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WIFI - how to make it secure

- enable WPA encryption
- use a strong password
- do not broadcast the wifi password, or tell it to anyone
- use wireless security software

dangers of spam and its effects

- can cause inbox to filled up
- can be phishing/pharming attempts
- may contain viruses in the attachments
- if you open the email and reply, the spammer knows that the email is active/
live and will send more

how to recognise phishing attempts

- check for grammar mistakes
- check for plain text
- make sure the message is not an image
- make sure the url matches the content
- make sure the sender matches the url
-check for unexpected or executable attachments
- they tend to be urgent, and too good to be true eg.( you have won the lottery...)

-might be in your spam emails, or alerted by your service provider

purpose of intranet
- keeps private and confidental data within an organisation
- to store relevant information about the organisation thats available for te
workers to use
- to facilitate and make it easier for the users to communicate
- Restricts access to certain sites
- Restricts access to certain employees
- sending and recieving emails and attachments
- allows creation of extranets,
- sharing applications and resources

Expert systems processing, or how it works

system asks yes or no questions
about the   ....( depends on the question).... fault
the user interfaces with the computer and enters answer
system asks more questions based on previous answer
inference engine compares data given with the one held in the knowledge
base , using the rules base until a match is found.
possible solutions/diagnosis are given and a why that conclusion has been
system can also make graphs or charts automatically based on data given

Virus - Effects
- routine operations are slower
- hard disk drive filled up
- files can be deleted, corrupted, changed
- operating system might be unresponsive
- causes the computer to crash

Viruses- Prevention
- dont download files from untrusted websites
- install up to date anti-virus software
- dont download attachments from emails that come from unknown senders
-scan attachments and emails for viruses
avoid opening spam emails

Cheques- what they contain

sort code
Cheque number
Account number
Account type (current/deposit)
Account holder’s name
Date written on the cheque

Cheques -  clearing them

- the cheque is sent to the clearing centre
- the cheque is scanned and amount is read using OCR
- the sort code, account number, and cheque number is read using MICR

- a check is made on whether it is valid and correct

- payer is recognised
- the cheques are then sorted using bank code order

why is technical documentation needed?

designed to help programmer or analysts to improve, maintain and upgrade a

why is user documentation needed

to help the user understand how the new system works, and how to use it
to help the user deal with problems
technical documentation might be too complex

Email- how to protect yourself

- dont open spam email
... may be phishing/pharming attempts
- dont reply to spam
....the spammer will know your account is active
- dont download attachments from unknown sources and spam email
....may contain viruses
- install up to date anti virus software
...scan emails and attachments before opening them
- do not use auto reply
....your account will be known as active
- use a spam filter to avoid spam
-dont give personal details in emails
....can be used to steal your identity or as blackmail
Personal Data Protection
- use of strong passwords
- regularly change passwords
- use different passwords for different emails and accounts
- dont give personal details in emails or websites, unless you are sure it is a
trusted source
- set social media to private
- use encryption techniques and digital certificates

Smart Technology benefits

- does the manual tasks, so no need to waste time
- can spend ore time on leisure and socialising
- Smart technology devices can be used to turn on devices remotely
- if you are coming home you can turn on cookers , and arrive to cooked food
- dont have to be at home when clothes are washing
- you can come home to a warm house by turning on central heating
- burglar secuirty alarms increase sense of secuirity
- Smart fridges can analyse food taken out of fridge so you can get a healthy
diet, also re-orders stock automatically
- Smart washing machines stop washes if incorrect materials present in the wash

- the washing machine can analyse the materials and tell you the correct dose of
powder saving money
- washing machine can also use the exact amount of water, saving money and

smart technology drawbacks

- over reliance on technology means that if the device breaks, its hard to find an
- causes laziness
- loss of houshold skills
- if controller is lost, then the devices may not work
- new technology is expensive to buy and maintain
- Difficult to repair
- more user friendly
- there is no need to memorise commands
- fewer errors as commands not typed in

Router - how data packets are routed

- router inspects the data packet recieved
- it checks its IP address against the stored routing table
- the routing table lists all the different routes to the other networks
- it uses the IP adress to find the best route
- send the packet to the next router. it passes through a few routers to its

Virus - what is it
a peice of malicious software or code that infects a computer. it has the ability to
replicate itself and attaches itself to files.

- less expensive than employing people and aircraft
- safer as there is less risk on human life
- drone can go closer to site than humans
- drone can go places inaccessible to humans
- data is automatically sent back and results processed immediately so faster to
process data
- data can be analysed continuously
- data can be made into graphs and charts
- readings can be taken more frequently
- dont forget to take readings

- sensors can malfunction
- may go out of range
- has a limited battery
- can lose signal due to storm/ volcano
Smart Cards vs Cash
they are both ways to pay at Point of use
they are both portable
both are used for transaction
it is faster to process the card
card is automatically checked, but cash needs to be checked for correct amount
when money has run out on the card, it cant be used until topped up again
a card can be blocked when stolen
more secuirity in place if card gets stolen
more likely to have cash in your pocket than smart cards
there is a chance of double payment using card

direct vs parallell
- Direct changeover is much cheaper than parallelnas there is only one system
- direct changeover is less time consuming than parallel as only 1 set of data is
- direct changeover is cheaper as only one set of staff is needed
- there is less chance of errorrs as the system wouldve been fully test in direct
-  the benefits are immediate wheras with paralllel it takes time to fully

- in direct , the staff wont get a chance to gradually train on the new system, but
in parallel they can
- in direct, if the new system fails, the old system is not there as a backup plan,
but in parallel it is still there

quicker to edit and make changes to the timetable
quicker to find  problems with timetable iike class clashes
less error prone
what if scenarios can be set up

3D printer
- use a ct or mri scan to scan healthy hand
- save a digital copy of the scan
- load the copy into suitable 3d printer software
- the software slices the model into hundreds of layers
- this is sent to the printer, which prints it out layer by layer using resin
- printer binds the layers together
- the hand is compared to his real hand and is made again if needed, unil a final
version is satisfactory

( can be used for all situations on 3d  printers)

- encryption is the scrambling of data, to make it unreadable to unauthorised
users.they can still gain access, however they wont understand the data. it uses
a encryption key to encrypt, and a decryption key to unscramble in order to
protect personal data such as date of birth, address. and sensitive personal data
such as religion, sexual orientation.

- GIS is a computer system that allows us to map, model, and analyse large
amounts of data according to location
- allows users to create interactive queries
- allows analysation of spatial information ( how objects fit together in one space)

- combines maps with computer graphics and databases

- works with GPS
-emergency services
-protection of animal life
-maps landmarks
-teachers use it in geograhical lessons
-prospecting oil

- audiences may be young
- audiences may be old
- audiences may have more experience or be experts
- audiences may be teenagers

- the solution must match the age of the audience

- more images, sounds and interactive elements with younger
- more words and information for older audiences
- more explanation is needed for an audience who is not an expert
- more technical words are needed for experts

Copy right - protection

- use of dongles
....part of the software is in the dongle, and software cant be accesed with out it
- use of product or liscence key when the product is first installed
....its a unique number and will not be excepted if used before. the system will
check for duplicated numbers
- use of memory pen
....part of the software is in the pen and cannot be accessed without it
- use of holographic images
....people will know that it is not real if it doesnt have the holograhic image and
they are much harder to copy

smartphones by tourists
- can contact home with ease
- text messages can be sent instead of calling. can be sent even tif the recipient
is not available, they can see it later.
- you are more likely to have a phone with you
- can search up tourist information and compare different places and prices
- can translate languages immediately
- photographs can be taken without using a seperate camera
- videos can be take without using a seperate video camera
- can contact accomodation without having to visit the torist information
- can use GPS, with unfamiliar road which is much easier and more portable than
using maps.
- bookings can be made immediately without having to visit the theatre
- battery life is short and needs recharging
- cost of international use can be high, especially for celluar networks
- there could be a problem with loss of signal
- screen size means its difficult to read
- since it is so portable, it can be easily stolden
smartphones over laptops
- easier to recieve and make phone calls on the move
- they are lighter in weight therefore more portable
- more likely to have a phone with you than a laptop
- easier to connect to celluar networks

purpose of named ranges

- easier to remember a name rather than cell references
- it is used when the range is to be used a lot
- when the formula is replicated, it still refers to the same range, meaning you
dont have to remember to use absolute referencing
- reduces errors when typing cell references

diff between rtf and txt

- txt is saved with no formatting in plain text, rtf has the basic formatting
- txt takes up less memory, rtf takes up more memory
- txt cannot include images, rtf can
- txt cannot create bulletd lists, rtf can
- txt cannot include paragraph formatting, rtf can

mail merge benefits

- saves time writing the details of everyone seperately
- helps reduce the number of errors in the typing of data
- makes it more proffessional
- produces a personalised document for each indivisual
- makes sure that no one is missed out

- biometrics are unique to who you are
- they are always with you
- they cannot be guess or stolen like passwords
- they cannot be forgotten like passwords
- they are difficult to forge
- access cannot be give unless you are present
- iris scan, fingerprint scan, retina scan, facial recognition, voice recognition
- eliminates shoulder surfing
- prevents key logging software from gaining access to passwords

facial recogniton issues

- there might be errors with face scans if you have facial hair or glasses,or got
hurt in the face
- lighting can be an issue, for example in the night
- its not always very accurate,especially with the laptops poor quality webcam
- takes a longer time to setup than passwords
- concerns about personal liberty infringement
- position from the face and distance from the screen is important
- once set up it is difficult to reset
- equipment can be expensive

affects of robot on employment patterns

reduced the number of manual and car production workers
it has caused a deskilling of staff because of over reliance on the robots
robots work 24/7, meaning workers may have to work unsociable hours
increased training for staff, to know how to deal with the robots
there has been an increase of programmers to build the robots
there has been an increase in job sharing
increase in part time
increase in compressed time
increased maintenance workers
increased supervisors

dont use capital letters as it is considered as shouting
dont use vulgar or abusive language
check for grammatical errors and spelling
respect peoples opinions and views
do not spam
respect peoples privacy
do not use too many emoticons
what is cloud
- cloud is an online service, used to store data
- data is stored in offsite servers
- many servers in many locations
- uses data redundancy

web layers
- it is used to enter scripting language to elements within a web page
- it is the interactive layer
- it has the information and data, such as images text
- it is used to create the structure of the wbepage
- written in html
- this is used to display format elements within a webpage
- provides consistency in styles
- this is how it appears to the user
- written in css

more productive
can work in hazardous condition where humans need protective clothing
can work continuously
no wages so overall wage bill decreases and cheaper in the long run
more consistent
more accurate
can do the boring laborious work

more expensive to intially buy

maintenance is more expensive
maintenance staff have to be hired they need constant supervising
they replace skilled workers, leading to deskilling
intranet vs internet
- Both are communication systems
- Both use internet technologies
- Both use HTML to write the web pages
- Both are information systems
- Both are networks
- An intranet has private access whereas the internet has public access
-  An intranet is policed whereas the internet anyone can post material
- The data on an intranet is moderated whereas /the internet is not moderated
- The data access on an intranet is more secure than the internet
- resides behind a firewall
- Internet has greater amount of information than intranet
- Intranet is within an organisation whereas the internet is world-wide
- Data in the intranet is more relevant/reliable than information found on the

HyperText Transfer Protocol
Transfer data between a webserver and the browser and displays a webpage

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

Transfer data between a webserver and the browser securely as it is encrypted

File Transfer Protocol

Transfers files between computers using a server

Voice Over Internet Protocol

Makes phone calls over the internet using IP adresses

determines variables of the encryption for both the link and the data being

Communication protocol for email

Protocol used on the internet
mail merge
open word processing software
create a master template or open one previously made
click on mail merge tab
place holders are placed in the membership card
attach the recipients list database
the data from the fields are imported into the membership cards
the data replaces the place holders
preview the results and check for errors
save the membership cards and print

breaches of copyright
- renting the software to people without permission from the maker
- using part of the code in the software in your own without permission from the
- making copies and selling the software without permission from the maker
- making copies of the software and selling or renting without permision from the

hyper link
it is  images or text that links you to something else. if it is pressed, then it takes
you to another webpage

video conferencing
- There could be time lag in the responses
- Time lag in pictures producing jerky images
- Lip Sync can be an issue/matching sound and image
- Time zone differences can cause the meeting to be held at
uncomfortable times for some employees such as 1am
- Training of staff to use the new equipment can be costly/time      consuming
- Requires good network connection/good strength of signal
- Power outages have a greater effect with two venues
- Additional hardware needed is expensive//cost of set up

- Documents do not need to be taken to a central meeting; they would not be
lost in transit
- No need to transport heavy documents
- The conference can be held at short notice
- Reduces the cost of travelling to the meeting
- Reduces the cost of venue hire
- Reduces the cost of hotel accommodation
- Safer than travelling

expert systems
cheaper than regularly retraining that doctor
more up to date
cheaper than consulting many doctors
They provide more consistent answers
Can reduce the time to find the  answer
They give a number of different possibilities
Allows the system to be used in parts of the world where experts/medical
specialists not available
Use the collective wisdom of more than one expert

They are machines therefore lack common sense
If the knowledge base contains errors then incorrect decisions can be made
Expensive to set up
Cost of training for operators
Expensive to maintain

relational database
better secuirity
easier to add, delete, and edit records,
more complex queries can be carried out,
data is more organised and more consistent,
greater ability to cater for future requiremnts
avoids duplication of data so less data entry.
takes up less storage space
more complex than flatfile as more than one table is required
needs an expert or somoeone who is computer literate, so it is more expensive,
it is easier to filter, sort and understand flatfile databases.
complex queries require more processing power

intranet over internet

- internet can contain irrelvant information
- internet can has no restriction to innapropriate websites
- internet is not policied
- more distractions and games on the internet
- more secuirity issues on the internet
- material on the internet can be unreliable and or biased
- anyone can create a website on the internet so innacurate information can be

spam - protection
- spam filter
- dont reply to spam email as the spammer will know that your email is  active
- do not sign up to commercial mailing lists
- block images in html messages as they are used as web beacons
- unclick text box allowing your email to be given to third party users when
buying things online.

benefits of computers for payroll workers

- increased job opportunities such as it technicians
- more accurate calculations of wages
- manual tasks are reduced

internet banking advantages and

- can bank 24/7 not only when the bank is open
- can bank from the comfort of home
- saves time travelling to the bank and waiting in queues
- less physical robberies
- saves money for travelling and parking
- easier for people with mobility issues and the elderly
- easier to ask for a loan, it is less embarrassing
- requires a device and an internet connection
- you need to be computer literate
- security issues such as malicious websites, phising and pharming
- if the internet connection drops during a transaction, it can be a major issue

AUDIENCES - young audiences

- young audience so they get easily distracted
- more images than text and information
- easily read information and simple ideas and language
- large text and bright colors
- interactive elements to keep them interested
- videos, sound, and images
- animations and transitions to keep them interested
- font easier to read

why are generic file formats needed?

to have a standard file type that can be used on all the softwares available for it.
and ensures that when a file is transferred to another software, it can still be

relative and absolute

- relative file paths only show the name or file path, absolute gives the full path
- absolute always has the domain name relative does not need the domain name

- if you need to find files on a different website then absolute needs to be used
- relative does not require a path only sub-folders
- relative find the files in the current site or directory, absolute starts from the
- absolute begins with a delimiting charecter, unlike relative

e-safety, why it is needed

- protects personal data, such as full name, adress, gender, from people who
shouldnt have access to it
- protects sensetive data, such as religious beliefs and ethnicity
- protects vulnerable groups such as children
- personal data can be used against people, for blackmail, identity theft, stalking,
spreading rumours
- giving out personal information helps predators find further details and track
the person
- to inform people how to block and report

dot matrix features

- uses multi part stationery
- uses continuous stationery
- can work in moist, oil or dirty environments
- noise of the printer will not be an issue in this environment
- its more robust

phishing prevention
- dont open emails from unknown sources
- dont open attachments from unknown sources
- dont reply to emails from unknown sourrces
- report any phishing attempts

how to use ftp

download ftp client program
connect to the ftp server, using the ftp client program
login to the server using ftp username and passowrd
locate the files on the computer and use the upload button on the program

digital certificate
adds a levels of secuirity
verifies the email comes from a trusted source
provides the reciever with a means of replying, private key
public key
valid from
expiry date
serial number
subject name
Relevancy on the internet
check the author as anyone can publish their understanding of a topic
check if the website has excessive advertising
check if the advertising is only related to its own products
check the final part of the URL ends with .acc .gov .org
check if site is endorsed by responsible bodies
check if it has links to other reliable sites
check for testimonials
check if the authours credentials are good
check the last date of update
check for spelling and grammer mistakes
compare to other websites

programs and data, for controlling the operation of the computer, and for
processing electronic data
system software:  controls and manages hardware, and allows interface between
hardware and user.

functions and formula

a function is a complex formula, and a predefined peice of code, that has an
inbuilt command or operation. it has a reserved name within the software.
functions can be used to simplify complicated calculations.

a formula can contain a function, and can be a simple calculation. formulas can
be directly entered into the formula bar.

bluetooth vs wifi
bluetooth is used to transfer small files between 2 devices. eg audio files
between earphones and phone. wifi is more suited to full scale networks
bluetooth has a smaller range than wifi
bluetooth has a slower data transfer rate than wifi
bluetooth uses a lower bandwidth than wifi
wifi has better secuirity than bluetooth
bluetooth is cheaper than wifi
wifi is more complex
wifi needs a adapter, router and wireless access points - bluetooth just needs an
wifi uses key matching encryption, bluetooth uses wpa and wep together
bluetooth uses spread spectrum frequency hopping

they are both wireless

they both use radio wave frequency technologies
they both have some form of secuirity

analysis research- interviews

The user is more open and honest with the answers
Questions can be extended
Questions can be modified
Can see body language and facial expressions
Time consuming to complete all the interviews
Expensive due to analyst’s time
Not anonymous so interviewee less likely to answer honestly
Can give answers that they think the interviewer wants
May not be available at the time the analyst is available

Faster to complete all questionnaires
Cheaper to produce questionnaires than employ an interviewer
Individuals can remain anonymous therefore they are more truthful
More people can answer the questionnaire than can be interviewed They can fill
it in in their own time
Tend not to be popular with users
Too inflexible cannot ask follow up questions
Users tend to exaggerate their responses as they are anonymous
As its anonymous people may not take it seriously
limited responses and tends to be multiple choice
wifi, how it works
- the computer sends data to its wireless adapter
- the data is converted to radio waves
- the radio waves are transmitted
- the wireless adapter in router recieves the radio waves
- the radio waves are converted to data
- initiates a handshake with wireless router
- user has to enter passkey

corporate house styles

- used to make all documents from an organisation have consistency
- set of rules to show how all these documents should be formatted
- considered as use of branding
- sam colours, fonts, font styles, logos, positioning of images, and graphics

bookmark, hyperlink, and anchor

BOOKMARK- saved shortcut, directs browser to a specififc web page, so that user
doesnt have to remember the url everytime, used for frequently used web
pages, used for favourite webpages.

ANCHOR- it is a link or reference point, that link with another part of the

HYPERLINK- it is a word, phrase, or image that when clicked, links to another

document, webpage, website, or different places in the wbepage

magnetic tapes vs flash

- less expensive per GB of memory
- not as easily lost as it is larger in size
- data access time is slower
- data transfer rate is slower
- affected by magnetic fields
- they have moving parts therefore less robust
- less portable as it is larger
- requires a special reader, which is more expensive, most devices          have
flash readers
- harder to transfer as less compatible than flash

phased implementation
- if new system fails, only one part is affected
- easier to ensure that part of the system is fully evaluated before moving on
- possible to gradually train staff
- trains staff in one part of the system so less costly

Policing the internet

- reduces illegal and hate crime comments
- reduces the amount of information that can lead to serious                   
consequences ( how to make a bomb )
- reduces people and vulnerable groups being subjected to                     
innapropriate or indesirable sites
- can reduce illegal images and pornography
- can reduce cyber bullying
- helps enforce copyright laws
- freedom of speech is reduced
- difficult to police on a global scale
- difficult to enforce rules as different countries have different laws
- difficult to police because people can be anonymous, making it hard to identify
the culprit
- expensive to create a new police force
- information found on the internet can be found elsewhere

advantages of changing work patterns

- working from home means that people can abide with home chores, stay with
family more, be comfortable whilst working, and avoid costs of travelling, and
work globally
- part time working means that people can commit to other things and not just
- flexible hours allow workers to avoid rush hour in the morning, drop off their
children at home, avoid stress and abide with home chores
- job sharing makes the job easier
- compressed hours allow the workers to have a longer holiday time
- company have happier workers, which will promote more efficient work
- company will be able to have workers from all around the world due to working
from home, and therefore find better workers
- flexi time and job sharing allows company to be open for longer

security of data from unauthourised

- strong passwords are difficult to crack
- regularly changing passwords increases security
- biometric passwords are difficult to crack and forge
- biometric password cannot be forgotten and they are always with you
- biometric methods, you have to be present to enter the data
- biometric methods are unique to the user
- biometric methods prevent shoulder surfing
- use of two factor authentication adds a layer of security
- firewall stops attacks from hackers
- firewall keeps a list of blocked ip adresses
- anti spyware stops passwords being recorded when typed in

- too complex a password can be easily forgotten

- most passwords can be cracked thes days
- regularly changing passwords means they can be easily forgotten
- firewall can block legitimate sources and software
- biometrics are not impossible to forge

web and video conferencing differences

- video conferencing is real time two way, web can be two way or web cast
-video tends to be over the internet wheras web uses phone or VOIP
- video needs specialised equipments
- video participants use shared equipment, weba re at their own computers
- sound quality is poorer in video than web

file paths
Relative file path is the hierarchial path that locates a file or folder starting from
the current directory
absolute file paths are the complete details and directory needed to locate a file
or folder, and starts from the root

what is phishing
phishing is the sending of genuine, legitimate looking emails, that contain a link
to a fraudulent website, made to steal personal or bank details.

what is pharming
pharming is  a malicious code or peice of software that installs in someone
computer, so that when the user tries to visit a real website , it redirects them to
fake website. the information typed in this fake website is sent to the hacker. its
purpose is to steal personal and bank details

microprocessor- control applications

( dependant on the question )
- sensor reads anologue data, which is converted to digital using an ADC, and
sent to the microprocesser
- microprocesser reads this data
- micro processer has pre-stored values
- microprocesser compares the data from the sensor to the prestored values
- if the data from the sensor is outside the limits or range of the prestored values

- .... then a signal is sent to an acutator to do an action

- if the data from the sensor is within the limits,
- ..... then a signal is sent to an acutator to stop the action
- this is a continual process

EXAMPLE - describe the processing done when a microprocesser keeps the house
at a temperature of 30 degrees.
- temperature sensor constantly read the temperature, which is converted to
digital data using an ADC, and sent to the microprocesser
- microprocesser reads this data
- microprocesser has prestored values on the wanted temperature
- microprocesser compares the data from the sensor to those prestored values
- if the data shows that the temperature is below 30 degrees
- .... then a signal is sent to an acutator to turn on the heater
- if the data shows that the temperature is above 30 degrees
- ..... then a signal is sent to an acutator to turn off the heater.
- ( this sometimes has a mark, sometimes not) : if the data shows that the
temperature is 30 degrees, then nothing is done
- this is a continual process

cloud- benefits and disadvantages

- only need to pay for the storage you bought
- larger storage capacity
- easier to add storage
- can acces data from any location
- can acces data on many devices
- more secure, protected by password
- data is automatically backed up

- you dont have much control over your data

- more prone to hacking because of many copies
- more prone to hacking as it is online

- more control over computer settings
- not restricted to predetermined options
- in direct communication with the computer
- better suited for experts and technicians
- takes up less memory
- uses less processing power

- commands have to be remembered

- commands have to be learnt
- you have to remember full file paths
- more error prone
- harder to edit
- you cannot use touch screens or other input devices

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