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My physics 

teacher in an amazing person. She loves teaching and making us use our imagination and

At the end of the first semester of 9th grade, she gave us a project related to WORK. It didn’t matter
in what form we talked about work as long as it was related to it. I decided to make a pulley, in order
to show how it works.

I bought all the pieces needed for the project and I started.

At first, things were going pretty well, everything looked perfect. I was actually surprised to realise
that it is such a simple task. When I tried to use it, it suddenly broke. I tried again, but in the end, I
had the same result. I was a little demoralized, but I didn’t give up.

I asked my father for help and he happily agreed. We worked together as a team to assemble the
pulley again. When it was time to test it, I was a little nervous, but it worked as perfectly as a store-
bought pulley. I was happy to finally finish my project so I thanked my dad for all the help.

At school, the teacher was impressed by my creativity and courage to ask for help, so she gave me
extra points. I was happy with the finished result, so was my teacher.

In the end I was proud othat i overcome the problem and finished my project as expected.

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