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Closing yaw sea manage to coms up wih fl zrtance which Writing tasks and text types of the B2 and C1 exams Practice and exam preparation tips ing Yee, my thoughts ‘popular eo!e of teat types wth candidates duet is asping tole, fomat and ~ compared to te essay ~a more lid bac, informa te, First thoughts before writing In the exam, the topic of the stile is usualy a conroversa,somtines provocalve sstemet Format requirements in the Euroexam writing test Recommandad length: 2 - approx. 160 words; Ci ~ approx. 200 word. This word count sa recorn rene. Anatar main gos! ‘eadar scaly which ‘rake sie you ao obo e (a. ‘bagronni ite) Th ‘ental pldtne sot he main foi. 08 ya ar aking, but toleave ou Using @ dictionary in the Euroexam writing test ‘Main body (2-3 paragraphs) eras may du be egatnc ot wt for your argument. In thas ntontews, you can provide answers othe questns you posed and you can 6 so ‘One pareoraph deals wit one main aspect and the inthe form of sect quotes. Practice and exam preparation tips Letter to the editor “elt othe ector tak presumes tht the wre What is a letter to the editor like and in what way is it different from a transactional letter? ‘bough be died (Opening paragraph ‘Aer te gesting (Deo Ear.) you should comtinue ft a shor desertion of which et ke up te or youhon you tart Closing + yousan ask them o wit anther atic looking at hereon fhe tery an esprate your fet Ne You + yeu ean see them to publish 2 aren Letter to the editor in the business exam The estes and quirement de 1nd business scam, The ask ai lod above ae the same in the gen be diferente susience wl be the Community Tel ox Wrtng Letters © Format requirements in the Euroexam writing test ee agen hat) down aes Essay Like it or not, essay writing is an inevitable part of life for everyone from secondary school upwards, and at university it is an everyday task. In real life, the essay itself is the last stage of a research or study process. In the essay, the writer has to prove that they have done their research into the subject area and also present their findings and argument in a logical, well-structured, cohesive text. Naturally there is no research behind an essay written in a language exem, but the logical structuring of your ideas is a requirement. Although most candidates are afraid to choose this option in a language exam (if itis available), the genre has its advantages: clear formatting rules and easy-to-remember language features (see Main body below) Brainstorming the topic and the arguments In the exam, the topic of the essay is usually @ controversial, sometimes provocative statement, which enables the exploration of the topic from both sides. (e.g. ‘Some stress is good for all us’) Before you start writing, think over the topic. It is advisable not to focus too much on your own real conviction on the subject matter. Remember that the assessors are not your debating partners, therefore you do not need to convince them that you are right. What they do is assess how effectively you have managed to convey your ‘argument, how well structured your essay is, or if itis just a random collection of ideas. So instead of thinking about your real reactions or opinion on the theme, quickly draw up a list of both arguments and counterarguments on the topic and organise them into two columns. If you've finished with the short list, choose the arguments you definitely want to refer to in your essay. Then, number these chosen arguments ‘according to the order in which you want to use them. All this preparation (which doesn't take more than 3-4 minutes) will be worth itin the end when you can almost ‘see’ the text in front of you. ‘There are several approaches you can teke when structuring your essay (see Main body section below), but whichever you choose, make sure you dedicate a paragraph to each main point of argument. Opening paragraph “The primary function here is to raise the reader's interest uth trong example, impression or opinion related to the topic. Another main goal is to communicate your position tothe reader, but make sure you do so without efitect reference to the tle (e.g. "Hagree-with-the {ido.), Think ofthe tile more as.a general guideline about the main topic instead. Main body (2-3 paragraphs) ‘The main body of your essay is created by paragraphs organised around the main points of argument. Within the paragraph, your main argument is expressed in the so-called ‘topic sentence’. The other sentences in the paragraph are there to support, strengthen or expand on the topic sentence. Do the same with all other points of argument that you have chosen to include from your preliminary list, strictly following a logical structure. There are several ‘techniques’ you can choose from here: + you can choose to only include the arguments that support your stance and can disregard any counterarguments; + you may decide to include a counterargument in ‘some (or all) paragraphs and you can separate it with a linking word (e.g. ‘Allematively,...’, “AS opposed to this..." + you can choose to have two paragraphs with supportive arguments and then one paragraph with the counterarguments. Just make sure it is clear what kind of arguments are included in the paragraph. When it comes to essays, linking words play an even bigger role in creating cohesion than in any other genre. Their presence can help and their lack thereof can hinder the reader's understanding of the writer's logic. ‘Therefore itis important to avoid just merely listing your ideas by using sequencing words such as ‘Firstly... then ‘Seeendly,...’. Remember that the connection x euroexam agnieretons between paragraphs is more complex than merely an order of items, and your choice of linking words needs to reflect that Here are a few examples of more meaningful linking words and phrases: + bringing in examples, further thoughts: e.9. ‘In other words,...', ‘Admittedly,..."; + introducing a contrary argument: ‘In clear contrast to these points,...', ‘On the one hand,...’, ‘On the other hand,..." + conclusions: ‘In consequence..." "AS a result, + summarising: ‘To sum up,...', ‘In conclusion..." However, it is important to bear in mind that although’ these words are important tools to create cohesion, they need to be used wisely. Make sure you don't use them without a clear purpose ‘and function, just because ‘they are a requirement’ With @ view to helping you learn how to use linking words, we included some websites in the Useful links section. On this websites, you can find linking words grouped according to their function with example sentences. Closing Bring your essay to a conclusion based on your main ‘arguments but without repeating them word for word. Apart from repeating your arguments, another thing you should avoid is adding new arguments to the list even if they would sound good. If itis a really strong argument, you should incorporate it in the main body, otherwise leave it out Do not try to convince anyone in the closing. You can even admit that you don't seem to be able to defend your argument with both sides being equally strong A logical closing is more important than a convincing one, The style and level of formality of essays Essays belong in the category of formal genres, thus, just like in formal letters/emails, you must avoid using contractions and colloquial language (e.9. ‘stuff) Try to stay objective and avoid using emotive phrases as well ‘as suggestions (e.g. 'yet-shotid-net...'). Put the emphasis on arguments and fact instead and do so_in a neutral tone. Essays in the business exam [An essay here is a text incorpdteting a business student's thoughts and opinion on a given business subject in a formal, argumentative essay. Make sure you stay within the boundaries of a business environment. Useful links Since essay writing is an integral part of coursework both in secondary and higher education, the number of websites dealing with the subject is vast (even though a large proportion of these are not free of charge). Here, we recommend some useful and free resources: Tips with sample texts: Essay-Writing-Tips. List of linking words: Scribd. Practising essays in the free Euroexam online course You can find a 2-part tutorial for essays in our free B2 online practice course (Writing tutorial: Task Two ~ Essay, Parts |. & Il,). They are available after a free registration. Format requirements in the Euroexam writing test Recommended length: B2 - approx. 150 words; C1 ~ approx. 200 words. This word count is a recommendation only and normally we do not penalise deviation from it (being overlong is the most common one). However, its in your own interest to keep yourself to the instructions of the task. Incidentally, counting words is time-consuming and it distracts you from the task. Anyvray, before starting the letter, we suggest that you jot down a few keywords and ideas to help yourself decide what to include in the letter and what to leave out Using a dictionary in the Euroexam writing test ‘Although you are allowed to use printeddictionaries throughout the entire writing test, we recommend that you primarily use your active vocabulary and grammatical knowiedge. Remember that looking up words in a dictionary {s time-consuming and therefore only resort to it fit is absolutely necessary in order to express yourself. The dictionary will probably prove more useful when proofreading your finished letter. Ke euroexam CONDITIONAL 1. Nem tillérdznék, ha nem kellene. 2. Mit csinditél volna ha nem taléltad volna az itleveledet a reptéren? i 3. Ha ez igy folytatédik, nem maradnak energia forrdsaink. 4, Ha nem lennének fak, a levegé nem tudna megtisztulni, dure to 5. Ha nem talélom a szemiivegemet, mindig a férjemhez fordulok, mert 6 tudja hol van. __ 6, Ha lett volna tobb szabad idém tegnap, nem most kellene intéznem az *” iigyeimet. 7. Hany Uj kotetet rendelsz majd, ha megkapod a fizetésedet? 8. Tudnék neked tanacsot adni, ha lenne hasonlé élményem. 9 Agyerekek el tuts volna kapni a gyikot, a az nom szaladt volna olyan gyorsan. 10. Mit fogsz mondani a sziiléknek ha a tandcsodat kérik? 4 11. Rendelnél eldételt Ha kevésbe lennél éhes? 12. Ha én a helyiikben lettem volna, nem valasztottam volna azt a veszélyes palyat... 13. Ha kistit a nap, elmegyiink a boltba, (14, Gondoltad volna, hogy ez fog térténni, ha nem,lettél volna a helyszinen és nem a sajat szemeddel lattad volna az eseményeket? oe 15. Akar el is késhettiink volna a konferenciardl, ha dugdba keriiltiink volna a | cstics fordalomban. 16. Ha nem lett volna testvérem, nem tudndm milyen az irigység. 17. Mennyi bort tudnank venni ha nem kellene aggédnunk az aF miatt? 18, Ha nem figyelmeztettél volna, lehet hogy elfelejtettem volna. CONDITIONAL 1. A f6ndk kicseréiné az alkalmazottait ha nem lenne veliik megelégedve. . Ha lattam volna a munka elényeit, elfogadtam volna az éllast 3. Most nem lennél éhes, ha reggeliztél volna. s Mit csindlndl ha eltévednél a reptéren? . Ha meg tudné szervezni a munkéjat, nem lenne sziiksége szamitogépre. o 6. Soha nem leszel beteg ha sok tejet iszol. 7. Ha ideadod a sz6tart, lehet hogy le fogom tudni forditani a széveget. 8. Mi tértént volna ha lekéstlik volna a jératunkat? 9, Tudtam volna fizetni ha lett volna ndlam elég pénz. 10. Ha megérkeziink az éllomasra, azonnal felhivunk maid. LA. Kivel téltenéd a hétvégét ha valaszthatndl? 12, Ha a sebed nem gydgyul, vissza kell majd menned az orvoshoz. 13. Ha tébb idém lenne, megnézném az dsszes nevezetességet. 14, A szomszédok 6ssze fognak veszni, ha nem tudnak megegyezni a parkoldssai kapcsolatban. 15. Ha apam megvette volna nekem azt a telefont, most nem akarnék masikat. 16. Nem kell majd vasdrolni menned, ha van elég hus otthon. 17. El kellene menniink a kényvtarba, ha nem lenne otthon internet. 18. Ha meghivnak egy partira, rendszerint elmegyek. 19. Milyen ékszert viselnél ha részt vennél egy baélon? 20. Hol tudtak volna télteni az éjszakat ha mi nem szalldsoltuk volna el 6ket? Conditional sentences Level 1 1, Ha slit a nap, az emberek boldogok. 2. Minden fehérré valik, ha esik a h6. 3. Mit fogsz csindlni, ha hazamész? 4, Mit fog az anyukéd mondani, ha elveszited a kulesaid? 5. Mit esindlndl, ha valaki ellopnd az autédat? 6. Nagyon szomorti lennék, ha elhagynél. 7. Nagyon boldog lettem volna, ha valaki meghivott volna. 8. Ha nem loesoltad volna a virigokat, nem lettek volna szépek. Level 2. 1. Nagyon meg lennék lepve, ha Ann nem adna kélesén neked pénzt. 2. Ha cladném a kocsimat, nem kapnék érte sok pénzt. 3. A tandrod elmagyarazza neked ezt a mondatot, ha megkéred 4, Ha megialalom az. brad, megmondom neked '5. Nagyon mérges lennék, ha a prom hazudna nekem. 6. Nem binod, ha becsukom az ablakot? 7. Nagyon halds lennék, ha hazavinnél. 8. Ha abbahagynad a dohdnyzést, lehet, hogy tobbet tudnél futni. 9, Ha a helyedben lennék, nem venném el feleségil. 10. Ha nem lakna olyan messze, gyakrabban mezlétogatnank. 11. Ha éhes lettem volna, ettem volna valamit. 12, Ha tdta volna a cimedet, meglétogatott volna. 13. Haa helyedben lennék, nem venném meg azt a kabatot. 14, Ha gazdag lennék, vennék egy hatalmas palotat 16. Ha meyslina az es6, elvihetnéd sétalni a kutyat 17, Nem lenne pénztink, ha nem dolgoznénk 18, Szeretnék Angliaban élni, ha az idé job lene. 19, Ha elmentem volna a buliba tegnap este, sok ij emberrel talélkoztam volna, 20. Ha tudtam volna, hogy kérhazban vagy, elmentem volna meglatogatni téged. Level 3 1. Ha esetleg talalkozunk vele, elmondjuk neki a hirt. 2. Ha esetleg talilkozol vele, megmondanéd neki, hogy beszéIni szeretnék vele. 3. Ha nem Iennének autok, szeretnék a vérosban élni. 4, Ha nem lett volna a vitank, soha nem deriilt volna fény az igazsdgra. 5. El kell menned holnap, még akkor is, ha nem vagy felkésziilve 6. El fogsz késni, hacsak nem indulsz.el azonnal 7. Az apja fizeti ezt a tanfolyamot, maskilénben nem lenne itt 8. Hasznaltam a sz6taram, méskilOnben tovabb tartott volna megoldani a feladaiokat. 9. Piknikezhettek itt, feltéve, hogy nem hagytok rendetlenséget. 10. Tegyilk fel, hogy sok munkam lenne, varnél ram? 11. Az anyukam kélesénadta a ruhdjat azzal a feltétellel, hogy vigydzok ra. 12, Maradok, amennyiben bocsdnatot kérsz. 13. Atmész a vizsgén, hacsak nem leszel lusta felkésziilni. 14, Ha 16 lennék, négy lébam lenne. Ha nem szeretném a nyelveket, nem foglalkoznék minden nap az angollal VITAFELADATOK, EGYENES UT AZ EGYETEMRE DEBATE 5 + (1 wien a group of students itis much more sensible to travel to Britain by coach (Chan bya. + (2) Animal experiments cannotbe justified, therefore we should ban them. 4 astrology should be taken more seriously. + @ Iewoutd be right to reintroduce the death penalty. + © Mobile phones are dangerous to health, so we should use them only for short text messages. +6 A foreign language can be learnt well only in the country where it s spoken. + (2) Homework is absotutely unnecessary, therefore it should be banned + (oe isa very reasonable decision to become vegetarian. + (9) Human Goning should be supported wholeheartedly, + (10 jro be a teacher is a really enviable career. + @ Itis great carelessness to throw things away. — (12) Space exploration is a waste of money. 4 (a3) You fool yourself if you buy a lottery ticket. 4+ ic) Herbal medicine does not deserve to be trusted. (Se is no use taking part in nationwide English language competitions. ~—@ Awoman’s place is in the home. + (i) Video games poison the minds of the young. 18 ) Graffiti should not be tolerated at all. ‘ 19) ‘The Hungarian language will disappear within one hundred years 20 )Chocolate should be eaten before and after every meal. a2 Telefon: 06 (1) 473-0769,, TARSALGASI FELADATOK EGYENES UT AZ EGYETEMRE TALKING SESSION + (2) Accor ding to recent surveys still very few people do sports regularly. 4 @ New types of secondary school education have become popular in Hungary. 4 (a)me Internet provides excellent opportunities to improve reading compre- hension skills in English. + (4) Nowadays students can wear what they like in most Hungarian schools. x (2 )me flavours of traditional Hungarian dishes are appreciated all over the world. (6) Parents and their children can enjoy more time together if housework and odd jobs are spread sensibly in the family. $ ® Traffic congestion has become almost intolerable in onr city centres. x Budapest, which is often referred to as Paris of the East, is ranked among the major cultural capitals of the world. (3) Citizens of the European Union can choose to work in any of its member states. 10) Climate change seems certain to bring a lot of extreme weather events across the globe. 11) You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. (2 Inventions and innovations have played a crucial role in the history of man- kind. 13/A large number of health problems are auributed to modern lifestyle. (4 City centre shops seem to be losing the battle with outoftown hypermarkets and shopping malls. (15 We have dozens of special days to celebrate throughout the year. (18 Television has an overwhelming influence on people's lives. 20 Telefon: 06 (1) 473-0769,, What are some important things to look for when choosing a language school? eg, qualified teachers 1 2 r] 4 How has technology positively affected life over the past 100 years? eg. improved health care 1 : 2. 3 4 What is the best way to spend a Friday night? eg. bowling Le 2 Bow 4 How does playing a sport affect the life of people? eg. keeping fit a 2 3 4 Wiral are some reasons for people reading less than they used to? eg. no time How might shopping malls affect young people today? eg, spending too much time there 3 4 What are some of the things you could do to be environmentally friendly? e.g. use less water at home 1 2 3 4 What are some of the things you think about when selecting a restaurant? eg. the price 2 3 4 How haas life changed in the last ten years for ordinary people? eg. mobile phones ‘What kind of things make a good wedding present? eg. coffee machine 1 2 3 4 What everyday item would y su put ina time capsule to represent this decade? eg-a mobile phone 1 i 2 3 4 What are the main things to think about when buying a new flat/house? eg. location Len 2 3 4B von ‘What are some of the important qualities of a good friend?/What makes a person a good friend? eg. honesty 1 . 2 3 a When you move into a flat with someone, what could some problems be? eg, they are very untidy i 7 2 a 4 ‘What are some issues you have to deal with when you start a new job? e.g. new colleagues What are some of the problems for people going to live in a different country? eg, learning the language 1 2 3 4 ‘When you are choosing where to go cn holiday what helps you decicle? cg. the weather 1 2 | 4 What are some of the main causes of disagreement between parents and children? eg. staying out late ‘what makes a person a good parent? eg, honesty 1 ‘What are the important things to do when arranging a holiday? ‘eg. arranging somewhere to stay 1 5 3 al What factors do you take into consideration when buying a book? eg. the price What are the positive effects of moclern science and technology on everyday life? eg, better communication ‘What are the most popular hobbies for young people in your country? eg, playing computer games a fon ‘What can be the negative effects of advertisements? eg, buying unnecessary things £1 2 au 4 What are the possibile ways of encouraging the use of public transport? e.g. more parking areas outside cities 1 2 3 a What needs to be considered when preparing a party for 20-30 people? eg. finding location 1 2 3 4 What would you suggest to a shy friend who has to give a speech to a group of fifty peple? eg. write reminder cards 1 What would you suggest to friend who has just failed a language exa eg. take a language course Ifyou knew the world would end in ton weeks, what things would you do in those last weeks? eg, spend all your money on silly things 1 7 2 3 4 How would you prepare if you were invited onto a TV show? eg study the recent sport results island in order to survive? What things would you take to a de: eg.a knife 7 7 i) What can be done to stop global warming? 2g. use solar energy 4 2 3 4 What changes could make cities better places to live in? eg. more cycle lanes 1 2 3 4 What are some of the ways people like to relax today? eg. watch TV 1 : 2 i 3 + What tips would you give someone geing on a language course abroad? eg: get a lot of information aout the vourse in advance 1 What do most people do to k2ep ftir your country? eg. go jogging L mune 2 3 4 Why is it good to have pets? eg, they keep you company What advice would you give a foreigner visiting your country? eg. try some local faod fod ze 3 4 | What are some of the disadvantages of computers? eg. people don't go out so much What sort of places or events would you take a visitor from abroad to? eg. the opera ‘What are some of the things you would change in the educational system? eg. too much homework for children ‘What are some of the things you consider when choosing a school ar university? eg its location

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