Names, Family, Languages, Food

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English names are names used in, or originating in, England. In England as elsewhere in
the English-speaking world, a complete name usually consists of a given name, commonly
referred to as a first name, and a (most commonly patrilineal) family name or surname,
also referred to as a last name. There can be several given names, some of these being often
referred to as a second name, or middle name(s).
use = használni (júz)
complete name = teljes név = full name (kömplít néjm) (ful néjm)
consists of = áll valamiből (könzisztsz ov)
refer to = utalnak valamire (rifőr tu)
commonly = gyakran (kamönli)
patrilineal = apai (petriliniöl)
often = gyakran (ofön)
usually = rendszerint (júzsuöli)

Az angol gondolkodás szerint:

keresztnév = given name (adott név), first name (első név)
utónév = last name (utolsó név), family name (családnév), surname = családnév
középső név = második keresztnév = second name (szekönd néjm) = middle name (midöl
néjm = középső név)
(givön néjm, főrszt néjm, lászt néjm, femöli néjm, szőrnéjm)
It is a difference between the English and Hungarian languages. Ez egy különbség az angol
és a magyar nyelvek között. (it iz ö difrönsz bitwín di inglis end hángériön lengwidzsiz)
We use names back to front. = Mi fordítva használjuk a neveket. (wí júz néjmz bek to
My family name is
What is your …? My name is …
My given name is
What does your given name /
My parents’ given names are
family name mean?
Common Hungarian family names are
My given name means:
(kamön) = gyakori
My family name means:
Common English family names are
mean (mín) = jelenti
My petname is (az én becenevem) …
Famous English middle names are … (féjmösz inglis) Magic, The Great One, Air and Iron.
(medzsik = varázslat) (dö gréjt wán = a nagyszerű) (er = levegő, légies) (ájrön = vas)
Ervin Magic Johnson, Wayne The Great One Gretzky, Michael Air Jordan, Mike Iron Tyson
A family can be (ö femöli ken bí) = egy család lehet
nuclear family (núkliör) kis család
single-parent family (szingöl perönt) egyszülős
blended family (blendid) kevert, mozaik
step family (sztep) mostoha
childless family (csájöldlesz) gyermektelen
extended (iksztendid) family kiterjedt, nagy
immediate (immídiöt) family közvetlen, szűk, szoros
whole (houl) teljes
broken (broukön) csonka, törött

It means two parents and children.

It means that one parent raises one or more children.
It means a new husband or a wife and new children.
It means a family without children.
It means a big family with grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles and cousins, your
distant relatives, too.
It means your close relatives.  

parent (perönt) szülő

child (csájld) gyerek
children (csildrön) gyerekek
raises (réjziz) nevel bring up
new (nyú) új
husband (házbönd) férj
wife (wájf) feleség
without (widáut) nélkül
big (big) nagy
small (szmól) kicsi
grandmother (grenmádör) nagymama
grandfather (grenfádör) nagypapa
aunt (aant) nagynéni
uncle (ánköl) nagybácsi
cousin (kázön) unokatestvér
distant (disztönt) távoli
close (klousz) közeli
relative (relötiv) rokon
too (tú) is, szintén
your (jór) a te valamid, valakid
my (máj) az én valamim, valakim
means (mínz) azt jelenti
new – old (nyú – ould) új – régi
big – small (big – szmól) nagy – kicsi
close – distant (klousz – disztönt) közeli – távoli
Do you come from a small or a big family? I come from a ….
Who do you live together with? I live together with …
When you have children, you are a parent. (you have = neked van; I have = nekem
have (hev) parent (perönt) = szülő
If you are a male parent, you are a father.
you are = te vagy (jú ár) I am = én vagyok (áj em)
male = férfi (mél) father = apa (fádör)
If you are female parent, you are a mother.
If = ha
female = nő (fímél) mother = anya (mádör)
If one of your children is a boy, he is your son.
ha a gyerekeid egyike fiú, ő a te fiad.
son = fia valakinek (szán)
he = ő (hí) férfi
If one of your children is a girl, she is your daughter.
girl = lány (gőrl)
daughter = lánya valakinek (dótör)
When a couple gets married, the man is the husband, and the woman is his wife.
amikor egy pár megházasodik, a férfi a férj, és a nő az ő felesége.
(wen ö kápöl getsz merid, dö men is dö házbönd, end dö wumön is hiz wájf)
when (wen) = mikor, amikor
couple (kápöl) = pár
get married (get merid) = megházasodik
married (merid) = házas
man (men) = férfi
husband (házbönd) = férj
woman (wumön) = nő
wife (wájf) = feleség
his (hiz) = az ő valamije (férfi a birtokos)
her (hőr) = az ő valamije (nő a birtokos)

A brother and sister both have the same parents.

brother (brádör) fiútestvér
sister (szisztör) lánytestvér
both (böuƟ) mindkettő
have (hev) van neki
same (széjm) ugyanaz
One collective word to describe brothers and sisters is siblings. However this word is
normally only used in written English, not orally.
gyűjtőszó = collective word (kölektiv wőrd)
leír = describe (diszkrájb)
sibling (szibling) testvér
however (háuevö) azonban
this word (disz wőrd) ez a szó, ezt a szót
normally = általában
written = írott (ritön)
orally = szóban (óröli)
Brothers and sisters are siblings.
(grenperöntsz) grandparents = nagyszülők: the parents of your parents
(grenfádör) grandfather = nagypapa: the father of your father/mother
(grenmádör) grandmother = nagymama: the mother of your father/mother
(grencsildrön) grandchildren = unokák: the children of your children
(grenszán) grandson = fiúunoka: the son of one of your children
(grendótör) granddaughter = lányunoka:the daughter of one of your children
(gréjt grenfádör) great grandfather = dédnagypapa: the father of your
(gréjt grenmádör) great grandmother = dédnagymama: the mother of your
(ánköl) uncle = nagybácsi: the brother (or brother-in-law) of your mother/father
(aant) aunt = nagynéni: the sister (or sister-in-law)of your mother/father
(kázön) cousin = unokatestvér: the child of your aunt/uncle
(nefjú) nephew = unokaöcs: the male child of your brother/sister
(nísz) niece = unokahúg: the female child of your brother/sister

father-in-law: após (fádör in ló)

 the father of your spouse
spouse = házastárs (szpáuz)
mother-in-law: anyós (mádör in ló)  
the mother of your spouse 
son-in-law: vej (szán in ló)
the husband of your daughter
daughter-in-law: meny (dótör in ló)
the wife of your son
brother-in-law: sógor (brádör in ló)
the husband of your sister 
sister-in-law: sógornő (szisztör in ló)
the wife of your brother

step = mostoha
stepfather: the (new) husband of your mother but not your biological father
stepmother: the (new) wife of your father but not your biological mother 
stepson: the son of your (new) husband / wife (he is not your biological son)
stepdaughter: the daughter of your (new) husband / wife (she is not your biological
stepsister: the daughter of your stepmother or stepfather
stepbrother: the son of your stepmother or stepfather
Sometimes one of your parents gets married again and they have more children. There
half = fél
half-brother: the brother you have only one parent in common with. (közös)
half-sister: the sister you only have one parent in common with.
only (ounli) csak
13 Fascinating Facts About the Hungarian Language

fascinating = lenyűgöző, nagyon érdekes (feszinéjtin)

very interesting = nagyon érdekes (veri intriszting)
facts = tények (fektsz)
about = ról (öbáut)
Hungarian language = magyar nyelv (hángériön lengwidzs)

good = jó (gud)
bad = rossz (beed)
perfect = tökéletes, kiváló (pőfikt)
fantastic = fantasztikus (fentesztik)

It’s one of the hardest languages in the world to learn.

It’s actually called Magyar.
It’s only spoken by 13 million people.
It comes from Asia.
There are 14 vowels.
Word order is flexible.
A Hungarian probably visited America before Columbus.
Its longest word has 44 letters.
But actually, words can be much, much longer.
Hungarian is true to its roots.
There are two words for the colour red.
Names are back to front.
The alphabet has 44 letters – and some letters actually have 2 or 3 parts.
10 Reasons Why Family Is Important

Everyone is born into a family, but not everyone gets a healthy one. For those who aren’t privileged to have
a good birth family, they often create a chosen family later on. Why is family important? What kind of
impact does it have on a person in their childhood and as an adult? Does it matter to society as a whole?
Here are ten reasons why family is important:

#1. Families set the stage for future relationships

The very first relationships a child has is with their parents and any siblings. Whether healthy or not, these
relationships provide a model for what future relationships will look like. It’s often not a conscious
decision, but for better or worse, people often choose partners and friends based on how similar they are to
their family. Family dynamics repeat themselves and reinforce beliefs about relationships and self.

#2. During challenging times, people need a family they can rely on

When life gets hard, people need support. This can be emotional and/or financial support. Someone going
through rough times will turn to their family if they trust them to provide encouragement and love. Feeling
accepted and understood during a personal crisis is a basic need for people. Families – whether traditional or
chosen – can provide that.

#3. Families can be an essential source of affection and encouragement

In good or bad times, families can provide the affection and encouragement a person needs to be content. It
can be difficult to find friends or purpose in adulthood. If a person has a strong family, they’ll always be
able to find the love and support they need. With their family behind them, a person will find
the motivation and courage for success. On the other side, if a person isn’t getting love and support from a
family structure, they’ll feel lonely, depressed, and even hopeless.

#4. Families foster a sense of belonging to something greater than oneself

Families are hubs of tradition. Many families carry on traditions through the years by sharing stories from
the past. This creates connections with family members that aren’t around anymore. A person who grows up
in this type of family feels like they belong to something bigger than themselves. They’ll pride in being a
member of a community that’s gone through hardships and triumphs.

#5. People raised in close families develop healthier relationships throughout their lives

Research supports that people from close-knit families go on to enjoy close relationships later in
life. Psychological Science published a long-running study in 2016 that looked at men’s relationships.
Researchers learned that men who grew up in nurturing families developed stronger relationships than men
who didn’t have accepting families. They managed their emotions well and maintained a closer connection
with their partners.

#6. Family relationships are linked to a person’s mental health

There have been many studies on the importance of family time, specifically dinner time. While families can
still be healthy even if they don’t eat dinner together every night, there is a correlation between this time
together and a young person’s wellbeing. In Pediatrics, one study discovered that kids who ate with their
families regularly were less likely to show depression symptoms. On the other side of the spectrum, research
shows that negative family relationships can trigger or worsen mental health issues.
#7. Quality time with family is linked to better academic performance

The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University conducted a series of
studies on family dinner time. One study showed that kids who eat dinner with their family less than three
times were twice as likely to get Cs or below in school. On the other hand, kids who had family dinners 5-7
times a week did much better. Of course, there are other factors at play, but families that value dinners
together likely value other positive family interactions.

#8. Families teach important life lessons

Families are the first place where children learn how to manage their emotions, interact with others, and
communicate. It’s also the first setting where kids learn about consequences, either positive or negative.
Parents are responsible for guiding their children, providing life lessons that will be remembered for years to
come. These lessons form a big part of a person’s worldview and how they believe the world works.

#9. Families teach values

Along with life lessons, people learn a value system within their family structure. They learn what their
family defines as right or wrong, as well as what’s important to the community. These values become
ingrained and form a foundational part of a person’s identity. Values affect how a person treats others, how
they view themselves, and what they see as their purpose in life.

#10. Healthy families form the backbone of a healthy society

When families are strong, communities are strong. That naturally leads to a strong society. The definition of
a “healthy” or “good” is often the subject of heated debate. Countless studies have explored the impacts of
adoption, LGBTQ+ relationships, families with multiple ethnicities, and so on. Why? Society is deeply
invested in the strength of families because there’s a domino effect. If families aren’t doing well, a nation
will suffer. If families are happy and healthy, the nation benefits.

érv, indok
kiváltságos, szerencsés
nyújt, biztosít
segít, előmozdít, táplál, biztosít
kifejleszt, kialakít
kapcsolatban, összefüggésben áll
előnye származik, profitál
50 Foods That Are Super Healthy – 50 étel, ami szuper egészséges
(fifti fúdz det ár szúpör helƟi)

It’s easy to wonder which foods are healthiest.

A vast number of foods are both healthy and tasty. By filling your plate with fruits,
vegetables, quality protein sources, and other whole foods, you’ll have meals that are
colourful, versatile, and good for you.
plate = tányér (pléjt)
fruits = gyümölcsök (frútsz)
vegetables = zöldségek (vedzstöbölz)
protein = fehérje (pröutín)
meals = ételek (mílz)
colourful = színes (kálöful)
good for you = jó neked (gud fór jú)
Here are 50 incredibly healthy foods. Most of them are surprisingly delicious.
healthy = egészséges (helƟi)
1–6: Fruits and berries (frútsz end beriz) gyümölcsök és bogyók
Fruits and berries are among the world’s most popular health foods.
These sweet, nutritious foods are very easy to incorporate into your diet because they require
little to no preparation.
1. Apples (epölz) almák
Apples are high in fibre, vitamin C, and numerous antioxidants. They are very filling and
make the perfect snack if you find yourself hungry between meals.
2. Avocados (avökádou)
Avocados are different from most other fruits because they’re loaded with healthy fats
instead of carbs. They are not only creamy and tasty but also high in fibre, potassium, and
vitamin C.
3. Bananas (bönánöz) banánok
Bananas are among the world’s best sources of potassium. They’re also high in vitamin B6
and fibre and are convenient and portable.
4. Blueberries (blúberiz) áfonya
Blueberries are not only delicious but also among the most powerful sources of antioxidants
in the world.
5. Oranges (oröndzsiz) narancsok
Oranges are well known for their vitamin C content. What’s more, they’re high in fibre and
6. Strawberries (sztróberiz) földieprek
Strawberries are highly nutritious and low in both carbs and calories.
They’re loaded with vitamin C, fibre, and manganese and are arguably among the most
delicious foods in existence.
Other healthy fruits
Other healthy fruits and berries include cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemons, mangoes,
melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, and raspberries.
7. Eggs (egz) tojások
Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet.
They were previously demonized for being high in cholesterol, but new studies show that
they’re perfectly safe and healthy (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source).
8–10: Meats (mítsz) húsok
Lean, unprocessed meats can be included in a healthy diet.
8. Lean beef (lín bíf) sovány marhahús
Lean beef is among the best sources of protein when consumed in moderation and is loaded
with highly bioavailable iron.
9. Chicken breasts (csikön breszt) csirkemell
Chicken breast is low in fat and calories but extremely high in protein. It’s a great source of
many nutrients. Again, feel free to eat fattier cuts of chicken if you’re not eating many carbs.
10. Lamb (lem) bárányhús
Lambs are usually grass-fed, and their meat tends to be high in omega-3 fatty acids.
11–15: Nuts and seeds (nátsz end szídz) diófélék és magok
Despite being high in fat and calories, nuts and seeds may aid in weight loss.
These foods are crunchy, filling, and loaded with important nutrients that many people don’t
get enough of, including magnesium and vitamin E.
They also require almost no preparation, so they’re easy to add to your routine.
Some people develop nut allergies as they grow older. If you have a reaction after eating any
kind of nut, eliminate it from your diet.
11. Almonds (ámöndz) mandula
Almonds are a popular nut loaded with vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium, and fibre.
Studies show that almonds can contribute to weight loss and improve metabolic health.
12. Chia seeds (csiö szídz) csia magok
Chia seeds are among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. A single ounce (28
grams) packs 11 grams of fibre and significant amounts of magnesium, manganese, calcium,
and various other nutrients.
13. Coconuts (köukönát) kókuszdió
Coconuts are loaded with fibre and powerful fatty acids called medium-chain triglycerides
14. Macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts are very tasty. They’re much higher in monounsaturated fats and lower in
omega-6 fatty acids than most other nuts.
15. Walnuts (wólnátsz) dió
Walnuts are highly nutritious and loaded with fibre and various vitamins and minerals.
16. Brazil nuts (brözil nátsz) brazil dió
Brazil nuts have a smooth, buttery texture; are loaded with nutrients; are beneficial for
thyroid function; and are one of the best sources of the important mineral selenium.
17–26: Vegetables (vedzstöbölz) zöldségek
Calorie for calorie, vegetables are among the world’s most concentrated sources of nutrients.
There’s a wide variety available, and it’s best to eat many different types every day.
17. Asparagus (öszparögösz) spárga
Asparagus is a popular vegetable that is low in both carbs and calories but loaded with
vitamin K.
18. Bell peppers (bell pepöz) kaliforniai paprika
Bell peppers come in several colours, including red, yellow, and green. They’re crunchy and
sweet and are a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C.
19. Broccoli (braköli) brokkoli
Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that tastes great both raw and cooked. It’s an excellent
source of fibre and vitamins C and K and contains a decent amount of protein compared with
other vegetables.
20. Carrots (kerötsz) répák
Carrots are a popular root vegetable. They’re extremely crunchy and loaded with nutrients
such as fibre and vitamin K.
Carrots are also very high in carotene antioxidants, which have numerous benefits.
21. Cauliflower (kalifláuö) karfiol
Cauliflower is a very versatile cruciferous vegetable. It can be used to make a multitude of
healthy dishes and also tastes good on its own.
22. Cucumber (kjúkámbö) uborka
Cucumbers are one of the world’s most popular vegetables. They’re very low in both carbs
and calories, consisting mostly of water. However, they contain a number of nutrients in
small amounts, including vitamin K.
23. Garlic (gálik) fokhagyma
Garlic is incredibly healthy. It contains bioactive organosulfur compounds that have
powerful biological effects, including improved immune function (6Trusted Source).
24. Kale (kéjl) kelkáposzta
Kale has become increasingly popular because it’s incredibly high in fibre, vitamins C and
K, and a number of other nutrients. It adds a satisfying crunch to salads and other dishes.
25. Onions (ánnyönz) vöröshagyma
Onions have a very strong flavour and are very popular in many recipes. They contain a
number of bioactive compounds believed to have health benefits.
26. Tomatoes (tömátouz) paradicsomok
Tomatoes are usually categorized as a vegetable, although they are technically a fruit. They
are tasty and loaded with nutrients such as potassium and vitamin C.
27–32: Fish and seafood (fis end szífúd) hal és tengeri étel
Fish and other seafood tend to be very healthy and nutritious.
They’re especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine, two nutrients that most people
don’t consume enough of.
Studies show that people who eat the highest amounts of seafood — especially fish — tend
to live longer and have a lower risk of many illnesses, including heart disease, dementia, and
27. Salmon (számön) lazac
Salmon is a type of oily fish that’s incredibly popular because of its excellent taste and high
nutrient content, including protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains some vitamin D.
28. Sardines (szádín)
Sardines are small, oily fish that are among the most nutritious foods you can eat. They boast
sizable amounts of most nutrients that your body needs, including calcium and vitamin D.
29. Shellfish (selfis) kagyló
Shellfish ranks similarly to organ meats when it comes to nutrient density.
Edible shellfish include clams, molluscs, and oysters.
30. Shrimp (srimp) apró rák
Shrimp is a type of crustacean related to crabs and lobsters. It tends to be low in fat and
calories but high in protein. It’s also loaded with various other nutrients, including selenium
and vitamin B12.
31. Trout (tráut) pisztráng
Trout is another type of delicious freshwater fish, similar to salmon.
32. Tuna (tyúnö) tonhal
Tuna is very popular in Western countries and tends to be low in fat and calories and high in
protein. It’s perfect for people who need to add more protein to their diets but keep calories
However, you should make sure to buy low mercury varieties.
33–35: Grains (gréjnz) gabonafélék
Whole grains are an important addition to your diet because they provide a variety of
micronutrients and fibre and are fuel for your body.
Just keep in mind that they’re relatively high in carbs, so they’re not recommended for those
who are on low carb diets.
33. Brown rice (bráun rájsz) barna rizs
Rice is one of the most popular cereal grains and is currently a staple food for more than half
the world’s population. Brown rice is fairly nutritious, with decent amounts of fibre, vitamin
B1, and magnesium.
34. Oats (zabfélék) (öut)
Oats are incredibly healthy. They’re loaded with nutrients and powerful fibres called beta
glucans, which provide numerous benefits, including helping to lower cholesterol and feed
beneficial bacteria in the gut.
35. Quinoa (kínwá) quinoa
Quinoa has become incredibly popular among health-conscious people in recent years. It’s a
tasty grain that’s high in nutrients such as fibre and magnesium. It is also an excellent source
of plant-based protein.
36–37: Breads (bredz) kenyerek
Many people eat a lot of highly processed white bread.
If you are trying to adopt a healthier diet, it’s helpful to compare product labels and choose
the bread with the most dietary fibre and the least added sugar.
36. Ezekiel bread (Ezékiel kenyere) lisztmentes kenyér
Ezekiel bread may be the healthiest bread you can buy. It’s made from organic sprouted
whole grains, as well as several legumes.
37. Homemade low carb breads (houmméjd lou karb bred) házi készítésű alacsony
szénhidráttartalmú kenyér
Overall, the best choice for bread may one you can make yourself. 
38–41: Legumes (lögjúmz) hüvelyesek
Legumes are a great plant-based source of protein, iron, and fibre.
While it’s true that legumes contain antinutrients, which can interfere with digestion and
nutrient absorption, it’s possible to reduce or eliminate antinutrient content by soaking and
properly preparing them.
Therefore, legumes are a great plant-based source of protein.
38. Green beans (grin bínz) zöldbab
Green beans, also called string beans, are an unripe variety of the common bean. They are
very popular in Western countries.
39. Kidney beans (kidnibínz) vesebab
Kidney beans are loaded with fibre and various vitamins and minerals. Make sure to cook
them properly, because they’re toxic when raw.
40. Lentils - lencse (lentöl)
Lentils are another popular legume. They’re high in fibre and are among the best sources of
plant-based protein.
41. Peanuts – földimogyoró (pínátsz)
Peanuts (which are legumes, not true nuts) are incredibly tasty and high in nutrients and
antioxidants. Several studies suggest that peanuts can aid in weight loss.
However, if you’re monitoring your calorie intake, you may want to be mindful of your
consumption of peanut butter, which is very high in calories and easy to eat in large
42–44: Dairy (deöri) tejtermék
For those who can tolerate them, dairy products are a healthy source of various important
Full-fat dairy seems to be the most nutritious option, and studies show that people who eat
the most full-fat dairy have a lower risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
If the dairy comes from grass-fed cows, it may be even more nutritious because it’s higher in
some bioactive fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid and vitamin K2.
42. Cheese (csíz) sajt
Cheese is incredibly nutritious — a single slice may offer about the same amount of nutrients
as an entire cup (240 ml) of milk. Many people also consider it one of the most delicious
43. Whole milk (houl milk) teljes tej
Whole milk is very high in vitamins, minerals, quality animal protein, and healthy fats.
What’s more, it’s one of the best dietary sources of calcium.
44. Yogurt (jogőt) joghurt
Yogurt is made from milk that is fermented through the addition of live bacteria. It has many
of the same health effects as milk, but yogurt with live cultures has the added benefit of
friendly probiotic bacteria.
45–46: Fats and oils (fetsz end ojlz) zsírok és olajok
Dietary patterns that include unsaturated fats and oils are considered very healthy.
45. Extra-virgin olive oil (eksztrö vődzsin oliv ojl) extra szűz olivaolaj
Extra-virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils. It contains heart-healthy
monounsaturated fats and is very high in antioxidants that have powerful health benefits.
46. Coconut oil (köukönát ojl) kókuszolaj
Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but it contains MCTs and may have similar health effects to
olive oil.
However, coconut oil has been shown to increase LDL (bad) cholesterol to a greater degree
than other plant-based liquid oils, so it should be used in moderation.
47–48: Tubers (tyúbörz) gumósok
Tubers are the storage organs of some plants. They tend to contain a number of beneficial
47. Potatoes (pötéjtouz) krumplik
Potatoes are loaded with potassium and contain a little bit of almost every nutrient you need,
including vitamin C.
They’ll also keep you full for long periods. One study analysed 38 foods and found that
boiled potatoes were by far the most filling.
48. Sweet potatoes (szwít pötéjtouz) édesburgonyák
Sweet potatoes are among the most delicious starchy foods you can eat. They’re loaded with
antioxidants, beta carotene, vitamin A, and all sorts of other healthy nutrients.
49. Apple cider vinegar (epölszájdör vinigör) almaecet
Apple cider vinegar may help regulate post meal blood sugar levels when consumed with a
meal, though more evidence is needed on its effectiveness.
It’s great to use as a salad dressing or to add flavour to meals.
50. Dark chocolate (dark csaklit) étcsokoládé
Dark chocolate is loaded with magnesium and is one of the most powerful sources of
The bottom line
Whether you want to overhaul your diet or simply change up your meals, it’s easy to add a
number of these foods to your routine.
Many of the foods above not only make a great snack but are also packed with vitamins and
antioxidants. Some of them may even aid weight loss.
If you don’t normally challenge your palate, don’t be afraid of trying something new.


(mílz, disiz, fúdz)

Goulash (Gulyás) (gulás)

Fisherman's Soup (Halászlé) (fisömönz szúp)
Chicken Paprikash (Csirke Paprikás) (csikön paprikás)
Meat Pancakes (Hortobagyi Palacsinta) (mít penkéjksz) húsos palacsinta
Stuffed Cabbage Leaves (Töltött Káposztalevelek)(sztáft kebidzs lívz)
Meat Stew (Pörkölt) (mít sztyú) húsos pörkölt
Sour Cherry Soup (Meggyleves) (száuör cseri szúp)
Jókai Bean Soup (Jókai Bableves) (Jókai bín szúp)


Shepherd's Pie (sepödz páj) pásztor pite (darált hús és krumpli)

Beef Wellington (bíf welingtön) marha Wellington-módra
Fish and Chips (fis end csipsz) hal és sült krumpli
Chicken Tikka Masala (csikön) csirke fűszeres szószban
Steak and Kidney Pie (sztéjk end kidni páj) marhahús, vese, hagyma – pite
Eton Mess (ítön mesz) tejszínhabos gyümölcs
Afternoon Tea (áftönún tí) délutáni tea: szendvicsek és sütik
Cornish Pasty (kónis peszti) húsos, zöldséges batyu
10 Most Common Expression in Daily English Conversation
TWENTY FOUR SEVEN. ... (twenti fór szevön) mindig
GET THE BALL ROLLING. ... (get dö ból roulin) kezdjük el
SICK AND TIRED. ... (szik end tájöd) elege van
TAKE IT EASY. ... (téjk it ízi) nyugi
LONG TIME NO SEE. ... (long tájm nou szí) rég nem találkoztunk
I'M BROKE. ... (ájm brouk) nincs pénzem
BEAT AROUND THE BUSH. ... (bít öráund dö bus) kerülgeti a forró kását,
mellébeszél, kertel
GIVE ME A HAND. (giv mi ö hend) segíts nekem
What is your English level?
Take our short English test to find out.
1. ‘The best of both worlds’ – means you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time.
“By working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week she managed to get the best of both
worlds.” – mindkét dolog előnyeit élvezi, két legyet üt egy cssapásra
2. ‘Speak of the devil’ – this means that the person you’re just talking about actually appears at that
moment. – emlegetett szamár
“Hi Tom, speak of the devil, I was just telling Sara about your new car.”
3. ‘See eye to eye’ – this means agreeing with someone.
“They finally saw eye to eye on the business deal.” – egyetért
4. ‘Once in a blue moon’ – an event that happens infrequently.
“I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon.” – nagy ritkán
5. ‘When pigs fly’ – something that will never happen. – majd ha fagy
“When pigs fly she’ll tidy up her room.” -
6. ‘To cost an arm and a leg’– something is very expensive.
“Fuel these days costs and arm and a leg.” – gatyája is rámegy
7. ‘A piece of cake’– something is very easy.
“The English test was a piece of cake.” – kellemes, könnyű dolog
8. ‘Let the cat out of the bag’ – to accidentally reveal a secret.
“I let the cat out of the bag about their wedding plans.” – eljár a szája
9. ‘To feel under the weather’ – to not feel well.
“I’m really feeling under the weather today; I have a terrible cold.” – nincs túl jól
10. ‘To kill two birds with one stone’ – to solve two problems at once. – két legyet üt egy csapásra
“By taking my dad on holiday, I killed two birds with one stone. I got to go away but also spend time with
him.” -
11. ‘To cut corners’ – to do something badly or cheaply. – a minőség rovására leegyszerűsít valamit
“They really cut corners when they built this bathroom; the shower is leaking.” -
12. ‘To add insult to injury’ – to make a situation worse. – tetőzve a bajt
“To add insult to injury the car drove off without stopping after knocking me off my bike.”
13. ‘You can’t judge a book by its cover’ – to not judge someone or something based solely on
appearance. – külső alapján ne ítélj
“I thought this no-brand bread would be horrible; turns out you can’t judge a book by its cover.”
14. ‘Break a leg’ – means ‘good luck’ (often said to actors before they go on stage). – kéz és lábtörést
“Break a leg Sam, I’m sure your performance will be great.” -
15. ‘To hit the nail on the head’ – to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.
“He hit the nail on the head when he said this company needs more HR support.” – fejen találni a szöget
16. ‘A blessing in disguise’ – An misfortune that eventually results in something good happening later on.
- szerencse a szerencsétlenségben
17. ‘Call it a day’ – Stop working on something – befejezni a napi munkát – Mára elég lesz!
18. ‘Let someone off the hook’ – To allow someone, who have been caught, to not be punished.
- elengedni valakit, hagyni, hogy megússza
19. ‘No pain no gain’ – You have to work hard for something you want. – nincsen rózsa tövis nélkül
20. ‘Bite the bullet’ – Decide to do something unpleasant that you have avoiding doing. – lenyelni a békát,
21. ‘Getting a taste of your own medicine’ – Being treated the same unpleasant way you have treated
others. – edd meg, amit főztél
22. ‘Giving someone the cold shoulder’ – To ignore someone. – hidegen bánik valakivel
23. ‘The last straw’ – The final source of irritation for someone to finally lose patience. – az utolsó csepp a
24. ‘The elephant in the room’ -
– A matter or problem that is obvious of great importance but that is not discussed openly. – a kimondatlan
igazság, kellemetlen, de elhallgatott kérdés
25. ‘Stealing someone’s thunder’ – Taking credit for someone else achievements. – learatni a babért más
helyett, megelőzve őt

To test your new-found knowledge here are some sentences to practice with. Fill in the blank!
A) I can’t afford this purse! It _______. I won’t be able to pay my rent!
B) His birthday was supposed to be a surprise! I can’t believe you _____. Now he knows!
C) Ha! John has been promising to paint the house for five years…. Maybe when _______.
D) Yeah, it’ll _______. I need to sign some papers at Jenny’s school anyway so i’ll pick her up for you too.
E) I don’t really like going out to bars anymore. I only go _______.
F) I’m sorry I can’t come into work today. I’m ________. I have a sore throat and runny nose.
G) They tried ________ when installing the pipes for the house and now we have leaks only one month after
purchasing it!
H) We missed our flight to Paris because the connecting flight was late and to ______ they made us pay for
a new ticket as if it was our fault!
I) I can’t wait to see you perform on stage tonight! ______!
J) Jane is just never on time to work, it’s really annoying. O wow, ______ here she comes…
K) So we’re going to London, then Munich, then we will fly out of Athens, right? Great. I’m so glad to be
traveling with someone I _______ with.
L) Wow, she found her dream man and has now landed an amazing job. She really does have ______.
M) OK, she might not be the most attractive but _________. I’m sure she is a sweetheart.
N) I have been trying to figure this out for ages. Thanks so much, you’re right. You _______.
O) I can’t believe that was our test. I think it was easier than some of our homework! It was a ______.
Answers:  6, 8, 5, 10, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 2, 3, 1, 13, 15, 7.
What are some good English questions?

General Questions – ÁLTALÁNOS KÉRDÉSEK

What do you do?
Are you married?
Why are you studying English?
Where/How did you learn English?
What do you do in your free time?
What's the weather like? / How's the weather?
What time is it? / Do you have the time?
Can I help you? / Do you need any help?
60 Funny Conversation Starters
1 What is the worst advice you have given?
2 If you were in a circus, which character would you be?
3 Have you ever stalked someone on social media? - [stɔːk] – titokban követ
4 What is the best part about taking a selfie?
5 What is your favourite celebrity scandal?
6 What is one thing you should never say at a wedding?
7 What is the worst pickup line you have ever heard? – felszedős duma
8 Did you have an imaginary friend? What was his/her name?
9 Have you ever had a dream where everyone was in their underwear?
10 Who’s your favourite comedian?
11 Have you ever been on a blind date?
12 If you could only store one type of food in your pocket, what would you carry?
13 What is the worst present you have ever received and why?
14 If you were a farm animal, who would you be and why?
15 What is the worst first date you have ever been on?
16 If you could do anything illegal without getting caught, what would you do?
17 What is the weirdest food combination you’ve ever tried?
18 Do you remember what you were doing on the 21st of December, 2018?
19 Tell me an embarrassing, yet funny story.
20 What is the funniest joke that you know?
21 What would your dream job combination be? Mine would be a space-cowboy!
22 What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?
23 What is the weirdest thing you are afraid of?
24 If animals could talk, which animal would be the rudest?
25 If a squirrel could talk, do you think it would have a really high voice or a really low
26 What would be the absolute worst name that you could give your child?
27 What movie completely changes its plot when you change one letter in its title?
28 What is something that hasn’t happened yet, but would certainly break the internet?
29 What is the silliest way that you’ve been injured?
30 What quote or saying do people often say, but you believe is complete trash?
31 What was the funniest thing you’ve seen recently online?
32 What makes you laugh?
33 What is the weirdest thing that you have ever eaten?
34 What is a funny excuse that you have given to leave a party early?
35 What old person tendencies do you have?
36 What did you think was cool as a kid, but isn’t actually cool now?
37 What makes you smile without fail? – bármikor
38 What is the craziest dream you’ve had?
39 Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? Why or why not?
40 What was your worst fashion disaster?
41 If you had to change your name to something totally new, what would be your new
42 If you had to name a chapter in your life right now, what would it be called?
43 What would the book about your life be called?
44 What was the last thing that you did for fun?
45 What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you when you were younger?
46 What’s the weirdest thing that a guest has done at your house?
47 If you could start a secret society what would it be called?
48 What movie should be made into a musical?
49 Which animal would be super cool if it was made into the size of a horse?
50 If you could design a new ice cream flavour what would be in it?
51 What would you name your boat if you had one?
52 If the colour blue had a smell, what would it smell like?
53 What is a magical power that you wish you had?
54 If you had an extra part of your body what would it be?
55 If you were a candy bar what candy bar would you be?
56 What is something that you love that everyone else thinks is gross? (grousz) gusztustalan
57 What is the weirdest habit that you have?
58 What was your favourite cartoon as a kid?
59 What celebrity would you trade lives with?
60 What fairy tale story would you like to be in?
40 Best Pick Up Lines Ever

 Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?

 Hey, my name's Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight? – alszik és összeomlik
 Are you French? Because Eiffel for you. – beleesik vakibe la
 Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date? – mazsola és datolya
 There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn't have your number in it.
 If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.
 Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
 I must be a snowflake, because I've fallen for you. – beléd estem, miattad hullottam le
 Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!
 If you were a Transformer… you’d be Optimus Fine.
 Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got FINE written all over you.
 I wish I were cross-eyed so I can see you twice.
 I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art. = alkotás
 Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again?
 I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together.
 Feel my shirt. Know what it’s made of? Boyfriend material.
 Are you related to Jean-Claude Van Damme? Because Jean-Claude Van Damme you’re sexy!
 If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable. – hibátlan – csíphetetlen
 Did your license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?
 I’m learning about important dates in history. Wanna be one of them?
 Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print. – szép nyomtatás
 Did you just come out of the oven? Because you’re hot.
 It’s a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out. – megnéz alaposan
 I was blinded by your beauty; I’m going to need your name and phone number for insurance purposes.
 I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Because mine was just stolen.
 Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.
 Are you a bank loan? Because you got my interest.
 Are you a time traveller? Cause I see you in my future!
 Can I follow you where you’re going right now? Because my parents always told me to follow my dreams.
 Is this the Hogwarts Express? Because it feels like you and I are headed somewhere magical.
 Life without you is like a broken pencil…pointless. – hegyetlen – értelmetlen
 Something’s wrong with my eyes because I can’t take them off you.
 My love for you is like diarrhoea, I just can't hold it in.
 Somebody better call God, because he’s missing an angel.
 We’re not socks, but I think we’d make a great pair.
 You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all night.
 Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
 Do you have a BandAid? I just scraped my knee falling for you. – horzsolni
 Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me!
 Did you invent the airplane? Because you seem Wright for me.
 Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
 Do you know CPR? Because you are taking my breath away! – újraélesztés
 You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.

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