RCA 1923 Pamphlet

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Radio Apparat11s

QADIO has placed a new , inspiring
f'-_ and powerful resource at the dis-
posal of civilization . · .
It has brought new romance into the
_world to replace the exploits of Pa1l
Revere and John Paul Jones . It travels
swift as light , not through one valley, or
on one lonely sea , but to the world at
large on the wings of the ether. Radio
answers the call for more liberal educa-
tion o_f nations and peoples , and per-
meates the remote places of the earth
· with the cultivating influence of music .
Radio Telephony, following closely upon
the heels of raoio telegraphy. is sweeping
the countr y, carrying into the homes of
rich and poor alike a modern facility of .
pleasure and education which is binding
the people together in a new and demo-
cratic brotherhood . A richer and more
complete home-life , with mental stimu- .
· !us and pleasant relaxation, has been
made possible through broadcasting and
its receiving corollary , the radio tele-
phone r-eceiver.
At present there are perhaps 125 to
200 radio telephone broadcasting stations
in the United States which are regularly
sending out news ai:,d entertainments to
the hundreds of' thousaP..ds of listeners
who have receiving apparatus. They
a 'l(adiola
"t here's {orevery'M.rs
e". are located in the larger cities, which is
essential for t,vo reasons : that their

programs may reach

the largest number of people possible and
that artists of recognized ability may be
T HIS prnctieal rccci\'C:r covers a band of
wavelengths from 180 to 525 meters in two
steps. These ranges are from 180 to 300
and 300 to 525 meters respectively.
secured to join the other entertainers.
By merely releasing the bottom catch , the
It is estimated there are over i 50,000 wooden cabinet may be opened to receive the
telephone headset , an nrrangemcnt which make~
receiving sets in use, and artists at the the set completely portable. When it is not in
larger broadcasting stations have had use, it may · be closed up so that there arc
no exposed wires . . By means of a single' con-
their entertainment trol you change from one station . to another .
heard by hundreds and bring in. signals from any station at their
of thousands of greatest strength. This also minimizes inter-
ference from other stations.
people simultane- Complete with Head Telephones , Antenna
ously. Equipment and Full Instructions ..... $32.50
..\~ above . le~~Antenna Equipment. . . . . . 25.00
Illustrating ·
Radiola 1 {oreverj
"lh.ere's a 1r,adiola nrse..
Radiola Junior ' Radiola Model AR 137~

R DIOLA JR . is a complete Kadio receiving

outfit . I ts range varies · from ten to
twenty miles. The only adjustments
necessary include fhe occasional finding of a
T HIS crystal receiver was designed to cover
a wave-length range of 170 to 2,650 meters .
The set is sold complete with a pair of
··sensitive spot" on the cry stal detector and the sensitive telephone receivers.
simple turning of a tuning control arm to cover A wave change switch provides three distinct
the wave length range of iqo-500 meters. Built wavelength range s : 170-41 o, J 50-q65 , q25-2650
in a very substantial ~nd attractive wood meters. Variation s between these can easily be
cabinet , the receiver has a compartment for obtained by manipulating the tuning knob in the
storing the telephone receivers ,when the set is center of the panel'.
not in use.
This instrument includes a tuner, a fixed con- The recei-ver is pro-.,•ided with a metal cover
denser, a superscmitive crystal detector, and a he.Id in place by two snap catches . One end of
high grade set of head telephones . the case is removable and form s a suitable
· Radiola Jr. •may ordinarily be employed for receptacle for the telephone receivers when the
receiving from the broadcasting stations -up to a set i's being carried about. Provision is also
maximum distance of twentv iniles: often it will made for connecting a vacuum tl!be amplifier
pick up broadcasting over greater distances . unit for loud speaker operation.
Complete with Head Telephones, Antenna Complete with l4ead Telephones, Antenna
Equipment , Spare Crystals , and Full Equipment. and Full Instruction s . .. . $47.50
Instruttions ... ............ . . . .. . . . . $32.50 As.a!;x:>ve, less A~tenna Equipment... . . . 40.00
As above, less Antenna Outfit .. . . . . . . .. . 25'.00

"lh.ere's a 1?adiola
for l"Verj 'Rzrse" "'lh.ere's a 1r_adiola
for everj nrse ••
{4} {;}
Senior Radiola Sr.Amplifier
Model1{r "Model.AC

R D IOLA SR . is designed to fill the popular

demand for an inexpen sive set for broad-
cast recepti on with a greater range than
T HE Radio la Sr . 2 Stage Amplifier has been
designed to operate in conjunction with
Radiola Jr . or Sr. amP.lifying sign_als received
a crystal set. R adiola Sr. makes use of the by them to such an extent that satisfactory loud
Regenerative Circuit in conjunction with a speaking result s are obtained over considerable
vacuum tube detector. A big feature of Radio la distanc d. .
Sr . is that the filament of the vacuum tube inay - One outstanding advantage of this instrument
be operated from a single dr y cell. · is the fact that the tubes are operated from dry
Radi o la ~r. will be - found especially useful cells in the same · manner as the widely used
to the farmer for the daily reception of ma rket Radiola Sr . .
and weather report s. Becau se it possesses the Separate rheostats are used to control the fila-
added feature of a more exact ti.ming adju stm ent, ment of each tube, and telephone jacks enable
·the po ssibility of interference from unde sire_d the operator to select at will any of three degree~
station s is greatly reduced . Rad1ola Sr. ts of intensity. · The filament s of the unused ·c_ubes.
portable ; its upkeep expen se is ver y small and in this case are. automatically disconnected , thus
its wavelength range is from 1qo to 500 meters . conserving the battery . .
Complete with One Model \VD-11 Vac- The instrument is encased in a beautifully
uum Tube , One Filament Dry Cell , polished solid mahogany cabinet and is similar
One Plate Orv Batterv , Head T ele- in appearance to the Radiola Sr ., with which it
phone s, Antenna Equipment , and Full has been especially designed to operate .
Instruction s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.90 Radiola Model RF with Two \VD-r 1 Dry
. \s above, !es~ Batteries and Antenna . Battery Tubes ... ... .. . . ..... ·....... ..$68.00
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00
"there's a 'l[_adiola{or eVerj 16.rse" "/here'sa 'l[adiola
{6} {7}
Radiola R S Radiola~

RS is similar in every detail to
the very popular Radiola Senior, except
that it is provided with two tubes, and em-
R ADIOLA V is a new and important addi -
tion to the Radiola fa.mily. .

It is a regenerative receiv er with a de-

bodies a detector a,1d one stage of audio fre- tector and two-stages of a udio frequency ampli-
quency amplification. fication built into two brass cases with rich
mahogany finish .
Regeneration is also employed In this very
efficient and compact set . Th ~se cases , while separabl e , ar e rigidly bound
into a single unit by means o f two solid mahog-
Th e entire apparatus is mounted on a molded any tray s. top and bottom . All cabinet work is
panel and enclosed in a richly finish~d mahogany rubt::ed to a high pian o finish .
ca binet. Terminals are provided for battery 1 Dull black ,, integral knobs and dial s suppl ant
and head telephone connections as well as for the former knob s and pointer s .
the antenna and ground.
_The interior con struction is similar to
With the Radiola RS are supplied two that of the well known AR-, JOO and
AA-1400 . An important new feature is
WD-11 vacuum tubes and one Brandes
a vernier condenser in the tuner.
head telephone set. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . $72.50 Price . ,, . . .. ......... .' ..... , ..... . . $132.50

teres a °
"·-7- 1 c. e'{)erj ''P
fta diola ror, urse " "jh.eres a 1c,adiola{or eVerj 'i?irse"
{s} {9}
Radiola Combination For Super Selectivity
tlncorpoi-ati11,g CZlnits 8lfJ, !Ril/,J/,Jl,VA

R AD IOLA Super Selective Combination con-

sists of Moclels RT primary coupler; RA
secondary coupler; AR 3 stage radio fre-
Moclcl AR is a three stage , radio frequency
amplifier of extraordinary sensitivity. Provision
is made for variation ofnegative potential on the
quency unit. and DA d etector , 2 stage audio grid in the potentiometer control located in the
amplifier illustrated, in the.order given, at the lower left hand section. A single rheostat on the
head of these pages . It is designed for use with opposite · side controls the filament brilliancy of
an outdoor antenna for broadca st reception over all three tubes.
long distances. and under conditions where ex- Moclcl DA provides for the detector and two
treme selectivity is desired . stages of audio frequency amplification. One
Moclcl RT is an antenna coupling device pro- rheostat controls the detector filament and an-
viding a concir,iuously variable inductance and other regulates the amplifier tubes . Three jacks
~apacity on the one shaft , controlled by the make possible the selection of various degrees of
single dial on the panel . The unit is virtually signal intensity and, as with Moclcl J\R, the
a very lo6~ely coupled and therefore highly se- brilliancy of the tubes may be observed through
lective primary circuit with variable serie s capac- the screened opening .
ity and readily controlled for the minute varia-
tions in tuning . Altogether , , these four -moclels constitute a
Moclcl RA emboclie s the .secondary circuits . modern. sensitive receiver with a high degree of
The largest dial at the top of the panel is for selectivity . What is equally important, the
rough secondary adjustment , while the smaller controls are very simple to manipulate. Full
adjustment in the lower right hand section is for instructions for connections and operation ac-
very clo se . or vernier tuning . The dial oppo site . company the units in the package .
thi s. control s regeneration (when used as a re- Radiola Combination RT , RA, AR , DA.
gener:ar ive sctl .
..7hen•s a 1?,aJio/a
{orev,ny '!2irse
., f:;);~~; -~,---,~;;;;;-n~!~O.?
•{10} · .[ T
I •
I 1i
Radiola Model RC RadiolaN

DADIOLA Model R . C. is a modem com-

R ADlOLA IV is a self contained
type broadcast receiver.

.['-. p~ct and efficient Regenerative Receiver The cabinet contain s a regenerative re,
. with a detector and 2 Stages of amplifi ceiver , a detect or . two stages of audio fre-
~tton incorporated m the same cabinet. It is
m _fact Radiola RA and DA combined. quency amplification . a new.loud speaker of un-
· Br<;>adcasting may be received with detector surpassed to ne quality and all necessary bat-
alone , or with one or two stages of amplification
on wavelengths between 18o and 700 meters . ter ies.
With the addition of Load Coil Model CB a
band of wavelengths between 1 ,8oo and :z.8oo Radiola IV is not only a highly efficient rc-
meters is available . ' cei ver , embodying the late st development s in
Model R C is furnished with polished nickel-
plate? metal par_ts on ? black insulating panel design, but ha s the charm and dignit y of a fine
and 1s enclosed m a highly polished and elec- piece of furniture.
trically shielded solid mahogany cab 'net.
<-omplete with Load Coi l. one Radiotron Detector
Tube, two Rad1ot'r<m Amplifier Tubes. one six- Price , complete with 4 tubes ( 1 spare),
volt Storag .~ l?,atter y Model oHR-9, Telephone all batteries , head set with telephone
Plug. two B . Plate Batteries, Vocarola Loud
Speaker, Rect1gon Battery Charger (5-am!)Ore plug, and silk covered leads for an-
size). Rece1vmg Antenna Equipment, and Full
Instructions ... .... . .... . ............. . . . . .. . $260 .75 tenna and ground .... .. . . . ..... .. .. . $275.00
Short Wave Regenerative Tuner , Model RC, less
all above equipment. L' ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.50

"lh.ere's a '~adiola
{oreVerJ T?i.rse" '•lltere's a·1?_adiola
everj 'Rzrse"

{11} ·{n}
Radiola Grand Radiola Grand
Model'RG 'RG
o( radio det ection. amplification and loud ·speak-
ing are embodied _in this popular Instrument.
By mean s of the . reson ant loud speaking chamber,
the ent ire family may receive broadcasted music
and ot her entertainment and instruction . The
appar atus is contained in a beautifully finished
mahog any cabinet of the same size and general
appear .ance as a conventional phonogr;3ph .
With a Radiola Grand it is only necessary to
conn~c t a battery of four ordinary dry cells;
the antenna and ground wires. tum the filament
knob and tune in the desired signals with a
single control handle. For especially fine tuning
vernier adjustment is· embodied and a simple
control serves to reduce the volume of the signals
when within onl y a few miles of a broadcasting
station . A tel ephone jack .is provided in order
that head telephones IT'.ay be employed for the
reception of broadcasting over great distances by
means of head telephones . An exceptional
feature o f this instrument is its amplifying
system which has been developed to such an
extent th a t practically no distortion of speech
or music exists.
Radiola G rand anQ · Mahogany Stand

T HE Radiola Grand has been especialiy

designed to receive broadcasting stations
operating on the stanoard wavelengths of
with four dry cells , tubes , antenna
equipment and ~ull instructions . .. . .. $359.10
..\s above , less dry cells and antenna
36o and 400 meters but an additional range is
equipment . . . . . . ...... . ... .. . . . : 350.00
available up to 550 meters . The finest l)rinciples
Without stand . . . . ... .... ... . : .. . 325.00

a 1{_adzola
{orevery1?i.rse" "/here'sa 1{_adiola
. {15}
ed music
and speech is being
received and it is
desired to have vol-
. ume enough to fi11a
room so that many
persons may hear,
the Vocarola may
be employed to ad-
vantage. It is but
neces~ary to remove
the. plug of the telephones ·from the jack in the
amplifier unit , placing the loud speaker plug in
its p lace.
Loud Speaker , with -Flexible Cord and

\W ITH Radiola VI , it is possible to obtain

radio entertainment with the entire
equipment installed indoors .
Telephone Plug .... . ... . .... . . . .. ... $20.00

Phonograph Attachment
R adiola: VI comprises three stages of . radio fi!ud Speaher Model LS
freq uency amplification , a det ector , and two
St<1 ges of audio frequency amplification.
finished fn mahogany and enclo sed with a hand-
some solid mahogan y tra y and cover. ·
It is W ITH this
device your
may be converted
Radiola V l is primarily intend ed for operatio n into a loud speaker
with a loop anrr,na . This instrument enables the for radio reception .
broadcast cnlltu $iasts to obt a in results with It is but nece ssary
ind :,or equipment subst antially equal co that of a to remove the re-
spmdard regenerative set and amplifier, con- producer or "soun d
nected to an outdoor antenna , and when used box" from the tone
with a tuner and antcnna , cxccptional distances arm of the phono-
ri·,ay be covered. graph , replacing it
with this attach-
Ra.diola VI with loop a~teo na AG-IJ8 o ment. .
variable condenser uC-1820 and Vo- . Victrola Attachment with Cord a nd Plug. $18.00
ca rola loud · speaker _ (less Radiotrons
and batteries ) . . : . . . . . $214.00 . GrPlu~~~~-1~_A~t~~h~~~-t'. ·.~'.t.~ -~~~~ _an~ lS.OO
Rad1ola VI onf~-.. . . . . . ..... .. 162.50

7here'sa 'l[a.Jiol~
ft,revery''l?irse" ".theres a'l[adiola
f,r e-verf
{16}- {17}
Radiotron Model UV200 .Antenna Outfit Model AD
1klecfor be
long distan-
c~s are to be
lnduucs I 50 feet No. 14
Copper Weld Antenna Wire ;
ft. No. 18 Coppe r
Grourn,J W;°re; 50 ft. No. 14
covered, where sta- Copper lead-in Wir e; 1 PA
bility of operation , .\ ntcnna Protective De"icc ;
long life and its 1 Entrance Bu shin~ ; 2
resultant low cost Antenna rm,ulator c;:l Screw
•are .desired, where Eye! ; 1 G·round Clamp; J
Porcelain Knobs; 1 . Con-
detector tube s of nector; 11 In sulated Staples .
uniform character- \ntenna Outfit Model
istics arc required .._ _________ _, _ AD. Complete wi :h
for critical receiving In structions ....... $7.50
adjustments , in fact
wherever real resu lt s an.: sought, there is but one Antenna Outfit N.xlel.A{j]88
answer to the detector tube question-Radio-
tron UV-200 .
Radiotr on Model. U \ '-200 ................. $5.00 Includes 175 ft . No. 14
Copper Weld Antenna Wire ;
Model UV 201 = 201 A 50 ft. No . 14 Coppe r Lead-
in Wire; 25 ft . No . 14 C,p-

.Am Ii ie_!7u}ns per Ground Wire; 1 UQ-

UV-201 is an
amp lifier
trance Bushing; ; Antenna
.In sulat ors; J Screw Eyes; 1
Ground Clamp; 5 Porcelain
Kn obs; 12 In sulated Staples ;
tube who>c exce l- 8 Wood Screws. ·
lent qualities are so Antenna Outfit Model
well known that a AG-788. Complete
de sc ription is un-
necessary .
For tho se desiring
an even better Ra- ,
H;::cti:;h~nes Model
UD-790 Head
diotron there is the Telephone Re ceivers em-
supe r amplifier, body many desirable fea-
R a d i o t t o n UV - tures, among which are
20 1-A. Thi~ Radh>tron gi ves se,·cra l times the good t one quality, se nsiti-
amplification of previou s tuhcs with one quarter v1tv and light weight.
the filament current cun~umpt ion . Head Telephones.with
,_ _________ _, oft . Flexible Cord . $8.00
Radiotron Model l /V-20 1 . . ..... . .... . .. . $6.50
Radi ot ron Model l lV-20 1-A. . . . . . . . . .... · 9 .00

Storage Battery ModelJ-LXL:-9
T HIS battery has given
complete satisfactio n
in radio work ever
sin~,._ wireless equipments
.. ( 1 ) 'Purchasers of tubes, grid leaks . tra nsform e r>. con-
de nsers , or ot her parts, or of sets, ar e not licen sed b y the
Radio Corporation of America under any patent s owned by
were nrst insta lled on ship- the Radi o Corporation of America, or under which it is
board. The sepa rat ors are licensed to u se the same for commercial purpo ses . The sole
madeo[ selected, hard wood license the purchaser of any such part or set obtains by the
~de~~a~i:rc:rt;d purchase thereof is to use it for amateur and experimental
tough .. Giant Compound radio use, involving no busines :sfeature and includ•ng broad ..
Rubber ... cast reception of news and music and oth(':r entertainment!-\ ,
\tfodel ,L X L- 5 but not broadcast trunsmissiOn .
40 amp . hrs .... . . $17.50
Model 3L X L- 9 ·· c1) Purchasers of parts arc gi~cn no license, either
80 amp. hrs .......
\4odcl 3L X L - ,, 23.00 1...:._.....:
= ==::=::...---..:..J express or implied, b y reason of such purcha se, to a ssemble
11.0 amp. hr~ . 30.00 o r make up sets. or parts of set s, which secs or parts of
sets (as distinguished from the separate part s). infringt:
Stora~e Battery Modelt,-Ji'R-9 patents under which the Radio Corp o rati on of America

T HESE radio batteries

embody the most ad-
v a n c e d cngi ne~ring
principles and the finest ma•
holds rights. The purchaser o[ a part is licensed by such
purchase to use such part only and is not licen sed under any
patcQt covering a combination or organization composed
o[ such part and other parts. The right , under any patents
lerials and workmanship relating to such a combination or organization. to assemble
possible . They are built to 1 1,»arts into complete sets, or to as semble in part such sets ·,
meet and maintain a stand• 1s reserved by the Radio Corporation of America, except to
ard of q ual.t y and setvice
established by the makers the extent that it from time to time permits amateurs to
during the last fi[ty years. assemble Sets under certain conditions as provide"d below:
\tfodel 6-HR-5
50 amp . hours . ... $18.00 .. (3) To meet and devel op the interest of amateurs in
\tlodel o-HR-9 the radio art, such amateurs are, until further notice,. au•
100 amp . hours . 24.00 thorized under the patent's under ·which the Radio Corpo ra-
,_ __________ _..\4odel 6-HR-11
,, ct• 1 ~o amp . hour, . . . 33.50
tiqn of America has the right to grant licenses, tQ assemble
and u se sets (but only for amateur and experimental radio
B Battery Model .269 putpo ses as above defined in section (1), provided the tubes

M OD EL 209 ..B ..
battcrie~ have been
designed espcciall y
forming elem ents of, or used with, such $ets hav e been sold
by the Radio Corporation o.f America or such othe r persons,
1f any, as have been authorized by it t o manufacture and
sell the same for use in the United States of Am..it'ica, and
for use with the foregoinp; provided that such. amateur does not use any asserr1~led
apparatus. They are fur- or partially assembled set, but himself assembles the various
nished with convenient tap~ distinct part s.
for the UV-,oo detector
.. (4) No license under any such patent covering a com-
tube , are [ully waterproofed
binatio n or organization of .elements is granted to replace
and have exceptionally long a ny tubes in ·any set sold by the Radio Corporation of
life. <\merica or i,ssembled under licCnse from it, with other
.. B .. Battery, MoJcl rubes not sold by the Radio Corporatio n o[ America ." ·
1!',q, n ., volt, .. .. $2.50 '

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