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“The self” goes down into three boxes which are the Philosophical, Psychological, and Cultural Perspectives.

The Philosophical perspective is

narrowed down to three boxes, each named the philosophers: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates used the Aphorism “know thyself” as his guiding
principle that he passed down to his students. He believed that there are two parts of “the self” which is the physical and the soul. The physical is
changeable, it imperfect and dies, it is what our naked eyes see in the mirror, our physical body. While the soul on the other hand is unchanging and
eternal, it survives the death of the physical body in the physical realm. Plato, a student of Socrates expanded this idea and added the Three Components of
the Soul which is the rational soul, spirited soul, and appetitive soul. The appetitive soul contains all our pleasures, desires, physical satisfactions and
comforts. The spirited soul is the part of the soul that gets into a temper, and rational soul is our conscious awareness.

The psychological perspective focused on the psychodynamic theory, which is comprised of three different sections with the named of the writers
or authors. Ernst Von Brucke introduce psychodynamics at 1874, who held the view that all living organisms are basically energy systems to which the
principle of the conservation of energy applies. Sigmund Freud then used the term psychodynamics to describe the processes of the mind as flows of
psychosexual energy (libido) in an organically complex brain and coined the term psychoanalysis. Later on, these theories were developed by Carl Jung,
Alfred Adler, Melanie Klein, etc. In terms of cultural perspective, cultural psychology is the study of how people is shaped by culture and how culture
shaped them. Mind and culture are inseparable in the sense that cultural practices or activities influence our learning processes, like language, values, etc.
The Self

Philosophical Psychological Cultural

Perspective Perspective Perspective

Psychodynamic Cultural
Socrates Plato Aristotle
Theory Psychology

Three Ernst Von Sigmund mind and culture are

Know Thyself Hylomorphism Carl Jung, Alfred
Components Brucke Freud inseparable and
Adler, Melanie
of the Soul (creator) mutually constitutive
Klein, etc.
PHYSICAL - body and
tangible RATIONAL soul cannot all living PSYCHODYNAMICS people are shaped by
aspect of us SOUL - be separated organisms - psychological
further developed their culture and their
composed of are energy processes are flows
these theories. By culture is also shaped
SOUL - part reason and the soul of systems of psychosexual
1940-1950s, the by them
that is intellect the human governed by energy in a
unvarying being is the the principle complex brain general application
across all SPIRITED form of the of the of psychodynamic
realms SOUL - human body conservation theory had been

governed of energy well established
S - human
behavior is the
result of the

among the
mind: the id, ego,
basic desires
and superego.

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