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Aspiehelp/The Aspire Trust (Inc.

Volume 1, Spring Edition

Kia ora koutou, I would like to briefly introduce myself as the new Editor for the AspieHelp
From the Editor, Newsletter. My name is Denise and I have been helping out behind the scenes with Julie
and Andrea. I was formally diagnosed with autism in 2019 and, in exploring what that
means for me, discovered AspieHelp and have not looked back since! I have firsthand
experience of the value of AspieHelp in the community and consider it a privilege to help
continue and grow that THIS
We welcome your input and would like to hear from you
what you need from us and how we can better serve the community and support you all.

Please check out the competition at the end of the Newsletter!!

News and Events

We were lucky enough to be selected as one of the recipients of Z Energy’s Good In The
Hood campaign. Please support us by voting for us when you fill up at Z Cashmere and
sharing the campaign on social media.
Volunteers Needed!

We need volunteers to man our BBQ’s over the spring and summer periods. If you can
spare a few hours a month please email Denise at You will be
reimbursed for travel expenses.

Book Review by Andrea


by Bruce D. Perry & Oprah Winfrey, 298 pages.
This is an excellent book for anyone who has
experienced trauma in their life, or anyone wanting to
understand how trauma affects our behaviour. Many of
us have met people where we have thought, ‘What’s
wrong with you?’, when the real question we should be

asking ourselves is, ‘What happened to you?’.

The book is written as a question-answer session
between the authors and covers topics such as making
sense of the world; seeking balance; how we were loved;
the spectrum of trauma; connecting the dots; from
coping to healing; post-traumatic wisdom; our brains, our

biases, and our systems; and relational hunger in the

modern world. During the discussions, Oprah shares
some of her childhood trauma and links them to issues
she experienced later in life.
It discusses how as soon as we are born our brains are
soaking up our experiences, interpreting them to form

our view of ‘this place’ we have been ejected into. It also

discussed the seemingly uncontrollable behaviours
exhibited by seemingly non-threatening triggers, as a result of extreme post-traumatic stress, and why the brain
does this.
It is an easy read explaining in simple terms why people who have experienced trauma behave the way they do,
while often being unaware themselves how the experiences of their past now affect their lives.
It offers a number of resources for further in-depth reading.
Poem – submitted by Julie

The impossible blindfold

: an autistic adult prepares for a day in the workplace

Today again I’ll strap on my mask for you;

zip up my ludicrous human suit;

force most of my thoughts into small closed boxes

so that when I speak, you are not made uncomfortable.

When I am not trapped in a room full of chattering

sometimes I can pass for one of your kind.

You few who reach for me with well-meaning thoughts:

even you have no clue how hard this is, nor can you.

If you are sighted and want to try blindness,

bind your eyes for a day, a week – you might come close.

But there are no easy ways to shut down your empathy,

lock yourself in my clumsy robot cage and be.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are my ways your ways.

(c) Melinda Smith 2011

Name our newsletter and be in to win !!!

Prize is a copy of the brilliant book by Kiwi author Chanelle Moriah, I Am Autistic

This is a great book to assist with everyday situations and provide a place to record
experiences. Submit your entries by email with the Subject “Newsletter Comp” to
Entries close on 31 December 2022.
You can submit as many entries as you like.
Prize is not transferrable to cash.
Judges decision is final.

Aspiehelp/Aspire Trust Contact Us:

2A MacMillian Ave 03 337-6337

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