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The bar chart illustrates the ratios of the UK’s workforce in five primary industries
between 2 years 1841 and 2011. For the purposes of this data set, all the industries
significantly changed in this period, especially in services, manufacturing and
What stands out is that, in 1841, the rate employees of services was only responsible
for 33%, however, it jumped dramatically up to 81% of the total workforce by 2011. By
contrast, the number of workers working in manufacturing and agriculture/ fishing witnessed
a considerable decrease from 1841 to 2011. The shares of workers in the manufacturing
industry decreased by 4 times, compared to 1841 and there was only 1% left from 22% of the
staff of agriculture/fish.
Turning next to construction and energy/water industries, they accounted for under
10% of total employees in the UK in both years. While the workforce of construction rose
slightly by 3%, 3% of the number of employees working in energy/water in 1841 fell to 1%
in 2011.
In summary, there was a significant shift in the workforce across industries in the UK,
with most employees apparently moving from other to service sectors between 1841-2011.

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