, tie
Marking Examiner 1
the two papers together so that Part A is on Marking Examiner 2
top of Part B and hand them over to the Checked by
Supervisor. Supervised by
❖ You are permitted to remove only Part B of
the question paper from the Examination Hall.

[see page two

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Part A – Structured Essay Do not write in
this column
Answer all four questions on this paper itself.
(i) The HTML code to get the following result on a web browser is given below. Fill in the blanks
with suitable words.

<…….> Violin </……>
<…….> - a string instrument </……>
<…….> Clarinet </…….>
<…….> - a wind instrument </…….>
[2 marks]
(ii) Consider the following webpage.

The HTML code for the above webpage is given below. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

<title> Registration </title>
<form action="register.php" method="post">
<legend> Register </legend>
Full Name: <input type="……………………" name="name"/>
<p> Mail Address: <input type="…………………….." name="email"/> </p>
User Name: <input type="……………………." name="uname"/>
<p> Password: <input type="………………………" name="pwd"/> </p>
[see page three
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Do not write in
<input type="…………………………" name="Submit" value="Submit"/> this column

<input type="…………………………" name="Cancel" value="Cancel"/>

[3 marks]
(i) Consider the information in the following table.

Tags CSS

p font → arial
font colour → red
font size → 16px
h1 font colour → red
font size → 16px
div font → arial
font size → 16px
Using the information in the table, write the external style sheet using group selectors only.



[2 marks]

(ii) Write the CSS code for the external style sheet ‘register.css’ to join the file ‘myfile.html’.
(Consider that, both the files are found in the same folder).


[1 marks]
(c) Consider the following PHP script. Select the suitable words from the given list for the labels
from ① to ④.

$conn = new ①("localhost”,”root”,”admin”,”myDB”);
if ($conn->②)
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
$sql = "UPDATE MyGuests SET lastname='Doe' WHERE id=2";
if ($conn->③($sql) === TRUE)

[see page four

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Do not write in
{ this column

echo "④";
print "Error updating record: " . $conn->error;
Labels Word for the label

gl;bay;: [query, echo, Record updated successfully, close(), mysqli, connect_error]

[2 marks]
(a) Consider the following incomplete flowchart which can be used to find the area and perimeter of
a rectangle by inserting the breadth and length. The flowchart should stop when the input values
for the breadth and length are 0 or negative.
Area = Length X Breadth, Perimeter = 2 X ( Length + Breadth)


Length, Breadth




Fill in the flowchart blanks in a suitable way.

[4 marks]
[see page five
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Do not write in
(b) The following python program gives the total number of user inputs of a particular number as the this column


…………….. = int(input("Enter a number: "))

if num < 0:
print("Enter a positive number")
sum = ……….
while (num > 0):
sum += num
print("The total is", ……………..)

(i) Fill in the blanks in a suitable manner

[2 marks]
(ii) If 5 is given as the input in the first line, what would be the output?



[2 marks]
(c) Segments of a python program to retrieve data entries from a database are given below. They are
not given in the correct execution order. Write the labels of the program lines in execution oreder
in the blanks given below. (write only the labels).

No Lines of the program

❶ ex = conn.cursor()

❷ res = ex.fetchall()
for i in res:
❸ ex.execute("SELECT * FROM employee")

❹ import mysql.connector
conn = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="admin",

1………………………….. 2…………………………..
3………………………….. 4…………………………..

[2 marks]

[see page six

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3. this column

(a) Select and write the suitable terms for column Y in correspondence to column X, from the list
given below.
Lists: [Technical feasibility, Economic feasibility, Operational feasibility, Cultural feasibility,
Legal feasibility, Scheduling feasibility]
Column X Column Y
(i) Studying whether the facilities needed for (A)
the system development are found. ……………………………………

(ii) The study for the cost of a project. (B)


(iii) Identifying whether the system can function (C)

in the given institution. ……………………………………

(iv) The study done to calculate the amount of (D)

time needed to finish a project. ……………………………………

[2 marks]
(i) State two advantages of database normalization.

[2 marks]

(ii) In a distribution company, a driver can drive any van, a van can be driven by any driver. The
following database table shows the mileage driven by each driver in each van.

DriverID VanID DriverName VanMake Mileage

D01 V03 Selvam Ford 350
D02 V01 Silva Mercedes 800
D01 V01 Selvam Mercedes 200

Modify the above table to the 3NF state. Mention the primary key for each of the table you have
created. (Write answer in schema format.)

[3 marks]

[see page seven

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Do not write in
(c) Select the most suitable term from the following list for the statements (i) to (vi) this column

Lists:[Affiliate revenue model> reverse auction > e-marketing> web portal> B2C model>
virtual storefront> brick-and-mortar business> competitive advantage> Subscription
revenue model> Information broker> mobile marketing> Database marketing]


(i) An online marketing technique that uses websites, emails, SMS, social media through Mobile
phones, laptops, etc. to reach the target audience to promote products and services.

(ii) Indicates the reasons that allow a company to produce its products and services at a better
quality or lesser cost in comparison to its competitors.

(iii) Generates revenue by receiving regular payments at a certain interval of time from the

(iv) A specially designed website that brings information from diverse sources, like emails,
online forums and search engines, together in a uniform way.

(v) A process that executes actions such as distribution of products and services, price fixing in a
planned manner to satisfy customer needs in the digitized environment such as the internet
and the World Wide Web.

(vi) A term mostly used to indicate a company which uses retail stores or warehouses for its
commercial activities.

Write the most suitable terms in the table given below.

No. Term







[3 marks]

[see page eight

AL/2022/20/E-II -8-
Do not write in
4. this column

(a) Consider the following situation.

RK Builders is a company offering house building and property improvement services to the
public. The proprietor of the 1company employs a number of skilled workers such as bricklayers,
carpenters and plumbers. The proprietor manages the building projects himself, and may
occasionally help with the construction work. RK Builders wants to computerize the management
of building work. This includes processing of estimates, job scheduling, and payments as
described below in more detail. When a customer contacts the company to ask for an estimate,
the proprietor makes a note of the customer’s contact details and an outline of the proposed work.
He agrees a date with the customer to view the property in order to give an estimate of the cost
for the work. When visiting the property on the agreed date the proprietor adds more detail to the
outline of the proposed work. Within 3 days of visiting the property the proprietor produces a
fully detailed estimate and sends it to the customer. If the customer agrees the estimate, the
proprietor schedules a date to start the job (this is based on the size of the job and other jobs that
have already been scheduled). A few days before the agreed start date of a job, the proprietor
contacts the customer to confirm the start date, and then orders the required building materials
from suppliers to be delivered on the date the job starts. At the end/completion of the job the
proprietor calculates the actual cost of the job to produce an invoice which is sent to the customer.
The customer has 30 days to pay the invoice.
Proprietor ②
New job request
Receiving new
job request
Date of site visit D1 Customer
New job outline
2 Proprietor

Job details Job
Visit property
Agreed estimate
Estimated cost
Customer name & address
3 Proprietor
Customer name & address

Estimate accepted ⑥

Job details
4 Proprietor
required D2 Job
Order supplies and ⑦
do work
③ Materials D3 ⑧
provided Job start date
5 Proprietor Job details

Materials provided
⑨ Prepare invoice for D2 Job
Job estimate+material
work done
Cost of job Amount paid
⑩ D4 ④
Amount paid
Customer D1 Customer

[see page nine

AL/2022/20/E-II -9-
Do not write in
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words for the above level 1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD). this column

① …………………………………………………………………

② …………………………………………………………………

③ …………………………………………………………………

④ …………………………………………………………………

⑤ …………………………………………………………………

⑥ …………………………………………………………………

⑦ …………………………………………………………………

⑧ …………………………………………………………………

⑨ …………………………………………………………………

⑩ …………………………………………………………………

[5 marks]

(b) Consider the following statements about data communication and computer networks. Select the
most suitable words to fill in the blanks from the list given below.

(i) ……………………… secures IP addresses to use the internet by activating private IP

networks with the use of unregistered IP addresses.

(ii) …………………….. is a network security device that filters the incoming and outgoing
network traffic based on predetermined security policies in a company.

(iii)…………………….. is a social engineering attack used to steal user data such as login
details and credit card numbers, by identifying itself as a trustable entity.

(iv) …………………. is a malware, it encrypts the data of the victim and demands money as
ransom to return it.

(v) …………………. is a technology that can combine many data siganals to traverse a
medium at the same time.
Lists: [DNS, Phishing, FTP, Ransomware, ALOHA, Ethernet, Firewall, Router, Trojan
horse, NAT, Multiplexing, UDP]
[5 marks]

[see page ten
AL/2022/20/E-II -10-
KOg;gjpg;GupikAilaJ / All Rights Reserved ]

Part B
 Answer any four questions only

(5) Consider the following logic circuit.


(a) Write the Boolean expression for the output F.

(b) Prepare the truth table for the Boolean expression in (a)
(c) Get a simplified expression for F using Karnaugh map.
(d) Using only NAND gates draw a logic circuit for F.
[3+4+4+4=15 marks]
(a) Illustrate the Manchester signal encoding in the following diagram when the date 10110001 is transferred
(copy the diagram on to your answer sheet).

1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

[see page eleven

AL/2022/20/E-II -11-

(b) Consider the following situation.

A medium sized garment factory has LANs for each departments such as Business Information System,
Accounting, Production, and Marketing. The table given below shows the number of machines in each
Departments Number of computers in Number network printers in each
each department. department
Business Information 19 2
Accounting 17 1

Production 10 1

Marketing 22 2

The network administrator has been provided with an IP block, The network
administrator should assign IP addresses to each node in each department. Four subnets are to be made for
this purpose, moreover, This network is connected to a public IP address to provide the employees with
Internet connectivity. All the departments are situated in different buildings within the same area. A
firewall is implemented to protect the network, furthermore, the network administrator is provided with 4
switches, suffiecient amount of network cables, a proxy server and a DHCP server. The Business
Information System has been directly connected to the Internet.
Draw the logical arrangement of the given situation. Show all the IP addresses, Network devices and
servers clearly.

Use the following table to allocate IP addresses (use only VLSM).

Departments Network address Broadcast address Subnet mask Usable IP

address range



[4+11=15 marks]
(a) BestFit is a business that sells readymade clothes. At present, the business continues sales through the 25
branches nationwide. The company has realized that by selling their clothes through the Internet that they
can gain many benefits.

(i) What kind of e-business model is BestFit selling readymade clothes via the Internet to the customers?
(ii) State two methods through which customers can make online payments.
(iii) Explain two benefits BestFit can gain transforming to e-business.
(iv) BestFit decides to expand its website to other businesses as well. Other businesses can sell their clothes
through this as well. State two e-revenue models that BestFit can use here.
[see page twelve
AL/2022/20/E-II -12-

(v) In (iv) above, state which e-business model it is that the business activies BestFit uses in through other
companies. [1+2+2+2+1=8 marks]

(b) Consider the following scenario.

BestFit is a multi-agent system website. It helps in customers browing and purchasing clothes for them.
A Customer is contacted by a chat-bot when they enter the BestFit website. The Customer can provide
their requirements either through voice or test. During this, the data collected by the chat-bot is sent to an
extraction agent. The extraction agent summarises the extracted data and sends the information to the
Search agent. The search agent uses multiple sub agents to collect results in a quick and efficient
manner. In the end, the results collected by the sub agents are given to the search agent. After, the search
results are given to the customer
(i) Draw a simplified diagram for the above multi-agent system. Label all the entities in your diagram
and indicate the inter-relationships between each of them.
(ii) Name the self-autonomous software agents of this multi-agent system
(iii) State a reason as to why the data provided by the chat-bot was not given to the Search agent
[4+2+1=7 marks]
(a) Consider the following scenario.

Vehicle spare parts are manufactured by manufacturers. A manufacturer may produce more than one
spare part. Customers can also issue orders for spare parts. A customer can issue more than one order.
More than one spare part may appear in orders placed by customers and a particular spare part may be
present in more than one order. The order is subject to customer existence.
Each of the following data needs to be stored for this.

▪ Names and addresses of manufacturers (address consists of city, street)

▪ Spare part number and description of spare parts
▪ Customer number and name
▪ Order number
▪ Each of the order has different quantity of spare parts

Draw the entity-relationship diagram for the given scenario. If any assumptions are used, state them
[6 marks]
(b) The following data table shows the details of employees of a company.
EmployeeNo DepartmentNo EmployeeName Department
1 101 Amith HR
2 102 Divya IT
3 101 Rama HR

(i) Justify with appropriate reasons which normal form the above table is in.

(ii) Convert the table given above to next normal form. Write down the tables in the form of schema.
[2+3=5 marks]
[see page thirteen
AL/2022/20/E-II -13-

(c) Consider the following ‘Persons’ data table.

PersonID FirstName LastName City
P001 John Joe Colombo
P002 Perera Silva Galle
P003 Jamuna Sivarasa Jaffna
P004 Hakeem Aslum Kandy
P005 Vimali Nathan Jaffna
(i) Write down SQL statement to remove the record of a person ‘P003’ from the table.
(ii) Write down the output if the SQL statement select PersonID,FirstName,City from Persons where
City=’Jaffna’; is applied to this table?
[2+2=4 marks]
(a) A particular number of subject marks (consider as N) is input by the user, among them only those that are
100 or less than 100 should be displayed as the output. Draw the flowchart for this.
(b) Consider the following flowchart. [6 marks]


Input list L

Input a number S

count = 0, j = 0,
N = Length of the list

No Is
L[j] > S ?


count = count + 1




Output count

[see page fourteen
AL/2022/20/E-II -14-

(i) Write the output of the flowchart if the list L consists of the numbers 5, 4, 7, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6 and input S
is 3.
(ii) Explain the purpose of the Flowchart.
(iii) Write down the python program for the logic given by the flowchart.
[2+2+5=9 marks]



(i) Briefly explain two reasons of why the system maintenance is needed during the last stage of software
(ii) Briefly explain what user acceptance testing is, and by who it is done.
[2+2=4 marks]

(b) Consider a computer which has virtual addresses of 16-bits from 0 to 64K.The physical memory size of
this computer is 32KB. Assume that the size of a page is 4 KB.

(i) What is the number of bits needed to store a page number?

(ii) What is the number of bits needed to store a frame number?

(iii) What is the number of bits of the offset of the virtual memory?

[2+2+2=6 marks]

(c) Write down an advantage and a disadvantage of the contiguous space allocation technique used in an
operating system.

(d) Write down one characteristics of the linked space allocation technique used in an operating system.

[3+2=5 marks]



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