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This study will examine the influence of human resource management practices towards

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................i

TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................................ii

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1

2. What are the due considerations during design of prefabricated element and Why?........1

1.1 Design Considerations.....................................................................................................1

1.1.2 Design Requirements for Safety Against Progressive Collapse...................................3

1.2 consideration during selecting suitable materials for prefabrication..............................4

1.3 How does the material used in construction affect the design of the element?...............4

2. What is the reason of using certain geometric discipline in practical approaches, which
relate to setup coordination and measurement of components and spaces in building design? 5

3. What are the requirements of good quality formwork? Explain the relation between
concrete and formwork quality..................................................................................................6

3.1 How Formwork Affects Concrete Quality......................................................................7

3.2 Explain the relation between concrete and formwork quality.........................................8

4 What are the main activities required before, at and after demolition and dismantling of
building structures.....................................................................................................................9

4.1 The main activities required to do before starting a demolition and dismantling...........9

4.2 Planning before demolition in detail..............................................................................11

4.3 Main activities required at demolition and dismantling of building structures?...........12

4.4 Main activities required After demolition and dismantling of building structures?......12

5 Why RMC concrete preferably used in construction of large volume project? And
explain admixture that are used in RMC and what is the advantage of using this admixtures?

5.1 Why RMC concrete preferably used in construction of large volume project?........13

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5.2 Explain admixture that are used in RMC and what is the advantage of using this

5.2.1 Types of concrete admixtures.....................................................................................13

Chemical Admixtures......................................................................................................13

Mineral Admixtures.........................................................................................................14

6 What are the major problems in using pumping for concreting works? Explain it.........22

6.1 Blockage of Concrete Pump.....................................................................................22

6.2 Segregation and Bleeding in Concrete Mix...................................................................23

6.3 How to avoid problems related to the use of pumps for concrete works?.....................23

7. When and where high performance concrete preferable in construction. Why? Is it

desirable to use concrete of very high strength (i.e. exceeding 60MPa) in building
construction? What are the potential problems associated with such high strength concrete?

7.1 When and where high performance concrete preferable in construction. Why?`........24

7.2 Is it desirable to use concrete of very high strength (i.e. exceeding 60MPa) in building
construction? What are the potential problems associated with such high strength


Page iii
#1 Suppose you are a designer in a company that supply a prefabricate construction
structures and you are asked to design the elements of prefabricated element and select
suitable material. What are the due considerations during design of prefabricated element,
and selection of suitable material? Why? And explain how the material used in
construction affect the element?

2. What are the due considerations during design of prefabricated

element and Why?

During design of elements in prefabricated structures due consideration should be given to:
quality materials, stresses developed during handling the members, minimum factor of
safety. design principles of prefabricated systems includes : Standardization.Principle of
structural design, Connections, Let me discuss in detail

1.1 Design Considerations

The precast structure should be analyzed as a monolithic one and the joints in them designed to
take the forces of an equivalent discrete system. Resistance to horizontal loading shall be
provided by having appropriate moment and shear resisting joints or placing shear walls (in
diaphragm braced frame type of construction) in two directions at right angles or otherwise. No
account is to be taken of rotational stiffness, if any, of the floor-wall joint in case of precast
bearing wall buildings. The individual components shall be designed, taking into consideration
the appropriate end conditions and loads at various stages of construction. The components of
the structure shall be designed for loads in accordance with international standards. In addition,
members shall be designed for handling, erection and impact loads that might be expected during
handling and erection.

1.1.1 In some conventional forms of construction, experience has shown that the structures are
capable of safely sustaining abnormal conditions of loading and remaining stable after the
removal of primary structural members. It has been shown that some forms of building structure
and particularly some industrialized large panel systems have little reserve strength to resist

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forces not specifically catered for in the design. In the light of this, therefore, recommendations
made in i to x should be kept in mind for ensuring stability of such structure during design.

i. Adequate buttressing of external wall panels is important since these elements are not
fully restrained on both sides by floor panels. Adequate design precautions may be taken
by the designer. Experience shows that the external wall panel connections are the
weakest points of a precast panel building.
ii. It is equally important to provide restraint to all load bearing elements at the corners of
the building. These elements and the external ends of cross-wall units should be stiffened
either by introducing columns as connecting units or by jointing them to nonstructural
wall units which in emergency may support the load. Jointing of these units should be
done bearing in mind the need for load support in an emergency.
iii. In prefabricated construction, the possibility of gas or other explosions which can remove
primary structural elements leading to progressive collapse of the structure shall be taken
into account. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the possibility of progressive collapse
in which the failure or displacement of one element of a structure causes the failure or
displacement of another element and results in the partial or total collapse of the building.
iv. Provision in the design to reduce the probability of progressive collapse is essential in
buildings of over six storeys and is of relatively higher priority than for buildings of
lower height.
v. It is necessary to ensure that any local damage to a structure does not spread to other
parts of the structure remote from the point of mishap and that the overall stability is not
impaired, but it may not be necessary to stiffen all parts of the structure against local
damage or collapse in the immediate vicinity of a mishap, unless the design briefs
specifically requires this to be done.
vi. Additional protection may be required in respect of damage from vehicles; further, it is
necessary to consider the effect of damage to or displacement of a load-bearing member
by an uncontrolled vehicle. It is strongly recommended that important structural members
are adequately protected by concrete kerbs or similar method.
vii. In all aspects of erection that affect structural design, it is essential that the designer
should maintain a close liaison with the builder/contractor regarding the erection
procedures to be followed.

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viii. Failures that have occurred during construction appear to be of two types. The first of
these is the packof-cards type of collapse in which the absence of restraining elements,
such as partitions, cladding or shear walls, means that the structure is not stable during
the construction period. The second is the situation in which one element falls during
erection and lands on an element below. The connections of the lower element then give
way under the loading, both static and dynamic, and a chain reaction of further collapse is
set up.
ix. A precaution against the first form of failure is that the overall stability of a building shall
be considered in all its erection stages as well as in its completed state. All joints that may
be required to resist moments and shears during the erection stage only, shall be designed
with these in mind. Temporary works required to provide stability during construction
shall be designed carefully.
x. To guard against the second form of failure, that is, the dropping of a unit during
erection, particular attention shall be given to the details of all pre-formed units and their
seatings to ensure that they are sufficiently robust to withstand the maximum stresses that
can arise from site conditions. Precast concrete construction generally shall be capable of
withstanding the impact forces that can arise from bad workmanship on site.

1.1.2 Design Requirements for Safety Against Progressive Collapse

Prefabricated buildings shall be designed with proper structural integrity to avoid situations
where damage to small areas of a structure or failure of single elements may lead to collapse of
major parts of the structure. Key Elements, Bearing for Precast Units,connecting union etc.

All in all Designs should take into consideration standard materials available in the market.

 Low cost as the product is produced in mass, wastage reduce and Standard dimensions:
Designing with this in mind can reduce cutting and wastage.

The design of joints, Storage of materials is of considerable importance in the precasting

industry, as a mistake in Design and planning in this aspect can greatly influence the economics
of production. From experience in construction, it is clear that there will be very high
percentages of loss of materials as well as poor quality due to improper storage and transport. So,
in a precast factory where everything is produced with special emphasis on quality, proper

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storage and preservation of building materials, especially cement, coarse and fine aggregates, is
of prime importance

1.2 consideration during selecting suitable materials for prefabrication

While selecting the materials for prefabrication, the following point shall be considered:

 Easy availability;
 Light-weight for easy handling and transport;
 Thermal insulation property;
 Easy workability;
 Durability;
 Non-combustibility;
 Sound insulation;
 Easy assembly and compatibility to form a complete unit;
 Economy; and
 Any other special requirement in a particular application.

1.2.1 Plans and Specifications : The detailed plans and specifications shall cover the following:

 Such drawings shall describe the elements and the structure and assembly including all
required data of physical properties of component materials. Material specification, age
of concrete for demoulding, casting/ erection tolerance and type of curing to be followed.
 Details of connecting joints of prefabricates shall be given to an enlarged scale.
 Site or shop location of services, such as installation of piping, wiring or other
accessories integral with the total scheme shall be shown separately.
 Data sheet indicating the location of the inserts

1.3 How does the material used in construction affect the design of the element?
In the production of prefabricated structures how does the material used in construction affect the
element? material quality and economic design.

Prefabrication is used to affect economy in cost. This results in improvement in quality because
components can be manufactured under controlled conditions. The spread of construction is
increased since no curing period is necessary. The materials for the construction are classified as

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homogeneous and composite based on the number of different material used in prefabrication.
The problem in prefabrication is the transportation in economic ways. To avoid this problem of
transportation, the structure is disunited or separated into smaller or elements, so that the
transportation becomes very easy.

All in all The engineer is permitted to choose a design method that eliminates or reduces the
hazard, uses a structural system in all dimension. that is insensitive to the hazard, ties the system
together, or to design so that the system can tolerate accidental removal of an element.

2. What is the reason of using certain geometric discipline in practical

approaches, which relate to setup coordination and measurement of

components and spaces in building design?
Certain geometric discipline using practical approaches which relate to setup coordination and
measurement of components and spaces in building design is introduced in modular

 provides a practical and coherent method for coordinating- the position and dimension of
elements, components and spaces in the planning and design of buildings
 to provide guidance to building component sizing which can reduce the need to further
trim and shape the materials to fit together in construction
 mass production of building components in factories which ensures good and consistent
workmanship and quality
 Easier design, Easier manufacture, Easier erection and completion with matching of
standard in dimension

More Reason is to use Characteristics of Module

 Industrialization friendly i.e. able to cater for manufacturing, transportation and assembly
 Small enough in term of size in order to provide the necessary flexibility in design
 Internationally accepted to ensure that it can be mass produced to cater for global market
 To improve the efficiency of people by providing adequate space for human livings and
working conditions.
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 permits standardization, which encourages the use of standardized building components
for the construction of different types of buildings
 Internationally accepted to support international market

Objectives of implementing MC

 to improve productivity through the reduction of wastages in the production, installation

process, to improve quality in the construction industry
 to encourage an open system - building components could combine in a variety of
individual building projects while ensuring the architect freedom in their designs.

3. What are the requirements of good quality formwork? Explain the

relation between concrete and formwork quality

To produce concrete forms that meet all job requirements, the construction engineer must
understand the characteristics, properties, and behaviors of the materials used; be able to estimate
the loads applied to the forms; and be familiar with the advantages and shortcomings of various
forming systems.

Good formwork should fulfill the following criteria:

 It is strong enough to support the weight of fresh concrete during placing

and compacting, and any other loads it may be required to take.
 The face of the formwork is of sufficient quality for its use.
 It can be easily erected and struck.
 It is sufficiently stable in all weathers.
 It can be handled safely and easily using the equipment available.
 It provides suitable access for placing and compacting the concrete.
 It conforms with appropriate safety regulations.
 The joints between members are sound enough to prevent grout leakage.
 It should be strong enough to withstand all types of dead and live loads.
 It should be rigidly constructed and efficiently propped and braced both
horizontally and vertically, so as to retain its shape.

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 The joints in the formwork should be tight against leakage of cement
 Construction of formwork should permit removal of various parts in
desired sequences without damage to the concrete.
 The material of the formwork should be cheap, easily available and should
be suitable for reuse.
 The formwork should be set accurately to the desired line and levels
should have plane surface.
 It should be as light as possible.
 The material of the formwork should not warp or get distorted when
exposed to the elements.
 It should rest on firm base.

In order to successfully carry out its function, formwork must achieve a balance of following

 Containment, Strength, Resistance To Leakage, Accuracy, Ease Of Handling,

Finish And Reuse Potential, Access For Concrete, Economy

3.1 How Formwork Affects Concrete Quality

 Size, shape, and alignment of slabs, beams, and other concrete structural
elements depend on accurate construction of the forms.

The forms must be:

 Sufficiently rigid under the construction loads to maintain the designed shape of
the concrete,
 Stable and strong enough to maintain large members in alignment, and
 Substantially constructed to withstand handling and reuse without losing their
dimensional integrity.
 The formwork must remain in place until the concrete is strong enough to carry
its own weight, or the finished structure may be damaged.

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3.2 Explain the relation between concrete and formwork quality
As fresh concrete is in a plastic state, when it is placed for construction purposes, so it becomes
necessary to provide some temporary structure to confine and support the concrete, till it gains
sufficient strength for self supporting. Concrete is a principal construction material in building
industry. Formwork plays an important role in assisting geometry realisation and strength
development of concrete elements. It is also one of the major costs in the construction of
concrete structures. Formwork is essential for the construction of concrete structures. On one
hand, it could shape concrete into the desired geometry; on the other hand, it allows fresh
concrete to gradually develop strength to support structure. Formwork is a temporary support for
the construction of concrete structure, which is mainly used to shape and maintain fresh concrete
until it reaches adequate strength. The final geometry and surface quality of the completed
concrete structure are highly dependent on the formwork system employed in the construction
(Schipper, 2015)

Forms must be built to the correct dimensions. Formwork must be rigid enough under
construction loads to maintain the designed shape and alignment of the concrete element. If the
forms deflect excessively, bulges in the concrete surface may require expensive chipping and
grinding. If the forms move out of place, the misalignment can destroy the integrity of the
structure or affect installation of the structural frame, the building’s facade, or building
equipment. The formwork must stay in place until the concrete is strong enough to carry its own
weight and any external loads.

The quality of the surface finish of the concrete is directly affected by the forms and form
material. Poor workmanship and a lack of attention to detail while installing formwork will lead
to form concrete leakage and rough finishes. If the forms do not produce the specified finish,
considerable corrective work such as grinding, patching, rubbing, or coating may be required.
The quality of the formwork itself has a direct impact on safety, accidents, and failures. Correctly
designed formwork will ensure that the concrete maintains the desired size and shape by having
the proper dimensions and being rigid enough to hold its shape under the stresses of the concrete.
The quality of the resulting concrete is dictated by the quality of formwork materials and
workmanship. So their relationship is direct and quality of concrete is depend on the quality of

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4 What are the main activities required before, at and after demolition
and dismantling of building structures

4.1 The main activities required to do before starting a demolition and dismantling
A demolition project is a huge undertaking. Before you start bringing out the sledgehammers,
you’ll need some major planning to make your project run as safely and smoothly as possible.
Here are seven things you need to do before starting a demolition.

1. Hiring a Contractor

In most cases, it’s best to leave a demolition project to professionals. There are many risks
involved in doing a demolition yourself.

2. Approve your Demolition Plan

After surveying your structure, we’ll devise a demolition plan to outline the works to be
undertaken. This plan would include which part of the structure is exactly to be removed, the
proposed demolition methodology, site organisation plan, recycling plan, as well as the safety
and environmental risk controls.

3. Get the legal permits

With a plan in place, you still can’t start the demolition just yet. a license is required for certain
demolition projects. To obtain a demolition permit you must submit a demolition plan and go
through the City of building approval process.

4. Warn the Neighbours

Once you get the green light from the authorities, it’s time to warn the neighbours. Although
we’ll try our best to control noise and vibrations, no demolition plan is ever really disturbance-
free. It’s best to give your neighbours a heads-up at least a week before the demolition. Let them
know the estimated timeline for the demolition, as well as the projected timing of work in terms
of days and work hours. Keeping your neighbours fully informed will ensure you avoid noise
complaints down the line.

5. Checking for Asbestos

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One reason why you need to hire professionals for a large demolition project is that your
property might be harbouring dangerous substances like asbestos. Unfortunately, asbestos was
widely used in home construction prior to the 90’s so most old houses will contain asbestos.

While asbestos that is in good condition isn’t dangerous, disturbing asbestos can trigger the
release of asbestos fibres which then poses a health hazard. Inhaling asbestos fibres is highly
dangerous and can lead to a lung disease that can ultimately progress to cancer. A thorough
asbestos inspection needs to be carried out prior to the start of demolition. Laboratory testing
should also be conducted to confirm the presence of asbestos.

6. Disconnect Utilities

Before we start with the demolition, all utilities must be disconnected. This includes gas,
electricity, water supply, and drainage. Cutting through live utilities not only poses a safety risk
to our workers but can even damage the supply to neighbouring homes which is a huge and
expensive headache. File a written request to your service provider before the demolition to
terminate these services.

7. Have a Recycling Plan in Place

Throwing away concrete isn’t as simple as hauling it in the trash unless you want a large fine.
Concrete and other construction materials need to be disposed of in a licensed recycling facility.
Another option is to check with your council if they accept donations of demolished concrete for

4.2 Planning before demolition in detail

 The type of ground the structure erected
 Condition of roof truss
 Walls
 Staircases, balconies, cornices
 Prestressed concrete and multi storey structures
 Basements, cellars
 Wells and springs
 Storage tanks

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 Structures known to be dangerous
 Lightning conductors
 Original plans
 Signs of bench mark
 Street closures or traffic diversions

Public services:

 Check where to locate drains, electricity, gas, water, telephone, etc.

 Arrangements should be made for diversion, removal or where they have
to remain, for protection, and for any pipes connected to foul sewers to be
sealed off
 A temporary water supply will often be needed so that spraying, to keep
down dust can take place

Statutory requirements:

 The client should notify the local authority

 Where demolition work could affect other property, the owner of the
building must notify the other owners so that full agreement can be
reached on matters of support, protection, disturbance, etc.

On site general precautions:

 Hoardings should be erected around the site with a minimum height of

 Windows should be taken out before work starts to avoid damage by
broken glass.
 Window frames should be left in to help maintain wall strength.
 Windows, doors and other openings should be boarded
 Internal lift entrances should be boarded
 Access to all areas where flooring has been removed should be barred with
at least one board to indicate danger.

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 Stone balconies and stone cantilever projections should be cut off before
the main demolition starts
 All external metal staircases or ladders should be carefully inspected
before use
 Once disturbed, stone staircases should not be used at all since they can no
longer be regarded as safe access.
 Strict control should be exercised over the burning of rubbish since flames
fanned by a breeze can easily get out of hand
 Explosives must be properly stored etc.
 Staircases should be kept free from debris
 Timber, taken out during demolition work, should have any projecting
nails and screws flattened or removed
 Check personnel protection: safety boots, helmets, goggles, safety belts.

4.3 Main activities required at demolition and dismantling of building structures?

 The contractor can now proceed to start the work of demolition
 The type of structure to be demolished will determine the method adopted

Normal order of demolition/dismantling: Any material value is removed, stripping and removal
of internal fixtures and fittings, roof covering, roof timbers, Superstructure.

4.4 Main activities required After demolition and dismantling of building structures?
After completion of work, the site is cleared of construction waste, which is then taken to special
landfills for solid waste storage. Increased concern for environmental protection has led
governments to introduce legislation to encourage the use of construction demolished waste after
recycling it. Demolition sites are the sources of large amounts of solid waste, which today is
being used as mere landfill. On the other hand, building practices are such that reusable materials
also become mixed with rubble, stone and soil, reducing their value and making recycling
difficult or uneconomical. A building waste recycling as aggregates is a modern approach for
preventing environmental pollution through reducing the stocks of waste. The reuse of building
waste is a relatively new issue for the world despite the existing considerable quantity of
building waste.

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5 Why RMC concrete preferably used in construction of large volume
project? And explain admixture that are used in RMC and what is the
advantage of using this admixtures?

5.1 Why RMC concrete preferably used in construction of large volume project?

5.2 Explain admixture that are used in RMC and what is the advantage of using this

5.2.1 Types of concrete admixtures

Concrete admixtures are used to improve the behavior of concrete under a variety of conditions
and are of two main types: Chemical and Mineral.

Chemical Admixtures
ASTM Categories the Concrete Admixtures, as ASTM C494 specifies the requirements for
seven chemical admixture types. They are:

 Type A: Water-reducing admixtures.

 Type B: Retarding admixtures.
 Type C: Accelerating admixtures.
 Type D: Water-reducing and retarding admixtures.
 Type E: Water-reducing and accelerating admixtures.
 Type F: Water-reducing, high range admixtures.
 Type G: Water-reducing, high range, and retarding admixtures.

Chemical admixtures reduce the cost of construction, modify properties of hardened concrete,
ensure quality of concrete during mixing/transporting/placing/curing, and overcome certain
emergencies during concrete operations. Chemical admixtures are used to improve the quality of
concrete during mixing, transporting, placement and curing.

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Mineral Admixtures
Mineral admixtures make mixtures more economical, reduce permeability, increase strength, and
influence other concrete properties. Mineral admixtures affect the nature of the hardened
concrete through hydraulic or pozzolanic activity. Pozzolans are cementitious materials and
include natural pozzolans (such as the volcanic ash used in Roman concrete), fly ash and silica
fume. They can be used with Portland cement, or blended cement either individually or in

Note: Changes occur in the admixture industry faster than the ASTM consensus process.
Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures (SRA) and Mid-Range Water Reducers (MRWD) are two areas
for which no ASTM C494-98 specifications currently exist.

Protect Against Freeze Thaw Cycles Improve Durability

Air entrainment is particularly effective in providing resistance to freeze-thaw cycles. When the
moisture in concrete freezes, these air cells relieve internal pressure by providing microscopic
chambers for the expansion of water as it freezes. Some air entraining mixtures contain a catalyst
for more rapid and complete hydration of Portland cement. To protect concrete from damage
during freezing, bubbles must have the proper size, distribution and volume. ASTM C 260
specifies requirements for air entraining admixtures.

Benefits of air-entrainment include:

 Improved resistance of concrete to severe frost action or freeze/thaw cycles

 High resistance to cycles of wetting and drying
 High degree of workability
 High degree of durability

Dosage: Typical air entrainment ranges from 5% to 8% of the volume of concrete.

Water Reduction in the Mix

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Water reducers have become so important in concrete, that they could be considered the "fifth"
ingredient. They can be used to: (1) increase slump, (2) lower the water-cement ratio, or (3)
reduce cement content.

Water reducers come as Low Range, Mid Range, and High Range Superplasticizers. There are
enough different admixtures available that it is possible to select one that meets the need of a
particular project whether it is tall columns that need a mix that pumps easily, or an easy-to-
finish durable floor slab. In general, they provide the required slump with less water in the mix,
and may provide higher strength concrete without increasing the amount of cement.

Conventional water reducers

Are required to achieve a minimum 5% water reduction. A conventional water reducer can
reduce slump by about 1 to 2 inches without the addition of water.

Mid-Range water reducers

Can reduce water content by at least 8% and as much as 15%. They tend to be stable over a
wider range of temperatures and tend to give more consistent setting times. These reducers work
most effectively in mixes designed to have a slump in the range of 4 to 5 inches.

 Particularly useful in hot weather concreting by counteracting the accelerating effect of

high ambient and concrete temperatures
 Slow the setting rate of concrete
 Delay initial set of concrete
 Keep concrete workable during placement

High-Range water reducers (superplasticizers)

Can reduce water content from 12% to as much as 40% and are typically used in concretes
designed to have slumps of 8 to 11 inches. They can be used to either increase slump (by 4 to 8
inches) or lower the water content of hot weather concrete mixes. Used to increase flow ability.

High Strength Concrete

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Admixtures containing microsilica (condensed silica fume) are used to meet high strength and
low permeability requirements. Benefits include reduced permeability, increased compressive
and flexural strengths, and increased durability.

Applications include high-strength structural columns, less permeable parking garage decks, and
abrasion resistant hydraulic structures. Silica fume can be used in concrete to produce
compressive strengths approaching 20,000 psi under jobsite conditions. This admixture can be
added in slurry or in a dry form, whichever meets the batching equipment needs. In either case,
performance is the same.

Strength Enhancement

Concrete strength enhancement can be achieved through use of super plasticizer admixtures to
produce a low water/cement ratio giving high performance concrete. These admixtures promote
a high slump, extremely flow able concrete that achieves high strengths while providing superior
workability and pump ability.

High range water-reducing admixtures can also be used for precast/prestressed structures where
it is desirable to keep the water/cement ratio to a minimum for low permeability and high early
strengths without set retardation. They are also used for concrete requiring high-early stripping

Fly Ash - Making Concrete Stronger, More Durable, and Easier to Work With Derived from
burning coal, fly ash is a valuable additive that makes concrete stronger, more durable and easier
to work with. Fly ash aids the formation of cementitious compounds to enhance the strength,
impermeability and durability of concrete.

Two main classes of fly ash are used in concrete, Class F, and Class C.

Class F

Reduces bleeding and segregation in plastic concrete. In hardened concrete, increases ultimate
strength, reduces drying shrinkage and permeability, lowers heat of hydration and reduces creep.

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Class C

Provides unique self-hardening characteristics and improves permeability. Especially useful in

pre-stressed concrete and other applications where high early strengths are required. Also useful
in soil stabilization.

Silica Fume: Early Strength and Reduced Permeability

Silica fume can make a significant contribution to early-age strength of concrete. One pound of
silica fume produces about the same amount of heat as a pound of portland cement, and yields
about three to five times as much compressive strength.

Silica fume improves concrete in two ways the basic pozzolanic reaction, and a microfiller
effect. Addition of silica fume improves bonding within the concrete and helps reduce
permeability, it also combines with the calcium hydroxide produced in the hydration of Portland
cement to improve concrete durability.

As a microfiller, the extreme fineness of the silica fume allows it to fill the microscopic voids
between cement particles. This greatly reduces permeability and improves the paste-to-aggregate
bond of the resulting concrete compared to conventional concrete. The amount required is related
to silica fume dosage and the water-cementitious materials ratio. Silica fume is cementitious, but
typically is added to and not replacing the existing Portland cement.

Tip: The higher percentage of silica fume used, the higher the amount of super plasticizer
needed. But mix can become "sticky". Consider replacing about 1/3 of the super plasticizer with
a mid-range water reducer to improve workability


 Reduces concrete permeability

 Increases concrete strength
 Improves resistance to corrosion

Concrete Admixtures that Control Cracking

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Reducing Drying or Shrinkage Cracking: Hydrated cement paste shrinks as it loses moisture
from its extremely small pores. As the moisture is lost in these small pores, the surface tension of
the remaining water tends to pull the pores together which results in a loss of volume over time.

Shrinkage reducing admixtures (SRAs) are designed to decrease the effects of drying shrinkage
by reducing the surface tension in these pores. It should be noted that the type of aggregate and
the cement properties themselves can influence the amount of cracking that can occur. Thus, it is
important to test local project-specific materials if doing shrinkage testing.

Curing also affects cracking. In slabs, the top tends to dry out first and shrinks while the lower
sections still have higher moisture content. This difference in moisture can be altered by use of
Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures, which alter the way water migrates through the concrete and
results in a more uniform moisture profile.

Corrosion Protection

Reinforced concrete that is exposed to deicing salts and marine environments is particularly
susceptible to chloride-induced corrosion. A well-designed, durable, low permeability concrete
mix will provide some protection against chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement.

Corrosion inhibitors can be effective in parking structures, bridges and marine environments.
Other ways of reducing corrosion are to use penetrating surface sealers to help prevent chloride
penetration, epoxy-coated rebar, or silica fume in the mix. Silica fume can increase durability
and reduce permeability. Non-chloride containing set accelerator admixtures is available which
conform to ASTM C 494 Type C.

Calcium chloride has been used in the past because it is relatively inexpensive and provides set
acceleration and early strength development. However, the corrosive effects of the chloride have
been observed as much as 20 years after the concrete was poured. Thus, non-chloride containing
admixtures have been developed for use where potential corrosion of embedded or stressed steel
must be avoided. As with all other admixtures, manufacturers instructions for its use in
conjunction with other admixtures and dosage must be followed to be effective.

Set Acceleration

Page 18
Set accelerators work by accelerating cement hydration, which results in shortened setting times
and increased early age strengths, particularly in cooler temperatures. They increase the rate of
early strength development and reduce time required for curing and protection. At one time,
calcium chloride was the predominant accelerating admixture. However, it is now considered by
many to be a main contributor to long-term concrete problems. Chloride is considered to
contribute to corrosion of reinforcement or embedded metal in concrete. In turn this corrosion
has been associated with spalling, cracking, loss of bond and if left uncorrected can cause
eventual failure of the element involved. Now, chloride-free set accelerators are available based
upon other chemicals. Some of these newer admixtures also can act as ASTM C494 Type E

Set Retardation

Set retarders are used where delay in setting time is required to ensure sufficient placement,
vibration or compaction time. Set retarders permit application of higher temperature curing of
precast/prestressed concrete without negatively affecting the ultimate strength.


 Long hauls
 Trucks waiting a long time - even for a small pour
 Undermanned placement crew
 Slow pour rate
 Stamping concrete in warm weather

Things to consider:

Project location - long or short haul

 Size of pour
 Rate of pour
 Placement method
 Environment exterior, interior

Page 19
Thick sections - (if dry windy conditions, early surface drying while the underlying concrete is
still soft can make finishing difficult and result in a wavy or cracked surface

When a set retarder may not be required

 Short hauls with quick placement

 Cool moist interior location
 Residential or commercial basement
 Fast pour rate


Superplasticizers (High-Range Water Reducers) can make a low-to-normal slump concrete into a
high-slump flowing concrete which can be placed with little or no vibration. However, the
change in slump usually lasts only about 30 to 60 minutes depending upon the brand and dosage
rate. High-range water reducers fall into either ASTM C494 Type F or Type G classification. In
either case, they can be used to produce very high slumps without segregation, an ideal situation
where increased flowability is necessary due to congested reinforcement.

Other applications and benefits of high-range water reducers include:

 difficult wall placements

 narrow forms
 sections with blackouts, penetrations, or embedded items
 pumping high vertical distances
 fast placement of concrete
 increased lift heights and free fall distances

Note: The increased thinness of the concrete mix means that forms should be tight to prevent
leakage even through small joints which can result in fins and discoloration.

Type F super plasticizers

Page 20
Added at the job site and keep concrete flow able for a short period of time. At some point, the
concrete will lose slump quickly.

Type G super plasticizers

Can be added either during batching or at the job site. This admixture will delay setting, but
cause the concrete to be flowable for a longer period of time which could delay finishing. If haul
times are particularly long, Type G can be added at the plant. However, if delivery is delayed too
long, the effects can be diminished. Redosing is possible to regain the plasticity of the mix and
manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed closely.

Finishing Enhancers

Mid-range water-reducing admixtures can be used as finishing enhancers for concrete.

Particularly in commercial and residential flatwork and formed concrete applications. MRWRs
produce less permeable, more durable concrete and concrete with significantly early and ultimate
compressive strengths.

Cold Weather Concreting Note

A drop of 20o F can double the time it takes concrete to set. ASTM C494 Type C accelerators or
a Type F combination of accelerators and water reducers may be the solution.

Hot Weather Concreting Note

As a general rule, each 10o F increase in ambient temperature reduces slump about 1". A 30 o F
increase in mix temperature can cut setting time in half, increase water requirements, and reduce
the 28-day compressive strength as much as 25%. A switch from ASTM C494 Type A to Type D
water reducing and set retarding mix may be part of an effective plan for hot-weather concreting.

Page 21
6 What are the major problems in using pumping for concreting works?
Explain it.
The major problems in using pumping for concreting works includes :

 Blockage of Concrete Pump.

 Segregation and Bleeding in Concrete Mix.

 Concrete Mixture.

 Handling Concrete.

 Selection of Pumping Equipment.

 Use of Poor-Quality Materials.

 Selection of Improper Additives for Concrete.

 Failure to Maintain Pump Pipeline

 Workabiltiy variance between pumping station to pour point,

 Horizontal and vertical distance from pumping station to pour point and

 Type of concrete admixtures that will affect setting time.

Let me explain the main problem in detail

6.1 Blockage of Concrete Pump

What is concrete pump blockage?

Blockage is the failure of fresh concrete to emerge from the end of the concrete pump pipeline. It
occurs due to improper concrete mix design and incorrect selection of pump equipment,
improper handling of equipment, and failure to maintain the pumping equipment.

Blockage can occur due to numerous bends in the pipeline, too sharp or too wide turns, gap-
graded aggregate, and failure to clean and maintain the pipeline after each concreting work.

Page 22
High water-cement ratio and long waiting-time at construction site during which concrete loses
its pumpability can also lead to blockage.

6.2 Segregation and Bleeding in Concrete Mix

Segregation is the separation of cement paste and aggregate during the handling and placement
of concrete. Segregation occurs when pumping pressure overcomes the adhesion force in the
concrete mix.

Bleeding is the escape of water from the concrete mix. It occurs due to bad proportioning of
concrete mix. The use of gap-graded aggregate is the main reason for bleeding during pumping

Why should pumping be not used in case of concreting works?: During the pumping
operation the pump exerted pressure must overcome any friction between the pumping pipes and
the concrete, also the weight of the concrete and the pressure head when the concrete is placed
above the pumps. Since only water is pump able, all the pressure generated is by the water that is
present in the concrete. The major problem due to pumping are segregation effects and bleeding.
In order to rectify and reduce these effects, generally the proportion of the cement is increased in
order to increase the cohesion , which leads to the reduction of segregation and bleeding. Also if
a proper selection of the aggregate grading can vastly improve the concrete pump ability.

6.3 How to avoid problems related to the use of pumps for concrete works?
Concrete pumping problems can be prevented by carefully selecting concrete mix constituents,
proper mix design, correct selection of pumping equipment, hiring skillful laborers, and
performing regular maintenance of pumping equipment.

Page 23
7. When and where high performance concrete preferable in
construction. Why? Is it desirable to use concrete of very high
strength (i.e. exceeding 60MPa) in building construction? What
are the potential problems associated with such high strength

7.1 When and where high performance concrete preferable in construction. Why?`
Major applications Areas of high-performance concrete in the field of Civil Engineering
constructions have been in the areas of long-span bridges, high-rise buildings or structures,
highway pavements, etc. Some of the application areas are discussed in brief below :

7.1.1 Bridges

The use of high performance concrete would result in smaller loss in pre-stress and consequently
larger permissible stress and smaller cross-section being achieved, i.e. it would enable the
standard pre-stressed concrete girders to span longer distances or to carry heavier loads. In
addition, enhanced durability allow extended service life of the structure. In case of precast
girders due to reduced weight the transportation and handling will be economical. Concrete
structures are preferable for railway bridges to eliminate noise and vibration problems and
minimize the maintenance cost (Dr. R. B. Khadiranaikar).

7.1.2 High Rise Structures

The reasons for using the high strength concrete in high-rise buildings are to reduce the dead
load, the deflection, the vibration and the maintenance cost.

7.1.3 Highway Pavements

High Performance concrete is being increasingly used for highway pavements due to the
potential economic benefits that can be derived from the early strength gain of high performance
concrete, its reduced permeability, increased wear or abrasion resistance to steel studded tires
and improved freeze-thaw


Page 24
A durable concrete known as fast track concrete designed to give high strength at a very early
age without using special materials or techniques has been developed. Fast Track Concrete
Paving (FTCP) technology can be used for complete pavement reconstruction, partial
replacement by an inlay of at least one lane, strengthening of existing bituminous or concrete
pavements by a concrete overlay, rapid maintenance and re-construction processes. The benefits
of applying FTCP technology in such applications are : (a) a reduced construction period, (b)
early opening of the pavement to traffic, and (c) reducing the use of expensive concrete paving

7.2 Is it desirable to use concrete of very high strength (i.e. exceeding 60MPa) in
building construction? What are the potential problems associated with such high
strength concrete?
To increase the strength of concrete, say from 40MPa to 80MPa, it definitely helps in improving
the structural performance of the structure by producing a denser, more durable and higher load
capacity concrete. The size of concrete members can be significantly reduced resulting in
substantial cost savings. It most certainly helps in working on the primary exhibition of the
construction by creating a denser, more strong and higher burden limit concrete.

However, an increase of concrete strength is also accompanied by the occurrence of thermal

cracking. With an increase in concrete strength, the cement content is increased and this leads to
higher thermal strains. Consequently, additional reinforcement has to be introduced to control
these additional cracks caused by the increase in concrete strength. Moreover, the ductility of
concrete decreases with an increase in concrete strength. Attention should be paid during the
design of high strength concrete to increase the ductility of concrete. In addition, fire resistance
of high strength concrete is found to be less than normal strength concrete as suggested by
(Gjorv, 1994).

Though the tensile strength of high strength concrete is higher than that of normal concrete, the
rate of increase of tensile strength is not proportional to the increase of compressive strength. For
normal concrete, tensile strength is about one-tenth of compressive strength. However, for high
strength concrete, it may only drop to 5% of compressive strength. Moreover, owing to a low
aggregate content of high strength concrete, creep and shrinkage increases.

Page 25
Gjorv, O. E. (1994). What are the potential problems associated with increasing the strength of
concrete from 40MPa to 80MPa.

Schipper, H. (2015). Double-curved precast concrete elements: Research into technical viability
of the.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. (2013). Utilization of Demolished

Concrete Waste for New Construction. In A. H. Assas.

Hester, Weston T., Superplasticizers in Ready Mixed Concrete (A Practical Treatment for
Everyday Operations), National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Publication No. 158, Silver
Spring, Maryland, 1979.

Whiting, David A., and Nagi, Mohamad A., Manual on the Control of Air Content in Concrete,
EB116, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association and Portland Cement Association, 1998, 42

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