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History of Western Music Semester 1 2020/2021 (Quiz 1)

Name: Birgitta Claire Abeysekra Matric No.: U2004472 (Weightage: 10% of the final marks)

Chapter 14 The Invention of Opera

(Highlight the correct answer)

1. The following feature is not characteristic of opera in the mid- 3. The orchestra used in Monteverdi's operas are best described as:
seventeenth century: a) smaller and of less importance to the drama than that employed by
a) concentration on solo singing Peri
b) separation of recitative and aria b) larger, more varied, and of more importance to the drama than that
c) increased use of varied styles employed by Peri
d) decrease in orchestra size c) of the same size and of equal importance to the drama as that
employed by Peri

2. Orazio Vecchi's L'Amfiparnaso is the best known example of the

following genre: 4. The following librettist was the most prolific of his time and is
a) pastoral poem credited with establishing libretto writing as a separate craft:
b) intermedi a) Giulio Parigi
c) madrigal cycle b) Giulio Rospigliosi
d) solo madrigal c) Pierre Perrin
d) Carlo Goldoni
5. Modern historians use this term to refer to all styles of late sixteenth- 9. The following sixteenth-century scholar argued that the entire text of a
century accompanied singing: Greek tragedy was sung:
a) aria a) Bernardo Buontalenti
b) monody b) Vincenzo Galilei
c) recitative c) Girolamo Mei
d) arioso d) Giulio Caccini

6. The vogue of the operatic diva was inaugurated by the following 10. The concitato genere, a style characterized by rapid reiteration on a
singer's success and popularity: single note, was devised by:
a) Anna Renzi a) Claudio Monteverdi
b) Francesca Caccini b) Jacopo Peri
c) Barbara Strozzi c) Giulio Caccini
d) Maria Nascimbeni d) Ottavio Rinuccini

7. The typical number of acts in a mid-seventeenth-century opera is: 11. Claudio Monteverdi's first opera, produced in 1607, was:
a) three a) Il ritorno d'Ulisse
b) four b) L'Arianna
c) five c) L'Orfeo
d) six d) L'Euridice

8. A musical interlude on a pastoral, allegorical, or mythological subject 12. During the mid-seventeenth century, the chorus' role:
performed between acts of a play is a: a) was mostly eliminated
a) pastoral poem b) was to highlight the moral values embedded in the opera
b) intermedi c) was to provide entertainment before the opera and during the
c) madrigal cycle interlude
d) solo madrigal d) was considered an integral component of the drama throughout the
13. This term was used in the seventeenth century to refer to an 17. This short composition, written by Monteverdi while in
abstract ensemble piece: Venice, combined music with the art of mime:
a) sinfonia a) ll ritorno d'Ulisse
b) ritornello b) L'Euridice
c) consort c) L'Orfeo
d) concertato d) Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda

14. The first opera is credited to: 18. The first public opera house, opened in 1637, was in:
a) Jacopo Corsi a) Rome
b) Ottavio Rinuccini b) Venice
c) Jacopo Peri c) Milan
d) Claudio Monteverdi d) Florence

15. The following opera is often considered Monteverdi's masterpiece: 19. This collection of compositions for solo voice and continuo was
a) Il ritorno d' Ulisse published by Caccini:
b) L'Arianna a) Le nuove musiche
c) Combattimento di Tancredi e Chlorinda b) Dialogo della musica antica et della moderno
d) L'in coronazione di Poppea c) Cantiones sacrae
d) Opella nova

16. In the following treatise, Vincenzo Galilei argued that only a single
line of melody, with pitches and rhythm appropriate to the text, 20. Jacopo Peri proposed that this medium was similar to the diastematic
could express a given line of poetry: style that the Greeks used for reciting heroic poems:
a) Dialogo della musica antica et della moderna a) monody
b) Delle imperfettioni della moderna musica b) recitative
c) Le nuove musiche c) aria
d) Musica getutscht d) chant
21. The following opera, composed by Antonio Cesti in 1656, was one the 25. The earliest surviving complete opera, produced in 1600, is:
most frequently performed operas in the second half of the seventeenth a) The Liberation of Ruggierio
century: b) Dafne
a) Orontea c) L'Orfeo
b) Il pomo d'oro d) L'Euridice
c) Giasone
d) Dafne

22. The first pastoral poem to be staged was Favola d'Orfeo,

composed by:
a) Angelo Poliziano
b) Claudio Monteverdi
c) Orazio Vecchi
d) Ottavio Rinuccini

23. During the mid-seventeenth century, the most important component

of opera in attracting a paying audience was:
a) the plot
b) the composer
c) the singer
d) the composition

24. The earliest operas date from around:

a) 1600
b) 1625
c) 1650
d) 1675

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