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Reading means many things to many people. It can be

one of the most rewarding, preoccupations of the

individual, their horizon and making it possible to

partake of means accumulated experience and

achievements through the ages. It also plays a vital

role in ones’ success in school. Reading is one of the

most important skills in English that every individual

must need to master. It is a tool subject for it is

prerequisite all learning areas. It serves as a

gateway to every student to learn the different

subjects since our curriculum today is empowered by

English. Every student really needs to study and learn

English because students are having a hard time

understanding what the teachers are saying.

Comprehension is reading with understanding. It is

decoding meaning from the printed text not only in

single words or sentences but also of the

interrelationships among the sentences in discourse.

One of the concerns of SHS students of ISAP-K is how

to improve their reading speed comprehension skills

which is a basic requirement when they entered the

world of industry. It is necessary therefore for the

teachers to provide as many opportunities as possible

to enhance and teach these students the skills or

strategies they will need to improve their reading


There are some studies about the factors affecting the

reading comprehension and most of these studies are

more focused on the primary level and junior high

school student’s problems on the reading

comprehension, only limited studies investigated about

the factors affecting the reading comprehension of

Senior High School Students. These made the researcher

investigate on what the factors are affecting the

students reading comprehension. This may help on how

to improve their reading skills and that would qualify

the students in what the world needs and demand.

The importance of reading comprehension is to

emphasize the importance of reading in education and

community. However, everyone does not realize how

important reading actually is. Strong reading skills

can help students to do well in English language, arts

and reading class Students have to use reading skills

in every single subject they ever study and in almost

every aspect of life. It is a shame that students who

struggles in reading comprehension may fall so far

behind in academic studies that they have limited

opportunities as an adult.

Students are exposed nowadays to different ideas,

people, and products; and viewpoints increase rapidly

as the society changes. Just about everyone in the

Philippines knows how to read. As a nation, almost

everybody enjoys a high rate of literacy.

Unfortunately, not every Filipino is a good reader who

can derive meaning from a written material and good on

analyzing and applying that word. Thus, readers who

can only read facts nothing more can be called good


A student, who can read comprehensively, can also

successful in all his or her lessons. In mathematical

lessons, when learners encounter a problem,

understanding this problem can take him/her a hard

time to solve the problem. It is known that the

Philippines school, universities and academies

entrance examinations have questions based on subjects

they’ve encounter that also test the learner’s ability

whether they can read comprehensively and can came up

with new interpretations by synthesis and analyzing

the given data.

Reading comprehension is a complex balance

between recognizing printed symbols and interpreting

the meaning behind the symbols (Dennis, 2011). There

is growing body of evidence supporting the concepts

that the reader’s background knowledge about what he

is one of the most critical factors in determining

whether a student will understand what he is reading

or not (Hirschi, E.D. (2006); Kamhi, A., (2007).

Reading comprehension enables the reader to

interact with the text in a meaningful way. For many,

there are doors to lifetime of reading recreation and

enjoyment. Moreover, the experiential and cultural

background of the English as second language reader

has a strong effect on reading comprehension and

English as second language learners, early development

of English, can write English and can do so far

various purposes (“Importance of Reading”, 2009).


The study will look into the factors affecting

the reading comprehension of the grade 11 and 12

students of International School of Asia and the

Pacific-Kalinga for the School Year 2018-2019.

Specifically, this study aims to answer to the

following questions:

What is the profile of the respondents in term of


1.1 Mother’s educational attainment

2. What is the perception of student’s regarding

Competence in reading.


This study is beneficial to the following:

The findings of this study would provide

implication for the factors affecting the reading

comprehension of Grade 11-12 students of ISAP-K as

they implement shared decision making in school. The

result of this study will have direct implications for

the preparation of reading comprehension and to

improve their reading.

In the help of their teachers to developed their

full potential.

To the Teachers:

The study may give them the effect of reading

comprehension of Senior High School students of ISAP-


To the Students:

As the object and subject of the teaching

learning process, their needs and interest will be

better addressed and attempted to when the

administrator will strengthen their weaknesses.

To the Parents:

They may find at ease in helping their children

in their assignments or projects, particularly in

English subjects, because as they know there are some

mothers do not clearly understand English.

To the Future Researcher:

This study will serve as their basis in their

research study with the related topic.


The scope of the study is the students, and

teachers of ISAP-K who are the factors affecting the

reading comprehension of Grade 11 and 12 students of

ISAP-K. There were 200 chosen students as respondents

from Senior High School of ISAP-K that would be given

a questionnaire to answer in this study. This study

will be conducted in the school compound of ISAP-K.



1. Profile of the >floating of >Factors

respondents questionnaire affecting

2. Is there a the reading

significant comprehensi

difference of the on of SHS

reading comprehension at ISAP-K

of the students when

categorized in terms

of the following?

2.1. Mother’s



2.2. Attitudes and

perception of the

student’s regarding

Competence in


Figure 1. Shows the relationship between the input,

process and output.


The concept of this study is as follows:

The Paradigm of the study shows the flow of this

study wherein the input contains the profile of the

respondents, mother’s educational attainment and

attitudes and perception of the student’s regarding

Competence in reading, process wherein the study will

make used of survey questionnaire to assess the

factors affecting the reading comprehension of grade

11-12 students and the output wherein after processing

everything, the beneficiaries of this study will used

this as all in enhancing the reading comprehension of

the students.


Comprehension- the act of analyzing and interpreting

statements or sentences.

Literacy- it is the ability to read and write.

Horizon- the limit of an individual’s knowledge,

understanding, or experience.

Synthesis- that is made by combining different things

such as ideas and style.

Discourse- the use of words to exchange thoughts and


Partake- to have a share or part of something along

with others.

Language- a words or symbols use to express thoughts

and feelings.

Viewpoints- it is the perspective about something

Decoding- something that is to understand or find.

English- the international language and a literature

Accumulated- it is to gather or increase.

Text- a piece of writing and words that make up a




Reading is one of the four-macro skills taught in

an English Language classroom, which requires a

response from the reader through summarizing the main

facts based on what was read (Zintz and Maggart, 1986,

in Blay, 2009). Reading is not just extracting

meaning from the text but a process of connecting to

the information given by the text. Reading in this

sense, is a communication between the reader and the

text (Grabe, 1988 in Villanueva, 2006). Reading is

essential to life and reading with comprehension is

the chief justification why we read, understanding

what text is all about (Lastrella, 2010). Reading

comprehension is a complex balance between recognizing

printed symbols and interpreting the meaning behind

the symbols (Dennis, 2011). There is a growing body of

evidence supporting the concept that a reader’s

background knowledge about what he is reading is one

of the critical factors in determining whether a

student will what he is reading or not (Hirschi, E.D.

(2006); Kamhi, A., (2007). To continue to make

progress in learning, as well as fuel self-concept and

motivation, should participate in regular classroom

experiences appropriate to their cognitive and

maturational levels, including interesting and

cognitively challenging books presented orally tape

(Worthy, 1996). According to Worthy (1996), it is not

sufficient to provide books that are geared solely to

a student’s instructional level. When reading level

solely considered, below level basal readers are

generally used for instructing struggling readers.

Reading such “baby books’’ often makes struggling

readers feel more defeated. Many educators and

researchers consider interest to be an essential

factor in all learnings (Hidi, 1990; Schiefele, 1991).

Students who do not enjoy typical school texts often

fail to engage in readings, and may develop a lifelong

aversion to reading. Even if they are not initially

struggling readers, ''reluctant readers tend to

gradually lose some academic ground, because wide

Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education,3(2),2010,

reading is related to increase in general knowledge

and reading comprehension" (Williamson and

Williamson,1988). High challenge academic task invite

students expend the maximum level of effort and

encourage students to value the process of learnings.

As a result, motivation view high tasks as most

learning motivation (Miller, 2003). Teachers promote

motivation when they provide student with

opportunities to assume increasingly higher levels of

responsibility for their learning. Moreover, a

challenging task often requires students to use prior

knowledge and contrast an understanding of a topic.

This practice increases the personal meaning that the

students attach to an activity, therefore increasing

the likelihood if becoming engage in an activity

(Miller, 2003).

During school, students interact and work

alongside peers and adults. These social perceptions

and relationships are related to and predictive of

school-related outcomes (Patrick, Knee, Canevello, and

Lonsbary, 2007). For an individual to survive in

today's world, it is requirements for him/her to know

how to read with understanding. He/she should be

capable of understanding simple text such as

transportation documents which includes travel

directions and road instructions, bills and contracts.

The effect if not being able to comprehend could be

disastrous (e.g. instructions on a battle of medicine

in chemical warnings) (Lastrella, 2010). With the

ability to comprehend a text, people are able not only

to live safely and productively, but also to continue

to develop socially, emotionally, and intellectually.

Likewise, reading is a very significant language skill

for student. Since they are subject to a continuous

flow of information that are need to prepare

themselves for the demands that reading in school and

in bigger society places on them. Reading also has

been a segment of the entrance test in most college

and universities. But there are cases by which the

students fail during the entrance examination because

of the lack of comprehension (Yale, 2011 in Lastrella,

2010). Mazaggart and Zintz (1970) in Marquez (2018),

state that comprehension is the major purpose of

reading, without comprehension, reading is a

meaningless of age or ability of the reader. There are

levels of reading comprehension, namely: literal level

(reading the lines), inferential or interpretive level

(reading the lines), and the critical level (reading

beyond the lines) (Romeo, 1987 in Marquez, 2008).

Some students have shown that the performance

(reading comprehension) of the students is affected by

several factors. Rizardo and Tabanu, (1998) in Marquez

(2008) in their study in reading comprehension if

Fourth year high school students of Ilagan, made by

the following Conclusion: 1. Parent's monthly income

and educational attainments have contributed to the

reading performance of the students. 2. The kind of

materials that the respondents read enhance their

ability to comprehend a text. 3. The respondent's

attitude towards reading differed from each other. 4.

The availability of reading materials at home and the

student's curiosity to learn enhance their reading

comprehension. Educational researchers have focused in

the teacher behaviour that should affective in

promoting student's motivation (Brophy, 1987 and

Marquez,2008). In the local context, Mante (2009) in

Illustre (2011) ought to identify factors that

affected Filipino bilingual high school student's

reading comprehension in English. The objective of her

paper was twofold; first was to determine and measure

the participant's dimensions of motivation to read,

and second was to identify the relationships between

the participant's motivation to read English, their

reading comprehension and their use of meta-cognitive

reading strategies when reading in the same language.

Results were not conclusive as to whether reading

motivation or use of meta-cognitive reading strategies

affects reading comprehension more fore there was no

single predictors of the reading test scores. On the

contrary, Anderson (1994) as cited in Lastrella (2010)

presented that the recall of information in a text is

affected by the reader schemata and explain that

reader comprehension a message when he is able to

bring to mind a schema that gives account of the

objects and events describe in the message.

Moreover, Wilson (1972) in Marquez (2008) stated that

the lack of educational opportunity and reading

materials among poor families contribute to the

performance and competencies of the learner.

Educational attainment of the parents of the

respondents also the matter. Students whose parents

have higher educational background perform well than

those parents only attained in elementary or high

school education. This because the former are able to

provide more learning experiences that are essential

to the development of the student's reading skills and

other aspects as well (Lasdizabal,1981 in


Parental education level is known as a factor

positively related to children’s academic achievement.

And the educational level of parents is greatly in

connected to the educational attainment of their

children (Grissmer, et. Al in Omeregbe, 2010). Reading

comprehension to lies on the student’s interest in

reading. “Reluctant tend to gradually lose some

academic ground, because wide reading is related to

increase in general knowledge and reading

comprehension” p.31-32 (Williamson, 1988 in Seitz,

2010). Kukuyo (1989) as cited in Tubio (2008), noted

that the students might interact if they interested

with the topic and make comprehension possible because

of the interest that they have. This interest and

attitude are determined through hobbies and

experiences that the reader motivate him to read

(Ederot, 1998 in Marquez, 2008). Furthermore, in the

study made by Kelcey (2010), results suggest that the

schools should be associated with the differences of

teacher’s knowledge. By comparing teachers with

similar personal and school backgrounds, results

showed that the measured knowledge is significantly

associated with the student’s achievement in reading




This chapter presents the methods to be used in

the study. It also describes the subject of the study,

research design, and locale of the study, population

of the study, research instrument, and data gathering

procedure, treatment of data, statistical treatment

and analysis of data.

This study will determine the Factors Affecting

the Reading Comprehension of Senior High School

Student at International School of Asia and the


Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive type of research

study. Descriptive research is a research designed in

which events is recorded, described, interpreted,

analyzed, and compared. Its objective is to describe

systematically a situation, condition or area of

interest factually and accurately. Descriptive designs

include observation, surveys, and interviews,

standardized test and cases studies (Castillo, 2002).

Locale of the study

The study was conducted at ISAP-K particularly

in Bulanao. The researcher chose the said school

because the study entitled “Study on Mothers

Educational Attainment and Teachers Competency as

Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of SHS

Students of ISAP-K” exists in the said school,

therefore there is a ground for a study.

It is located at Bulanao Norte, Tabuk city,


Respondent of the study

There were 200 students that were randomly chosen

among the Senior high school students of ISAP-K for

the school year 2018-2019.

Research Instrument

The researchers used the survey-questionnaire to

gather information. The questionnaire composed of two

parts, first is the respondent’s profile specifically,

gender and mother’s educational attainment. The second

part contains the questions that assess the perception

and attitude of the students on their teacher

competency in teaching.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers administer the questionnaire to

the respondent’s after permission from the

administrator was sought. Data gathered will be

presented, analyzed, and interpreted using the

weighted mean.



This chapter presents the interpretation and analysis

of finding out the instrument used in gathering data

and information in response to the specific question

raised in the study.

Table 1. Profile of the respondents as to gender.


MALE 97 48.5%

FEMALE 103 51.5%

TOTAL 200 100%

As gleaned from the table, there are ninety-seven

(97) or 48.5 percent males while there are one hundred

three (103) or 51.5 percent females. This implies that

there were more female senior high school students

than male senior high school students who are enrolled

in ISAP-K. It is observed that even in other levels of

education and government schools, females dominate the

whole population.

Table 2. Profile of the respondents as to mother’s

educational attainment.










TOTAL 200 100%

The table reveals that there are fifty-five (55)

students or 27.5 percent whose parents are elementary

level and there are seventy (70) students or 35

percent whose parents are high school level. There are

seventy-five (75) students or 37.5 percent whose

parents are college level. This implies that most of

parents of students enrolled in ISAP- K were college

graduates or have at least reached tertiary level.

Table 3. Perception of the student’s regarding

teacher’s competency in teaching reading.



Reading selection enhances the 4.465 Strongly

understanding and Agree

comprehension of the students.

Oral reading help lot of 4.5 Agree

students in enhancing their


Attentive reading helps a lot 4.7 Agree

of students enhancing their

reading abilities and reading


Teacher’s motivation has a 4.3 Agree

great influence in the reading

interest of the students.

Parental guidance and tutorial 4.045 Agree

reading at home give a

contribution in enhancing

students understanding and

analyzing reading


Lack of reading materials and 3.835 Moderately

text books affect reading Agree

comprehension of the students.

Teaching aids, visual or 4.51 Strongly

auditory help student to

comprehend in the reading Agree


Reading techniques and 4.22 Strongly

strategies of the teachers’ Agree

aid for better comprehension

of learners.

Conducting regular drills of 4.105 Agree

“English basic sight words”

before the lesson proper will

enhance students reading


Providing variety of reading 4.13 Agree

references and exercises

improve reading channel,

interpretation and

comprehension of student.

TOTAL 4.381 Strongly


The table shows that, teaching with aids, visual

or auditory help student to comprehend in reading

selection is strongly agree as proven by its weighted

mean 4.51.

The perception the student’s regarding their

teacher’s competency in teaching reading have obtained

a total weighted mean of 4.381 which is interpreted as

strongly agree.

Table 4. Students’ Response on Mothers’ Education

Attainment of Factor Affecting Reading Comprehension.









It can be noted from the table that the mean

performance of students whose parents reached the

tertiary level which is 2.66 ranked 1, for the

secondary level it has a mean of 2.85 which is ranked

2 and for the mean performance of students whose

parents were primary level is 3.63 which is ranked 3.

This means that students whose parents reached the

tertiary level perform better along the reading

comprehension than students whose parents reached

primary and secondary level. This may be attributed to

the reason that parents who finished primary level are

in a better position of helping their children in

reading comprehension than parents who were primary

and secondary level. The impact of influence of

parents who reached the primary level are stronger.



This chapter presents the summary of findings,

conclusion based on the findings and the

recommendations offered. This study endeavored to

answer the study on mother’s educational attainment

and teacher’s competency as factors affecting the

reading comprehension among the SHS students in ISAP-



The researchers were able to draw the following


The profile of the respondents in terms of gender

shows that they were 97 male respondents, with an

equivalent value of 48.5 percent and female

respondents of 103, which is equivalent to 51.5

percent. Whereas, majority of the respondents are


As to Students’ Response on Mothers’ Education

Attainment of Factor Affecting Reading Comprehension,

it can be noted that students whose mother reached the

tertiary level of education has the highest level of

reading comprehension while students whose parents

reached secondary level of education has a higher

level of reading comprehension and students whose

mother reached primary level of education ranked last.

On the perceptions of the students regarding

teacher’s competency in teaching reading with an

overall weighted mean of 4.38 which is interpreted as

strongly agree. This implies that the teacher’s

strategies in teaching are proven effective basing

from the findings.


The researcher has come up with the following

conclusions:(Ezewu (1981) is precise in mentioning

that parents, specifically mother’s educational levels

known was one of the factors that positively related

to children’s academic achievement. This is clearly

supported by the results and findings of the

researcher. Some of the respondents who failed in the

test are those whose parents had only attained primary

and secondary level. If parents have good educational

background, they would able to guide their children

and help them in their academic difficulties

particularly in reading.

The perception of students towards reading is also

influencing factor that affects their reading

comprehension performance. Most likely, students would

be able to understand the text if they interested with

what they are reading is really one of their interests

or hobbies and according to Kukoyo (1989), students

might interact if they are interested in the topic and

make comprehension possible because of the interest

they have. Therefore, comprehension takes place if the

willingness and the desire of the students, to

understand the text presented to them.

Teacher’s competency in teaching reading is also a

contributing factor. Teacher’s knowledge in teaching

reading plays an important factor in student’s

learning. Competent teachers would result an efficient

learner Therefore, students must be able to practice

comprehension to be able to pass the basic requirement

of the industry.


The researchers upon much deliberation with the

results would like to recommend the following:

To the Students:

That they must appreciate the importance of

reading and the impact in their lives. The researchers

further recommend that regardless of gender, still

they must have to improve their reading comprehension.

To the Parents:

That they must find time to look for the

performance and improvements of their children

regarding their school performances.

To the Teachers:

It is highly recommended that they should be creative

in their teaching strategies as to carry out the

objectives of the principles of teaching.

To the Administrators:

That they have to provide the essential tools for

learning such as books and etc. Moreover, they should

provide exemplary trainings, seminars for the

betterment of its institution.


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cognitive reading strategies and text comprehension

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Worthy, J. (1996). A matter of interest: Literature

that hooks reluctant readers and keeps them reading.

The Reading Teacher, 50(3), 204-212.


Appendix A





To our beloved respondents,

A blissful day to one and all!

Kindly check (✓) the following selections which

correspond to the survey of Study on mother’s

educational attainment and teacher’s competency as

factors affecting the reading comprehension of SHS

students of ISAP-K.

I. Profile of the respondent

Name (optional): _______________ Age: _____

Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female

II. Mother’s educational attainment:

[ ] Primary [ ] Secondary [ ] Tertiary

III. Specific Question


5- Strongly agree (SA)

4- Agree (A)

3- Moderate agree (MA)

2-Disagree (D)

1-Strongly disagree (SD)


5 4 3 2 1

Reading selection enhances the

understanding and comprehension of

the students.

Oral reading helps lot of students

in enhancing their memory.

Attentive reading helps many

students enhancing their reading

abilities and reading comprehension.

Teacher’s motivation has a great

influence in the reading interest of

the students.

Parental guidance and tutorial

reading at home give a contribution

in enhancing students understanding

and analysing reading comprehension.

Lack of reading materials and

textbooks affect reading

comprehension of the students.

Teaching aids, visual or auditory

help student to comprehend in the

reading selection.

Reading techniques and strategies of

the teachers’ aid for better

comprehension of learners.

Conducting regular drills of

“English basic sight words” before

the lesson proper will enhance

students reading ability.

Providing variety of reading

references and exercises improve

reading channel, interpretation and

comprehension of student.


Appendix B

Letter to Conduct Study


Bulanao Norte, Tabuk City, Kalinga


Greetings in the most powerful name of our Lord Jesus

Christ. May the spirit of love that comes from Him be

with you and your family now and forever.

In partial fulfillment of the graduation requirement

for the Senior High School, the Grade 12 students are

required to conduct a research, which aims to provide

actual experiences essential in their chosen Academic


The students from the International School of Asia and

the Pacific-Kalinga (HUMSS B-12) is currently

conducting their research entitled “Study on mothers

educational attainment and teachers competency as

factors affecting the reading comprehension of SHS

students of ISAP-K.”

In line with this, we are humbly asking for your

permission to administer survey to find suitable

respondents from our Senior High School Department.

We do hope for your consideration and your support on

this matter.

Thank you and God speed!

Agyao, Donalyn Gombi, Ian James

Macaraeg, Rodney Saldo, Joreline

Amiyan, Jennifer Longgawis, Rizymay

Macayba, Wensel Tauyan, Mervic 

Biagtan, Jessica Pasat, Reford

Checked by:


Research Adviser



Research Coordinator


Personal Information

Name : Wensel Macayba

Address : Maledda, Ipil, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Birth Date: October-26-2001

Religion : Christianity

Name of Mother:

Caroline C. Macayba

Name of Father:

Patricio P. Macayba

Educational Background

Primary : Maledda Elementary School

Secondary : JHS- Kalinga National High School

SHS- International School of Asia and the

Pacific- Kalinga


Personal Information

Name : Ian James P. Gombi

Address : Calaccad, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Birth Date: December-21-2000

Religion : Christianity

Name of Mother:

Sheellet P. Gombi

Name of Father:

Jimmy L. Gombi

Educational Background

Primary : Anonat Elementary School

Secondary: JHS- Calaccad National High School

SHS- International School of Asia and the

Pacific- Kalinga


Personal Information

Name : Jennifer D. Amiyan

Address : P-3 Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Birth Date: September-25-1999

Religion : Christianity

Name of Mother:

Glory D. Amiyan

Name of Father:

Edward A. Amiyan

Educational Background

Primary : Tulgao West Elementary School

Secondary: JHS- Kalinga National High School

SHS- International School of Asia and the



Personal Information

Name : Donalyn G. Agyao

Address : P-3 Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Birth Date: Augost-30-1999

Religion : Christianity

Name of Mother:

Celia G. Agyao

Name of Father:

Albert K. Agyao

Educational Background

Primary : New Age Montessori School

Secondary : JHS- Kalinga National High School

SHS- International School of Asia and

the Pacific-Kalinga


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