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The fastest


Barkey plasmatherm V
The Barkey plasmatherm V thaws Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP), Plasma
Frozen within 24 hours a�er Phlebotomy (PF24), Cryoprecipitated AHF,
Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells (RBC) and crystalloid infusion solu�ons.

Key features

• Thawing of FFP up to 30 % faster* • Dry thawing device (BSH** recommenda�on)

• Fast thawing thanks to innova�ve Smart • Shortcut programs: blood, plasma, user
Motion Technology of the paddle • Easy to clean through wipe disinfec�on
• Thaws 4 bags at a �me • Leakage control = reduced risk of
• Electronic documenta�on via Barkey TCP contamina�on or infec�on
Logging Tool (included)
pl-292-EW-0007-01 Flyer plasmatherm V US V2

• Replace water once a year

* compared to standard Barkey plasmatherm

** recommended from the Bris�sh Society for Hematology (BSH): Bri�sh Society of Haematology Guidelines on the spectrum of
fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate products: their handling and use in various pa�ent groups in the absence of major
bleeding, in: Bri�sh Journal of Hematology. 2018, 181, 54 67, p. 69
Barkey plasmatherm V
• Documenta�on so�ware Barkey TCP
Logging Tool (via Ethernet connec�on)
• Bar code reader (op�onal)

• Reduced risk of contamina�on due to dry
thawing and warming (no direct contact
with water)
• Easy to clean through wipe disinfec�on

• Electronic and so�ware overtemperature
alarms with auto shut-off THAWING TIMES*
• Adjustable temperature range from +35 °C
Temperature plasmatherm V
to +37 °C (blood program fixed to +37°C)
1 Bag 2 Bags 3 Bags 4 Bags
• Visual and audible alarm a�er thawing
cycle is complete +37 °C 9:00 min 9:30 min 12:00 min 12:00 min
• Visual inspec�on due to clear cushions
and lid * Own measurement: values till „ice free“, bags used: 600 ml
• Unique leakage control through moisture CompFlow by Fresenius, volume: approx. 265 ml; thawing
times are always depending on volume, thickness of the bag
sensors prevent contamina�on and and folding etc.

Product Barkey plasmatherm V Interfaces/Devices Ethernet connec�on

pl-292-EW-0007-01 Flyer plasmatherm V US V2

Power supply 100-120 V 50/60 Hz MDD classifica�on IIa

Set temperature +35°C to +37°C Safety class I, protec�ve earthing
Dimensions 13.5 x 23.6 x 12.6 in (WxDxH) Cer�fica�on CE 0123, FDA, UL
Weight without filling 40 lbs Barkey is cer�fied DIN EN ISO 13485
Filling quan�ty 9 liters


Barkey GmbH & Co. KG Barkey Corpora�on 1 866 BARKEY3
Technical amendments and 245 First Street, Suite 1800
errors excepted. Cambridge, MA 02142

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