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For MAS user:


Challenge : test123
Go to email copy the highlight then pest it to after
Pest to above PIN field and put password which I use in MSA user

Approve MSA user:
Then go View certificate

Then go view details

Then check All 3 update Privileges

For ESA all process as MSA only access using MSA user

For Mki account go to below link

Log in as esa
Mpki approve:
Then log in as ESA

No privilege allows from ESA :461 for MPKI account

RA user for web service when create MPKI account, we see manual and automatic we can choose
automatic for RA.

After getting CSR we get CSR information form (go to google type CSR decode copy CSR and pest to site,
then we get CSR information after that we create MPKI account AS per CSR information then we go to
mail and getting PIN and web link config user site and select automatic for RA user and without RA user
we select manual.

Go to :

Then go Purchase Private Managed PKI

Enter your information then check your mail

Then go

Log in as ESA

Then go Jurisdiction Management

Then go --Process Jurisdiction then put the Organization name which I put MPKI accountant form(TVN)
Then its show the below screen

Go view details: Check mark step2 five components --click update

Click Activite

The Continute
Then go to edit Jurisdiction for enabling OCSP put the Orgznization name (TVN)—click submit

Click edit as per your company and department

Check OCSP,local Hosting,automated Administration -- Enable No Roaming then click Set features

Then click Submit

Then click Continue

Check Mail Copy the pin, then go to mentioned URL into the mail

Then pest the pin and put the password which I put MPKI from
Then click Accept

Certificate install in browser for MPKI

Browser ---option ---Advanced---Certificate tab---View certificate

Then Load MPKI Account for user and ocsp

Go to putty

Apps Serrver ---


Password: teapp@bccca

root@bccca # su – pin

root@bccca # cd /ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s

BCCTESTSubCAClass3OCSPResponder.509.cer ---------for class 0

-bash-3.2$ cd /ecas/clp/tools
./ -f /ecas/clp/config/master.cfg -x -m initial -c "TVN" -d "TVNBD"

For OCSP load

-bash-3.2$ cd data

-bash-3.2$ ls

-bash-3.2$ cd certificates

-bash-3.2$ cd bcc/

-bash-3.2$ cd BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s/

-bash-3.2$ cd /ecas/clp/tools

-bash-3.2$ ./ -f /ecas/clp/config/master.cfg -c

/ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s/BCCTESTSubCAforClass0Certificates.509.cer -s
/ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s/BCCTESTSubCAClass0OCSPResponder.509.cer -o
"TVN" -d "TVNBD"
Copy BCCTESTSubCAforClass0Certificates.509.cer -------for Class 0
Load MPKI and OCSP go to cd /ecas/clp/tools path
Then Run below command For MPKI user:

./ -f /ecas/clp/config/master.cfg -x -m initial -c "TVN" -d "TVNBD"

Go to /ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s

Copy BCCTESTSubCAClass0OCSPResponder.509.cer to below command

$ ./ -f /ecas/clp/config/master.cfg -c
/ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s/BCCTESTSubCAforClass0Certificates.509.cer -s
/ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s/BCCTESTSubCAClass0OCSPResponder.509.cer -o
"TVN" -d "TVNBD"
Go to

./ -f /ecas/clp/config/master.cfg -c
/ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s/BCCTESTSubCAforClass0Certificates.509.cer -s
/ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s/BCCTESTSubCAClass0OCSPResponder.509.cer -o
"TVN" -d "TVNBD"

For OSCP go cd /ecas/clp/tools path and run below command

./ -f /ecas/clp/config/master.cfg -c
/ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s/BCCTESTSubCAforClass0Certificates.509.cer -s
/ecas/clp/data/certificates/bcc/BCC_TEST_MPKI_509s/BCCTESTSubCAClass0OCSPResponder.509.cer -o
"TVN" -d "TVNBD"
Then go to

Log in as MPKI

Then click End-User Digital ID Policy Configuration Wizard

Click continue

Click continute
Click continue

Click continue
Click manual for various certificate and Automated for web service and RA user

Click continue
Click Continute

Click continue
Click publish

Go to URL for enroll

Click ENROLL fill up the page and submit

Challenge Phrase same as MPKI password

Go to mail see the submission details

Then go to below link
go to Prceess request

Go to view details and click approve

Click continue

FOR pick certificate go mail copy the pin and click the link for certificate PICK UP

IF not page show then go to below URL

Then go User services click the below URL

Then click PICKUP ID

Pest the pin and submit

Then we can get the certificate in browser and backup to my PC

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