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Potential $10k+/Month online brands die in their second or third year

Some even die after a few months

Because no one wants to run a business without any revenue
And this goes down to the big idea.
Your business's big idea determines how long it will exist.
Here are questions you should ask yourself to validate any online
business idea.

Here is the outline;

• Who
• What
• Where
• When
• Why
• How

Here is how you go about these questions in this specific order;

1. Who

• Who benefits from this?

• Who is this harmful to?
• Who makes decisions about this?
• Who is most directly affected?
• Who have I also heard discuss this?
• Who would be the best person to consult?
• Who will be the key people in this?
• Who deserves recognition for this?

2. What

• What are the strengths and weaknesses?

• What is another perspective?
• What is another alternative?
• What would be a counter-arguments?
• What is the best/worst case scenario?
• What is most/least important?
• What can I do to make a positive change?
• What is getting in the way of action?

3. Where

• Where would I see this in the real world?

• Where are there similar situations/concepts?
• Where is there the most/least need for this?
• Where in the world would this be a problem?
• Where can I get more information?
• Where can I go for help with this?
• Where will this idea take me?
• Where are the areas of improvement?

4. When

• When is this acceptable/unacceptable?

• When would this benefit anyone?
• When is the best time to take action?
• When will I know I have succeeded?
• When can I expect this to change?
• When should I ask for help with this?

5. Why

• Why is this a challenge/problem?

• Why is it relevant to me and others?
• Why is this the best/worst case scenario?
• Why are people influenced by this?
• Why should people know about this?
• Why has it been this way for so long?
• Why has it been allowed to happen?
• Why is there a need for this today?

6. How
• How is this similar or different to what there is?
• How does this disrupt order?
• How do I know the truth about this?
• How will I approach this safely?
• How does this benefit me and others?
• How does this harm me and others?
• How do I see this in the future?
• How can I change this for my/others good.

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