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To : el-corte.inglé
Subject: information request

Hello, I hope you are well.

My boss informed me that he is going to Milan for a conference, he will stay there for 3 days,
(he will leave on the 9th Feb and return on the 13th Feb. I would like to ask you to give me
information about the flight time, cost, because I could not find it on the website.

If possible, please also inform me the date of the return flight and if there is any information
about its cost.

I would be very grateful if you could reply as soon as possible, so that I can inform my boss
and he can arrange his trip.

thank you in advance for your reactivity.



Ayoub Chaoui
Junior management controller

My university studies begin with a bachelor in Morocco. After i did my M1 in finance,
currently i‘am in M2 management control. In parallel i work at VIVEST, actually i’am on
alternance contracts in this company, where i try to put in place my theoretical knowledge and
develop my skills in this area.
Motivated, ambitious, and serious I am available at any time for a possible interview.
Currently, my role within the company is to collaborate with all the poles of the company, my
main mission is to calculate indicators, is to update the dashboards specific to the company in
order to ensure health and business performance.

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