English Homework

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Read the following text and answer the questions.

Tooth Anatomy
Each tooth consists of three main parts – the crown, the neck and root. The crown is the
visible part of the tooth; it is the portion that lies above the gum tissue. A protective layer called
enamel covers the crown. The neck is the area of the tooth between the crown and the root. The
root is the portion of the tooth that extends through the gum and into the bone of the jaw.
Every tooth consists of hard and soft tissues. The hard tissues are enamel, dentin, cementum.
The soft tissue is the pulp. Enamel is the hardest material in your body and makes up the outside of
your teeth, above the gum line. Dentin is the tissue that makes up the core of each tooth. Pulp is the
living part of the tooth, located inside the dentin. It contains the nerve tissue and blood vessels that
supply nutrients to the tooth. Cementum is located at the root of the tooth.
Enamel is the substance that covers the crown of the tooth. It is very
hard and quite resistant to mechanical and chemical attack. The enamel is
made up of microscopic enamel rods. Each enamel rod is attached to the
dentin underneath it.
Dentin is the hard, yellow bone-like material that underlies the enamel
and surrounds the entire nerve. It composes the bulk of the tooth, and is
sensitive to touch and other stimuli. Dentine consists of dentinal tubules.
The dental pulp (the nerve of the tooth) is the soft centre of the tooth.
Pulp is composed of connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves; it nourishes
the dentin. A root canal is actually only a part of the dental pulp. Blood vessels and nerves enter
through a hole at the tip of each root. The tip of the root is called the apex,
and the hole that allows the nerve tissue, with its blood vessels to enter the tooth is called the
apical foramen. The apical foramen is simply the hole in the tip of the root where the nerve and all
its accompanying blood vessels must enter the tooth.
The pulp has several functions, such as:
Sensory function - pain from trauma to the dentin and/or pulp, differences in temperature, and
pressure are caused by stimulation of the pulp.
Formation of dentin - the pulp is responsible for the formation of dentin. In response to trauma, the
pulp forms secondary dentin, also known as reparative dentin.
Nourishment - the pulp contains blood vessels that help to prevent the tooth from becoming brittle
by keeping it moisturized and nourished.
Cementum is a layer of tough, yellowish, bone-like tissue that covers the root of a tooth. It
helps hold the tooth in the socket. The cementum contains the periodontal membrane.
Cementum is to the root of a tooth as enamel is to the crown. Its main function is to act as an
attachment layer for the periodontal ligament which is a soft tissue sheath that acts as a cushion
between the bony socket and the tooth itself.

Answer the following questions:

1. What main parts does each tooth consist of? Each tooth consists of three main parts – the crown,
the neck and root.

2. What is the crown? The crown is the visible part of the tooth, it is the portion that lies above the
gum tissue.
3. What is enamel? Enamel is the substance that covers the crown of the tooth .
4. Where is the neck located? The neck is the area of the tooth between the crown and the root.
5. What is the root? The root is the portion of the tooth that extends through the gum and into the
bone of the jaw.
6. What is the hardest material in your body? Dentin is the hard, yellow bone-like material that
underlies the enamel and surrounds the entire nerve.
7 . What is located inside the dentin? Inside the dentin is located the dental pulp.
8. What does the pulp contain? Pulp is composed of connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves; it
nourishes the dentin.
9. Where is cementum located? Cementum is a layer of tough, yellowish, bone-like tissue that
covers the root of a tooth.
10. What is the enamel made up of? The enamel ismade up of microscopic enamel rods.
11. What does dentine consist of? 1Dentine consists of dentinal tubules.
12. What is apex? The tip of the root is called the apex, and the hole that allows the nerve tissue,
with its blood vessels to enter the tooth is called the apical foramen.
13. what is apical foramen? The apical foramen is simply the hole in the tip of the root where the
nerve and all its accompanying blood vessels must enter the tooth.
14. What is the main function of cementum?The main function of the cementum is to act as an
attachment layer for the periodontal ligament which is a soft tissue sheath that acts as a cushion
between the bony socket and the tooth itself.

Put the verbs into correct tense/Simple tenses

1. Your General Practitioner will write a prescription for you tomorrow.

2. The doctor sent him to a hospital last week.

3. This institution provides free medical care for all the Americans over 65.

4. American medicine is deciding the main scientific problems, as the fight against heart

diseases, AIDS, and others.

5. M.D. Smith decscribes preclinical picture of myocardial infarction.

Insert the auxiliary verbs: do, does, did, verb to be

1. What Institute does Ann study at?

2. What faculty did you study at?

3. Why did you choose medicine as your speciality?

4. What specialists does your faculty train?

5. What clinical subjects do the medical students study?

6. How many credit tests do you take next term?

7. How many terms does the academic year have?

8. How long does doctors' training take?

9. What do local physician write down in every patient’s card last week?
Put the questions to the following sentences by using the interrogative words in brackets:

1. Doctors’ training takes six years. (How long does the doctor-s training take?)

2. The students will study clinical subjects. (What subjects will the students study?)

3. Senior students acquire practical skills working at the hospitals and polyclinics. (Where do senior
students acquire practical skills?)

4. In addition to the consulting hours at the polyclinic local physician goes out to the calls. (In what
cases the polyclinic local physician goes out to the calls ?

5. Yesterday the doctor put him on a sick-leave. (What did the doctor put him on yesterday?)

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