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TO: CEGR 3235 Spring 2023 Class

FROM: R. Daniel Latta, PE, PLS

DATE: January 23, 2023

RE: Additional Information for Component 1 Submittal

Several questions have been asked looking for clarification about what is needed to be submitted for
Component 1. Below is additional information which I believe will help.

Submit one drawing file, which will include the base drawing (Sp23 3235 Base.dwg) and several layout
sheets (paper space views) for the following views:

Sheet 1 – Existing Conditions: Original base drawing shown in drawing sheet with title block. A
scale of 1” = 100’ should fit within a 24” x 36” sheet.

Sheet 2 – Preliminary Layout: Show proposed street layout with horizontal geometry, centerline
stationing, label street names. Show proposed lots – each lot identified as either Lot A or Lot B (size
of lots). Show proposed phasing of development – use phase lines and labels on overall plan. If
you would like to create separate layouts for each phase (perhaps to a larger scale) in addition to
the overall plan, that is fine. Show and label all open spaces, tree save areas, stormwater
management areas. Include data tables with complete information for: zoning information;
number and types of lots for each phase and for the total development; open spaces, tree save
areas, and stormwater management areas – give amount required and amount provided.

Sheet 3 – Additional layouts of phases (if you desire and it helps show your intended development
more clearly). You can also use an additional sheet for your data tables (described above) and for
lot dimensioning details if you like.

House sizes and lot dimensions: I am attaching two drawings showing the sizes of the proposed
house footprints for placement on the lots. Lot A House Plan 1 is to be used on all of the small lots
(Lot size A). Lot B House plans shows 4 separate footprints for consideration on the Lot size B lots
in the development. You should make sure that every A sized lot will accommodate the Lot A
house plan, and every B sized lot will accommodate at least two of the four possible footprints
shown in the Lot B House plans drawing. You should also enclose a drawing that shows a typical
Lot A with all minimum setbacks, side and rear yards, etc. as described in the Case Study overview
document; likewise for a typical Lot B.

Please be sure your team number and names of each team member is somewhere on your submittal. I
am including a list of the team numbers and members as I have them recorded – if you see any errors
please let me know immediately. Since I did not get this information to you as soon as I would have
liked, especially the house footprints, I am extending the due date for Component 1 submittal until
Wednesday, February 1, at 5:30 pm. I hope this will give you enough time to make a really good
submittal on this first assignment. This will also mean that your Component 2 (Roadways – Horizontal
Alignments) will now be due on Wednesday, February 8, at 5:30 pm, and Component 3 (Roadways –
Vertical Alignments) will move back a week to Wednesday, February 22, at 5:30 pm. Spring break week
will help us get caught up.
Figure 1. House footprint for use on Lot Size A lots (5,000 sq. ft.)

Figure 2. House footprints for use on Lot Size B lots (10,000 sq. ft.)

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