Dif. Cal

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Differential Calculus 1

Limits One-Sided Limits Types of Continuities

Let f be a function that is defined on an Suppose f is a function such that it is not 1. Jump Continuity – occurs when the
open interval containing a, but possibly not defined for all values of x. Rather, it is curve “breaks” at a particular place
defined at itself. Let L be a real number. defined in such a way that it “jumps” and starts somewhere else.
The statement limf (x) = L defines the from one y value to the next instead of 2. Point discontinuity – occurs when
x →a
smoothly going from one y value to the the curve has a “hole” in it from a
limit of the function f(x) at a point a. L is next. missing point because the function
the value that the function has as the point
y has a value at that point that is “off
a is approached. Excel Review Center
the curve”.
3. Essential discontinuity – occurs
Theorems of Limits when the curve has a vertical
The following are important theorems asymptote. Excel Review Center
and properties of limits considering the 4. Removable discontinuity – occurs
following: limf (x) = L and limg(x) = K when there is a rational expression
x →a x →a
with common factors in the
The figure above shows that y = f(x) is
1. If lim f (x) exists then it is unique. numerator and denominator.
x →a not defined for all values of x.

2. lim  f (x) + g(x) = lim f (x) + lim g(x)

y Special Limits
x →a x →a x →a sin x
1. lim =1
lim  f (x) + g(x)  = L + K Excel Review Center x →0
x →a
1 − cos x
x 2. lim =0
3. lim f (x) − g(x)  = lim f (x) − lim g(x) x →0
x →a x →a x →a
lim  f (x) − g(x)  = L − K  1
3. lim 1 +  = e
x →a
n →
 n
4. lim f (x)  g(x)  = lim f (x)  lim g(x) The figure above shows that y = f(x) Excel Review Center

x →a x →a x →a “jumps” from a positive value to a 4. lim (1 + n ) n = e

n →0

lim f (x)  g(x)  = L  K negative value. 5. For a > 1, then:

x →a
lim a x = + lim a x = 0
The statement lim f (x) = R means that as x →+ x →−
f (x) lim f (x) L x →a + lim log a x = + limloga x = −
5. lim = x →a = (K  0) x →+ x →0
x →a
g(x) lim g(x) k x approaches “a” from the right or from
x →a
positive infinity, the function f has the 6. For 0 < a < 2, then:
Excel Review Center limit R. lim a x = 0 lim a x = +
x →+ x →−
1 1
6. lim = (K  0) lim log a x = − limloga x = +
x →a
g(x) K Likewise, the statement lim f (x) = L x →+ x →0

x →a

means that as x approaches “a” from the The term “Calculus” was derived
7. lim  f (x)  = lim f (x) 
n n
for n > 0 from a Latin word “calx” which
x →a x →a left hand side or from negative infinity,
means “stone” and from a Greek
the function f has the limit L. word “chalis” which means
8. lim  cf (x) = c lim f (x)  “limestone”. Excel Review Center
x →a  x →a  If f is defined in an open interval
containing a, except possible at a, then In 1684, a German mathematician and
9. lim cx n = c lim x n = ca n limf (x) = L if and only if
philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
x →a x →a
x →a published his early work on calculus, while an
English astronomer, physicist and
lim f (x) = lim f (x)
10. If f is a polynomial function, then x →a + x →a − mathematician Isaac Newton made an early
limf (x) = f (a) study on the subject in 1665 but did not
x →a
Excel Review Center CONTINUITY published his work until 1704. These two
mathematicians are now considered as the
11. lim n f (x) = n lim f (x) A function f is continuous at a point a if founders of today’s calculus.
x →a x →a the following are the three conditions
when n is a positive integer being satisfied: The subject Calculus is divided into four
areas namely, differential calculus, integral
1. f(a) exists, that is, f is defined at a, calculus, differential equations and calculus
12. If f (x)  h(x)  g(x) for all x in an 2. limf (x) exists, Excel Review Center
x →a
of variation. Differential Calculus is a branch
of mathematics which deals with derivatives
open interval containing a, except 3. the two numbers are equal. and limits.
possibly at a, and if Continuity test at a point x = a:
limf (x) = L = limg(x) then lim+ F(x) = lim− F(x) = F(a) Excel Review Center
x →a x →a x →a x →a
lim h(x) = L .
x →a

The Gold Standard in Review Industry Differential Calculus 2

Founded in 1991

Derivatives Trigonometric Functions Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

The derivative of a function expresses its d 1
(sin u) = cos u
du 32. (arc sinh u) =
rate of change with respect to an dx dx dx u2 +1
independent variable. The first derivative Excel Review Center
of a function is the slope of the tangent d du d 1
15. (cos u) = − sin u 33. (arccosh u) = ; x 1
line to that curve defined by the function. dx dx dx u2 −1
The following are the derivatives of
different functions: Excel Review Center d du d 1
16. (tan u) = sec2 u 34. (arctanh u) = ; x 1
1− u2
Algebraic Functions dx dx dx
dc d du d 1
1. =0 17. (cot u) = − csc2 u 35. (arc coth u) = ; x 1
dx dx dx dx 1− u2
d du dv d du d 1
2. (u + v) = + 18. (sec u) = sec u tan u 36. (arc sech u) = ; 0<u<1
dx dx dx dx dx dx x 1− x2
Excel Review Center
d dv du d du
3. (uv) = u +v 19. (csc u) = − csc u cot u d 1
dx dx dx dx dx 37. (arc csch u) = ; x0
dx x 1+ x2
dv Inverse Trigonometric Functions
d u
4.  =
dx  v 
(sin −1 u) =
1 du Maxima/Minima
dx 1 − u 2 dx
d n du Excel Review Center
5. u = nu n −1 d −1 du If a function f is defined on an interval I,
dx dx 21. (cos −1 u) =
dx 1 − u 2 dx then:
du 1. f is increasing on I if f(x1) < f(x2)
d d 1 du whenever x1, x2 are in I and x1 < x2.
6. u = dx 22. (tan −1 u) =
dx 2 u dx 1 + u 2 dx y

d  u  1 du d −1 du
23. (cot −1 u) =
7.  = dx 1 + u 2 dx
dx  c  c dx
d 1 du f(x1)
du 24. (sec −1 u) =
d c dx dx u u − 1 dx
8. = x
dx u u2 x1 x2
d −1 du
25. (csc −1 u) =
Exponential Functions dx u u 2 − 1 dx 2. f is decreasing on I if f(x1) > f(x2)
whenever x1, x2 in I.
d u du
9. (a ) = a u ln a y
dx dx Hyperbolic Functions Excel Review Center
d du
d u du Excel Review Center 26. (sinh u) = cosh u
10. (e ) = eu dx dx
dx dx f(x1)
Excel Review Center
d du f(x2)
27. (cosh u) = sinh u
Logarithmic Functions dx dx
x1 x2
du d du
log a e
dx 28. (tanh u) = sec h 2 u
11. (log a u) = dx dx 3. f is constant if f(x1) = f(x2) for
dx u every x1, x2 in I.
d du
du 29. (coth u) = − csc h 2 u
log10 e dx dx Suppose f is defined on an open
d dx
12. (log10 u) = interval I and c is a number in I, then:
dx u d du
30. (sec hu) = − sec hu tanh u
du dx dx 1. f(c) is a local maximum value if f(x)
d  f(c) for all x in I.
13. ( ln u ) = dx Excel Review Center 31.
(csc hu) = − csc hu coth u
2. f(c) is a local minimum value if f(x)
dx u dx dx  f(c) for all x in I.
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Excel Review Center
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Engineering Board Topnotchers!

Solving Maxima/Minima Variables in relation to Maxima/Minima Values

The following are the steps in solving Largest Rectangle Largest Rectangle Largest Rectangle inscribed in a
problems involving maxima and inscribed in a circle inscribed in a semicircle triangle with one side on the
minima: a
1. Draw a figure when necessary.
2. Determine which variable (the x b
a a/2 h x=
dependent variable) is to be 2
maximized or minimized y h
a y=
3. Formulate equation 2
Excel Review Center
4. Reduce to one variable. It is a SQUARE!
5. Differentiate b
Largest Rectangle inscribed in a right Largest Rectangle inscribed in an ellipse
6. Equate to zero
triangle with sides parallel to the legs a
of the triangle x=
When the first derivative (slope) is b 2
equated to zero, it results to either a y b
b y=
maximum point or a minimum point.
x x= y 2
h 2 x x
h A ellipse 
slope = 0 y y= =
• Maximum point 2 a
A rectangle 2
Excel Review Center b Excel Review Center
Largest Area of a Triangle Smallest perimeter of a Smallest perimeter of a
with given perimeter sector with a given area rectangle with a given area
Point of Inflection •

a c A
Minimum point •
slope = 0 r θ

First Second b b
Derivative Derivative r= A  = 2 rad
Maximum Point 0 Negative a=b=c= a=b=
3 Excel Review Center 4
Minimum Point 0 Positive
Inflection Point - 0 Right triangle with smallest Largest area with perimeter Maximum light
perimeter or largest area given of the figure below admittance for the
Solving Time Rates window shown
 = 45o
Problems x x x=
x x
x=y 4.268 x=y
Another type of problems involving the y
use of derivatives are the time rates Equilateral Isosceles
problems. In solving a problem under θ y y triangle y triangle
time rates, the following steps are to be x
Excel Review Center x
1. Draw a figure when necessary.
2. Formulate equation. Maximum light admittance Maximum length of line Rectangle of maximum
3. Differentiate with respect to time. for a Norman window segment tangent to an perimeter inscribed in a
4. Substitute the condition / instant to ellipse circle
the equation. Excel Review Center
x/2 L
Important: Substitute the given values
h b y
only after differentiating.
y a
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L =a+b x=y
alterguru.com h=x x = 2y
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Variables in relation to Maxima/Minima Values – continuation…

Stiffest beam that can be cut Strongest beam that can be Most efficient trapezoidal Maximum length of rigid
from a circular log of radius r. cut from an elliptical section. section (Maximum capacity beam that can pass
x with minimum perimeter) perpendicular hallways
Width at top

y a
Excel x x b
Review y θ L
x Center
It is a SQUARE! x

Stiffness is proportional to the base, not side

product of the breath, x and cube It is half of a regular hexagon
of the width, y.
width at top = sum of sides
y=x 3 Strength is proportional to the
(a + b 2/3 )
product of breadth, x and the width at top = 2x L= 3 2/3

Excel Review Center square of the depth, y.  = 120o

Excel Review Center
Location of single stake at Parallelepiped with
x = 2b
y = 2a
maximum volume Open square based container
ground level to minimize the 3 3 with maximum volume.
length of guy wire.
Best possible view of picture
or clock. z x = 2y
Excel Review Center
fence y x=
y 3
θ x
b y2 The parallelepiped is a cube. x
SA = surface area
a x
y1 x=y=z
Minimum cost of materials
Least amount of material for for cylinder with a given
(a + b 2/3 ) an open top cylindrical tank
L= 3 2/3
r r
Excel Review Center Best view means θ is maximum.

x = y1 y 2 r=h V
Location of single stake at h r= 3

ground level to minimize the h 2

length of guy wire. Least amount of material for
square-based parallelepiped
Maximum volume of right
cylinder inscribed in a sphere Ratio of the weight of
of radius R Excel Review Center heaviest cylinder to weight
stake h2 of circumscribing sphere
h1 y x = 2y
x = 3 2V
x 4
VC = R 3 WC 1
x V = volume 27 =
d h WS
x 3
dh1 2 3
x= Maximum volume of cone h= R
h1 + h 2 3
with given slant height, s.
Least amount of material for Volume of largest cone
cone Excel Review Center inscribed in a hemisphere Largest cylinder inscribed in
s a cone.
h 3
r= VH h
h 2  = tan −1 2 VC = y=
2 h 3
Excel Review Center y

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