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Roleplay N° 01

Members: Andrea Mancheno, Maricela Bastidas, Ailin Soto and Anamyle Pullay.
Context: Comedy.
Topic: The Unknown Call.
➢ Dialogue
Anamyle: Hi Andrea!
Andrea: Hi Anamyle.
Anamyle: I am boring. What can we do?
Andrea: I don’t know; Oh I have a great idea, we can see handsome boys on tinder.
Anamyle: Oh, I find it as a great idea Andre.
Andrea: Look, he is more handsome than your last boyfriend. an unknown number is
calling you, is it your neighbor who does you favors?
Anamyle: No, I really don’t know who it is. I’ll take that call.
Ailin: Hi girls, what are you doing?
Andrea: We watch Teletubbies and drink beer and you?
Ailin: How interesting!
Patricia: Yes, very interesting, do you mind if we go to your house, or are you afraid?
Andrea: What kind of strategy are they using, they are thieves for sure.
Anamyle: I think they are. I feel great anguish right now.
Andrea: I'm sure they just want to come and drink free beer; they could only come if
they bring more beer.
Ailin: We aren't, they call us in different ways.
Patricia: Yes, but I like the name candy skulls.
Ailin: I already told you that name doesn't make us look less scary.
Patricia: But I like it.
Ailin: Well, we'll stay with that one until a better one appears. Now if we were.
Anamyle: She said scary? Who are you?
Andrea: Well, if they come, they have to bring alcohol and food, because their attempt
to scare us is a failure.
Anamyle: I think I'm more scared than you. I'm kidding.
Ailin: Well in truth we are like murderers.
Patricia: Yeah well, we're bored, could you open the door?
Andrea: Be careful, grandma doesn't let strangers trample her garden.
Anamyle: They deserve a beating from grandma.
Ailin: Oh no, we do have to run.
Patricia: Yes, and as fast as we can.
Anamyle: I managed to overwhelm them with my threat.
Ailin: Someday we will come back for you girls.
Patricia: Grandma hits hard, let's get out of here.
Andrea: Bye, It was nice for them to meet grandma and have some fun.
Anamyle: Goodbye losers.

➢ Conclusion
In conclusion, it was a bit difficult for us trying to make dialogue funny, but that's how
we learned that English is funny too. Sometimes English can be very boring, but we can
take it on the bright side and make it fun by using new words and expressions. In our
work we also try to include some flashcards and the grammar we saw in class giving
meaning to the dialogue we created. I think as a team we managed to do a great job.

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