Non Conventional Farming System

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Conventional and Non-Conventional Farming System

 Conventional Farming System

This refers to the farming systems which use synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, weedicides, genetically
modified organisms and other input to maximize agriculture productions.

Types of Conventional Farming System

Mixed Farming- this is the growing of crops and the rearing of livestock on a farm land.

Mixed Cropping- this is the planting of two or more crops on a farm land at the same time.

Monoculture- growing one crop of species at the same time.

 Non-conventional Farming System

This farming system used modified methods of growing crops and rearing livestock.

Types of Non-Conventional Farming System

 Aeroponics

This is the process of growing plants in a mist of air rather than in the soil. Plants are usually grown suspended
in the air in a greenhouse or other enclosed system. The roots have no direct contact with water or soil.
Nutrients and water are sprayed onto the plant in a fine mist every few minutes.


 Increase crop yield and growth rate

 Quality products are produced


 Equipment is expensive
 Constant monitoring is needed
 Hydroponics

This is the cultivation of crops in nutrients rich water solutions without soil. The water is full of nutrients which
are absorbed by the plant root. E.g. lettuce, tomato


 Takes up less space

 Plants use less water than plants grown in the soil.


 Production is limited compared to field crops

 Constant monitoring is required

 Organic Farming

Organic farming is the production of plants and animals without the use of fertilizers, pesticides and other
inorganic chemicals. In this farming system biological organisms are used to get rid of pest.

 Grow Boxes

A grow box is an enclosed box used to grow plants in a self-contained area. The box has a hydroponics system,
a built-in light and a means of ventilation.

Some have air-conditioning to maintain the correct temperature and to enrich the atmosphere with carbon
dioxide to boost growth (carbon dioxide makes plants grow faster).

Uses of Grow Boxes

 Grow boxes are used by people who have limited space.

 It is also used for growing plants out of season.

 For growing plants in controlled conditions in laboratories.

Simplified grow boxes, are designed for use outdoors and do not include a lighting system or temperature
Grow boxes also tend to have few or no weeds and therefore less money is spent on weedicides and less time is
spent to manually removing weeds.

 Trough Culture

Trough culture involves growing crops in shallow raised troughs, 15-20 cm deep and 60-70 cm wide. Troughs
can be filled with an inert, soil-less medium, such as rock wool, and are connected to a drip system which
supplies water and nutrients in solution.

Trough culture is a form of hydroponics. Instead of soil, common materials such as coconut fiber and clay
pellets are used.

It allows people to grow crops in places that were not suitable to grow crops e.g. roof tops,
beside walkways, etc.

 Urban and Peri –urban Farming

Urban and Peri-urban farming is the, growing of crops and rearing of animals for food and other uses with-in or
near cities, towns and villages.

The small farms or market gardens produce fresh vegetables, fruit and meat for consumers. These benefit the
community by increasing the quantity and quality of the food available thus contributing to food safety and food

In developed countries, urban and Peri-urban agriculture are recognized for the provision of local food, as well
as recreational, educational and social services.

They also provide income and employment and contribute to local economic development

The Benefits of Urban Farms Include:

• A reduction in transport costs as food is grown locally

• Fewer pesticides, which make food production more sustainable

• No food preservatives as food do not have to travel long distances

• Employment for local people.

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