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An explorative study on game monetisation models by Zimbabwean game developers


Background: The commercial gaming ecosystem heavily relies on robust and flexible
revenue generating streams that promote ecosystem sustainability. Gaming monetisation
models have been rapidly changing and expanding so as to keep abreast with the current
market trends. Despite the massive potential and economic opportunities presented by web
monetisation models, there is currently no data that shows current game monetisation
models as used by game developers in Zimbabwe and of key interest to this study web
monetisation models. The importance of web monetisation models in gaming cannot be
overemphasized and the Covid-19 global pandemic has revealed this.

Purpose: Inspired by the global success stories in game monetisation models this research
seeks to explore the current game monetisation models employed by game developers with
a particular attention on web monetisation. The research will output data that shows the
current state of game monetisation models in Zimbabwe in particular the opportunities,
sustainability, and challenges of web monetisation models.

Methodology: The study employs a mixed method research approach and a survey as its
research design. Data will be gathered from 50 game developers in Zimbabwe with the use
of a closed ended questionnaire. Furthermore, qualitative data will be gathered using key
informant interviews from purposefully selected participants based on the responses given
from the questionnaire.

Broad research questions

1. What are the monetisation models used by game developers in Zimbabwe?
2. To what extent have game developers in Zimbabwe specifically adopted web
monetisation models when valuing their content?
3. How sustainable are the web monetisation models employed by game developers in
4. What recommendations can be made to improve the adoption and sustainability of
web monetisation models by game developers in Zimbabwe.

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