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TASK 1 Maps and Plans to deseribe the changes that took place at that location during the time peri Read the information about the task. This version of Task 1 tests your ability to look at visual information presented in maps and plans, and describe the information in your own words, (On the question paper, you see one or two maps oF plans with a title. You may see maps of acity oF town, a university, 3 park, or an island. You may also see plans — for a shopping centre, an office buiding ora factory foo: The instructions for writing your response appear ina box above the maps There is also a brief description of the map inthe box There is usually a key (legend) that explains what certain features and symbols on the maps ‘mean. The maps may also include the scala (stance marker) of the map (eg. in kiometres!, and a compass arraw to show direction WorhySouthyEasi/West) Typicaly, there ace two maps o& plans showing the same sita at two eifterent points in tine. The mans snd plans indicate the time periods that they represent with labels. Your jab is to describe the changes that took place at that location during thal time period There ate a number of changes from the earlier map to the later one. For ‘example, on a map these might involve the building of new roads, the replacement of one building with another, oF the movement of one feature to anather part of the map. Here ace the basic for writing about maps and plans: '& Look at the maps or plans carefully and note the most important features and changes, 1m Select the most important diferences in the two maps to write about frst 1m Wie a wel-organised overview, 1 Include information from keys, the scale (dstance marker! or compass arrows. Use an academic ragister o styl. Wie at least 150 words. Complete the task in about 20 minutes, '& Don't give your opinion abaut the maps or any changes to the maps. 2 Work in pairs. Look at the maps below and answer th ‘What information do the maps provide? How many changes do you see? What are they? ‘What information does the key on the first map provide? ‘What information does the key on the second map provide? ‘What time labels do you see on these maps? Why are they important? Do the maps include a scafa? What does it tell you? Should you use verbs in the passive form to descrbe the maps? Why? ‘questions. The two mapsbelow show a park in Canada before and after a renovation project. 1995 2015, Flvtomaton Fnrmavon alkng! iking trai ‘GY shuttlebus stop B Sample question 3 Read the instructions and answer the question, Use the rules about the task from Section A to help you. Then look at the sample answer on page 338. Which aspects of ‘the task did you find difficult? IELTS PRACTICE TASK You should spend about 20 minutes on this task, The two plans below show the City Library in 2004 and 2014. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words City Library 2004 City Library 2014 ‘General Callection ‘Gaveral Colleton Falon__Nonalion_Chrens tries ool a Jeane ie ~ |8 if Somes a) one reas] a | | ete coo C Tips and tactics 4 Work in pairs. Read the tips and tactics and discuss these questions. ‘8 Which tips and tacties do you think are the most useful? b Did you use any of these tips and tactics when you answered the sample question Section B? © Which tips will you use in the future? 1. The first step is to look carefully at the mapsiplans. Don't rush through this step. Make sure you understand the maps/plans before you start to write 2 Underine important words in the question and look for differences between the frst map/pian and the second and mark these differences on the map/plan, Look at the key and the scale, if there is one. Decide which changes are the most important. 3. Plan your writing. You can usually divide i: into three paragraphs: introduction, first main paragraph ard second main paragraph 4 Look carefully a the time peri for each mapfplan and work out what tenses you need tose (past, present, present perfect or future). 5. Begin with an introductory sentence that describes the maps/plans in general terms, but don't repeat the exact wording of the question 6 Then describe one or two of the main changes. Don't go into deta just report the ‘most important changes you see when youlookat the chart, e.g. In 2010, the town of Southport was considerably larger and more urbanized than it was in 1980. 7 ‘nthe first main paragraph, write about the most important changes first. Choose the ‘most significant changes in the second map and compare it with the first map. 8 Inthe second main paragraph, describe the remaining changes and again compare the first map with what you see in the second. 9 You should generally use the passive form to describe changes that accu’ to rooms, buildings, roads. parts of atown, etc 10. Use information trom the key in your response and use the scale, if there is one, to estimate distances, e g. The mew library is located about a kilometre north of the old one. 11. Remember, don't iy to expiain the changes, or give you opinion; just describe and report them. 12 Keep track of the time. Don't spend more than 20 minutes on Task 1 13. Make sure your handwriting 's clear and lege. 14 Keep in mind the criteria that the examiners use to mark your response. (For marking criteria, see About the Academic Writing Test, page 180.) D Skills-building exercises Present simple Inthe first map, thore is no development on the northern part of the beach. However. in the second map, there is a large hotel on this section of the beach. Past simple and past perfect In 1950, there was a coffee shop on the comer of 4th Street and Oak Avenue. However, in 1975, a hotel stood on that corner. By 2010, a bridge across the river had been built. Past simple/present simple, present perfect, used to In 2000, King Street was.a two-way street, but itis a one-way street today. The trees have been cut down and ihe forest has been replaced with a paved parking area. The shop that used to be on tho south side of the street was relocated to the north side, There was formerly @ large playground in the park Present/future times Af the moment, there is one sports centre, but three years from now there will be four sports centres in the area. aan SMMC HN PeeOU PUTS TNTP T N (One common way to locate features on maps is to use compass points, North Anew public swimming poo! was built to the north of the tennis courts. North-west North-east A bandstand has been constructed in the centre of the park. There was formerly an industrial zone in the south- West East east of the city. The word just can be used to indicate that (wo things are close to each other: South-west South-east The public gardens are just west of Albert Street. South POSITION be The town hall isin the centre of town. There is now a highspeed train linking the two towns. lie The town of Greendale lies 20 kilometres east of Fallsbrook islocated The new student residence is located on the east of the campus, can be found / can be seen A bookstore cam be Found on the second floor of the complex. stand (used mainly for buildings) The opera house once stood on the comer of Charles ‘Avenue and Rose Street. CHANGE build A shopping mal! has been built just outside of town, construct An elementary school was constructed where the factory used to be. expand The science lab was greatly expanded ‘add on to A new wing has been added on to the art museum. demolish Several houses were demolished when the road was constructed. become The open space West of the business park became a residential neighbourhood. remove The first two rows of seats n the theatre were removed when the stage was expanded, convert {to) The factory was converted to a museum. transform (into) The old barn will be transformed into an antique shop. ‘move to The gift shop was moved to another part ofthe art museum. relocate By 2008, the fire station had been relocated. ROADS, BRIDGES, ETC pass through A highway now passes through the centre of town. un A railway used to run between the two towns. link The tvo skyscrapers are linked by a walkway on the 30th floor. connect A bridge connects Travis Island with the mainiand. extend The light rail system will be extended all the way to the airport next year. at the junction with There is @ hospital on Cooper Street at the junction with Blake Avenue, cross Cars used to erass the river at Pembroke Street, but now they eras the river at Castle Street QUESTS] 5 the maps bolow show a section of a university campus in 1980 and now. Look carefully at the maps and then follow these instructions. Sursmarising the ‘main differences 1. First, write a sentence that describes what the maps show in your own words. ‘and describing 2. Next, write one sentence that summarises the changes shown on the two maps. speciicchandes ‘Make notes on the specific changes that have taken place on the campus since 1990. Use your notes to write sentences about these changes with the words provided. Make sure you use the correct tensé 1 tink 2 expand =— 5 demolish 7 relocate 2 convert 4 construct 6 build 1990 behind Behind the supermarket, there is a cinema, ‘opposite / across ... from A discount store was opposite the medical centre on High Street. A discount store was across the street from the medical centre. between Today, there is a clothing store between the two coffee shops. next to A laundry used to be next to the pharmacy. in front of Theres a news stand in front of the office building at one end ... and at the other At one end of the street there was once a bank, and at the other was the City Hall. inside Inside the courtyard you can see a garden. outside There used 10 be some vending machines outside the hotel in the middle of A smollistend lies in the middle of the lake DEPARTMENT 7 Look at the map of the university campus again. Write six sentenc location. to talk about 1. recreation building ... next to A recreation has been but next to the alletie fells, bbke path ... between library .. central new Arts and Music classroom ... north-eastern ‘women's dormitory ... east of science building ... between @asen 8 Look carefully at the maps of the shopping centre below. Complete the following stages. 1 Fist, wrtea sentence that gives the information in the instructions in your own words 2. Next, write one sentence that summarises the changes shown on the two maps. 3 Then make notes on the specife changes tha have taken pace between 1985 and 2005, Use your notes towrte sentences about these changes with the words below Make sure You use the correc verb forms. Cinema 3 Food Stalls Entrance 2c Entrance Food Stalls ‘1 roopcourt crags ‘NORTH Food Enicanse: (COURTYARD Stal [Shop Electronics, Entrance Divacant @ Look carefully at the maps and answer the questions. (3-5 minutes) 1. What is the overall idea of the maps? 2 What is the overall purpose of the development project? 3. What are TWO of the most important changes that took place during the development project? 4 What are some other changes that took place during the development project? The maps show the waterfront section of a city before and after a development project. Before After Ferry Ferry terminal terminal Container ship piers Pleasure boat marina Apartment building 10 Now write your answer to the task. (10-15 minutes) ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 1 Write an introductory statement (based on the information in the text bex) and outline the ‘main changes that took piace 2 Describe two of the most important changes that took place during the development project, Give details avout the location of some of the features on the maps. Compare the way the waterfront looked before the project and after the project, 3. Describe two more changes that took piace during the development project. Give detal's about the lacation of some of the features on the maps. ‘11 Cheek your work. Look for mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Make sure you have used the correct tenses, and used a good variety of language for describing maps. (3-5 minutes) 12. Work in pairs. After you have finished, look at the model answer on the DVD-ROM, Compare your answers with the model answer and think about the martcing criteria, (See page 180 for marking criteria)

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