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Mata Kuliah : Cont Ling and Error Analysis
NIM : 201912500792
Waktu : 90 Menit
Sifat Ujian : Buku Tertutup

A. Write a correct transcription from the errors in the transcriptions of the

vowel sounds in the following words. In each word, there is ONE VOWEL
error, indicating an impossible pronunciation of that word. ( 20 points)
1. Dessert [ deˈzəːt ] should be [dezərt]
2. Unplug [ unˈplʌɡ ] should be [ˌʌnˈplʌɡd ]
3. Bracelet [ braislit ] should be [bɹeɪslət]
4. Giraffe [ dʒɪˈreːf ] should be [dʒɪˈɹɑːf]
5. Animal [ æn.i:.məl ] should be [ˈænɪməl]
6. Handcuff [ han(d)kef ] should be [ˈhændˌkʌf]
7. Automotive [ ˌɔːtoˈməʊtɪv ] should be [ˌɔtəˈmoʊtɪv]
8. Island [ ʌɪland ] should be [ˈaɪɫənd]
9. Windmill [ wain(d)mɪl ]should be [ˈwɪndˌmɪɫ]
10. Bullet [ bʌlɪt ] should be [ˈbʊɫət]

B. Write the meaning of semantic category of words below. ( 20 points )

1. Cherry blossom : spherical part of an egg that is

the fragile nature surrounded by the albumen.
of life, 3. Sunny side up : Metaphors linking
2. Egg yolk : spatial location and affect (e.g.,
nutritive material feeling up or down) may have
of an ovum stored subtle, but pervasive, effects on
for the nutrition of evaluation
an embryo 4. Lemon grass : a tropical perennial
(especially the plant which yields aromatic oil.
yellow mass of a The name lemongrass is derived
bird or reptile from the typical lemon-like odour
egg) synonyms: of the essential oil present in the
vitellus. type of: shoot.
food, nutrient. any 5. Bell pepper : sweet pepper.
substance that can especially : a large bell-shaped
be metabolized by sweet pepper.
an animal to give
6. Shrimp paste : made from prawns
energy and build
(or krill) that are mashed, mixed
tissue. the yellow
with salt and fermented over a
period of weeks 11. Split bill : The word you've
resulting in a entered isn't in the dictionary. Click
paste that ranges on a spelling suggestion below or
in colour from try again using the search bar
light to dark above.
brown. The
12. Subtitle: The word you've entered
texture also
isn't in the dictionary. Click on a
ranges from soft
spelling suggestion below or try
to rock hard.
again using the search bar above.
7. pointed nose :
13. Drive thru : The word you've
someone who like
entered isn't in the dictionary.
to lie
Click on a spelling suggestion
8. ponny tail : a below or try again using the
hairstyle in which search bar above.
the hair is pulled
14. Appetizer : The word you've
together and
entered isn't in the dictionary. Click
banded usually at
on a spelling suggestion below or
the back of the
try again using the search bar
head so as to
resemble a pony's
tail. 15. Survivor : The word you've
entered isn't in the dictionary.
9. slanted eyes : The
Click on a spelling suggestion
word you've
below or try again using the
entered isn't in
search bar above.
the dictionary.
Click on a 16. Contact person : The word you've
spelling entered isn't in the dictionary.
suggestion below Click on a spelling suggestion
or try again using below or try again using the
the search bar search bar above.
above. 17. Cyber space: The word you've
10. lullaby : The entered isn't in the dictionary.
word you've Click on a spelling suggestion
entered isn't in below or try again using the
the dictionary. search bar above.
Click on a 18. Download : The word you've
spelling entered isn't in the dictionary.
suggestion below Click on a spelling suggestion
or try again using below or try again using the
the search bar search bar above.
above. 19. VIP : a person of great influence or
20. Round trip :
The word you've entered isn't in the
dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion
below or try again using the search bar
C. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. ( 20 points )
1. Consonants is a sound produced by human when the breath flows out through the
mouth not blocked by the teeth, tongue, or lips. TRUE
2. In the case of distribution, we can’t find any vowel in English in final. TRUE
3. Repetition is a morphological process in English to show plurality. TRUE
4. In case of word order, English word order is flexible. TRUE
5. We can easy to identify the gender in Indonesian sentences. TRUE
6. English words are mostly monosyllabic and Indonesian words are mostly polysyllabic.
7. Hour, honor, honest are example of consonant H [h] where the sound of [h] is voice.
8. Subject and verb are the nucleus of an Indonesian clause. TRUE
9. There is a tense in Indonesian. TRUE
10. Affixation is process that we can find both in English and Indonesian. TRUE

D. Answer these Question briefly and correctly.

1. Learning of language, we must understand about the structure of the language. Each
language has different structure with other language. Please explain about the differences
and similarities in Grammatical system between Indonesian and English. ( 20 points)


The difference :

1. Bahasa Indonesia is still considered as root-based language in which root words are
used in sentences. The classification of the root words is also quite complete and clear.
In English, root words are no longer used and some even forgotten. This is because the
study of root words is not useful as sentence building does not use it anymore.
However, there are some root words derivations which remain popular to these days.
2. English has the concept for verb tenses but in Bahasa Indonesia, there is no similar
concept. Bahasa Indonesia uses adverb of time to indicate time difference instead of
verb tenses.
3. Bahasa Indonesia perhaps is one of the few languages which do not have gender such as
male, female, and neutral pronouns. Even though in English gender only for pronoun,
but other sentence rule may be affected.
4. The concept of plural in English and Bahasa Indonesia is very different. In English, the
concept of plural is to add ‘s’ as plural suffix after the noun. However, in Bahasa
Indonesia, the concept of plural uses reduplication words or other words which indicate
that the noun is ‘more than one’. Also learn about Indonesian communication style.
5. Even though both English and Indonesia use the same Latin alphabets, however, the
pronunciation between both languages is different. The difference of alphabet
pronunciation may not drastically but it affects the general pronunciation.
6. Pronunciation is indeed important in both languages. However, in English, different
pronunciation may result in different meaning. In some cases, same word with the same
pronunciation may have more than one meaning i.e. can, mean, and so on. In Indonesia,
this kind of case is very rare since most words have only one meaning.
7. In English, we have to pay more attention to the verbs because it changes based on the
time and the pronoun i.e. I go, you go, she goes, it goes, and so on. There is no similar
concept or whatsoever in bahasa Indonesia because the verbs simply do not change.
8. There are some differences between Indonesian and English grammar. The use of
hyphens in bahasa Indonesia is very different from English. In English, hyphen is used
compound adjective and noun. However, in bahasa Indonesia, hyphen is used to
repetition of the same words of almost the same words.
9. The word between Bahasa Indonesia and English is also very different. In bahasa
Indonesia, the word formation is noun + adj/adv i.e. mobil baru, kucing lucu, makanan
lezat, and so on. In English, the word formation is the reverse form of Indonesian word
formation for example new car, cute cat, delicious food, and so on. 
10. Pronoun in English and Bahasa Indonesia is not different much, but the difference is
quite fundamental. In English, we do not actually there is gender difference for pronoun
but in Indonesia there is no gender difference.
However, in Bahasa Indonesia the form of pronoun is way much more than in English
because there is politeness consideration. For example, you cannot just call anybody
with general ‘you’ like in English. It is important to see who we are talking to. Also
learn more about the difference between ‘kamu’ and ‘anda’.
11. As the pronoun in both languages is slightly different, the way of addressing other
people is also different. If in English it is fine to call other people, even older one, by
their names; do not even dare to do the same in Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesia has strong
influence with the culture which undeniably still strongly holds the value of politeness
including when addressing people. When you want to address other people in
Indonesia, it is important to consider their age, gender, and occupation level.
For example you can call older men with bapak/pak, om, and mas, but you can also call
other people from their occupation such as pak dokter, bu guru, pak presiden, pak
tentara, and so on.
Similiarities :
1. The ways of arranging sentences and paragraphs are similar.
2. Both languages use similar methods of classifying word types into nouns, verbs, adverbs,
adjectives, pronouns, etc ,
3. Both languages form words in the same way by attaching prefixes and suffixes to root words
4. Both languages have transitive & intransitive structures
5. Both languages have passive & active voices - bahasa Indonesia uses "di-" prefix to indicate
the passive voice while English uses the "-ed" suffix.

2. Learning Contrastive Linguistics and Error Analysis ( CLEA ) we learn how to contrasting
between first language ( L1 ) with second language ( L2 ). Not only the differences but also
the similarities between L1 and L2. Please mention 5 points of differences and 5 points of
similarities between Indonesian and English ! ( 20 points )


Similarities Between the two Languages

1. Both English and bahasa Indonesia use the same 26 letter alphabet, divided similarly
between vowels and consonants. Neither language uses accent marks for any of the 26
2. The ways of arranging sentences and paragraphs are similar.
3. Both languages use similar methods of classifying word types into nouns, verbs, adverbs,
adjectives, pronouns, etc ,
4. Both languages form words in the same way by attaching prefixes and suffixes to root
5. Both languages have transitive & intransitive structures

Differences Between the two Languages

1. Bahasa Indonesia is still a root-based language with nice complete root word families
while English has diverged and the study of root words is not as useful. Many original
English root words are now not used and forgotten although some of their derived forms
remain popular.
2. English has tenses for verbs while bahasa Indonesia has no similar concept.
3. Bahasa Indonesia doesn't have gender (male/female/neuter personal pronouns)
4. Bahasa Indonesia doesn't have a plural suffix which is comparable to the English "s".
Indonesian plural concept is understood by context or by the addition of other words to
express the concept of something being "more than one".
5. Pronunciation is different but not drastically different.

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