High Cost of A Low Price

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Name:_____________________________________________ Date:_________________


The controversial retail giant Walmart faces the scrutiny of filmmaker Robert Greenwald
in this documentary showcasing the adverse effects the behemoth inflicts on communities
and individuals. Conducting interviews with former and current Walmart employees,
Greenwald gets an insider's look into some of the corporation's alleged nefarious and
exploitative labor practices. The film also explores the economic impact of Walmart on
small businesses and communities.
Directions: Complete the chart below while watching the film.

1. Lee Scott, CEO, states that Walmart has generated fear if not
envy in some circles.
2. .The mass merchandisers to a great extent do not provide
3. If Walmart isn’t a ___________ then I don’t know what it is.

4. Jon Hunter explains that his ten year old business building has
depreciated because of Walmart coming in due to the expectation
5. Walmart drives down retail wages by $__________ every year.

6. Some accuse Walmart of using government assistance such as WIC,

Welfare, and Medicaid as their _______________.

1. UC Berkley estimates that Walmart costs California taxpayers an

estimated __________ for healthcare, tax credits, food stamps, and
8. The only Walmart union is located in _____________.

9. How was Walmart cheating their employees?

10. How was Walmart discriminating against women?

11. Describe how government subsidies to Walmart impacted small

12.. How many classrooms could be built using the empty Walmart

13. What was the impact of Walmart’s EPA violations?

14. Chinese factory workers make less than ______ per day.
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:_________________

Discussion Questions:
1. What do you think about the interconnectedness of corporate and governmental stakeholders?
2. Instead of bailing out the banks Iceland began investigating criminal conduct and arresting the
responsible bankers. Bailout packages were given only to those most affected by the collapse - the average
Icelandic resident. Why do you think it was the opposite in the U.S.? Why were the guilty bailed out and
the innocent left to pay?
3. Who is most to blame for the events depicted in the film? Government or financial services companies?
Regulators who stuck by their free market beliefs or investors who carelessly took on too much risk? Is
there something you think they could have done differently?
4. What actions can you take today, this week, this year, to help support men and women remain true to
their whole selves?
5. Do you feel that people should have gone to jail for their behavior? Inside Job discusses evidence that
senior bankers on Wall Street used prostitutes and illegal drugs, sometimes paying with company credit
cards. If bringing a criminal fraud case related to subprime loans and CDOs would be too difficult, should
prosecutors go after this other behavior?
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:_________________

The controversial retail giant Walmart faces the scrutiny of filmmaker Robert Greenwald
in this documentary showcasing the adverse effects the behemoth inflicts on communities
and individuals. Conducting interviews with former and current Walmart employees,
Greenwald gets an insider's look into some of the corporation's alleged nefarious and
exploitative labor practices. The film also explores the economic impact of Walmart on
small businesses and communities.
Directions: Complete the chart below while watching the film.

1. Lee Scott, CEO, states that Walmart has generated fear if not fear
envy in some circles.
2. .The mass merchandisers to a great extent do not provide excellence in service
3. If Walmart isn’t a ___________ then I don’t know what it is. monopoly

4. Jon Hunter explains that his ten year old business building has Of more empty buildings
depreciated because of Walmart coming in due to the expectation due to going out of
__________. business
5. Walmart drives down retail wages by $__________ every year. 3 billion

6. Some accuse Walmart of using government assistance such as WIC, Healthcare plan
Welfare, and Medicaid as their _______________.

1. UC Berkley estimates that Walmart costs California taxpayers an $86 million

estimated __________ for healthcare, tax credits, food stamps, and
8. The only Walmart union is located in _____________. Germany

9. How was Walmart cheating their employees? Not paying overtime and
changing computer time
10. How was Walmart discriminating against women? Refused to promote
11. Describe how government subsidies to Walmart impacted small Closed businesses,
communities. schools, and lowered
police/fire workers
12.. How many classrooms could be built using the empty Walmart 29,666
13. What was the impact of Walmart’s EPA violations? Millions of dollars in
14. Chinese factory workers make less than ______ per day.
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:_________________

Discussion Questions:
1. What do you think about the interconnectedness of corporate and governmental stakeholders?
2. Instead of bailing out the banks Iceland began investigating criminal conduct and arresting the
responsible bankers. Bailout packages were given only to those most affected by the collapse - the average
Icelandic resident. Why do you think it was the opposite in the U.S.? Why were the guilty bailed out and
the innocent left to pay?
3. Who is most to blame for the events depicted in the film? Government or financial services companies?
Regulators who stuck by their free market beliefs or investors who carelessly took on too much risk? Is
there something you think they could have done differently?
4. What actions can you take today, this week, this year, to help support men and women remain true to
their whole selves?
5. Do you feel that people should have gone to jail for their behavior? Inside Job discusses evidence that
senior bankers on Wall Street used prostitutes and illegal drugs, sometimes paying with company credit
cards. If bringing a criminal fraud case related to subprime loans and CDOs would be too difficult, should
prosecutors go after this other behavior?

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