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Hi Dr._____. My name is Shahed, I’m calling you from the labour and
Your name, position (RN), unit you are devleiry unit regarding a patient by the name of …
working on

Marissa Grant, 40yr old F. gave birth to healthy girl at 35 weeks’
Patient’s name, age, specific reason for the visit gestation. PPH Hgb 64 g/L requiring blood transfusion. Developed a
mild reaction after transfusing 1u

Gravida 5, Para 4. Delivered vaginally 1.5 hrs. ago. Significant PPH,
Patient’s primary diagnosis, date of bleeding stopped with fundal massage. EBL 1.5L. Blood type O
admission, current orders for patient negative RH negative. Baby is RH positive. Received first dose of RH
immunoglobin at 28 weeks, second dose scheduled for 72 hrs.
postpartum. This is her first transfusion. Current orders include:
 RL with 20u of oxytocin @ 125 IV
 Synthroid 0.25 mcg PO daily
 Celexa 10 mg PO daily
Allergy to peanut butter, dust and grass
VS: BP 88/60, HR 98, T 36.8, O2sat 96% RA. Tachycardic, hypotensive
Current pertinent assessment data using head and pale. Slightly anxious
to toe approach, pertinent diagnostics, vital Fundus firm and midline at level of umbilicus, Small rubra lochia
signs Catheter insitu, draining clear yellow urine.
No other complaints. Denies pain, N/V, itchiness. No SOB observed,
Lung sounds clear.
Transfusion has been stopped.

Need order for antihistamine and further direction in regards to blood
Any orders or recommendations you may have transfusion
for this patient

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