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Writer: Lance Harvey P. Magtanong

Introduction of the Host/Emcee:

Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone! Welcome to another show of “CLJA Radio”. I’m
________________, and today we are going to talk about “THE DIARY NG PANGET”, with our guests Mr.
_________________ and Ms. ______________________. And of course we will have a special guest
later, so make sure to listen with our simple but meaningful talk all the way through.

Host: Let me first give you a short background about this film. Diary ng Panget literaly Diary of an Ugly
Person also known as Diary ng Panget: The Movie is a 2014 Filipino romantic comedy film based on the
best-selling novel of the same name written and published on Wattpad by Denny R. The film was
directed by Andoy Ranay and stars Nadine Lustre, James Reid, Yassi Pressman, and Andre Paras. It was
distributed by Viva Films and released on April 2, 2014, in theaters nationwide. It was a famous novel
that catches the interest of youth today, may I say that it is indeed a hopeless romantic movie
for someone who continues to believe in love, no matter the struggles they might have experienced?

Female: I believe in that. Before I watched this movie, almost every one talk about the Diary ng Panget
they read in Wattpad, it was famous then. So I was excited when they will put in on a movie. It was
something that we want in real life.

Male: At First it doesn’t interest me, but one time accidentally I saw it on Facebook video, it catch my
attention. For short, I watched it.

Host: As a teen couple, what part of this movie will be part of you forever?

Female: For me, it was Eya, the female protagonist accepting herself of who she is. It was a meaningful
scene where Ian, Cross best friend believes that she is beautiful, Chad her male best friend and Lory her
female best friend that accept her without looking in her physical features and I think that is when Eya
confidently accepts and show her true self.

Host: You’re right! It was best to accept yourself and have acquaintances that will show your worth
without being ashamed of who you are. How about you Mr.
Male: I think the best scene is when Cross, the male protagonist, realized that he loves Eya and tell her
about his feelings. He stands for it and words of truth came from his own lips. A man, I might say that
not all men will not always tell it or confront a girl like that because of the word “PRIDE”. But it was a
courageous act that will be a part of me forever that if I like someone or something, I should stand for it.
If will be a waste at least I did my part and I will not regret it.

Host: That was a genuine scene indeed! To be honest, almost of the scene will be part of our life, we
must realized it. Now, let’s talk about the role of Chad… he was in love with Lory and give all the effort to
make Lory give the love he deserves but unfortunately, she was in love with Cross who helped him when
she was being bullied by other students.

Male: A man with innocent heart, purely beats with one woman even he was rejected multiple times. Eya
supports him but she always makes a mess with the surprises he prepares. Chasing a woman that is not
interested to you is tiring but for me Chad sets his mind to his goal and not give up on it. That
characteristics is remarkable that we should have.

Female: Chad knows the love for the people around him, not only for his great love but also to his best
friends, he is absolutely great for the things he done, saving his friend for ill-fated experiences. I want to
find a friend like him or should I say, a great man.

Host: Knowing simple characteristics or attitude that can impact both of you to realize something that is
worth to have. Next is the role of Lory.

Female: Lory have everything, not her richness but the attitude to accept. I still remember that she love
the main male character in the movie but Cross always ignores her and didn’t felt the same with her. She
was like Chad, the role to love but didn’t receives the love they given to the other man she loves. When
the scene where she saw that Cross loves someone else, she give up, but the best thing is that she
accepts it. She confronted Eya and told that she will give Chad a chance to love her. Now I’m imagining
the life they have or can Lory love Chad.

Male: I agree with her, We can always love someone but the question is, do they love me the way I love

Host: That is a good question, but to answer that… I think not all can give back the love we have given.
If we give something don’t ever expect anything from them. Giving is not purchasing something or
investing. It is not we purchase or buy something for and item or investing to have income in return. If
you give, don’t expect anything from them. After Chad and Lory, Let’s move on the next characters, Eya
and Chad.

Female: I’m so excited, cause I fall in love with the main characters, Eya and Chad. Both of them have
something in their self that was a miserable experience in different ways. Eya was poor and ugly and
don’t have confidence in herself, an independent woman who finds job to continue her life – to live. She
was a strong woman for me, courageous and beautiful inside. It was a role where almost all the Filipino
Woman are experiencing, some are poor, some saw themselves as ugly and don’t have confident but
have a heart to love which I can relate. As a student, I want to be confident to pursue my dream, to
have a comfortable life and to accept who I am.

Male: You are right! You can be like her. Not the ugly part but the her attitude to face her struggles, not
give up and accepting and loving herself.

Female: Yes of course! Doing the best I can and not wanting more is a way of loving myself. Who is
cross for you?

Male: Mmmm… Cross loves his mom so much that he carried his pain longer. We cannot measure that
love, to love limitless and unconditionally. He changed when Eya appeared in his life, he has everything
but Eya got nothing but know how to move on and live her life. Falling in love with Eya was one of the
best thing in his life, he learned his mistakes and suddenly learned to accepts and move on.

Female: And of course, Cross didn’t look on the outer beauty, at first, he was rude but inside a soft-
hearted person. He admires Eya’s heart. Denying the love, but he cannot control it. I’ve remember they
say that “the more you hate is the more you love”. They hate each other but in the end of the day, they
fall with each other. First impression may not last, judging them will not work. Sometimes it is a defense
mechanism to hide your true self.

Host: It was incredibly true!... Knowing all of this, it makes me want to watch the movie again! What is
the lesson you have learned in the move “The Diary ng Panget”.

Female: You go first Mr. _________________________.

Male: The lesson I learned is not all the people in this world will accept who you are, and will not give the
love you wanted so we must first love ourselves. Don’t waste your time to chase someone who will
definitely rejects you. There is someone who is planned for you, just learn how to wait.
Female: We are all chasing for love, it is a race? Is there a evidence that we need to collect the love we
deserves? This movie reminds me to not hurry with anything that is not probably its time. “All things
work together for good”. Don’t beg for love, don’t chase it, and don’t give up the things that will make
you regret.

Host: I learned from both of you guys, realizing things like this was good. It was a meaningful talk for us,
hearing different things that will improve ourselves. Thank you Ms. ___________________ and Mr.
______________ for sharing both of your thoughts and realizations. And now let us all welcome our
special guest---- _____________(Name)_____________. Let’s give his/her a round of applause.

Guest: Perform….

Host: And that is all for today. Thank you for listening to our podcast every day. My name is
_________________________ and I’m your host.

--- END ---










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