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Archit Purohit


I would say that we can relate to our teachers in various ways the
teachers we are comfortable to speak about our personal problems and
teachers who are open friendly and like to interact with the students the
teachers who are most open to us are the junior teachers who are young
because they understand our problem that we are facing because they
also recently faced that and the class teachers are also open to us about
their problems and we are also open to them about are problems i would
like to answer the second question if your hesitant i would say talking
about the junior teachers we talk with them in a casual way so we don't
have to act formal and if your talking about the senior teachers and
members of the office i would say they have a high position because of
that we have to act more formal so i would say compare to the junior
teachers we are not hesitant to talk with them but if your talking about
the senior teachers your more hesitant because we have to be more
formal. Thank you

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