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1st summamtive test in Home Economics 6

Name: _________________________________ Grade: ___________ Date: ________
A. The following are family resources. Draw a if it is a human resource,
if it is a material resource and if it is a nonmaterial resource.
__________1. water
__________2. time
__________3. skills
__________4. furniture
__________5. Intelligence
__________6. Health
__________7. Appliances
__________8. experiences
B. Draw a star HAPPY FACE if it is a basic need of a family and SAD FACE
if it is not.
__________1. house
__________2. food
__________3. cellular phone
__________4. clothes
__________5. Car
__________6. Jewelries
__________7. Education
c. What are the basic of a family?
2. ._______________________________
3. ._______________________________
4. ._______________________________
5. ._______________________________

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