The Eren Chronicles - Journey of The Godslayer - DMGuild

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Written by
Nicos Ostas
Gods have always been connected to the beginning and the end of all creation. Whether
makers or destroyers, a miracle or a scourge, their divine will is the predominant force
that weaves the fabric of reality.

Lesser beings learn to worship, coexist or simply survive under the reign of greater divine
entities. Such is the way of our world. One would say that such is the way of every world across
the multiverse, since the Gods have managed to solidify their dominion in every place where life
exists; and in some cases, even in places devoid of life. Such is the dread of the divine might
that casts its shadow over the countless realms of existence.

Mortals have always tried to appease the Gods and their fury. They make offerings to plead for
their mercy, sacrifices to ease their wrath, perform great deeds in their honor.
They raise monuments and temples in their names, devote their lives to them,
love them from afar or hate blindly for their sake. They carry out these acts without doubt,
for a mere glimpse of a promise. a shadow of kindness and a fatal question between eternal
doom, or salvation. Such is the toll one must pay to satisfy the will of the divine.

But what if mortals could defy the way of the Gods?

Is life truly a choice between terror and devotion?

Is their will inescapable?

Such questions seem to emerge every time a major catastrophy occurs. A monster that ravages
the land, a plague that claims thousands of lives, a cataclysm that ends entire civilizations.
The will of an unmerciful God forced upon the mortal realm.

It is unwise to challenge the Gods, say the sages and the scholars.

All Gods are to be feared and loved without question.

You should not commit Hubris.

These notions were passed on from one generation to another, from the elder to the young,
in order to maintain stability in a crooked world and endure its many woes. You are taught to
know your place, bend the knee before holy symbols, lead a quiet life
and take the path most traveled by.

But what happens when mortals rise up to challenge the will of the Gods?

In the most perilous of times, the bravest of heroes come forth.

This book contains unspoken truths. Truths that others, so called sages, tried to suppress and
obfuscate, fearful of divine retribution. But truth is a mighty force that obeys no laws but its
own, defying everything in its wake. Even the cruel masters of the Cosmos.

In these pages, written in the blood of those who stood up to Tyrants and Messiahs alike,
you will uncover ways to challenge the rule of a God. It is a path paved with trials that mere
mortals were never meant to overcome. A path that leads to pain and sacrilege, blessing and
redemption. A path that leads to God, not as a servant, but perhaps, as an equal.

A Godslayer’s path.
Credits Table of Contents
Writing: Nicos Ostas Foreword...............................................................................
Inspired by: Angelos Kyprianos How to Use This Book..................................................... 4
Co-Writing: Nikolas Totief, George Sfendourakis Chapter I: Deicide...........................................................
Layout: Chrysanthi Lykousi, Nicos Ostas The Seven Sacred Seals.................................................. 7
Editing: George Vontitsos, Nicolas Alexandropoulos To Kill a God....................................................................... 9
Book Cover Art: Tamás Patkós, Angel in Waiting
Chapter II: Divine Favor ............................................
Additional Art:
Divine Offerings...............................................................12
Divine Sacrileges............................................................14
Divine Blessings.............................................................. 17
The Ancient Greek Warrior: Half-Page, page 5
Divine Banes....................................................................19
Jeff Brown
Optional Rules: Influence..............................................23
Godbound Cover: Chapter Starter, page 6
Quentin Bouilloud
Chapter III: Theurgy.....................................................
List of 10th Level Spells................................................24
Angel: Chapter Starter, page 10
Felipe Gaona Chapter IV: Archtemples............................................
Theurgy: Chapter Starter, page 23 A Step Along the Journey...............................................29
Andrii Shafetov Chapter V: Remnants of Divinity..........................
Return of the Knight: Half-Page, page 27 Beyond Mortal Limits.....................................................34
Camille Kuo Artifacts by Divine Domain...........................................35
Kingdom of Nature: Chapter Starter, page 28 Chapter VI: Divine Avatars.......................................
Archives of Tenebos: Half-Page, page 32 Arcana: Aeteria, the Omnipotent.................................42
Liu Zishan Death: The Lichqueen ...................................................44
Eerie Dark Castle: Half-Page, page 30 Forge: Nemetorius, the Adamant.................................46
Chris Yarbrough Grave: Denovir, the Inevitable......................................48
Magic Sword: Chapter Starter, page 34 Knowledge: Vythrax, the Collector..............................50
Grim Press Life: Vanwattar, Essence of Creation..........................52
Magical Item Stock Art: Artifacts, page 35-38 Light: Melthurion, the Captive Light...........................54
Phoenix Rising: Monster art, page 52 Nature: Bandur, Warden of the Wilds.........................56
Joyce Maureira Protection: Aoden, Guardian of the Meek.................58
Elven Male Zealot: Half-Page, page 39 Tempest: Gormag, Calamity Incarnate.......................60
Ben Moran Trickery: Rahab, Visage of Inner Daemons...............62
Angel: Chapter Starter, page 40 War: Legil’Gan, Lord of War.........................................64
Tithi Luadthong Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones...................
Demonic Summoning: Monster art, page 42 Arcana: Warlock, Patron Arcanum..............................68
Hugo Fredoueil Death: Druid, Circle of Blood.......................................70
Valhalla Golem Guard: Monster art, page 44 Forge: Paladin, Oath of Inheritance............................72
Othon Nikolaidis Grave: Barbarian, Path of the Deathsworn...............74
Justiciar: Monster art, page 48 Knowledge: Monk, Way of Chronicler........................75
Ascension: Full-Page, page 72 Life: Artificer, Restoration Specialist..........................76
Daniel Comerci Light: Sorcerer, Luminomancer Origin...................... 77
Brood Shaman: Monster art, page 50 Nature: Rogue, Wildlander...........................................78
Wyrm Dragon: Monster art, page 60 Protection: Fighter, Bastion Martial Archetype........79
Fantasy Witch: Character art, page 70 Tempest: Ranger, Nomad of the North.......................80
Gnome Druid: Character art, page 78 Trickery: Wizard, School of the Fool........................... 81
Wouter Florusse War: Bard, College of Rhapsody..................................82
Forest Spirit: Monster art, page 56 Epilogue................................................................................
Sam Kanios Author’s Note....................................................................84
Guiding Guardian: Monster art, page 58 Other Titles by the Eren Chronicles...........................84
Ömer Burak Önal
Bravestone: Monster art, page 64 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
Warm Tail Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
Priestess: Chapter Starter, page 66 dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of
Forrest Imel the Coast product names, and their respective logos
Summoner: Character art, page 68 are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA
Barbarian: Character art, page 74 and other countries. This work contains material
Artificer: Character art, page 76 that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other
Sorcerer: Character art, page 77 authors. Such material is used with permission under
Matt Forsyth the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
Warden: Character art, page 79 Masters Guild. All other original material in this
Dionisis Milonas work is copyright 2021 by The Eren Chronicles and
Snow Elf: Character art, page 80 published under the Community Content Agreement
Dwarf War Drummer: Character art, page 82 for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Revolution: Half-Page, page 83
Justin Davis The artworks contained in this book and
Wizard: Character art, page 81 not listed in the credits were all provided
Dean Spencer by the DMs Guild Creator Resources
Battle Formation: Filler art, page 82 and are owned by Wizards of the Coast.

Journey of the Godslayer

Foreword How to Use This Book
elcome to the second chapter of the Below follows a summary of each chapter’s contents,
Eren Chronicles! In this book you will including general guidelines on how to use them
discover everything that you might correctly, or implement them as stand alone elements.
need in order to create a campaign that
concentrates on the characters clash Deicide. The Seven Sacred Seals outline the course
against a divine being and its followers. of an entire campaign’s main developement, exploring
Additionally, it is meant to help you the conflict between a party of adventurers and a divine
implement the presence of deities into your stories by being. Each Sacred Seal represents an arc of that
providing various methods through which they may campaign and together, they constitute the Journey
express their will, when they decide to interfere in of the Godslayer. The Seals’ order is usualy linear
mortal affairs. This includes a deity’s needs and wants, according to their order of presentation, although based
its desires and fears, as well as a series of alternative on circumstancial factors and unprecedented events
manners regarding how its will is manifested. during the campaign, that order is subject to change.
For example, the characters may break the Seal of
Though often portrayed as villainous figures, a deity Ascension before the Seal of Omniscience, or the Seal
can serve as an ally or patron to the characters’ and of Secrets before the Seal of Power and vice versa,
their adventures in a plethora of different ways. Using though the Seal of Righteousness is always broken first
this book will allow you not only to better understand and the Seals of Arcana and Eternity are broken last.
the extent of a deity’s power, but also to employ this
understanding in order to enrich your stories with As the DM, you may choose to share all of the
concepts such as those of tyrannical deities reigning information regarding the Sacred Seals with the player
over mortal realms, conflict of interests between rival characters from the beginning of their journey, but it
deities, how deities wish to be worshiped and how they is advised to keep them oblivious of what comes next
respond when offended. Overall, you will discover all and try to subtly steer them from one step of their
necessary information in order to flesh out deities in journey to the next through rising necessity instead.
a way that they feel more like characters, rather than For instance, rather than declaring that the third Seal
vague ideas or principles that mortals choose to pledge is the Seal of Omniscience, you can have them being
their faith on. chased or ambushed by the deity’s minions due to their
sacrilegious actions, leading to a point where they
Many aspects of this book examine the relationship realize that in order to survive their foe’s efforts, it is
between a character and the divine from the mortal crucial to become undetectable. Rather than stating the
spectrum as well. Concepts like divine offerings fact that the Seal of Secrets must be broken, show them
and sacrileges will aid you in detailing a character’s the importance of having leverage against the enemy
relationship with a God and general matters of religion. deity to gain the upper hand. In general, try to help them
You may use its contents in order to weave stories of discern their next objective organicaly through occuring
how such a character embarks on a quest to satisfy the events and the advise of knowledgable non-player
Gods, atone for sin or offend them, thus invoking their characters. If this method eventually proves taxing or
wrath. Finally, you will discover the perils that lie in the player characters seem at a loss as to what they
their path towards ascension, before managing to earn a should do, you can always disclose more information to
place among the Gods and Goddesses themselves. them through means such as the discovery of an ancient
scroll or an omen sent by another deity to aid them in
their purpose.
When creating and running a Godslayer campaign, use
Though the contents of this book are made to be used the following chapters in order familirize yourself with
in tandem, they have been designed in a way that allows elements that are essential in the breaking of the Seven
you to separate each chapter and use its elements alone, Sacred Seals and the accurate role-playing of Gods and
according to your preferences. Goddesses.

For instance, you may employ them altogether in Divine Favor. Pledging an offering to a deity is a
order to create an entire campaign based on the ritualistic show of faith by the devoted. On the contrary,
concept of the Seven Sacred Seals, treating them as an act of sacrilege is an offence towards a deity and a
milestones during the characters’ journey as Godslayers. mockery of its teachings. Making an offering causes a
Alternatively, you may simply draw inspiration from the pious character to potentialy receive a divine blessing
blessings and banes to reward or afflict the characters by the deity, while a series of sacrilegeous acts may
with, create unique events caused by the effects of cause them to become afflicted by a divine bane. In
Theurgy spells, have them discover an arch temple by this chapter, you shall find detailed lists of the various
chance or coincidence or unearth a long lost divine offerings, sacrileges, blessings and banes, both universal
artifact, even if the campaign’s main focus is not and specfic according to each deity’s divine domains.
revolving around the deities, religions or divinity at all. Feel free to use them as you see fit, or draw inspiration
The divine avatars can be used to create outstanding from them to create your own. Lastly, you will find the
encounters, either as the incarnations of divine will, or optional rule system of influence points which you may
by assuming any variant role you deem appropriate for choose to use during the characters’ process of breaking
them in your story. a deity’s Sacred Seal of Power.

Journey of the Godslayer

Theurgy. A deity’s power is immense, though not Divine Avatars. As the final showdown of their
beyond bounds. It is common that, during a campaign campaign against a deity, the characters will face the
that deals with the influence of Gods and Goddesses, deity itself in combat or its most powerful advocate,
issues may arise as to what such a being is actually the deity’s divine avatar. The extraordinarily powerful
capable of. Use the 10th level spells provided as a monsters detailed in this chapter can embody either of
guideline for a deity’s true potential, as well as to create the above scenarios. Each of them is designed according
unique interactions between the deity and the player to a particular divine domain, so that they may represent
characters, or its mortal following. the deities of various pantheons. If the characters
emerge victorious from this battle, it would mean the
Archtemples. This chapter provides an example of ultimate success of their adventure and the end of their
how to properly stage a setting during any arc of the long journey as Godslayers.
Journey of the Godslayer. It includes concepts of ancient
temples and sacred places of worship, devoted to each The Enlightened Ones. In the final chapter of this
of the divine domains. Such a place may contain a book you will discover twelve different subclasses,
divine artifact, a deity’s powerful vassals or its most drawn from the various divine domains. These character
closely guarded secrets, and it can be employed in order options can be used by the players, while the lore
to create a unique dungeon with memorable encounters provided for them may inspire the DM regarding the
during any point of the campaign. cultural orientation and place of such characters in their
Remnants of Divine Power. Crafted by the hands
of the Gods themselves, these unique artifacts not As you journey through the pages of this book, make
only bestow great power to the one who wields them, sure to return to this chapter in order to review the
but also an ability that was never meant for mortal advice provided and resolve any potential questions.
creatures at all - the aptness to harm a divine being. In
this chapter, you will find a divine artifact for each of the
divine domains, which may used in order to break the
Seal of Ascension.

Journey of the Godslayer

Chapter I
Chapter I: Deicide
Chapter I: Deicide Second Seal of Power
hroughout the ages, there have been To weaken a God, one must disrupt the chord of divinity
those who dared to rise up and challenge between the God and their followers, the link that
the dominion of the Gods. Their names channels power from the many to the one. The Seal of
have either passed down into legend Power is an active representation of the deity’s influence
as a testament to mortal bravery or over the world. The more worshippers and monuments
been completely erased from history, a deity has, the more offerings it receives, the more
depending on the outcome of their war powerful its dominion becomes.
against the divine. It is no secret that such a path leads
to strife, as well as a series of difficult ordeals more To break the Seal of Power, the characters must actively
dangerous than any other one may overtake. Upon diminish the deity’s influence and therefore reduce its
victory at the end of this path though, lies a glorious power through commiting sacrilegeous acts. Such an
moment that will echo throughout eternity. A moment effort requires a great amount of time, determination
where the mortal kin manages to rise above its own and strategy combined, but will undoubtedly result in
divine masters and free itself from them. the deity’s influence over the world weakening.

Defeating a God is a gradual process. The reason that During this process, the deity may respond by inflicting
this is assumed to be an impossible deed is simply divine banes upon the Godslayers while another, rival
because of the overwhelming obstacles that one is deity may even reward them with divine blessings.
required to overcome in order to succeed in such a task.
Obstacles that could shatter the will of ordinary people, As a DM, you may either use your discretion or the
and cause the courage of legendary heroes to waver. optional system of Influence Points provided later in
this chapter, in order to determine the exact amount of
effort required for the Seal of Power to be broken.
The Seven Sacred Seals
Prophecies foretold in ancient codices state that every Third Seal of Omniscience
deity is protected by its seven Sacred Seals. Breaking
each of them stands as a quest of its own while together, After the Seal of Power has been broken, the Godslayers
they represent the journey of a Godslayer. must prepare for what lies ahead. By now, the deity’s
gaze is surely fixed upon them while its most formidable
To destroy a deity and dethrone it from its divine domain followers are set on a trail of hunting them down. In
equates to breaking its Seals of Righteousness, Power, order to secure any hopes of success on their quest, they
Omniscience, Ascenscion, Secrets, Arcana and Eternity. must gain the element of surprise. Therefore, they have
to break the deity’s Seal of Omniscience.
These aspects define the nature of divinity and are the
contigencies a Godslayer must overcome in order to Though not omnipotent, all deities are omniscient,
diminish the power of the deity before summoning which means that they are capable of perceiving all that
forth its corporeal manifestation. While all of these transpires upon their worlds of established influence.
divine aspects must be dealt with seperately, various The Seal of Omniscience is broken when the characters
other forces must be aligned in order to provide but a manage to obscure themselves from the deity’s watchful
single chance of victory, such as those of trusted allies, sight by gaining a Divine Veil against it.
powerful abilities and magical items of great potential
for a group of extremely powerful individuals in a For a deity to locate a party of characters under the
conflict against a divine being. effects of the Divine Veil, it must resort to alternative
methods in order to find and apprehend them, rather
than effortlessly detecting them at will as it normally
First Seal of Righteousness would. A Divine Veil may be bestowed as a divine
blessing by another deity, or granted by the properties of
The Seal of Righteousness is the mark that sets the a divine artifact, as described in the following chapters.
party of characters upon a quest against the divine. A
series of events might have led them to the time and
place upon which they decide to take action. They may
become united under this cause for different reasons.
Some may be aspiring to free the world from a cruel Divine Veil:
God’s oppressive yoke, while others may have personal Upon receiving this blessing, you become
scores to settle. They may be driven by another force impossible to locate or become detected through
into going after a specific deity or might have witnessed means of divination spells and magical effects
the terrible effects caused upon their world by it. cast by a particular deity. This effect may apply
towards a single deity at a time.
The Seal of Righteousness is broken as soon as the
characters denounce a deity’s rule over them, declare
themselves its enemies and vow to vanquish it, while
performing their first act of sacrilege against its faith.
This marks the beginning of their journey as Godslayers.

Chapter I: Deicide
Fourth Seal of Ascension Secret
1 The deity’s true name.
Now that they are capable of roaming the realms
undetected, the adventurers must venture forth and gain 2 The deity’s plane of origin or the location of its
the means to actually harm a deity. Mere weapons and seat of power.
spellweavery will not suffice, as the being is protected 3 An ancient prophecy that foretells of the deity’s
by the Seal of Ascension. To break the deity’s Seal of demise under a particular condition.
Ascension and wound that which cannot be wounded by
mortal means, they must seek a way to become imbued 4 The deity plots to act against another deity.
with a portion of divine power themselves. 5 A demiGod child of the deity lives among mortals.
6 Once, the deity itself was a mortal creature.
When confronted in combat, lesser deities and divine
avatars have a trait called Impervious. This trait
Such a secret may be known to some among the deity’s
renders them immune to all sources of damage and
most trustworthy servants, other divine beings or even
harmful effects caused by other creatures, unless those
a chosen, mortal devotee of their faith. Upon designing
creatures have the Divine Reach trait.
the plot that will allow the characters to discover the
deity’s secret, you may draw inspiration from the
The characters may gain Divine Reach through means
following list of examples.
of either acquiring a divine artifact or by receiving the
Blessing of Divine Reach by another deity. As soon
as the character ends their attunement with such an Plot
artifact or the deity ends the effect of their blessing 1 An old enemy of the deity is being punished by
upon them, they immediately lose the benefit of Divine it, condemned to an eternity of torment and
Reach. Not every character needs to be under the effects imprisonment. The characters must find their way
of Divine Reach, because as soon as the divine avatar into that creature’s prison and then convince it to
is successfully harmed once, it immediately loses its share the deity’s secret with them.
Impervious trait for 24 hours.
2 The characters learn of a codex or sacred text that
has been lost during the downfall of a civilization,
As a DM, it is up to you to design the trials and perils the
or in another plane of existence. It is believed that
characters will have to overcome in order to successfully
the deity’s secret is inscribed upon it and that even
acquire a divine artifact or the favor of another deity.
its divine will cannot destroy it.
Feel free to use the list of divine artifacts, detailed at
the Remnants of Divinity chapter of this book, or draw 3 The characters gain the allegiance of another deity,
inspiration to create your own. which reveals to them their enemy’s secret.
4 The characters learn of another world, the
creatures of which are waging a war against their
enemy deity’s dominion. By travelling to that world
and allying themselves with those creatures, they
might discover the secret that they need.
Divine Reach:
When a creature with the Divine Reach trait 5 A highly appointed servant of the deity may be
successfully hits a creature that features the confronted and then somehow made to reveal the
Impervious trait with an attack or a spell, that deity’s secret.
creature loses all benefits gained by the 6 The deity sends a misleading omen upon the
Impervious trait for the next 24 hours. characters’ minds, luring them into a trap.
Through emerging victorious against all odds
from the difficult ordeals posed by this trap, the
characters manage to discover the deity’s secret.

Fifth Seal of Secrets Sixth Seal of Arcana

To break a God’s Seal of Secrets, one must gain access The only force capable of presenting a match for the
into forbidden knowledge that was never meant to be powers of the divine, lies within the arts of arcane
discovered by mere mortals. In order to accomplish magic. This has been a major cause for conflict between
this task, the Godslayers must delve into the primordial followers of various religions and the practitioners of
mysteries of the God’s very origins and do the the arcane arts; the basis of the idea being that such
unthinkable; unearth the deity’s most forlorn secret and powers should be reserved for the Gods alone. In order
then wield it against the divine being itself as a leverage. for the characters to break the Seal of Arcana, they must
summon the arcane powers to their side.
Discovering such long lost information is something
that should never happen against the deity’s wishes, Those who embark on such a quest might be no
since it could greatly undermine its rule or empower its strangers to the ways of the arcane, but may as well
enemies. Therefore, the deity will deploy every means have allies dabbling in them. In order to break the Seal
within its power to ensure that it remains forgotten. of Arcana, a powerful spellcaster must do so by casting
Although a deity’s secrets may vary greatly according either a Gate or a Wish spell, while using the deity’s
to its background and portfolio, below follows a list previously discovered secret as an additional verbal
of secrets that you may draw inspiration from when component of the process.
creating such a plot.

Chapter I: Deicide
Upon casting the Gate spell, an extraplanar Gate opens To Kill a God
leading directly to the location of the deity’s plane of
origin. By crossing through, the characters are bound to Having defeated the embodiment of the deity’s divine
face the embodiment of the deity’s itself. As a DM, you power, the long journey of the Godslayer is over. Divinity
may design the deity’s seat of power as an interesting now lies shattered before them. They and their allies
dungeon they must delve through, before meeting the have managed to succeed in an impossible task; to bring
embodiment of the deity in combat. a God down upon their knees before the mortal kind.
Legacy awaits the heroes who have proven that even the
Upon casting the Wish spell for that purpose, the divine masters of the universe are bound to eventualy
characters summon the embodiment of the deity’s meet their fate, as well as the consequences of their
power to appear into the material world. The spellcaster actions. But just as with every ending, they are now
therefore becomes unable to cast the Wish spell ever presented with a new beginning.
again. As a DM, make sure that the characters are
aware that, though they will be probably faced with a Upon breaking the Seventh Seal, an immesurable
less dangerous task than venturing into another world, a amount of energy is being emmited as the balance shifts
struggle in combat with the deity’s embodiment in their in the multiverse. For the fleeting moment of the deicide,
home world will most definetely wreak havoc to a wide this raw energy can be wielded by the Godslayers and
area and cause collateral damage. directed towards manifesting a particular outcome. The
characters now have a choice to make, as each among
Whether they have chosen to meet their greatest foe in them is given the following options.
its own domain or in their home world, the characters
are about to enter the epilogue of their journey as Wonder
Godslayers. It is the one that will determine what all A Godslayer may use the last remnants of the deity’s
their efforts up until now have amounted to, their final diminishing power in order to cast a spell, chosen from
victory or defeat. the list of 10th level Theurgy spells.

Seventh Seal of Eternity Oblivion

A Godslayer may erase all memory of the deity’s
existence from the minds of creatures that are native
Having diminished the deity’s influence over the world,
to their world, except that of the Godslayers and other
escaped its surveillance, gained the means to wound
divine beings.
it, leverage to force it out into the open and the means
of arcane power to stage their final encounter, all that
remains is to break its final Sacred Seal by destroying Banishment (Greater deity)
the embodiment of its leftover power and vanquishing it A Godslayer may choose to banish the deity from their
from their world once and for all. This is, by no means, a world. It should be noted that, be it it for centuries or
simple task in itself. even a millenia, a being of such extraordinary potential
might eventualy find the means to return.
The Seal of Eternity is broken the moment that
the characters succeed in destroying the deity’s Imprisonment (Lesser deity)
embodiment and realize their destinies as Godslayers. A Godslayer may imprison the vestige of the deity as if
The deity’s embodiment varies according to its divine casting the Imprisonment spell to it, making sure the
rank. In the case of a greater deity, the characters will deity shall never manage to ascend again. By doing so, a
be faced up against the deity’s divine avatar. No harm Godslayer may sacrifice themselves in order to become
will come to the deity itself by destroying its avatar, other an eternal warden of the vestige’s prison.
than the fact that its influence will be banished from
the characters’ world. In the case of a lesser deity, the Sainthood
characters must defeat the deity itself. Upon destroying A Godslayer may ascend into a new state of being by
it, the deity is considered slain and therefore becomes a entering the servitude of another deity. The followers
vestige. of its faith shall know their name as a Saint. The
character’s creature type and traits permanently change,
To represent the deity’s embodiment, you may either use in accordance to that deity’s nature and portfolio.
or draw inspiration from the creatures detailed in the
Divine Avatars chapter of this book. Take note that due Godhood
to their Impervious trait the avatars cannot be harmed A Godslayer may ascend in the fallen deity’s place, as
by creatures, unless those creatures feature the Divine the new lord or lady of its divine domain over their
Reach trait. world. By becoming a deity, they can no longer be
treated as a player character. A new religion is formed
around their name, built upon the ruins of the old. As
long as they rule over this divine domain, their world is
safe from the defeated deity’s influence.
A divine creature with the Impervious trait is
The Godslayers may choose among the above options
immune to all damage and effects caused by
based on their initiative order during their combat
attacks and spells cast by other creatures, unless
encounter, starting from the character who delivered the
those creatures feature the Divine Reach trait.
killing blow. Should their choices be yielding conflicting
results, allow the characters to decide the outcomes
amongst themselves.

Chapter I: Deicide
Chapter II
Divine Favor

Chapter II: Divine Favor

Chapter II: Divine Favor Spheres of Influence

Attempting to comprehend the true nature of a divine
any are the Gods and Goddesses being is considered to be a task in vain. Maybe this is
who lord over the world and why their interpretations differ so much, according to
its creatures. Beings eternal, the religious codices and mythology of each culture.
capable of summoning powers
beyond mortal comprehension, It is widely believed is that, though eternal, the powers
equal only to one another. As of the deities are sustained through the faith their
ancient as the cosmos itself, believers place in them. Without the devotion of their
their influence often extends to several worlds accross worshippers, they would be left powerless to protect
the multiverse. Through the passing of the aeons, they them, or attain the sacred purposes they desire to see
solemnly watch the rise and fall of empires, the dawn fullfilled. So, the deities watch over the faithful, whilst
and dusk of entire worlds. But just as everything else, the faithful worship them in return.
even they are bound by the most dogmatic law in the
universe; the law of necessity. Due to this state of mutual dependency, each deity’s
divine aspect has been coincided with a cosmic force
What could beings such as they, in all their of the universe, or a particular mortal attribute. These
unimaginable might and wisdom, possibly require? The aspects are known as divine domains, and a deity
answer is simple. In order for one to be divine, others may be associated with either one or more of them.
must be devotees. Those are the domains of Arcana, Death, Forge, Grave,
Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Protection, Tempest,
All forms of deities share one common characteristic, Trickery and War.
which is the desire to be worshipped by mortals. They
watch over and protect those faithful to them, for it No matter how dissimilar, all deities find themselves
is through their faith that they may continue existing. represented by at least one of the divine domains. Some
Without believers, even a deity is bound to slowly wane may even struggle with one another for dominion over
away, eventually becoming forlorn and forgotten. And the same domain. Below follow some examples of Gods
that is a fate that even a God detests and fears. and Goddesses of different religions and pantheons, in
accordance to their respective divine domains.
Divine Ranks
Amaterasu - Light
The divine beings of the multiverse are often categorized
Anubis - Grave
according to their cosmic power. Some Gods are
worshiped on multiple worlds and have a different rank Hecate - Arcana
on each world, depending on their influence there. Isis - Life, Arcana

Greater deities are beyond mortal understanding. They Loki - Trickery

can’t be summoned, and they are almost always Nergal - Death
removed from direct involvement in mortal affairs. On Odin - Knowledge, War
very rare occasions they manifest avatars similar to
lesser deities, but slaying a greater God’s avatar has no Poseidon - Tempest
effect on the God itself. Silvanus - Nature
Vishnu - Protection
Lesser deities are embodied somewhere in the planes.
Some lesser deities live in the Material Plane, as does Vulcan - Forge
the unicorn-goddess Lurue of the Forgotten Realms and
the titanic shark-god Sekolah revered by the sahuagin.
Others live on the Outer Planes, as Lolth does in the The Mortal Instruments
Abyss. Such deities can be encountered by mortals.
Though not always, the divine domains a deity is
Quasi-deities have a divine origin , but they don’t hear or affiliated with usually define the moral values of their
answer prayers, grant spells to clerics, or control worshippers, as well as the manner in which their faith
aspects of mortal life. They are still immensely powerful becomes expressed. A domain’s core principles dictate
beings, and in theory they could ascend to Godhood if the rules which the faithful are bound to follow in order
they amassed enough worshipers. Quasi-deities fall into to satisfy or appease the will of their deity.
three subcategories: demigods, titans, and vestiges.
The rituals performed to honor a deity in this manner
Demigods are born from the union of a deity and a are known as offerings. The faithful pledge offerings
mortal being. They have some divine attributes, but their to the deities in order to attract their attention or earn
mortal parentage makes them the weakest quasi-deities. their favor. In a not so dissimilar manner, one may
Titans are the divine creations of deities. They might be intentionaly or unintentionaly offend a deity through
birthed from the union of two deities, manufactured in an action that insults the ways of its faith. Such an act
a divine forge, born from the blood spilled by a God, or is known as a sacrilege. The faithful believe that the
otherwise brought about through divine will or divine beings often respond to their offerings by gracing
substance. Vestiges are deities who have lost nearly them with their divine blessings, while smiting down
all their worshipers and are considered dead, from a those who commit acts of sacrilege against their faith by
mortal perspective. Esoteric rituals can sometimes cursing them with divine banes.
contact these beings and draw on their latent power.
Chapter II: Devine Favor
Divine Offerings

Arcana Domain
Offering of Incantation
ivine offerings are testaments of a Perform a newly acquired ritual spell for no other
believer’s devotion towards the deity reason than to honor the deity. For the ritual to qualify
they have chosen to place their faith as an offering, it must be the first time you ever cast this
into. Every single offering is important in particular spell.
itself, because it signifies the connection
between the mortal and the divine. An Offering of Spellweaving
offering may serve as a token of gratitude Create a new spell of your own conception and dedicate
to a deity, a means of atonement for a sin committed it to the deity. The spell cannot be a cantrip, and must be
against it, or a casual tribute to avoid invoking divine created in accordance to the rules of spell creation and
wrath. The reasons behind the commitment of a divine the DM’s discretion.
offering may vary based on each deity’s ethos, as well as
the believer’s relationship with it.
Death Domain
Commiting a number of satisfying offerings to a deity
Offering of Sacrifice
may cause a character to be graced with a divine
Sacrifice a living creature’s life to the deity, through
blessing by it, especialy in a time of great need. If
a ritual that lasts for 10 minutes. According to the
a character is afflicted by a divine bane, they might
sacrificed creature’s potential and significance, this
consider commiting offerings of repentance to the deity
offering may satisfy the deity of Death in different levels.
that has cursed them in hopes of convincing it to have
the bane alleviated. It falls under the DM’s discretion to
Offering of Undeath
determine how many and what kind of offerings could
Animate a creature through means of necromancy
cause a deity to bestow a divine blessing upon a believer.
magic or be responsible for the creation of an undead
Alternatively, you may use the system of Influence
creature. Depending on the creature’s potential and
Points provided and detailed later in this book at the
significance, this offering may satisfy the deity of Death
Divine Influence chapter, as a guideline regarding the
in different levels.
dedication of offerings.

Below follows a list of common offerings that are Forge Domain

acceptable as tokens of worship by the deities of any
divine domain. Offering of Artisanry
Offer a token of your craftsmanship to the deity, in a
Offering of Wealth ritual that lasts for 10 minutes. This token must be an
Donate a number of coins, valuables or consumables to item that you have created yourself and its quality must
the clerics who oversee the temple of a deity. represent the best of your abilities as an artisan.

Offering of Pilgrimage Offering of Legacy

Begin a journey for the sole purpose of visiting a Vow to recover a lost relic or heirloom of symbolic
particular temple or place of worship that is considered importance to a particular culture or party. The offering
to be sacred. is complete as soon as you manage to successfully do so.

Offering of Silence Grave Domain

Vow to remain utterly voiceless for a specified amount
of time. The meaning behind this offering is to express Offering of Repose
your piousness through means of actions rather than Return the stolen contents of a tomb or burial mound
words. It is common for groups of believers to assume back to where they belong, through a ritual that lasts for
this vow and keep the silence together. 10 minutes.

Offering of Servitude Offering of Cleansing

Devote yourself to the service of a deity through Vow to cleanse a particular threat that you are aware of,
contacting a major temple or divine order. By doing so, that involves undead creatures or necromancy magic.
you take an oath that you shall uphold its faith, fight its The offering is complete as soon as you manage to
enemies and accept no authority other than its spiritual succeed in this task.
Knowledge Domain
Offering of Heritage
Offer a child of your own family line to a temple or Offering of History
divine order to be raised in the ways of its faith. Offer accurate records of a particular event to a temple,
a library or a place where they may be accessed by
More uncommon offerings may be dedicated to a deity another interested party. These records can be in the
based on its divine domains and portfolio. In the case form of a book that you have written, a poem or a song
of two deities in direct opposition by definition of their composed by you, as long as it truthfully details events
divine domains, pledging an offering to one could mean that have transpired.
commiting sacrilege towards the other. For example,
sacrificing a creature’s life in the name of Death is an Offering of Conception
offence against the deity of Life. Realize a new invention that has been successfully put
to use at least once, and dedicate its creation to the deity.

Chapter II: Divine Favor

Life Domain Tempest Domain
Offering of Therapy Offering of Might
Vow to heal a creature from a condition that that would Offer a trophy acquired from a vicious monster slain by
have otherwise caused its death, or to cure it from you, dedicating the kill to the deity in a ritual that lasts
one that has ailed it for a prolongued amount of time. for 10 minutes.
The offering is complete as soon as you manage to
successfully do so. Offering of Dominance
Vow to achieve victory in single combat against a
Offering of Hope formidable creature within the following 24 hours, in
Vow to resolve an indirect threat towards the life of a honor of the deity. You must have declare a creature
large number of creatures, such as the inhabitants of a beforehand, and must successfully defeat it in order for
town or members of a local community. Such a threat the offering to be complete.
can be a plague, austerity or the prospect of famine.
The offering is complete as soon as you manage to Trickery Domain
successfully do so.
Offering of Subterfuge
Light Domain Vow to thwart the efforts of a particular party of
creatures that are about to uncover the truth behind a
Offering of Art lie. The offering is complete as soon as you manage to
Dedicate a work of art of your creation to the deity, in successfully do so.
a ritual that lasts for 10 minutes. You must be satisfied
with the outcome of this artwork, in order for it to Offering of Fable
qualify as an offering. Manage to convince a large number of creatures of
false details regarding an event that is important to
Offering of Truth them, to the extent of having it recorded this way in their
Vow to uncover the truth behind something that you common knowledge or local history.
consider to be a lie, or to find justice for a creature you
believe to have been wrongly accused for a serious War Domain
crime. The offering is complete as soon as you manage
to successfully do so. Offering of Warfare
Dedicate a token of victory in battle over an invading
Nature Domain or conquered foe to the deity, in a ritual that lasts for
one minute. Such a token can be a war banner, a fallen
Offering of Water general’s weapon or a leader’s symbol of authority.
Trek through a wild terrain, such as a forest or a
mountain, for the duration 24 straight hours. This is Offering of Triumph
an ancient offering of symbolic meaning, the purpose Arrange a parade to honor the deity. The creatures
of which is to thank nature for the water that you have participating in this parade must be at least 10,
drank by returning a portion of it back to the earth including yourself. They must be all about to go to war
through your own sweat. or recently returning from it, and must be spectated by
at least an equal number of creatures while parading.
Offering of Soil
Plant a new seed in a region where the natural habitat
has been severely damaged, in the form of a ritual that
lasts for 10 minutes.

Protection Domain
Offering of Chivalry
Vow to safekeep a particular party, item or area at any
cost, from a threat that is imminent within the following
day or days. The offering is complete as soon as you
manage to successfully do so.

Offering of Vigilance
Manage to vanquish a constant threat that has been
looming over a creature’s well being or an item’s safety
for a prolonged amount of time. Then, perform a ritual
in the presence of that creature or the possession of that
item, that lasts for one minute.

Chapter II: Devine Favor

Divine Sacrileges


• Steal from the temple of a deity.

sacrilege represents a mockery towards a • Kill a true believer, for the sole purpose of commiting
deity and an offence towards its teachings. a sacrilege.
Whether it is an unspeakable act of heresy • Convert a true believer of a deity’s faith into another’s.
or an unwittingly committed crime against • Prevent the process of an offering to a deity.
its faith, the deity may respond to such • Disrupt a ritual in honor of a deity.
an act by bestowing a divine Bane upon • Destroy the holy symbol of a deity.
those responsible for it. Alternatively, it • Destroy an altar shrine dedicated to a deity.
may dispatch its mortal devotees to apprehend the • Distort the teachings of a deity, and then preach the
malefactors. This stands both as a punishment for the false interpretation to others.
wrongdoers, as well as a warning to others who might
dare to commit such heinous acts. Desecration

Below follows a list of example sacrileges that may • Desecrate a temple or place of worship dedicated to
be committed against deities of any divine domain, a deity.
separated into three categories according to their • Perform a ritual or offering in honor of a deity inside
severity, in descending order. While some blasphemies a temple of an antagonist deity.
might even be committed involuntarily, desecrations are • Kill a population of creatures faithful to a deity or
more serious offences that require time and preparation. convert them to the faith of another.
Lastly, it takes a true enemy of the deity to reach the • Kill an archcleric, advocate or important
extends of commiting a heretical act. representative of a deity’s faith.

It falls under the DM’s discretion to determine how Heresy

many of such offences suffice to cause a deity to react,
as well as the manner of its reaction. Alternatively,
• Destroy a divine artifact or unique relic, important to
you may use the system of Influence Points provided
a deity’s faith.
and detailed later in this book at the Divine Influence
• Initiate the reconstruction of a temple dedicated to
chapter, as a guideline regarding the consequences of
a deity, over the ruins of one that has been previously
commiting a sacrilege.
destroyed and was dedicated to an antagonist deity.
• Kill or destroy a divine servant of a deity.
• Instigate the denounciation of the deity by a race or
nation or incite holy war against its followers.

While the above sacrileges may stand as an insult to

any deity, below follows a list of sacrileges against the
deities according to each of the divine domains in their
portfolio. Those acts are usually committed to outright
oppose the deity’s influence and following upon the
world, while the most severe among them stand as a
declaration of holy war against the deity and its faith.

Chapter II: Divine Favor

Arcana Domain Knowledge Domain
Erase Arcana Erase Knowledge
Destroy a wizard’s spellbook that contains at least one Destroy an important tome or record for the purpose of
spell of level 5 or more or a magic item that is at least commiting a sacrilege.
rare, for the sole purpose of commiting a sacrilege.
Forsake Knowledge
Magicide Destroy an important library or vault of records.
Kill a magical creature for the purpose of commiting a
sacrilege. Erase History
Kill a creature that is considered to be a sage or keeper
Witch Hunt of unique knowledge.
Kill a single or group of spellcasters, or actively hunt
down an organisation of such, because of their ability to Life Domain
cast spells.
Death Domain Murder a creature for no other purpose than commiting
a sacrilege.
Prevent a murder that has been attempted by followers Hecatomb
of the deity, or actively hunt them down in the name of Ritualisticaly sacrifice a creature or a group of creatures’
an antagonist deity. lives.

Plague Doctor Plague Herald

Vanquish a plague that has been bestowed by followers Cause a plague that claims the lives of many creatures.
of the deity, or return a deceased creature back to life.
Light Domain
Interact with a powerful undead creature in a way Deny Inspiration
that offends the principles of the deity of Death, such Destroy a work of art that you consider to be beautiful,
as destroying the phylactery of a Lich or offering for the purpose of commiting a sacrilege.
redemption to a Death Knight.
False Rumor
Forge Domain Convince the masses to believe a lie, in matter of
importance that involves their faith, their society or their
Vandalism realm’s future.
Destroy a masterful work of artisanry, for the purpose of
commiting sacrilege. False Legacy
Influence the way a character’s legacy or important
Obsctruction event is being passed down into history and the minds
Cause a renowned artisan to become incapable of of others by altering important details in a manner that
creation ever again. twists the truth.

Reforgery Nature Domain

Destroy an ancient artifact, or reshape a sacred relic
that has been dedicated to the deity into something Befouler
perverse that offends it instead. Destroy a natural reserve area, such as burning an
ancient forest or poisoning a lake.
Grave Domain
Pillager Endanger the survival of an entire species of Beast or
Raid a tomb, desecrate a grave or deny proper burial Plant.
rites to the corpse of a creature for the sole purpose of
commiting a sacrilege. Blight Dealer
Cause a blight that ruins a regional ecosystem beyond
Disturb the Dead restoration.
Raise a creature’s corpse as an undead through means
of necromancy magic.

Immortality ‘‘Here I stand before you,

Prevent a creature’s natural death by extending its
lifespan beyond mortal limits, or cause a region to a mortal with sword in hand
become infested with undead creatures. and righteous fury
born of the world’s injustice.’’

Chapter II: Devine Favor

Protection Domain
Harm an unarmed, inferior or generaly defenseless
creature that poses no active threat to you.

Cause a large number of creatures, such as a town’s
population, to be left defenseless in the face of a
looming threat.

Kill someone who relied upon your protection, such as a
creature you were tasked to defend or offered hospitality

Tempest Domain
Cower in the face of danger, after having declared to act
in accordance to the deity’s will.

Perform a feat of great strength, right after publicly
denouncing the deity.

Alleviate the fear of divine wrath, such as by sailing seas
that no one is supposed to come back alive from and
spreading the news.

Trickery Domain
Judge & Executioner
Bestow an unjust punishment upon a creature for
offending or stealing from the nobility of a realm.

Expose the true identity of an agent of the deity’s faith.

Truth Bearer
Go to great lengths in order to uncover a grand scheme
or reveal the truth behind a lie that has deeply affected
the lives of many creatures, for better of for worse.

War Domain
Silver Tongued
Achieve victory in a purpose through means of deceit,
in order to avoid open conflict out of fear of defeat in

Convince two opposing armies to withdraw without
further conflict, or a renowned warrior to abandon their
weapons and therefore lead a life of peace.

Convince a conqueror to end their campaign, or a
warlord to end a war that has lasted for years.

Chapter II: Divine Favor

Divine Blessings Death Domain

Blessing of Vampirism
t is upon receiving a divine blessing that a Upon receiving this blessing, a willing creature turns
believer knows for certain that their ongoing into a Vampire before the next dawn. The statistics of
faith and devotion did not pass unnoticed by a character transformed into a Vampire do not change,
their deity. Alternatively, one that isn’t truly except that the character’s Strength, Dexterity and
faithful might have somehow satisfied a deity’s Constitution scores become 18 if they aren’t higher. In
agenda or confronted its antagonists through addition, the character gains the Vampire’s damage
their actions. They can feel themselves inspired resistances, darkvision, traits and actions. The save DC
by divine will, invigorated by a incomprehensible for Charm is 8 + the Vampire’s Proficiency bonus + the
force that allows them to achieve feats beyond mortal Vampire’s Charisma modifier. The effects of this blessing
capability, for as long as the deity deems it appropriate. cannot be reversed, unless a Wish spell is used or the
character is killed and is brought back to life.
Such a gift should not be taken lightly, for it usually
comes as the notion of a purpose. It is a sign that Blessing of Ghostly Emanation
encourages one to continue walking upon the path of Upon receiving this blessing, you become capable of
piety, or apprehending the enemies of the faith without absorbing a portion of the soul of a creature that you
cowering in the face of fear. For any reason that may be, have killed yourself. Once per long rest and as bonus
the blessed one feels chosen by the deity and imbued action, you can summon a ghostly emanation of the
with divine essence in order to fulfill a particular creature to fight for you. The emanation remains
purpose. summoned for the duration of one minute. Its abilities
and statistics are those of a Ghost, except that it does
Below follow the divine blessings that can be bestowed not have the Possess ability.
upon a character by a deity, regardless of divine domain.
Forge Domain
Blessing of Divine Ardor
Upon receiving this blessing, you become immune to Blessing of Legacy Unearthed
damage caused by an energy type of the deity’s choice. You gain information regarding the traits and location of
a particular artifact or relic of the past that is considered
Blessing of Divine Intervention to have been lost through the ages, as well as an crucial
Upon receiving this blessing, you may use an action to hint towards the means to retrieve it.
call for the deity to aid you in a time of need through
a Divine Intervention without failure probability. After Blessing of Wondercraft
using the benefits of this blessing once, it therefore Begin the creation of an item, that upon completion, will
becomes expended. receive magical properties. Choose an item from the
existing list of magic items, that corresponds to the type
Blessing of Divine Veil of item you wish to create and the magical properties
Upon receiving this blessing, you become impossible to you want it to feature.
locate or become detected through means of divination
spells and magical effects cast by a particular deity. This Grave Domain
effect may apply only towards a single deity at a time.
Blessing of the Grave Return
Blessing of Divine Reach The contigency of this blessing becomes triggered if you
Upon receiving this blessing, whenever you successfully are ever killed and your body receives proper funeral
hit a creature that features the Impervious trait with an rites. If your body was buried, the powers of the grave
attack or a spell, that creature loses all benefits gained restore you back to life causing the effects of the Raise
by the Impervious trait for the next 24 hours. Dead spell on the next dawn. If it was burned, the
scattered ashes reassemble at the point of the pyre and
Below, follows a list of divine blessings that a deity may you become resurrected in a similar manner.
bestow, according to the divine domains of its portfolio.
Blessing of the Undying
Arcana Domain Upon receiving this blessing, you receive an omen
that urges you to dig your own grave at a place of your
Blessing of Unending Arcana choosing. The grave then becomes magical and requires
Once per long rest and as a Bonus Action, you may you to attune yourself to it. Should you ever be killed
cause yourself to immediately replenish a number of while attuned to the grave, your body immediately turns
expended spell slots equal to 1d4 + 4. into dust. The dust scatters and travels along with a
supernatural wind back to the grave’s location. Your
Blessing of Magical Incarnation body becomes recreated under the earth, causing you
Once per long rest and as an action, you can cause to receive the effects of the Raise Dead spell after the
yourself to become an conduit of immense, arcane following 1d4 days. In order for you to be permanently
power for the duration of one minute. During that killed while blessed in this way, one must first find and
minute, you may double your spellcasting ability destroy your grave.
modifier when determining the DC required to resist
one of your spells.

Chapter II: Devine Favor

Knowledge Domain Blessing of the Warden
As a reaction, you may lose up to 4 AC to cause an ally
Blessing of the Chronicler adjacent to you to gain an equal number of AC. If an
Once per short rest you may instantaneously cast the attack misses that ally due to the AC you have provided
Legend Lore spell, without requiring any material to them, you become the target of the attack instead.
components. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Blessing of Ascendancy Tempest Domain

During a long rest, a visage of the deity visits you in your
dreams. The deity reveals to you an aspect of reality Blessing of Indomitability
beyond your mortal comprehension. Upon completing Whenever you score a critical hit on an attack roll, all
the long rest, you gain one character level. You cannot enemy creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on
reach levels beyond level 10 in this way. a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of
you until the end of their next turn.
Life Domain
Blessing of Elemental Invocation
Blessing of Vigour You gain immunity to damage caused by the energy type
Upon completing a short rest, the hit dice you spend of the deity’s indicative element. Once per long rest and
in order to replenish hit points are now doubled. In as a bonus action, you may imbue your attacks with a
addition, you become immune to all physical and bonus 1d8 damage of the same energy type, while any
magical effects that cause you to become exhausted. spells with that descriptor cast by you receive a bonus
+1 to their DC. This effect lasts for the duration of a
Blessing of Rejuvenation minute.
Once per long rest and as a bonus action, you may cause
yourself to regenerate 10 hit points at the start of each Trickery Domain
of your turns for the duration one minute.
Blessing of Puppetry
Light Domain Upon receiving this blessing, whenever you succeed in
a Charisma (Deception) check against another creature,
Blessing of Divine Insight the creature becomes charmed by you until it can no
Charisma (Deception) checks made against you fail by longer perceive you. When that happens, the charm
default, as you immediately know that you are being effect on the creature ends immediately. The creature
told a lie. In addition, you gain advantage on any checks does not know that it was charmed by you, but it does
made against illusion spells and effects. realize that something inexplicable has happened to it
and may grow suspicious of you or worse, depending on
Blessing of Angelic Weapons the circumstances of your encounter.
As an action, incorporeal wings made of radiant sunlight
sprout from your back, granting you flying speed of 40 Blessing of Duplicity
feet. In addition, you gain a bonus 1d8 Radiant damage Once per long rest and as an action, you may assume
to all your meele and ranged attacks, becoming 2d8 the form and behavioral characteristics of a creature
against undead, fiend and fey creatures. This blessing’s you have met in the past. You also gain access to all of
effects last for the duration of one minute. Once used, it the creature’s memories and personality traits required
cannot be used again until the next dawn. in order to accurately impersonate them. While in this
form, any Charisma (Deception) checks made by you
Nature Domain for the purpose of impersonating this creature become
Charisma (Persuasion) instead. This effect lasts for the
Blessing of the Feral Aspect following 8 hours.
Upon receiving this blessing, choose a particular Beast
creature. You become augmented with that creature’s War Domain
most defining traits. You gain a +2 bonus to an ability
score (up to a maximum of 24) according to the highest Blessing of the Herald
ability score of the Beast that you chose. Upon receiving this blessing, a war banner or symbol of
heraldry in your posession turns magical. All creatures
Blessing of Natural Harmony that can see and willingly follow it to battle become
Beast and Plant creatures would never attack you, under immune to frightening effects and receive a bonus +1 to
no circumstances other than self defense. In addition, if their saving throws. The item retains its magical effects
any such creature is present during a combat encounter until it is destroyed or the deity chooses to end the
of yours with another creature, it miraculously becomes blessing’s effect on it.
your ally and fights at your side.
Blessing of the Warlord
Protection Domain Any nonmagical weapon becomes magical when you
wield it. In addition, whenever you reduce a creature
Blessing of Legendary Resistance to 0 hit points by using a weapon, it gains a +1
You become augmented with a measure of resilience enhancement bonus to its attack and damage rolls up to
found only in creatures of myth and legend. Whenever the total of +3. Any weapon enchanted in this way loses
you fail a saving throw, you may choose to succeed it all of its magical properties as soon as you sheathe,
instead. Once used six times, the blessing’s effect on you holster or stop wielding it.

Chapter II: Divine Favor

Divine Banes Death Domain

Plague Stricken
divine bane is nothing less than the You gain vulnerability to poison damage. You also suffer
manifestation of a deity’s vengeance upon disadvantage on all checks and saving throws made
a mortal creature. Upon receiving such against poison and disease effects.
a bane, one is declared by the deity as
an enemy of its faith, due to the series of The Restless Dead
atrocious sacrileges they have committed Upon receiving this bane, you begin to experience
against its name and following. haunting nightmares that are always in relevance
to a creature that you have slain in the past through
A divine bane is usually bestowed upon a heretic great effort. The creature has risen from the dead as a
that openly desires and repeatedly acts towards the Revenant, with the sole purpose of seeking vengeance
diminishing of a deity’s influence upon the world. In from you. Upon encountering this particular creature in
some occassions, a naive adventurer who stole a combat, you suffer disadvantage on ability checks and
sacred relic from a temple of the deity may also become saving throws made against it. You must also succeed
accursed in such a manner until the relic is returned. a Wisdom DC 16 saving throw or become frightened of
it. You may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of
Below, follows a list of banes that a deity may bestow your turns, in order to end this effect.
upon a character, regardless of divine domain.
Torment of the Damned
Divine Mark You receive an internal feeling that you will be denied
The holy symbol of the deity now marks your body, peace in the afterlife. Instead, after your mortal death,
burned or scarred upon your skin. It can appear this bane causes your spirit to wander the Ethereal
anywhere from your chest to your forehead. Any Plane in the form of a ghost.
creature you encounter that is a worshiper of the deity’s
faith or directly connected to the its domain senses the Forge Domain
mark and immediately adopts an unfriendly or even
hostile disposition towards you, depending on the Cursed Hands
circumstances of your interaction. Furthermore, the Every time you conclude the process of crafting an item,
deity’s most fearsome followers receive visions that set roll 1d100 and consult the following table.
them on a holy quest of tracking and hunting you down.
1-50 The item is crafted normally.
Upon entering a temple or place of worship dedicated 51-70 The item receives a minor detrimental
to the deity, you immediately receive a looming sense property.
of imminent danger that you cannot deny or hide from. 71-90 The item receieves two minor detrimental
It is as if your mere presence violates the sanctity of properties.
the place. While in such an area, you may receive no
benefits from resting and suffer disadvantage on your 91-100 The item receives one major detrimental
ability checks and saving throws. property.

Below follows a list of divine banes that a deity may

inflict upon its foes, according to the divine domains of Upon a result of 51-100, the item is considered cursed.
its portfolio. To determine the nature of each detrimental property
featured by the item, consult the artifacts table which
Arcana Domain can be found at the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 220.

Magic Vulnerability Forgebound

You gain disadvantage to saving throws against magical Upon receiving this curse, each magical item you are in
spells and effects. attunement with causes your hit point total to decrease
by a number equal to half your character hit die. Upon
Forlorn Magic ending your attunement with a magical item, your hit
Upon receiving this bane, you lose the ability to cast a point total is replenished accordingly.
particular spell ever again. This bane can be bestowed
upon the same creature for additional times. Rust and Decay
A magical weapon or armor in your possession becomes
Arcane Forsaking cursed by this bane, corroding and becoming weakened
Upon receiving this bane, you become therefore unable by rust. After using it to deal or receive damage
to cast spells and magical effects that belong to a (depending its type) the item takes a permanent and
particular school of magic, chosen by the deity. From cumulative -1 penalty to its damage roll or AC bonus
that point on, you may no longer receive benefits by respectively. If this penalty drops to -5, the item is
effects that derive from this school of magic, such as destroyed.
those granted by magical items in your possession or
beneficial effects cast on you by other creatures.

Chapter II: Devine Favor

Grave Domain Life Domain

Call of the Grave Withering Touch

You suffer disadvantage on all Death saving throws, that Whenever you are healed or attempt to heal another
cannot be affected by any other means. creature through a spell or magical effect, the hit
points healed are half the normal amount. The rest are
Wail of the Departed received by the target of the spell as points of necrotic
You gain vulnerability to necrotic damage. In addition, damage.
upon suffering necrotic damage, you must succeed a DC
12 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened by the Devoid of Life
source that caused it until the end of your next turn. You receive one point of exhaustion that cannot be
removed by any means, until this bane is lifted from you.
Bane of the Inevitable This bane can be bestowed upon the same creature for
Upon dying, the deity of the Grave claims your soul. You additional times, up to a maximum of 6.
become impossible to ressurect by any means, including
those of the Wish and True Resurrection spells. A Wound that Festers
Upon receiving this bane, you can no longer replenish
Knowledge Domain hit points or lose exhaustion points by long resting.

Bane of Amnesia Light Domain

You lose a particular memory, chosen by the deity. An
inexplicable blur has been left in its place. Every other Trick of the Light
memory that connects with the one that has been lost, You are caused to become permanently blinded.
remains unaffected.
Bane of Vindication
Bane of Inadequacy Upon receiving this bane, you suffer disadvantage on
Upon receiving this bane, you lose your proficiency Charisma (Deception) checks. In addition, upon failing
to one skill of the deity’s choice. This bane can be a Charisma (Deception) check against another creature,
bestowed upon the same creature additional times, up you must succeed a Charisma saving throw of DC 12
to a maximum of 3. or suffer a random short-term madness effect for the
duration of a minute.
Dread of Knowledge
You are dominated by a dreadful feeling that there is Bane of Scorching Sunlight
nothing of importance left for you to learn in life. While You gain vulnerability to radiant damage. While in
cursed in this manner, you are unable to gain new daylight, you also suffer disadvantage on ability checks
experience points. and saving throws.

Chapter II: Divine Favor

Nature Domain Bane of the Perilous Voyage
Whenever you journey through a terrain where the
Primal Hunt deity’s indicative element is predominant, the weather
The predators of the wilds are supernaturaly alert to seems to steadily worsen around you. For every
your presence in their territory. When in the wilderness, 12 hours you spend in such a terrain, the weather
the chance of encountering Beasts is increased by 20%. conditions change by one stage down in Precipitation,
Temperature and Wind, according to the Control
Foe of the Wild Weather spell. As you move on from an area, the
Whenever you attempt to interact with an animal, weather gradually returns to normal.
you receive an unnatural sense of hostility. You suffer
disadvantage to your Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks. Trickery Domain
Furthermore, whenever you are in combat against
creatures of the Beast type, they prioritize to attack you Speak No Lie
over any other foe that is present in their vicinity. You suffer disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion)
checks, as well as any check made to convince a
Icon of Ferocity creature of anything that is true.
By the end of your next completed long rest, you
realize with horror that your form has been altered. Hear No Lie
Sparse patches of fur have covered your skin, fangs You suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.
have replaced your teeth. The shape of your skull has Every time you fail to see through a Charisma
assumed an animalistic form and you have even grown (Deception) check made by another creature, you must
a tail. While cursed with this form, your Charisma score succeed a DC 12 Charisma check or become charmed
cannot become more than 10 by any means other than by it for the duration of 1 minute. The creature behaves
magical effects. as it normally would, unaware that it has somehow
charmed you.
Protection Domain
See No Lie
Last to Remain You suffer disadvantage on checks and saving throws
This bane means to affect those whom you desire to made against illusion magical spells and effects. Also,
protect. During combat, whenever a creature targets every time you fail to discern whether you are dealing
an ally adjacent to you with a spell or attack, it gains with a real or an illusory context, you suffer 1d10 points
advantage on its roll. of psychic damage and become obsessed over the fact
that it is an illusion, even if it is not.
Bane of Vanity
A looming sense of insecurity permeates you, as you War Domain
are being forced to doubt your own potential. Upon
receiving this bane, your AC is decreased by a number Unworthy of Arms
equal to your Charisma modifier. Your weapon becomes cursed. Everytime you attempt
to wield it, you must succeed a Wisdom saving throw of
Bane of Martyrdom DC 12 or suffer 2d10 points of psychic damage.
When trying to cure the wounds of others, you find
yourself tapping into your own vitality. Every time you Wavering Spirit
attempt to heal another creature through magical During combat, whenever you drop to below half of your
means, you must succeed a Constitution saving throw of hit point total, you must roll a Wisdom saving throw of
DC 10 or suffer an exhaustion point. DC 12. Upon failure, you become frightened of the last
enemy creature who damaged you with an attack until
Tempest Domain the end of your next turn. This effect cannot occur more
than once per combat encounter.
Calm Before the Storm
You become convinced that the deity’s indicative element Toll of War
will be the cause of your death. Whenever a source Your dreams are haunted by the spirits of those you
of that element is present in your vicinity, you suffer have slain in the past. Every time you complete a long
disadvantage on any ability checks and saving throws. rest, you must succed a Wisdom saving throw of DC 12.
Upon failure, you receive an exhaustion point.
Wrath of the Tempest
You gain vulnerability to the energy type of the indicative
element of the deity. Upon receiving damage from any
source that causes that energy type, you must succeed a
DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of it
until the end of your next turn.

Chapter II: Devine Favor

Optional System: Influence
As described previously, the First Seal of a divine being All offerings fall under one of the three following
is the Seal of Power. In order to break it, the Godslayers categories, based on the DM’s discretion and on how
must diminish the influence the deity currently much they satisfy the deity they have been offered to.
possesses upon their world through the commitment of
sacrileges, thus decreasing its amount of following and Prayer - 25 Influence Points
mortal worshippers.
Litany - 50 Influence Points
As a general guideline, all sacrileges are being Sacrament - 100 Influence Points
divided into three categories of increasing severity
called blasphemies, desecrations and heresies. This All sacrileges are being divided into three categories,
categorization may not accurately serve in every according to their severity. In the case of a committed
given occasion though, since special circumstances sacrilege that is not mentioned in the previous lists, it
may increase the severity of such an act and thus, its falls under the DM’s discretion to determine the level of
impact to the deity. For example, destroying a Wizard’s its severity based on how much it satisfies or offends the
spellbook is a sacrilege towards the deity of Arcana and deity, as well as the various circumstancial factors that
is considered a blasphemy. But, should that spellbook make it special.
contain a unique spell known to no one but a single
Wizard in the entire world, the sacrilege committed can Each committed sacrilege decreases the deity’s
turn to a desecration or even a heresy. influence according to the following table.

Decreasing or increasing a deity’s influence, as well

Blasphemy - 50 Influence Points
as the amount of effort one needs to put in order to
receive a blessing or a bane, have been so far portrayed Desecration - 100 Influence Points
in a vague manner, based upon each deity’s whims and Heresy - 250 Influence Points
therefore, the DM’s discretion. This approach is more
realistic, due to the fact that the deity’s influence is A divine blessing may be bestowed upon a character
being constantly affected by through actions of various after performing a nearly impossible task in service
creatures around the world, other than those of the of the deity, or upon having increased its influence
characters who participate in your story. by 250 points through the commitment of offerings.
Respectively, a divine bane may be inflicted when a
Influence Points character commits an unforgivable crime against the
deity’s faith, or decreases its influence by 250 points
Alternatively to the above method, you may use this through acts of sacrilege.
system as a guideline in order to accurately keep track
of how the characters’ actions affect the influence of a Special offerings and sacrileges such as that the
deity throughout your campaign, as well as of when they pledge or destruction of a divine artifact, the reclaiming
are about to receive a blessing or a bane by it. For the or desecration of an arch temple or acts of equaly
purposes of a playable experience, this system treats important significance, affect a deity’s influence points
the player and non-player characters that the DM can in a manner according to the DM’s discretion.
maintain track of throughout the progression of the
story as the only individuals in the world who actively A deity is considered to have replenished any lost
affect the influence of a deity. influence points at the completion of a full annual cycle.
This serves as a timeframe for a Godslayer campaign,
According to their divine rank and following, the deities as well as a means to metaphoricaly represent the long
are considered to have an amount of influence points rest of a deity. Alternatively, you may use a particular
equal to a number within the spectrum described below. date corelated to an event such as the occurence of a
cosmic phenomenon or the alignment of stars in order
to set the timeframe to any amount of time you deem
Greater deity - From 3001 to 5000 appropriate. Should a deity’s influence points diminish
Lesser deity - From 1001 to 3000 to the spectrum of a lower rank, its Seal of Power is
broken. As long as the rest of its sacred Seals are
Quasi-deity - From 1 to 1000
successfully broken by the characters within the set
timeframe, the deity amasses its remaining powers to
To determine the exact number of Influence Points of a
meet them in combat through the encounter described
particular deity, consider how widely worshipped it is in
during the breaking of the Seal of Eternity.
your world, how many regions treat it as a patron deity
and how common it is for people to commit offerings
If it is a greater deity, it inhabits the body of a creature
to its name. Then, decide upon a number that feels
which ascends into a divine avatar. Upon slaying the
appropriate to you within the spectrum of its divine rank.
avatar, the deity is not harmed outright but its influence
Keep in mind that the most powerful deities tend to
is considered vanquished from this world. If it is a lesser
compete with one another for influence over the world,
or quasi-deity, it appears in all its divine might to deal
therefore their Influence scores should be alike. A deity
with the characters itself. Such a deity may be slain in
whose Influence is steadily diminishing understands
combat by a group of exceptionaly powerful characters.
this as a call to immediate action.

Chapter II: Divine Favor

Chapter III
Chapter III: Theurgy
Chapter III: Theurgy Bestow Divine Blessing

10th-level conjuration

ven though a deity’s true power is Casting time: 1 action

considered to be incomprehensible Range: Worldwide
by most, it is not without limits. In Components: -
this chapter of the book, you will Duration: Instantaneous
discover the extent of a divine being’s
capabilities in the form of 10th level The targeted creature gains the effects of a divine
spells. No matter how capable, it blessing of the deity’s choice, based on the deity’s
would be impossible for a mortal spellcaster to perform portfolio and available list of divine blessings. All effects
magic of such astounding potential, as they would most applied by this spell are permanent, unless the deity
probably destroy themselves in the process, or worse. chooses to end them at will.

The only way for a character to wield such powers,

is by defeating a God and then choosing to conjure Bestow Divine Bane
a Miracle, as detailed in the Deicide chapter of this 10th-level conjuration
book. Performing a Theurgy spell might have been
the sole purpose of a Godslayer’s entire journey or a Casting time: 1 action
spontaneous choice that they did not know they will be Range: Worldwide
presented with. Components: -
Duration: Instantaneous
Together with the previously detailed divine blessings
and banes, the Theurgy spell list completes the The targeted creature suffers the effects of a divine bane
representation of a divine being’s capabilities. Such a of the deity’s choice, based on the deity’s portfolio and
spell can only be used by a character during the fleeting available list of divine banes. All effects applied by this
moment in which they succeed in slaying a God. As a spell are permanent, unless the deity chooses to end
DM, you may draw inspiration from them in order to them at will.
create interesting plot hooks for your story that affect
your entire world, for better or for worse. You may also
use them as a general guideline regarding what a deity
Shooting Star
10th-level evocation
can actually do, as well as how it chooses to interact
with its mortal following or punish its insolent enemies.
Casting time: 1 hour
Range: Worldwide
Clericdom Components: -
10th-level conjuration Duration: Instantaneous

Casting time: 1 action A comet is caused to rapidly enter the world’s

Range: Worldwide atmosphere and crash into a region of the caster’s
Components: - choice. The landscape, as well as any buildings and
Duration: Instantaneous non-magical structures within 1000 feet radius of the
comet’s point of impact become obliterated. Creatures
The targeted creature may receive one level of the Cleric within that area immediately drop to 0 hit points and
class, upon leveling up. are forced to make Death saving throws. An area of 1
mile radius surrounding the point of the comet’s impact
becomes severely affected by the destructive blast. Dust
Paladinhood and debris cover the sky, causing all living creatures
10th-level conjuration to suffocate. A suffocating creature can hold its breath
for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution
Casting time: 1 action modifier (minimum of 30 seconds). At the start of its
Range: Worldwide next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and
Components: - it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until it can
Duration: Instantaneous breathe again.

The targeted creature may receive one level of the

Paladin class, upon leveling up.
The Great Decline
10th-level necromancy
Patron Pact
10th-level conjuration Casting time: 1 hour
Range: Worldwide
Casting time: Instantaneous Components: -
Range: Worldwide Duration: 1 year
Components: One willing, mortal creature
Duration: Instantaneous Upon casting this spell, a regional or national population
of creatures of the deity’s choice becomes incapable
The targeted creature may receive one level of the of reproduction. For every additional hour spent when
Warlock class, upon leveling up. casting this spell, its duration increases by another year
up to a maximum of 10.

Chapter III: Theurgy

Word of God Exalted March
10th-level enchantment 10th-level enchantment

Casting time: 1 action Casting time: 1 action

Range: Worldwide Range: Worldwide
Components: One willing creature, faithful to the deity Components:
Duration: 24 hours Duration: 24 hours

The deity assumes total and precise control of a willing An army of creatures becomes invograted by the deity’s
creature that is faithful to it. During the spell’s effect, the divine will, inspired to achieve victory at war. Each
creature takes only the actions the deity chooses, and affected creature gains immunity to the negative effects
doesn’t do anything that the deity doesn’t allow it to do. of travelling in a forced march pace, 10 temporary hit
Each time the creature takes damage, it is allowed to points, resistance to a type of damage chosen by the
make a Wisdom saving throw of DC 25 in order to resist deity and one inspiration point for the duration of the
the spell’s effect. If the saving throw succeeds, the spell spell’s effect.

Arcana Infinitum
Promised Land 10th-level transmutation
10th-level evocation
Casting time: 1 action
Casting time: 1 hour Range: Worldwide
Range: Worldwide Components:
Components: - Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous
Any ongoing magical effects caused by spells of up
The fertility level of the land within an area of up to a 10 to 9th level that are currently affecting the targeted
miles radius begins to gradualy increase or decrease creature become permanent.
according to the deity’s will. The soil’s fertility changes
by one degree per week, based upon its fertility level
prior to the spell’s effect and the deity’s desire. For Create Creature
example, a fertile landscape requires three weeks to 10th-level conjuration
become barren or one week to become rich.
Casting time: 24 hours
Barren. Completely dehydrated. Creatures cannot Range: Worldwide
sustain themselves from its resources and may either Components: A soul’s essence
starve, or migrate. Duration: Instantaneous
Infertile. Unsuitable for agriculture or farming to
produce food and other resources in order to sustain a The spell creates a creature, the type of which is
community. determined by the divine domains in the portfolio of
Sufficient. The land provides scarce resources, the deity that casts the spell. Characteristics such as
barely enough to sustain a local community without any the creature’s age, sentience and current memories are
excess. determined by the deity. The challenge rating of the
Fertile. Nourished soil, suitable for the sowing of created creature equals to the days spent in casting the
various different seeds, that may produce enough food spell.
for the upkeep of a city.
Rich. The land is considered blessed by the Gods. The types of creature that a deity may create through
Any planted seed grows faster and healthier than in means of this spell according to the divine domains in
most other regions of the world, yielding double the its portfolio, are the following. A deity’s options may be
amount of food when harvested that it normally would. limited according to its alignment.

Arcana Dragon, Monster, Fiend

Mortal Torment
10th-level necromancy Death Fiend, Undead
Forge Construct
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Worldwide Grave Celestial, Fiend
Components: - Knowledge Celestial, Fiend, Humanoid
Duration: Instantaneous
Life Any living
Should the targeted creature ever be killed, it will be Light Celestial, Fae
denied entry into the afterlife. The creature will instead Nature Beast, Plant, Elemental
be caused to linger upon the Ethereal Plane in the form
a Ghost until a particular condition has been met, which Protection Celestial, Humanoid
is set by the deity upon casting of this spell. Tempest Dragon, Elemental, Giant
Trickery Fae, Humanoid
A creature affected by this spell becomes immune to the
effects of the Claim Soul spell. War Celestial, Fiend, Humanoid, Giant

Chapter III: Theurgy

Create Artifact The hazard continues to afflict the region for the next
10th-level transmutation 24 hours, after which it begins to slowly diminish. If the
deity casts this spell again upon the same area while
Casting time: 1 to 8 hours its effects are still ongoing, they become prolonged by
Range: Worldwide another 24 hours. Only one environmental hazard can
Components: A masterfully crafted item, a soul’s affect a particular area at a time.
essence (optional)
Duration: Instantaneous According to the element type summoned by the deity,
the environmental hazard caused is as described below.
The deity enchants an item of exquisite craftsmanship,
bestowing immense magical properties to it and causing Volcanic Eruption. Mild earthquakes ravage the area
it to become an Artifact. In order to create such an as a volcano rises from the earth and erupts. As the
item use the rules regarding Artifacts, detailed at the eruption starts, magma and volcanic rock is being
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 219. The deity must ferociously spat out from the bowels of the earth,
spend an hour for every minor beneficial property causing the effects of 1d4 Meteor Swarm spells every
granted to the item, and double that time for every major. one minute for the first 5 minutes. Volcanic ash covers
the area, forcing every creature to make a DC 10
In addition, the deity may choose to infuse a soul’s Constitution saving throw or start suffocating. Finally,
essence into the item, therefore causing it to become lava spews out from the center of the eruption. moving
Sentient. The Artifact’s personality is then determined outwards with a speed of 1 foot per round (up to 1500
by the soul’s traits and past memories, if any. feet) and dealing 30d6 fire damage to any creature it

Claim Soul Raging Thunderstorm. Electrocharged black clouds

10th-level necromancy fill the area blasting the land with abandon. Creatures
inside the area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
Casting time: 1 action throw every minute or become deafened for the next
Range: Worldwide hour. Meanwhile, lightning showers the land, causing
Components: - creatures not within 100 feet of a higher structure to roll
Duration: Instantaneous a d10 every one minute, being struck by a lightning bolt
on a natural 1; suffering the effects of the Lightning Bolt
The deity attempts to claim a dying creature’s soul. The spell.
targeted creature must either be devoted to the deity’s
faith, have lived a life appropriate to the deity’s portfolio Ferocious Whiteout. A fierce blizzard comes down
or have its soul already bargained for to the deity. from the heavens, blanketing the land in white.
Should another deity simultaneously attempt to claim Creatures without protection for the cold must make
the same soul, the two deities must make a contested a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or gain one level
Wisdom check in order to determine the result. The of exhaustion for every one minute they remain inside
spell is completed as soon as the creature loses its third the affected area. Creatures sufficiently protected or
Death saving throw. resistant to cold must make the same saving throw
every one hour instead. All terrain becomes difficult
If the spell is successful, the soul is transfered to the terrain. The area is heavily obscured and creatures must
deity’s plane of origin and the deity gains one soul’s succeed a DC 15 Survival check for every one hour
essence. The deity may then choose whether the soul of travelling, or they lose all sense of orientation and
retains the memories of its past lifetime, or not. become lost in the blizzard.

Maelstrom. During the course of one minute winds

pick up peaking at 50mph speed (strong wind). Moving
Nemesis against these winds is impossible, while movement with
10th-level evocation them while on a vessel is doubled. Every 10 minutes
while inside the affected area, any creature steering
Casting time: 1 minute a vessel must make a DC 16 Wisdom check adding
Range: Worldwide its proficiency bonus with vehicles, in order to avoid
Components: - capsizing. Creatures not aboard vessels must make DC
Duration: Concentration, Up to 24 hours 20 Strength (Athletics) check every one minute to stay
afloat and avoid suffocating.
The deity evokes the power of the elements, calling forth
a natural disaster to obliterate a region. By harnessing Tectonic Convulsion. The earth tremors violently,
an element type appropriate to its portfolio, the deity causing the effects of the Earthquake spell upon the
causes an area within a mile’s radius to become afflicted affected area.
by a particular environmental hazard. For every minute
the deity retains concentration of this spell, its effect’s This spell may cause additional environmental hazards,
radius becomes gradually increased by 500 feet. as determined by the DM.

Chapter III: Theurgy

Divine Miracle • A number of creatures chosen by the deity regain
10th-level conjuration 1 hit point and end one effect listed in the Lesser
Restoration or Greater Restoration spells, or recover a
Casting time: 1 action missing body part after 10 minutes.
Range: Worldwide
Components: - • A city along with all its residents teleports through
Duration: Instantaneous planar barriers to a specific locale with no chance
of error. The point of arrival can be anywhere in the
A Divine Miracle represents the ultimate form of world, even in another plane of existence, as long as
a deity’s intervention in mortal affairs. It can bend the deity’s influence extends to it.
the natural laws that apply over the material world
in various ways, in order to prevent or undo a great • Stop any storm, gale-force wind, extreme temperature
desctruction that would otherwise occur. To avoid or reduce the effects of a natural disaster in an area
disturbing the balance of power between itself and the within a 5 mile radius. The occuring phenomena
other deities that lord over the world and invoke their cannot get any worse for the following 4 hours.
anger, a deity conjures a Divine Miracle with wisdom
and only in a time of great need. It might do so to save • Up to 100 pounds of inedible material and 100
its most devoted champion from peril or a holy city gallons of unpotable liquid become edible food and
dedicated to its name from burning to the ground. potable water, purified from all poison and disease.
Eating a pound of food or drinking a gallon of water
By casting a Divine Miracle, a deity can create one of the restores 1 hit point. These resources revert to their
following effects: previous substances if not consumed within 24 hours.

• Duplicate any Cleric spell of 9th level spell or lower. • A large body of water such as a river or a lake turns
into holy water. Alternatively, holy water pours from
• End the effects of any Cleric spell of 9th level or lower. the sky in the form of a rain that lasts up to 4 hours.

• A number of creatures chosen by the deity gain Depending on its desires, a deity may cause an effect
immunity to the effects of a spell, magical effect, other than the ones listed above. A Divine Miracle’s
poison or disease for the duration of an hour. power is practicaly limitless, kept in check only by the
possibility of a evoking the wrath of other, rival deities.
• A number of creatures chosen by the deity gain Due to the effort involved in casting a Divine Miracle,
Immunity to a particular type of damage for the the deity cannot cast another for the following 6d6
duration of an hour. days.

Chapter III: Theurgy

Chapter IV

Chapter IV: Archtemples

Chapter IV: Archtemples By embarking on an adventure to discover and explore
those forlorn places of power, one is bound to face
cattered all over the world, there are unspeakable dangers for the promise of great reward.
numerous temples of worship and reverence According to each deity’s divine domain, the arch temple
dedicated to the Gods. Whether erected dedicated to its name is as follows.
by mortal or divine hands, the result of the
methodical craftmanship of the worshipers Arcana Obsidian Thrones
or the will of divinity itself, they represent a
connection between the material world and Death Cradle of Eternal Sorrows
the realm of the Gods. According to a deity’s nature Forge Vault of the Mountain Carver
and divine domains, such places can be found from
Grave Gates of Askalot
the central districts of major cities to the most remote
corners of the world. Others have even been lost in Knowledge Archives of Tenebos
time due to ancient wars or major calamities, and are Life Elle’Vantir
now only spoken of through myths and legends. In this
chapter, you are going to discover some of the most Light Temple of the Melodist
ancient and unique temples of the world, the mere Nature Grove of Solstice
existence of which is being doubted by everyone other
Protection Dragonfall, the Elder Bones
than the most faithful of scholars, and the most daring
of adventurers. Tempest Thunderdome
Trickery Crystal Palace
Places of Worship War Halls of Eternity

People gather at temples and shrines not only to

honor and worship the Gods, but also to communicate A Step Along the Journey
with one another and practice their teachings. These
sacred places stand as symbols of the faith, where Some characters may dedicate their entire lives in
the worshippers may express themselves, perform search of an arch temple, either to visit it themselves or
rituals and convene with other like minded individuals. to reclaim it from the forces that occupy it in the name
Therefore, a temple is more than a building but at of their faith. Others, may have circumstantial reasons
the same time, it can be anything, any place as long for doing so. During the journey of the Godslayer, the
as it serves the mentioned, practical purposes and is concept of an arch temple may serve in a number of
considered holy by the followers of the faith. different ways. As a DM, you may draw inspiration from
the concepts provided for each of the archtemples in
Some among those places used to represent different this chapter, in order to create memorable dungeons
purposes or none at all, but throughout the course of for your characters or become milestones for the
history, the events that occurred there have redefined breaking of the sacred Seals of Power, Ascension or
and bestowed a religious significance upon them. Their Secrets. Each arch temple is being portrayed in a brief
current significance may be honoring a deity’s influence manner so that it may be adapted in a way that is more
over the world, representing the essence of its teachings convenient to you.
or marking an event of major importance. Regardless,
such a place represents a shelter for the faithful, while The threats posed by an adventure inside an arch
those who dare desecrate it are subjects to divine wrath. temple are describted as its Quest and can be found
below its description. After having succeeded on its
Pilgrims from all over the world journey to commit quest, you may choose to reward the characters with a
offerings at the place of a Saint’s noble sacrifice, while divine blessing. Each temple’s relevant blessing is also
pious men and women tell stories of sacred lands where noted along with its description, but you may as well
the Gods themselves have treaded upon. Olden tales select another one at your preference, choosing from
also speak of ancient temples that have been forgotten the list of divine blessings.
by most, forever guarded by pious covenants and sacred
brotherhoods because of the secrets that they keep, and The characters may decide to seek a divine artifact
the potential dangers that lie in their discovery. Those in order to feature the Divine Reach trait during their
places are known as the archtemples of the Gods. final fight against the enemy God. Alternatively, they
may try to earn the Divine Reach blessing towards
achieving the same purpose. An arch temple may either
Lore, Lost in Time serve as the resting place of a divine artifact, while
braving its dangers may reward the characters with a
The most ancient and important among all of its places divine blessing by another deity that appreciates their
of worship is considered to be the deity’s Arch Temple. courageous efforts. Furthermore, they may venture
The arch temple is a place of great importance for the to such a temple in order to discover the information
deity itself, as it represents a bastion of its foothold required to break the deity’s Seal of Secrets. Sacred
upon the material world. Additionally, it may often codices may be found there, as well as knowledgable
contain relics of immense value, secrets that should creatures that can be persuaded into cooperation.
never become unearthed or foes, imprisoned there for Finally, the desecration of an arch temple is a major
all eternity. Should such a place become desecrated or sacrilege that severely affects the deity’s influence,
destroyed, the deity’s influence over the world would aiding the characters’ efforts in breaking the Seal of
suffer a critical blow. Therefore, various methods of Power, based on the optional system of Influence points
protection have been employed to ensure its safety. provided in this book.

Chapter IV: Archtemples

Thunderdome Cradle of Eternal Sorrows
Nestled in a remote mountaintop, the place known A vicious sense of evil permeates the region surrounding
as the Thunderdome was originaly built to honor a this temple of death. It is in the very air that one
Goddess of modesty and humility. People from all over breathes, something foul and unwelcoming to living
the realm would visit the monastery and pledge their creatures of all kinds. Screams of agony can be heard
wealth and riches to it, in an attempt to atone their accross the blighted land that surrounds the temple’s
souls from the ties of materialism. Ultimately, so great vicinity, piercing the darkening clouds. Should a band
was the hoard that had been amassed by these sacred of adventurers be daring enough to follow the sounds
offerings, that the temple caught the attention of an of lamentation, they shall find themselves before the
insidious dragon - Raemundin. The ancient blue Dragon source of their anguish and deathless prison - the
unleashed its wrath against the monks of the temple, Cradle of Eternal Sorrows.
who were hopeless against the relentless storm that
followed in its wake. One by one they perished and soon, There, restless souls are forever trapped in torment,
Raemundin took over the temple and made it into its twisting violently into a spectral hurricane right above
own lair. the black temple, shooting an eerie green light towards
the sky. Those are the souls of the ones who chose to
Now, a symbol to the wrath of the Tempest itself, lighting damn themselves willingly. Unwise practitioners of the
never ceases to rain down all over this mountain as dark arts, arcanists who failed to achieve Lichdom and
Raemundin rests in slumber atop of its hoard. There lost their lives in the process, schemers and betrayers,
are those though who wish to end its reign, seeking their fate stands as a testament to the ultimate price
the temple atop the mountain and slaying the dragon, paid for the sake of power. Sometimes, the same
either to satisfy the God of the Tempest through such thirst for power drives a daring adventurer to journey
a glorious kill or to become rich beyond measure by across these accursed lands and face the horrors of the
reclaiming the temple’s treasures. temple, in hopes of a way to take advantage of the souls’
abuntant essence, or the knowledge that they keep.
Defeat the ancient, blue dragon and its minions in order Quest:
to reclaim the temple. Brave the horrors of the temple.

Divine Blessing: Divine Blessing:

Blessing of Elemental Invocation (Lightning) Blessing of Ghostly Emanation


Chapter IV: Archtemples

Crystal Palace Elle’Vantir
No one knows who built this crystalline palace or The Elle’Vantir - Fountain of Life in the common tongue
towards what end. It is a place of myths and legends, - is built atop a lone hilltop amidst a lush, primordial
encountered only by those, whose desire to see it with forest full of wildlife, known as the Riddlewoods. It is
their own eyes is truly unyielding. In the past, it has been said that the waterfalls that pour out of the hillsides
sighted in various locations, amidst frozen wastes and are as pure as the very waters of Elysium. Such is
rocky wastelands alike, which has led to the conclusion the invigorating energy surrounding this place that,
that the palace itself has a means to vanish from one during particular times of the year, the waters gain
place and emerge at another. Those who have seen extraordinary healing properties that cure the sick,
it testify not only to its magnificence, but also to the numb the pain of the suffering and are even capable of
dangers that it holds. For there seems to be more to this returning the dead back to life.
place than a spectacular sight, as the fractured sanity
of its witnesses stands as a testament. It is said that by Not everyone is allowed to visit the Elle’Vantir though.
venturing into the palace’s interior, you are bound to An ancient druidic conclave known as the Circle
encounter various projections of yourself that grow alive of Wardens watches over and protects the woods
through the reflections upon the crystals. surrounding the temple, deciding whom to grant safe
passage and whom to deny it to. Their methods are
These visages represent a series of alternative versions mysterious and often not entirely comprehended, as
of you, which derive from equally propable scenarios they seem to provide riddles to those who journey
that are weaved by the choices you never made, the through their forest in order to determine their worth
paths you did not take or things that could happen by their given answers. Some theorize that the druids
to you, but never actually did. Illusions, weaved by mean to judge the responder’s character rather than
your darkest fears, deepest regrets and dearest hopes play a mere mind game with them, as they seem to care
become only greater the more you delve into the palace, more about the nature of their answer rather than the
to a point that few minds can bare and overcome. This solving of the riddle in itself.
is the reason noone has managed to fully explore the
palace or shed light to its mysterious existence, up to Quest:
this very day. Succeed in giving satisfying answers to the riddles of
the Wardens, sneak through their watch or defeat their
Quest: conclave.
Overcome the palace’s illusions in a conflict against your
own mind and reach the top of the Crystal Tower. Divine Blessing:
Blessing of Vigour
Divine Blessing:
Blessing of Duplicity
Vault of the Mountain Carver
Temple of the Melodist Deep in the the bowels of the earth, there is a chamber
lost in time. The faithful believe that the world begun
Devoted to the deity of Light, this temple is an important from it, by the artful hands of a Sculptor God. The God
destination for pilgrims and devotees from all over the is said to have carved the mountains, painted the forests
world. The clerics and monks that maintain it preach and weaved the rivers, finally building a vessel for every
that it has been built as a symbol to the mysteries of living being there is. Then, satisfied with his work, he
reincarnation, a soul’s departure from a world as it fell into eternal slumber. His body became an enormous
journeys into another. The faithful seek them not only mountain ridge and his internal organs gave their place
for their blessings and wise counceling, but also to be to a complex system of cavities and twisting corridors,
granted entry into the labyrinth that lies underneath that are now home to some of the most ferocious,
the temple’s grounds. Entering the Labyrinth of the subterranean predators.
Melodist is a great pledge of faith in itself. The task
may take hours, days or even years, while many are Legend has it that within his heart, known as the
those who never managed to emerge from it at all and Vault of the Mountain Carver, one may still summon
those who have, seem to have been through such a the very powers of creation. Wild magic phenomena
personal experience that words cannot truly describe. occur rampantly not only inside the Vault but also
They merely say that in order to navigate through its all over these mountains, and can be called upon to
sacred corridors, one must discover the melody of their bestow magical properties over items that were priorly
own soul. Such a thing may only be accomplished by mundane. Master craftsmen and devoted artisans
accepting thyself for who you really are and focusing on launch expeditions in search of the Vault to prove its
your heart’s truest desire. Only then shall you discover existence, as well as for a chance to imbue their most
that the way out of the labyrinth, is inwards. exquisite creations with the very essence that has given
birth to the entire material world.
Find your way through the Labyrinth of the Melodist and Quest:
discover your True Name, despite all forces that may Venture deep under the mountains, overcome the
attempt to mislead you. monstrosities that dwell within and seek a way to unlock
the Vault.
Divine Blessing:
Blessing of Divine Wisdom Divine Blessing:
Blessing of Wondercraft

Chapter IV: Archtemples

Archives of Tenebos

Archives of Tenebos Gates of Askalott

Originaly built by the Githyanki of Tu’nurath, this The temple of Askalott is built where the legendary
extraplanar library is capable of venturing from one warrior, Saint Constantia, sacrificed herself in order
world to another by drifting through the Astral Plane. Its to keep eternal watch over a God of Death whom she
sole occupant and Grand Archivist, a Githyanki called imprisoned behind the Gates, one whose name has
Prothero, uses it to constantly travel from one plane been forgotten throughout the ages. The temple is
of existence to another in order to study the various safeguarded by the Knights of the Gate, an ancient
cosmic phenomena and their nature, furthering the monastic order of pious knights whose sole purpose
knowledge contained within the Archives. He seems is to protect its sanctity. No one knows what may
to be doing so tirelessly, showing great devotion in this happen should the Gates be opened once again, or if
task for no other reason than for the sake of knowledge such a thing is even possible since the truth behind the
in itself. The Archives of Tenebos have been a myth legend has been lost in time. To preserve its secrecy,
for centuries, commonly spoken among scholars and the Knights of the Gate take a vow to never leave their
savants of various backgrounds who doubt the truth of temple’s grounds and maintain their vigil watch, as
its existence, as a hypothetical means of discovering well as to remain forever silent - which has led them to
the most forlorn secrets of the cosmos. Those who do create a unique sign language, understood only by one
believe that the Archives exist often dedicate their lives another.
to studying the secrets of planar traveling, in hopes that
one day they might find this library and gain access to Quest:
the knowledge of the worlds. Overcome thet trials presented to you by the Knights of
the Gate or gain their trust in order to to be allowed to
Quest: see the Gates.
Find the Archives’ location and overcome its defenses,
either by convincing Prothero of your good intentions or Divine Blessing:
by defeating him in combat. Blessing of Grave Return

Divine Blessing:
Blessing of the Chronicler

Chapter IV: Archtemples

Dragonfall, the Elder Bones Obsidian Thrones
Lost somewhere deep into the desert lands, the temple Four Thrones exist accross the realms of the material
is constructed among the gargantuan bones of the world, all of them built out of pure obsidian atop four
ancient, fallen dragon Vaelathrax who once upon a time of the highest mountain peaks. On each of the Thrones
wreaked havoc upon the realms. The destruction caused sits a mortal creature, a Stargazer. The mission of the
by Vaelathrax was so great that in time, the once lush Stargazers is to discern and monitor all planar traveling,
forested expanses were slowly turned into deserts of inwards and outwards of the material world. In the past,
hot sand. The dragon was ultimately slain by a Dwarven their observations had been vital in the world’s fight
warrior named Annungil Ironbell, who is revered among for perseverance against the extraplanar forces that
her kin and descendants. meant to lay claim upon it. Thus, they sit there solemnly,
no longer bound by mortal needs and desires, forever
Today, a population of Dwarves dwell among the bones, vigilant on a duty of watching at the constellations of
having turned it into a semblance of a small town amidst the night sky and the patterns created by the cosmic
the deserts. Their king, Thoragar Ironbell, has made energies, ready to alert the world for an imminent
the Dragon’s Head into his throne room while many of danger.
his people live inside its Ribcage and under the Wings.
The Talons serve as watchposts, while underneath the Once a Stargazer reaches the dusk of their lifetime,
dragonic carcass lie the Guts, a complex network of they select another creature of the world to succeed
subterranean tunnels that house the main bulk of the them and mentaly send a supernatural calling to it.
town’s population. Those Dwarves traditionally live The creature chosen to become a new Stargazer then
there in honor of their ancestor’s greatest feat of valor, journeys to these mountaintops and walks the obsidian
slaying the enormous dragon and freeing the lands from steps up to the Throne, never to come back down. For
its terror in the name of her patron deity, the Dwarven there must always be a Stargazer on the Obsidian
God of Protection. Thrones. The criterias upon which they elect their
successors are unclear. It is also not known if one may
Quest: resist such a calling and if so, for how long. For anyone
Survive the punishing journey through the desert and other than the successor to the Throne, ascending the
earn the hospitality of its Dwarven keepers. obsidian steps means to walk a thin line between reality
and a realm of the Stargazer’s subconscious mind.
Divine Blessing: Eventualy entering a demiplane of their own mind, a
Blessing of Legendary Resistance daring adventurer must overcome the ordeals presented
to them by the Stargazer, before finally encountering
them on their Obsidian Throne.
Halls of Eternity
The Halls are said to have been built by an olden Overcome the Stargazer’s ordeals.
kingdom of fierce Dwarven warriors, called the
Aldarrim. Their kingdom endured thousands of years Divine Blessing:
and the Aldarrim remained fearless in the face of any Blessing of Unending Arcana
foe. Though their feats of valor were innumerable, they
would eventualy only worry about one thing - oblivion. Grove of Solstice
A chance of their names eventualy being lost in time
along with all their glory. Due to this, the Aldarrim built Hidden in the lush woodlands, there is a Grove
this temple in the name of their War God and inside unknown to most. It appears as an ancient, yet mundane
of it, they begun carving their own tombs prior to their stone circle, for every night but two - the moons of the
deaths. They would make these tombs magnificent winter and the summer solstice. During those nights,
works of art, decorating their walls with inscriptions as raw magic begins to breathe through the stones, the
and depictions that would detail each warrior’s legacy various animals and denizens of the woods peacefuly
and most legendary accomplishments. So proud were convene together at the Grove, despite their nature
they, that they would leave such a task to no one but as predator and prey. They do so in order to pay their
themselves. For the Aldarrim, this was their way of respects to the noble visitors of their forest, the Fey
defeating the passing of time itself. Today, warriors lords and ladies of the Winter and the Summer Courts.
of renown from all over the world who wish to see For the Grove of Solstice is in truth a portal to the realm
their names echo throughout history seek these Halls, of the Feywild. Upon the night of the winter Solstice,
longing for a chance to carve their own legacy upon its the nobility of the Winter Court conducts a solemn
walls. ceremony while on the night that marks the beginning
of the summer solstice, the Summer Court holds a
Quest: magnificent banquet. To be in their presence and take
Defeat the guardians of the temple and overcome the part in their celebrations, is supposedly one of the most
traps constructed by the Aldarrim dwarves. enchanting spectacles one may ever experience.

Divine Blessing: Quest:

Blessing of the Warlord Find the Grove and participate in a ceremony, either by
securing a formal invitation or by remaining undetected
through methods such as assuming an animal form.

Divine Blessing:
Blessing of Natural Harmony

Chapter IV: Archtemples

Chapter V
Remnants of Divinity

Chapter V: Remnants Of Divinity

Chapter V: Remnants of Divinity Cromdal, the Dragonbane
Weapon (greataxe), Artifact (attunement)
nce upon a time, the Gods walked
amongst our kind. Remnants of their You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
presence have passed down into with this magic weapon. When you hit a dragon using
religion, myth and legend, revered by this weapon, the Dragon takes an extra 3d6 slashing
those faithful to them for the great damage. In addition, a Dragon may never replenish any
significance they hold. Holy texts and hit points of damage dealt to it by this weapon. Instead,
ancient scriptures speak of blessed its maximum hit point score becomes decreased by a
armaments, bestowed upon a mortal hero by a God or number equal to the weapon damage dealt to it.
wielded by a celestial advocate before becoming forever
lost somewhere within the planes of existence. These Once per turn, upon damaging a Dragon using this
sacred relics of immense power, created by a deity’s weapon, the Dragon must succeed on a Wisdom
own will and power, have somehow found their way into saving throw of DC 8 + the weapon damage dealt by
the mortal realms. Their discovery has been a grand the attack. or become frightened of you. On a failed
aspiration to various brave adventures over the course save, the Dragon becomes immune to this effect for the
of history. Monarchs have waged wars in order to claim next 24 hours. For the purpose of this weapon’s effects,
them and devotees have ventured far and wide following ‘‘Dragon’’ refers to any creature with the Dragon type,
their legacy, for they stand as testaments to divinity including dragon turtles and wyverns.
itself upon the world. One who wields such an artifact is
thought to be graced by the God that forged it, becoming Exordium Tome
more than a mere mortal for as long as it remains in Wondrous item (spellbook), Artifact (attunement)
their possession.
This tome contains every spell of levels 1st to 9th,
Only that which has been touched by a God may ever collectively known by the wizards of this world, as
harm another. By becoming attuned to either of the long as it has been inscribed by at least one of them
divine artifacts, a character gains the Divine Reach in at least one spellbook. While attuned to it, you gain
condition and thus becomes capable of overcoming a advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks. While
deity’s Impervious trait. holding this tome, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack
and damage rolls, and a +2 to the DC required to resist
your spells. Upon successfully using Counterspell as a
Beyond Mortal Limits reaction against a hostile spell, the spell’s arcane energy
becomes absorbed by you. You immediately replenish
Due to their incredible potential, prolongued attunement a number of spell slots equal to the absorbed spell’s
to these magical items may exceed one’s mortal limits. level. This feature can be used as many times as your
They were never meant to be one’s property, but to spellcasting ability modifier, before completing a long
be used as instruments the for accomplishment of rest.
important deeds in the service of the Gods. A character
may keep one in their possession for days, months or Ark of Darkness
even years before beginning to show signs of weariness. Wondrous item, Artifact (attunement)
Every number of days equal to the character’s level, The ark contains 2d8 charges, to a maximum of 8.
the power of the divine artifact affects and gradualy Opening the ark requires an action. Once opened, it
overwhelms the character, expending their physical and emits an otherworldly aura in an area of 120 feet radius
mental resources through the attunement they share. centered at it. Any flora in that vicinity rapidly withers
When that happens, the character is required to succeed away and decays, turning the landscape into a twisted
on an ability saving throw of their choice, using the blight beyond restoration. Through this process, the
ability they feel most confident at in order to resist the ark gains 1 charge. Undead creatures must succeed on
negative effect. For example, a Barbarian may choose to a Wisdom saving throw at the beginning of every turn
make a Strength or Constitution saving throw, while a they remain within the aura’s radius. The DC equals to
Wizard may make an Intelligence saving throw instead. 12 + 1 for every charge the ark has stored. On a failed
save, they are brought under your control. If an undead
The DC for this saving throw equals to 10 + half the creature is already controlled by another character, that
character’s level (rounded down). A character that fails character makes the saving throw instead. The undead
on a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution saving throw creature may repeat the saving throw after an hour in
receives an exhaustion point. In the same manner, a order to end the effect on itself. The effect ends as soon
character that fails on an Intelligence, Wisdom or as you close the ark, the undead creature is destroyed
Charisma saving throw receives an indefinite madness or moves at least 1 mile of distance away from the ark.
effect. The negative conditions applied to a character During combat, the creature rolls for its own initiative,
in this manner cannot be removed by any means, other but its actions are all controlled by you.
than by ending their attunement with the divine artifact.
You may spend 1 charge from the ark in order to impose
Alternatively, the time of occurence and frequency of disadvantage on an affected creature’s saving throw.
these saving throws may be kept vague and at the DM’s Furthermore, you may spend 1 charge from the ark to
discretion, in order to provide a better storytelling cast the Animate Dead spell, with a spell level equal to
experience that suits the needs of your campaign. It is the charges remaining. Finally, you may spend 3 charges
advised to use this additional mechanic as you better to cast the Create Undead spell at 6th level. The level of
see fit, in order to preserve the idea that these artifacts this spell may be increased by up to 9th by spending 1
are not just mere items, but true conduits between a additional charge per increase.
character and the very essence of a divine being.
Chapter V: Remnants Of Divinity
Warlord’s Regalia
Wondrous item (helm), Artifact (attunement)

While attuned to this helm, you emit an aura in a 120

feet radius centered at you. You and all allied creatures
within the aura’s radius gain advantage on saving throws
against frightening and charming spells and effects. In
addition, every affected creature gains 5 temporary hit
points at the beginning of its turn (maximum 20).

Any weapon wielded by you is considered magical, for

the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
nonmagical attacks and damage. Once per turn, upon
rolling to determine the damage caused by a successful
weapon attack made by you, you may reroll each
damage die that is below average once and keep the
better result.

Armor of St. Balcred

Armor (plate), Artifact (attunement)

You have a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this plate Warlord’s Regalia

armor. Once every new dawn, by spending a bonus
action, you can conjure a pair of incorporeal wings
made out of pure sunlight to spawn from your back. The
wings last for the duration of a minute., granting you a
flying speed of 60 feet. During that time, they emit bright
light in a 60 foot radius around yourself and shed dim
light for an additional 60 feet. This light is sunlight.

Creatures of your choice within the bright light’s radius

must succeed on a Charisma DC 17 saving throw or fall
under the effects of the Zone of Truth spell. In addition,
you gain the benefits of the True Seeing spell up to the
confines of the bright light’s radius.

You can choose to dismiss the wings prematurely as an

action. By doing so, they burst into a blast of brilliant
sunlight in a sphere of 120 foot radius centered at you.
Each creature within the area must make a Constitution
saving throw of DC 17. On a failed save, it receives 6d8
points of radiant damage and becomes blinded until the
end of its next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as
much damage and doesn’t become blinded.

Decanter of Life Exordium Tome

Wondrous item, Artifact

The decanter contains blessed and invigorating water

from the rivers of Elysium. By drinking it, you become
immune to all magical spells and effects that would
cause you to age, as well as the effects of natural aging.

In addition, you gain a number of temporary hit points

equal to the your hit point maximum and advantage on
Constitution saving throws. The temporary hit points
decrease by a number equal to your Constitution
modifier after every passing 24 hours, until becoming
depleted. As they deplete, the decanter magically refills
its contents. Once they have all been depleted through
means of taking damage or passing time, all benefits
granted to you by the decanter end.

In order to drink from the decanter a second time, you

must succeed on a Constitution saving throw of DC 22.
On a successful check, you regain all of its benefits. On Decanter of Life
a failed check, your body is incapable of handling the
overwhelming energy and you die.

Chapter V: Remnants Of Divinity

Trickster’s Visage Twig of the Primordial Tree
Wondrous item (cloak), Artifact (attunement) Weapon (staff), Artifact (attunement)

While you wear this cloak with its hood up, your face The staff emits an awakening aura of 60 foot radius
becomes completely concealed by magical darkness. around it, summoning the spirits of nature to arise and
Pulling the hood up or down requires an action. You can assemble. The spirits cause trees, rocks, and grasses to
cause the darkness to disperse and your face to turn become animated.
visible as a bonus action. By doing so, each creature
of your choice that can see you falls under one of the Grasses and Undergrowth. The ground inside the
following illusory effects, chosen by you. aura’s radius that is covered by grass or undergrowth is
difficult terrain for your enemies.
Friend. The creature sees the visage of a person dear
to them in the place of your own face. In order to target Trees. At the start of each of your turns, each of your
you with an attack or a harmful spell, it must first enemies within 10 feet of any tree inside the aura’s
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw of DC 16. radius must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of
DC 14 or take 4d6 slashing damage from whipping
Foe. The creature sees the visage of their sworn enemy branches.
in the place of your own face. In order to do anything
other than targeting you with an attack or a harmful Roots and Vines. At the end of each of your turns, one
spell as soon as it is able, it must first succeed on a creature of your choice that is on the ground inside the
Wisdom saving throw of DC 16. aura’s radius must succeed on a Strength saving throw
of DC 14 or become restrained until the start of your
Mirror. The creature sees its own visage in the place next turn. A restrained creature can use an action to
of your face. At the beginning of its every turn, it must make a Strength (Athletics) check against your spell
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw of DC 16 or suffer save DC, ending the effect on a success.
disadvantage on its first attack against you.
Rocks. As a bonus action, you can cause a loose rock in
Any creature that you choose to leave unaffected by the the cube to launch at a creature you can see inside the
above effects can see your face normally. The effect aura’s radius. Make a ranged attack against the target.
persist until you spend a bonus action to conceal your On a hit, the target takes 3d8 nonmagical bludgeoning
face with darkness again. damage, and it must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or fall prone.
Trickster’s Visage
Once every new dawn, by spending an action, you may
plant the staff unto the earth. The staff immediately
grows into a Treant that fights alongside you for the
duration of a minute. During that time, the staff’s
awakening aura is centered on the Treant and the DC
to resist any effects caused by it increases to 17. Once
this effect’s duration is over or the Treant drops to 0 hit
points, its form changes back into that of a staff.

Os Garail
Armor (shield), Artifact (attunement)

While holding this shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC.

When an enemy creature targets an ally that is adjacent

to you and you are positioned in the attack’s line of sight,
the attack targets you instead. In the same manner,
instead of an ally creature, you may protect an object
that is no larger than medium sized.

Once every new dawn as an action, you can grip the

shield with two hands and slam it unto the ground to
create a magical dome of force energy, centered at the
shield. The dome is a 10 feet radius sphere.

Enemy creatures within the area are pushed outwards

as the dome expands. Once it forms, creatures cannot
enter or exit the dome. The dome moves with you and
can absorb damage equal to 5 times your character level
before shattering. You must spend an action for every
consecutive turn you choose to maintain it.

Ark of Darkness

Chapter V: Remnants Of Divinity

Weapon (heavy crossbow), Artifact (attunement)

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made

with this magic weapon.

This heavy crossbow is fitted with a cartridge that can

hold up to six crossbow bolts. It automatically reloads
after firing until the cartridge runs out of ammunition.
Reloading the cartridge takes an action. Any bolt shot by
it is considered magical and silvered, for the purpose of
overcoming the resistance and immunity of creatures to
attacks and damage.

Upon taking damage by this weapon, a creature of the

undead, fiend or shapechanger type becomes mystically
marked by it, as if affected by the Hunter’s Mark spell,
except that you are not required to concentrate in order
to maintain it. The creature remains marked for the
following 12 hours. Only one creature can be marked in
this way by Lichbane at a time.

By spending an action, you can cause a marked creature

that you can see to make a Constitution saving throw of
DC 17. On a failed save, the creature becomes paralyzed
for the next minute, even if it is normally immune to this
condition. The creature may repeat the saving throw
at the end of its every turn in order to end the effect on
itself. Once this ability has been used once, it cannot be
used again until the new dawn.

Inward Eye
Wondrous item, Artifact (attunement)

To become attuned to this violet coloured jewel, you

need to press it against your forehead over the course
of a short rest. It then becomes embedded inside you,
leaving a visible scarification in the shape of an eye. It
exits your body if you die or if you choose to end your
attunement with it over the course of another short rest.

While attuned with the eye, whenever you make an

Arcana, History, Nature or Religion check for the
purpose of determining the lore and traits of a creature
that you can see, you may perform this roll with

As a bonus action, you can close your eyes and cause the
inward eye to open. For one minute, you gain Blindsight
and the benefits of the True Seeing spell.

At the end of your turn, while the inward eye is open, you
may choose to revert back to your turn’s beginning. You
are considered to have witnessed a glimpse of the near
future, regarding how the results of the actions you wish
to take will unfold. Everything that has occurred during
your turn is negated as if it never happened. You may
then take your turn again, choosing a different course of
Armor of St. Balcred
action. If you choose to repeat the same actions, such as
casting the same spell again, the results are considered
to be the same without having to roll for them a second
time. Once this ability has been used, you cannot use it
again before you complete a long rest.

Chapter V: Remnants Of Divinity

Paragon’s Hand Artifacts by Divine Domain
Wondrous item, Artifact (attunement)
Below follows a list of the previously described divine
This prosthetic arm replaces a lost limb. While attached, artifacts, according to the divine domain they are
it functions identically to the arm it replaces. You correlated with. In some occassions, such an artifact
can detach or reattach it as an action, and it can’t be may be most effective against creature types that are
removed against your will. It detaches if you die. also correlated with the same divine domain while
in others, its power may lie in vanquishing its polar
As a bonus action, you can cause the arm to shift and opposite.
assume the form of a blade, a bludgeon, a tool or any
other form you can imagine. The arm cannot gain or
lose mass. For the arm to properly shift into a tool, you Arcana Exordium Tome
must be proficient at that tool’s use. Death Ark of Darkness
Forge Paragon’s Hand
The arm can shift to emulate any simple or martial
melee weapon, dealing damage appropriate to the Grave Lichbane
weapon. While it is emulating a two handed weapon, it Knowledge Inward Eye
is considered Versatile for you. Therefore, if you use
one hand instead of two to attack with it, the weapon’s Life Decanter of Life
damage die decrease by one dice category. Light Armor of St. Balcred
Nature Twig of the Primordial Tree
The arm grants you a bonus +1 to AC. When used for
unarmed strikes or as a weapon, you gain a +3 bonus Protection Os Garail
to attack and damage rolls made with it. Attacks made Tempest Cromdal, the Dragonbane
with it are considered magical, for the purpose of
overcoming the resistance and immunity of creatures to Trickery Trickster’s Visage
attacks and damage. In addition, you gain advantage on War Warlord’s Regalia
any Strength check that involves use of the arm.

Chapter V: Remnants Of Divinity

Chapter VI
Divine Avatars
Chapter VI: Divine Avatars
Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

nly the naive and truly determined would During that time, it becomes susceptible to harm by
dare invoke the wrath of a God. No other creatures, whether those creatures feature the
matter which trait better defines those Divine Reach trait or not.
who have managed to tread the path of
the Godslayer to its very end, they have Fatal Flaw
accomplished a feat that few mortals in
history have - to make a God fear them. The might and Impervious trait of an Avatar are not the
Now, one final obstacle lies ahead of them. The breaking only reasons it should be feared for. Each Avatar’s power
of the Seventh Seal of Eternity. is tethered to a source that grants it a most defining trait.
As long as that trait is active, the Avatar is more than
Breaking the Seventh Seal shall mark the vanquishing just a powerful creature. While attempting to destroy it,
of the divine being’s from the material plane and the the flow of the entire combat must revolve around that
alleviation of its grasp over it. It might even mean the trait as well as the means to negate it. By successfully
being’s demise, a true fall from divinity, according to doing so, the Avatar becomes weakened and thus more
how powerful the deity is and how many worlds its vulnerable in its own way. This is known as the Avatar’s
influence extends to. Failure shall not be kind though, to Fatal Flaw, and is detailed along with the description of
those who were so bold as to challenge its rule. each of those creatures.

Be warned that facing an Avatar without knowledge of

Vessels of Divine Power its Fatal Flaw would most likely mean the doom of the
adventurers, regardless of their power. As a DM, make
After all their efforts throughout the campaign, the deity sure that you have found a way to provide this crucial
is left with no option than to deal with its persistent foes information at some point earlier during the campaign,
once and for all. In order to do so, it summons all of its prior to their fight against the Avatar. You may do so in
influence over this material world in order to conjure any way you deem appropriate, whether by implying it
a true incarnation of its divine will. An Avatar, made for through riddles found in ancient scriptures, or simply
the sole purpose of purging the heretics. by stating it to the characters through the prophetic
words of a wise scholar. One of them may even receive
For a greater deity, the avatar embodies the Seventh an insightful vision or omen. This is a choice that lies
Seal itself. Destroying it would signify the breaking of entirely up to you, based on the story you want to tell.
the Seventh Seal and ending of the Godslayers’ journey,
leading to a series of different outcomes detailed during
the first chapter of this book. In the case of a lesser deity, Setting an Epic Battle
you may use one the creatures provided later in this
chapter in order to represent the manifestation of the There are two different ways in which the characters
deity itself, rather than an extension of its power. may choose to confront the Avatar. During the breaking
of the Sixth Seal of Arcana, they are bound to either use
The nature and traits of the following twelve Avatar a Wish or a Gate spell, which is ultimately going to lead
creatures are made in accordance to each of the Divine to the encounter.
Domains. Though very different to one another, they all
share two important, common characteristics. Using the Wish spell is bound to call forth the Avatar
upon the material plane. The characters will not have
Impervious to face it in its own domain, where more dangers might
loom for them. Such a plan still poses risks, since the
If you are running a Journey of the Godslayer campaign nature of the Wish spell can often lead to additional,
using the Seven Sacred Seals, add the Impervious trait unprecedented effects. You may handle this according
to every Avatar creature. This trait does not appear to your discretion as the DM. In addition, the characters
in the creatures’ statistics, to make their use more should also take into consideration the fact that, once
convenient for you in case you want to employ them the Avatar is allowed to enter their world, the damage it
outside this concept. may cause to it during their encounter could be beyond
their control.
The Impervious trait provides immunity to all damaging
and harmful effects, unless they are caused by creatures Should the characters choose to use the Gate spell
that have the Divine Reach trait. Having already broken instead, they will gain entry into their enemy deity’s
the Fourth Seal of Ascension, the adventurers must domain and seat of power. Defeating the Avatar there
either be in the possession of a divine artifact or a could prove a much more difficult task, but one that
divine blessing bestowed by another deity that grants would cause less collateral damage upon the material
them Divine Reach. Alternatively, they might be allied plane. In order to deal with this scenario as the
to another powerful creature with innate Divine Reach, DM, design a dungeon involving a series of foes and
such as a celestial or a fiend type, that is willing to aid obstacles set by the deity which the characters much
them during the fight. You may design such a creature overcome before facing the Avatar.
on your own or use a creature from the Monster
Manual, adding the Divine Reach trait to it. As soon Whether it takes place in their world or the Avatar’s own
as a creature with Divine Reach successfully hits an plane of existence, this final battle will mark the ending
Avatar with an attack, spell or harmful effect, the Avatar of their journey as Godslayers. Emerging victorious
loses all benefits provided by its Impervious trait for the would be a triumph against all odds, while defeat would
following 24 hours. mean a fate worse than death.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Arcana Domain
Aeteria, the Omnipotent
Those who meddle with the arts of the arcane know
well that they are using but a fraction of the raw
energy that fabricates the Weave of the cosmos, as
it unfurls to even the most remote corners of the
multiverse. To stand before Aeteria is to witness
a creature of extraordinary magnificence who
embodies those cosmic forces in the most raw and
cardinal way. She is part of the Weave in the same
manner that a beating heart is a part of the human
body, and an integral core of its complex system.
To meet her in battle is to face the very source of
magical energy, primal and unending, beyond any

Nexus of the Weave. Aeteria has been created

through a conjuction of the cosmic forces of the
Weave. A living nexus of coiling, raw magic energies,
her powers extend to anywhere that the Weave
itself reaches, even across worlds. Should she be
destroyed, the Weave’s fabrics shall be torn a severe
extent, causing a series of unprecedented and
precarious events. This may include the occurence
of wild magic phenomena on a global level and vast,
dead magic zones extending to a radius of many
miles around the point of her destruction, while no
one can guarentee that the damage caused upon the
Weave itself in this entire world can ever be repaired
or reversed.

Innate Arcana. Being fabricated by arcane

essences entirely, Aeteria is unbound by the
limitations that apply to mortal spellcasters. She
invokes her magic without need of components and
may cast multiple spells within such timely intervals,
that even the most powerful archmage cannot rival.
In addition, she is capable of dividing her conscious
mind and diverging her concentration into more
than one of her spells, thus upkeeping their magical
effects - a feat beyond mortal capability.

Fatal Flaw
Aeteria’s Fatal Flaw are abilities that combat magic
in general, such as counterpell and antimagic field.

Aeteria has many different openings to an encounter.

Most likely she will be already somewhat prepared,
having False Life (9th), Globe of Invulnerability (9th),
and Impregnable Shield active. One potent opening
uses Time Shatter with Shapechange in order to bait
a 9th level Counterspell and allow her to cast her
own next 9th level spell uninhibited. Since she gains
an extra turn, she may immediately use Terminal
Duplicity to summon an illusory dragon to be able
to cast spells immune to Counterspell. During the
fight she will use Eldritch Thaumaturgy to cast
offensive spells, while also summoning new bodies
to protect her. Finally, should a specific individual
pose a great threat an Absolute Domination casting
Dominate Person might completely turn the tables
on the party. Note that Aeteria can protect her spells
with Counterspell, even against other Counterspells.
She also prefers to stay out of range of enemy
Counterspells (60 feet).

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars
Death Domain
The Lichqueen Fatal Flaw
The foul stench of decay invades your nostrils, as the The Lichqueen’s Fatal Flaw can be exploited by
discordant sounds of hundreads of feet, stomping removing her from her throne.
upon the ground, is audible from afar. The dead are
marching upon the lands of the living. The Lichqueen The Lichqueen will do everything in her power to
sits solemnly upon her throne, channelling the gloomy stay on top of her regal symbol, using Counterspell
powers of the underworld into the mortal realm, frivolously to negate effects such as those of the
commanding her deadly forces to do her bidding with a Telekinisis or Gust of Wind spells.
snap of her fingers.
She is protected from physical attempts by the Horde
March of the Dead. Spreading like a plague, her itself. Overwhelm and They Will Not Escape can quickly
horde steadily increases in numbers, consuming any trap her opponents and rapidly devour them. Since each
creature unfortunate enough to find itself in its wake. of the Horde’s attacks hit every creature within range,
None shall escape, none shall be spared. You realize this, the Lichqueen will try to lure enemies inside the horde
as your eyes meet the Lichqueen’s sullen, morbid gaze. for a quick death, using taunts and Mass Suggestion.
Should the Horde become unable to Overwhelm she
Queen of the Damned. The symbol of the Lichqueen’s can Raise the Dead to push it above the threshold,
macabre authority is her very throne, carried over whereas any enemies that actually reach her can very
and defended by her undead thralls. She remains quickly be taken down by her Lichqueen’s Touch.
within their midst, watching the havoc they wreak with
entertainment, raising the carcasses of their victims as
her new servants and sometimes, even partaking in the
slaughter through use of her immense, arcane powers.
For behind the charade of royalty she likes to maintain,
lies nothing but a cruel schemer and ruthless tormentor.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars
Forge Domain
Nemetorius, The Adamant
The Ultimate Creation. Forged in the heart of a dying
The earth trembles as the colossus awakens. An star at the dawn of time and brought to life by the divine
enormous figure that reaches the clouds, faintly will of its master, Nemetorius is the perfect archetype of
resempling a humanoid, stirs on the horizon. Fueled by all constructs. Its impregnable, adamantium armor is
the essence of its creator, it marches steadily towards made to withstand any blow, as mere swords and blades
the goal it has been sent to fullfil - the eradication of its shatter on contact. The arcane infusions that animate
foes. It does not feel, nor it relents. Its thoughts are not its hulking body nullify and absorb any magical effect
of its own and no sentiment may find its place in a heart conjured by its foes, further fueling its stored energy. In
of moulded metal. addition, the magic that flows within Nemetorius allows
it to alter its armor’s substance in order to adapt and
Unstoppable March. Once a command has been overcome the machinations of any foe, to a point of even
given, the target’s destiny has been sealed. Nemetorius reforging its metal by heating it up or cooling it down.
shall never compromise until its task has been
accomplished. Once it has apprehended its foe, any Hulking Juggernaut. The amount of destruction
hope for escape is futile. For as long as it lives the delivered by such a creature can be unparalleled. Any
colossus shall never lose track of it, as it may sense its region it treads through is left in ruins, while a swing of
location even across the realms and planes of existence. its mighty maul is enough to sever mountains. In order
No mortal can fathom the unyielding determination to bring down such a formidable foe, wisdom must be
required to rival the effectiveness of such a creation. employed. A Godslayer must discern and exploit a flaw
Nor the expertise of its creator. in Nemetorius, while there is seemingly none.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Fatal Flaw
Nemetorius’ Fatal Flaw is its Arcane Overload, which extremely dangerous once enough charges have been
will disable its most important defenses. accumulated. Once Arcane Overload occurs Nemetorius
switches its strategy, focusing on the protection Temper
As soon as combat starts, Nemetorius will try to identify offers in order to continue functioning, until it finishes
casters, who can easily trigger its Arcane Overload with the fight.
cantrips. Anneal should be used to make quick work of
them, as Adaptable Armor negates the most common
weapons used by its enemies. Nullification Beam can
quickly shut down a caster’s attempts to escape or deter
its onslaught, while Arcane Discharge becomes

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Grave Domain
Denovir, the Inevitable
Clouds gather over the realm. The
Pale Rider approaches. You can
feel his presence from afar, in every
short breath you take and every faint
heartbeat that pounds within your
chest. There is no escaping this foe, nor
denying the shiver that permeates the
air in his presence. For your fate has
been sealed, the moment he was set
upon your trail.

Sorrowful Memories. To stand before

Denovir is to face your own inevitable
end, incarnate. As he swings his blade,
Remorse, echoes of your worst fears
and deepest regrets awaken, imposing
a burden upon your soul and draining
your will to live. Throughout the entire
battle, the Avatar of the Grave sets you
upon a course of accepting your fate
and coming to terms with it, before
showing you off to the other side. In
order to survive against such a foe,
mere combat prowess is not enough.
One must accomplish the unthinkable;
truly overcome their own fear of death
and denounce the mortality of their

Soul Shepherd. Denovir is more

than a punisher of heretics; he is a
shepherd of lost souls, a guide towards
the afterlife and the keeper of the veil
that seperates this world from the next.
Once Remorse has gripped over your
soul and you are treading the thin line
between life and death, his true powers
unravel. He calls upon your very core,
commanding your soul to relinquish
its hold over your body and accept the
natural continuity of every living being.

Mordius. Though Denovir chooses

to fight on foot, he arrives aback his
black warhorse; Mordius. The steed
flees the area as soon as Denovir
dismounts and prepares for combat,
but always remains nearby in case
its master summons it. This magical
mount is Denovir’s means of tracking
and hunting down his prey. It is capable
of perceiving any creature’s scent even
across worlds, and can planeshift itself
along with its rider from one plane of
existence to another. Still, apart from
these supernatural traits, Mordius is not
unlike any other warhorse. Its powers
derive solely from Denovir’s will. If
Mordius dies or is slain in combat, then
Denovir can turn any other non-magical
mount into Mordius by infusing it with
the same powers, in order to continue
the chase after his marked victims.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Fatal Flaw
Denovir’s Fatal Flaw is the destruction of his Soul
Charnels, since many abilities depend on them.

Denovir starts the fight making Remorse attacks to

summon as many Soul Charnels as he can. He will use
Judgement right before the beginning of his turn, in
order to activate them immediately, targeting weak of
body characters. This way he can use Inescapable Fate
and then paralyze them with Paralyzing Touch. Until at
least 2 Soul Charnels are up, he would not target the
same person with Remorse, despite having advantage.
Should the party try to ignore Soul Charnels, he will
try to summon more quickly in order to use Call of the
Chapter VI: Divine Avatars
Knowledge Domain
Vythrax, The Collector
Mind Devourer. As its foes are lost within the Twisting
Knowledge is power. It can be achieved through order, Corridors, Vythrax feasts upon their minds. It devours
or be born out of pure chaos. The path towards true their intellect and resolve, slowly turning them into
knowledge can be perilous beyond any other, as forlorn thoughtless vessels and thralls, absent of personality.
realities and woeful secrets lurk in the darkest corners Vythrax does this, not only because the intellect it drains
of the mortal comprehension. Things that are best left provides it with sustenance, but also because it relishes
forgotten. Long has the creature known as Vythrax in the horror it imposes upon its victims, toying with
been drifting through the Infinite Layers of the Abyss, them before ending their lives. Above all, Vythrax enjoys
dwelling on the borderline between sanity and madness. to demonstrate its supremacy over the lesser beings,
It now embodies the danger that lies on a quest towards as well as proving their mortal existences to be futile.
the unearthing of truths forsaken, the ultimate toll of Any creature that dies within its domain has its soul
knowledge and the severe penance for the mortal folly. embeded into a book, becoming a new addition to the
abhorrent library.
Twisting Corridors. As soon as the Godslayers face
Vythrax, they immediately enter a realm of its aberrant Downfall of Pride. Even a creature as terrifying as
mind. It is an extradimensional space, a demiplane that this, is not without a fatal flaw. Vythrax represents the
resembles a dark, labyrinthine library. This place holds incarnation of the punishment invoked by mortal vanity,
the vast, forbidden knowledge it has managed to collect but it is curiously enough an excessively prideful being
through the aeons, contained in monstrous books with itself. Its desire to demonstate its power often leads it
gaping mouths that speak in tongues. Its corridors to folly. This is evident by the fact that it willingly shows
constantly bend and twist according to Vythrax’s will, signs of its weaknesses to its enemies, in order to grant
causing those who find themselves trapped within it to them an advantage against it, merely to prove that any
lose any sense of orientation and hope of finding a way effort they make is going to be futile and vain. One may
out. Teleportation magic is rendered useless within its think that a creature of such potential has earned the
confines, as the only way to escape this prison is to slay right to be arrogant, but arrogance is well known to be
the monster that lurks inside, preying in the darkness. the downfall of the highest and the most mighty.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Fatal Flaw
Vythrax’s Fatal Flaw are its Shifting Vulnerabilities,
which if predicted correctly can shut down its hit-and-
run abilities.

Vythrax does not care much for naive mundane

creature that think they can oppose it. It will reveal its
vulnerabilities to give them a fighting chance, distracting
them at the same time from the fact they must first find
it, in order to harm it. With its Mind Drain it attacks
lesser minds and then uses Retreat to infuriate and
annoy them.

Should these lesser beings reliably harm Vythrax, it will

lead them on a wild goose chase trying to avoid them,
while Reduce Intellect finishes the job, since it harms
every trespasser inside the Library.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Life Domain
Vanwattar, Essence of Creation
A Gift, Denied. In some cases, creatures might muster
The skies open wide as warm pleasant light begins their willpower and refuse Vanwattar’s charity. Such
to wash over all of creation. The area’s colors turn beings will only find the phoenix to insist with worry,
to impossibly vibrant hues, living things flourish and trying to stay close to them and enchant their bodies
a summer breeze begins to blow from the east, as with fervor. It will do everything in its power to convince
everything is infused with life. Serenity and a sense of them to share in its magnificence, trying to avoid
content spreads throughout the land, while all creatures violence and forever unable to comprehend, that such
turn their heads towards the sky in silence, observing an care and nurture can actually harm them.
immense avian silhouette descending from the heavens.
This being of absolute magnificence is Vanwattar, the Plumes of Immortality. Nothing that is under the
Embodiment of Growth and Prosperity. Dressed in the shade of Vanwattar’s wings may die or be otherwise
shades of a new dawn, it mocks death and brings with harmed under any conditions. Beings that approach
it the gift of abundant life. A bounty perhaps too rich for the phoenix will find their skin resistant to harm and
the creatures of the material world. any wounds they would suffer, restored. The instinct
of Vanwattar to preserve life within its reach is so
Perilous Gift. The colorful phoenix gracefully shares immense, that even death cannot stop it. Instead, when
its gift of life with anything it encounters. Any creature it approaches its demise, a single plume sparks and
blessed by Vanwattar thrives, their life force reaching engulfs the phoenix in radiant flames, renewing it
impossible heights. This gift however is a curse in completely. As such the Manifestation of Vitality would
disguise for mortal beings. Such overabundance of life have to be defeated hundreds if not thousands of times
is dangerous and if left unchecked will result in death. to truly die, one for each plume. Only if it senses that
As the ever-increasing positive energy is unable to be its gift is not wanted in this world, and its restorative
contained, the vessel bursts in a macabre shower of powers consumed, might this beast be irrevocably
vitality, which in turn disperses to the surrounding area, banished.
promoting verdant growth.
Chapter VI: Divine Avatars
Fatal Flaw
Vanwattar’s Fatal Flaw is its inability to deal damage, Offering of Regeneration could prove especially strong
while characters can damage each other to combat its against enemies with high area of effect damage. Finally,
healing abilities. Bask in Splendor should be used to push the phoenix’s
enemies over the edge of Bursting with Vitality.
Vanwattar enters the fight with a Breath of Life, intent to
eliminate existing damage and share as many temporary
hit points as possible. It will use Fly Away to approach
enemies who have a high amount of temporary hit
points, in order to deter attempts of removing them and
keep Oath of Preservation active.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars
Light Domain Path Towards Freedom. The more Melthurion draws
near its own destruction, risking itself for the sake of
Melthurion, The Captive Light others, the closer it comes to earning the atonement it
so desires. The wounds it suffers fighting against the
Once upon a time, there was a magnificent creature enemies of the Gods cause its external shell and prison
born out of the purest sunlight. Virtuous like no other, to fracture, ultimately shattering and releasing its true,
the creature wanted to shed its beautiful light across the tormented form from its eternal bounds
multiverse, illuminating even its darkest, most forlorn
corners. It thought its excellence to know no bounds.
But as vanity burns brighter, virtue begins to fade. The
Fatal Flaw
Gods have punished the creature for its folly, captivating Melthurion’s Fatal Flaw is its susceptibility to magical
it into meteoric stone that shrouded its shining light, darkness.
bestowing the name Melthurion upon it - a word that
means Obscured in the Primordial speech. Melthurion’s magnificence, released from Cracks
Showing, is its main defense. As such during the first
Quest for Atonement. After its imprisonment, the rounds of combat it will focus on defeating opponents
Gods shot Melthurion across the worlds, setting it immune to blindness, while trying to move out of areas
on a journey of penance through the various planes of magical darkness. Once it reaches below half hit
of existence. In order for it to finally be free, it had to points, Melthurion becomes incredibly dangerous. With
know humility and understand that no being’s value immense damage from Illuminate Hands and Searing
within the Gods’ great creation is above another’s. Thus, Flash it will try to quickly finish its enemies. Repel
Melthurion now travels alone, its light but a frail sparkle Darkness should be used to clear all magical darkness
amidst a boundless sea of darkness. Alone in its own sources and allow it to take advantage of its radiant
mind, it longs for the moment that it may finally atone abilities.
itself and earn its freedom.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Essence of the Wilds. Bandur embodies the true spirit
Nature Domain of nature, taking form by its own will to defend itself
against those who would see it plagued and destroyed.
Bandur, Warden of the Wilds It usually assumes the form of a plant-like, gigantic wolf
that can nimbly shift into tree and emerge from another,
The ground tremors violently as roots and trees begin
erect from the earth like a root and stampede the ground
to sprout from it, cracking the earth open and engulfing
with the might of a thousand horses. As it exhales, it
the terrain. Within only a few hours, what used to be a
breathes out vines, leaves as well as a species of the
village, a town, or even a barren land devoid of plantation
most venomous insects that can be found in the entire
has turned into a lush, primeval forest with huge, ancient
kingdom of nature.
trees that extends in a radius of many miles. Somewhere
within this sacred forest, gracefuly winding through the
Unseen Stalker. As a lone wolf without a pack, Bandur
woods like a shadow, lies the apex predator - nature’s
is a patient predator. Wise enough not to overestimate its
most fearsome warden and the incarnation of its wrath.
prowess and invisible while prowling within its forest, it
Bandur, the Primordial Wolf is longing for a hunt. As
observes and stalks its prey for as long as it takes until
soon as you step into its domain, there is no place to run
the most opportune moment to strike arises. It then
or hide - for it is now onto your scent.
attempts to snatch away the weak and the wounded in
order to thin the enemies’ numbers, retreating to safety
Symbiotic Relationship. Bandur’s existence is
to regenerate and replenish its strength. While Bandur
connected to the forest in which it dwells. Its tail, formed
can appear and disappear from sight becoming nearly
by roots, twigs and branches is tethered to the earth,
imperceivable, it can always locate the scent of its prey
sprouting anew and rebranching rapidly as it moves.
through its keen senses. It knows that by pressing this
This lifegiving tether sustains and allows Bandur to
advantage, every dark corner and every lingering shadow
regenerate from any wound. At the same time, if Bandur
of the forest is bound to turn ominous, invoking a feeling
is destroyed, the forest is bound to wither away and decay
of looming threat to the minds of its foes, slowly draining
into a gruesome blight, devoid of life.
them down and causing their courage to waver.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Fatal Flaw
Bandur’s weakness and Fatal Flaw lies in its tether
to the forest. Should the Godslayers destroy it, the
creature can no longer regenerate from its wounds. This
may be accomplished by employing spells and abilities
that cause fire and necrotic damage.

Bandur starts the fight ambushing the most frail

opponent with its invisibility. The spores are then
used to trigger explosions if creatures are close to one
another or to paralyze wielders of fire and necrotic
effects. Wrath of Nature should be used often since
it can easily be recharged once the tether is broken.
Should at any time Bandur find itself seriously hurt, it
will use Rootwalker or Mask of the Forest to hide and
regenerate its depleted hit points.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Protection Domain
Aoden, Guardian of the Meek
Few beings in the universe can rival the magnificence Heavenly Armaments. As she heads into battle, the
and excellence of the celestial. Hailing from the various mere sight of Aoden’s legendary weapons strike fear in
realms where the deities dwell, these advocates the hearts of her enemies. Her long staff, Naan’felyar,
of divine will act swiftly to safeguard the faith and has the frozen tear of a Goddess prefixed on its head
eradicate its foes. Though the origins of such a creature and has been thrusted upon the black hearts of many
can often be unclear, many tales and religious codices unspoken horrors in the past. Her shield, forged upon
glorify the name of Saint Aoden, the Benevolent. A the heat of a blazing sun’s surface, may withstand any
woman who fought bravely and gave her life in self blow. It shields her from harm, physical and magical
sacrifice for the good of the common folk, and was alike, as it reflects any spellcraft or sorcery back to those
rewarded in the afterlife by ascending to a place besides who cast it against her. She wields these weapons
the Gods themselves. Now, more powerful than ever, she with great expertise as well as intent, as she strives to
eagerly responds to the voice of the suffering, putting continue proving herself worthy of bearing them.
them under her wing and shielding them from harm,
while bestowing heavenly judgement upon those who
seek to oppress them.
Fatal Flaw
Aoden’s Fatal Flaw is the White Dove she protects.
The White Dove. Nested upon Saint Aoden’s shoulder
and a faithful companion to her journeys, is always
Aoden’s foremost priority is protecting the White Dove.
a white dove. For her, this dove stands as a symbol of
She will take advantage of the extra reactions granted
harmony. It helps her find balance within her mind, as
by Reactive, in order to raise the White Dove’s AC with
it represents the peace and justice that she so selflessly
Beneath My Wing, and then shield it with All Harm
fights for. In addition, it acts as a constant reminder that
Undone and Stand Behind Me from spells. She will
her true power unravels only when she fights on behalf
also use her offensive abilities in order to defend the
of others. She would do all in her power to protect
White Dove, trying to keep multiple targets stunned
the white dove, as the grief that would befall her in its
with Naan’felyar and, should that fail, remove them from
demise would utterly break her confidence and shatter
close quarters with Celestial Wrath.
her willpower.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars
Tempest Domain
Gormag, Calamity Incarnate
Nothing rivals the devastation and havoc wreaked upon The phenomenon’s effects may continue rampantly
the land by Gormag, Who Swallows Mountains. It is the throughout their entire fight against Gormag, coming to
Elderwyrm, the Destroyer of Worlds, the incarnation of a halt as soon as they manage to ultimately defeat it.
the wrath delivered by the Gods of the Tempest. Forged
by flames or smiten by thunderbolts, the calamity that Reborn Through Chaos. As the wrath of the elements
precedes its appearence matches the elemental wrath runs rampant in Gormag’s presence, the creature
of the deity that has unleashed it upon the world. It may grows yet stronger. This connection takes the form of a
descend from a turbulent storm, spat out from a raging cataclysmic storm that extends around the gargantuan
volcano or riding an enormous tidal wave that sweeps wyrm. Through this storm, Gormag commands the
across the land. elements into awakening, intensifies their effects and at
a time of great need, concentrates their power in order
Herald of the End Times. Gormag’s nature is dubious, to replenish its strength.
for nothing and no one has witnessed its wake and
survived to tell the tale. Some sagas have it slumbering
deep inside the bowels of the earth, at the core of the Fatal Flaw
world. Commanded by a God of Fire, its awakening
causes violent tremors that crack the surface world Gormag’s Fatal Flaw are wind effects that diminish its
open. Then, the gargantuan wyrm emerges from below, Cataclysmic Storm.
breathing flames that threaten to turn everything to
cinder and ash. Other tales picture it descending from Gormag uses its immense strength and enormous
the skies amongst raging thunderclouds, or springing size to fight opponents, instead of tactics. It will cast
up from a maelstrom in the open ocean. In any case, Upheaval whenever it can and try to finish off its
various cultures from across the world, the people opponents with its two Strikes. Push can be used to
of which may have never even interacted with one utilize the difficult terrain created during Annihilating
another, speak of the end times; Namely as the Dusk of Entry and Elemental Burst may target flying foes
Everything, assumed to be brought by a gigantic snake or concentrating spellcasters. Finally, should it be
that wreaks elemental havoc. approaching the point of Calamity Unleashed, it will try
to Gather the Storm before that occurs, in order to get
Foregoing Disaster. Once summoned upon the the full effect of the reaction.
material world, a natural disaster always precedes
Gormag’s appearence. Depending on the elemental
affinity of the deity that commands it, the disastrous
phenomenon may vary from a volcanic eruption to a
violent thunderstorm, a furious earthquake or a tidal
wave. This disaster occurs at the nearest sensible
location, originating from the point that the Godslayers
have summoned the avatar of the Tempest.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars
Trickery Domain
Rahab, The Living Lie
There is no feeling more sinister, more eerie than
the feeling of being constantly watched. That a dagger
will appear from the darkness over your shoulder. The
treacherous schemes of an unseen terror. A throat being
silently slit, and the moment of realization, the dagger
lying in your blood stained hands. How can such a thing
be possible?

Orchestrator of Lies. A shadow is on the move, but

has never been seen. Thoughout history, empires
have fallen by a knife in the dark, by the mischief of
a deceived individual, by a well staged betrayal. A
brazen deception can even breach the trust of the most
faithful and loyal. Even priests blessed by the truest of
visions cannot differentiate the perfidiousness seeded
among them by Rahab the Visage of Inner Daemons.
Always restless and on the move, Rahab feeds from the
precariousness of mortals. Their fragile and indecisive
nature compels it to spread chaos and uncertainty
among their mortal minds. The acceptance of such a
creature’s existence stands incomprehensible and its
true form is even more nightmarish.

Shadow Puppetry. Due to the nature of the creature,

the confusion Rahab can create in one’s mind touches
the limits of paranoia. With his lies he can infiltrate
the cognitive truth of a creature’s senses and suggest
the most peculiar things. Rahab can find the smallest
frailness of belief and crack it open, leaving its victims
pondering upon whether everything they have ever
experienced or thought has been a lie. During their final
moments, one can only distinguish confusion
and lostness in their eyes, as they find
themselves betrayed by their own shadows.

Fatal Flaw
Rahab’s fake Fatal Flaw is looking away from
the Idol of Lies’ gaze attacks. Its real Fatal Flaw
is revealed during the fight, when the Avatar of
Trickery begins to hide within the characters’

Rahab is an encounter based on tricking

the players and creating a general sense of
confusion regarding what is real and what is
not. Gaze of Existential Turmoil should be used
to not only gain an ally, but someone who would
reveal himself as a fake Avatar of Trickery and
draw fire. At the same time Gaze of Demise’s
effect is not obvious and unless checked with a
Wisdom (Medicine) or Charisma (Perception)
check, the target could easily be mistaken for

During the second part of the fight, it is

important to note that Umbral Escape is an
optional reaction and after the first few times,
should not be used in order to further confuse
the characters into attacking their own.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars
War Domain
Legil’Gan, Lord of War
The drums of war echo from forgotten battlefields. Cries
of men and women who have bled and fought upon
these grounds resound through time and space. Their
voices are distant, yet demanding of remembrance. As
their deeds awaken and the chorus of savagery reaches
its pinnacle, he appears through the mists. Legil’Gan, a
hulking, glorious titan among mortals is marching into
war. As he halts and bashes his spear against his shield,
the visages of the fallen warriors fade and their voices
are commanded into silence. His vigorous gaze narrows
down upon you, his grip upon his spear tightens. Before
you, stands the absolute warrior - the true image of
martial perfection. The Victor of a Thousand Battles is
here for one purpose alone, and that is to destroy you.

Exalted Fields. Once summoned by the Godslayers,

Legil’Gan appears at the location of the most glorious
battlefield of their time. As he treads upon those once
bloodied soils, he invokes the spirits of the fallen
warriors to momentarily appear before the Godslayers’
eyes, clashing against each other and reenacting the
battle that took place there. This is a commemoration of
honor and an interlude of the battle about to commence
upon these sacred fields.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Empowered Through Conflict. With every wound and Fatal Flaw
every blow sustained upon the field of battle, Legil’Gan’s
power grows stronger. The pain he suffers ignites his Legil’Gan’s Fatal Flaw lies in targetting him with few,
fury and steels his determination, further fueling the war. but potent attacks, in order starve him from gaining
As his enemies employ everything they’ve got in their additional legendary actions.
arsenal in order to bring him down to his heels, the Lord
of War remains unyielding, lashing out with increasingly Legil’Gan starts the fight with a booming Eternal
honed reflexes, reaping through their ranks like a Challenger in order to disallow his opponents’
harvester. Such is the nature of war; it may be either communication and enable Rekindling War.
ended swiftly through tactical and decisive maneuvers Alternatively he may immediately ambush any ranged
or be prolonged by heedless choices, causing yet more combatants, since Aggressive allows him to close any
devastating effects. gap freely.

Grand Conqueror. Legil’Gan’s weapon technique Fueling the War changes how Legendary Actions are
is unparalleled. His tactical mind is keen. His senses, often used and should most likely be discharged when
as sharp as the tip of his spear. Lethal strikes turn to 5 to 7 actions are accumulated. A well-placed Blood of
scrapes with a flourish, as he calculates his next move. Heroes can execute opponents, but the risks to using
Even after succumbing to fury, the Lord of War refuses it are high, since Consumed by Fury might be forced
to accept defeat and will keep on fighting, until no foe is to activate first. Note that Consumed by Fury grants
left standing upon the bloodied field. Legil’Gan new charges since he takes damage from it.

Chapter VI: Divine Avatars

Chapter VII
The Enlightened Ones

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Chapter VII:

The Enlightened Ones Inspired by the Gods
ome among a Gods followers are so instilled Apart from the world’s view of them, the truth behind
with faith that it resonates through them. each enlightened character may vary greatly. They differ
Their motivation sources from it, as it is an from one another, as some may be truly touched by
inseparable part of themselves. Others are the Gods, destined to serve a particular purpose, while
blessed by the Gods and though oblivious of others may have gained their extraordinary abilities
that fact, they exhibit unique skills and even through coincidental factors that are somehow aligned
supernatural abilities because of it. Whether with a particular deity’s divine domain.
committed devotees or simply gifted for reasons only
known by the Gods themselves, these characters have Whether as a DM or as a player character, you may
been touched by divinity and been granted powers that weave a great destiny determined by the Gods for
few others possess. The bestowal of these gifts is known such an individual and a role which they are fated for,
by the faithful as an epiphany, or an enlightening. or simply a story of the endeavors made by one who
merely seeks to understand who they are and where
do their gifts truly come from. Lastly, you can always
Parts of a Greater Whole create a character with an Enlightened subclass and
not deal with matters of faith at all, depending on where
Though the characters who have been blessed by an they were born and raised, as well as how religious their
epiphany are often not religious themselves, they are upbringing was.
most commonly treated with respect by the followers
of the God or Goddess whom they presume to have
bestowed their unique powers upon them. They often The Fate of Those Enlightened
become symbols of the faith, willingly or not, as many
among them find themselves being chased after by Choosing to play a character with an enlightened
the great expectations of religious folk. Nevertheless, subclass does not require you to include the concepts
characters who realize the origin of their abilities tend of religion and spirituality in their background or
to experience a desire for discovering why they have personality. While you may decide to represent a true
been chosen by a deity in this way, as well as to what advocate of faith, you may also choose to be oblivious
end. regarding the origins of your powers. You may even
choose to be in denial due to your discordance with the
Below follows a list of each subclass according to the teachings of the faith that your powers are considered to
respective divine domain which it derives from. be connected to.

Some among the Enlightened subclasses are more in

Arcana Warlock Patron Arcanum tandem with religious practices than others, such as
Death Druid Circle of Blood the Druidic Circle of Blood. Others, like the Barbarian’s
Path of the Deathsworn, derive from tradition and tribal
Forge Paladin Oath of Inheritance customs. There are subclasses, such as the Wildlander
Grave Barbarian Path of the Deathsworn Rogue, that have nothing to do with cultural orientation
and can be merely treated as a set of rare, supernatural
Knowledge Monk Way of the Chronicler
Life Artificer Restoration Specialist
Light Sorcerer Luminomancy Origin Along with every subclass detailed in this chapter, you
shall find a brief description that provides general
Nature Rogue Wildlander lore regarding its origins and place in the world. Upon
Protection Fighter Bastion creating an Enlightened character, feel free to draw
inspiration from that lore to better integrate them in the
Tempest Ranger Nomad of the North
world of your campaign, or customize it as you see fit, in
Trickery Wizard School of the Fool order to suit the needs of the setting and the story you
War Bard College of Rhapsody want to tell.

Now, I grow wings and rage.

And my rage shall waste the heavens.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Arcana Domain: Warlock Lore of the Magi
The Patron Arcanum

At 1st level, your patron grants you access to a cantrip
from the Wizard’s spell list. During a long rest you can
or those daring enough to deal with the change the cantrip you have access to with another
arts of the arcane, the hunger for cantrip from the Wizard’s spell list. Additionally, once
knowledge often knows no bounds. per short rest before making an Intelligence (Arcana)
Beings who have dedicated their lives check, you may tap into the supernatural insight of your
into revealing the mysteries of the patron and gain advantage on your roll.
cosmos or seeing a particular aspiration
fulfilled have managed to ascend into Arcane Infusion
something beyond mortal potential. Though immortal
by nature or made this way through their own magical Starting at 6th level, whenever a spell that is not a
prowess, these creatures of immense power have one cantrip is cast on a target that is within 30 feet of you,
fear yet; meeting an inevitable end, before seeing their you can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check, the DC of
goals accomplished. This is why some among them which equals to 10 + the level of the spell. On a success,
seek a paragon, one that will continue their research you may use your reaction to absorb a portion of its
and realize their plans even after they are gone. They magical energy, become infused with it and recreate it
infuse this paragon with their own power and grant into certain effects. Depending on the school of magic
them abilities capable of interacting with the essence the absorbed spell belongs into and its spell level, the
of the Weave itself. Patrons powerful enough to form infusions created are described below. Each infusion
such a pact with a mortal are legendary Wizards, Liches lasts for the duration of a minute, unless otherwise
or even ancient Dragons with inherent magic in their stated in its description. You can create as many arcane
bloodline. infusions as your proficiency bonus, before completing
a long rest.

Expanded Spell List Abjuration. A translucent, spherical barrier forms

around you. The barrier grants you a number of
The Patrol Arcanum lets you choose from an expanded temporary hit points equal to 3 for every level of the
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The absorbed spell.
following spells are added to the warlock spell list for
you. Conjuration. You summon a number of imps equal to
the level of the absorbed spell halved (rounded down)
Spell Level Spells in an unoccupied space within 15 feet of you. The imps
share the same initiative as you and can be commanded
1st Detect Magic, Magic Missile as a bonus action.
2nd Nystul’s Magic Aura, Silence
Divination. You may add 1d4 to an attack or saving
3rd Blink, Haste
throw you make within the next minute. You may do so
4th Arcane Eye, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere as many times as the level of the absorbed spell.
5th Telekinesis, Wall of Force
Enchantment. On a failed saving throw against a spell
or magical effect that would cause you to become
charmed or frightened, you may choose to succeed
instead. You may do so a number of times equal to the
level of the absorbed spell.

Evocation. The next time you roll to determine the

damage caused by a targeted spell that belongs to the
school of Evocation, you may reroll a number of damage
dice equal to the level of the absorbed spell and keep the
highest result.

Illusion. You gain the effects of the Invisibility spell

for up to a number of rounds equal to the level of the
absorbed spell.

Necromancy. Upon casting a single target spell and

dealing damage, you regain a number of hit points equal
to half the damage dealt by the spell. This additional
effect occurs for a number of spells equal to the level of
the absorbed spell.

Transmutation.You gain one of the following benefits for

as many rounds as the level of the absorbed spell:

• You gain flying speed equal to your walking speed.

• Your unarmed strikes deal damage equal to 1d10 +
your spellcasting ability modifier.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Magic Devourer Dominus Arcanum
At 10th level, you become capable of discerning magical At 14th level, you become a true conduit for the essence
auras in your vicinity and locate the sources that emit of the Weave. A master in manipulating the arcane arts,
them. You sense the presence of magic within 15 feet upon using your Arcane Infusion, you may now spend
of you, as well as whether a creature is capable of an additional use in order to produce any desired effect
spellcasting or not. You can sense magic behind most regardless of the school of magic which the absorbed
barriers, but not from sources blocked by 1 foot of stone, spell belongs into.
1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of
wood or dirt.

Once per short rest, upon being targeted by a spell or

magical effect that requires you to make a saving throw,
you can spend your reaction to gain advantage on your
roll. On a successful save, you devour part of the spell’s
magical essence and regain 1 spell slot.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Death Domain: Druid
Circle of Blood

atural environments have endless
variations and capabilities and so do
those who meddle with their forces.
Death Druids master the secrets
of the darkest corners of the wild,
able to draw power from carcasses
of beasts and summon the spirits
that dwell within them. They learn how to channel the
essence of the dead, draw their blood and create sacred
talismans out of their remains in order to assimilate
the most defining traits those creatures featured in life,
equipping themselves with whatever power is necessary
to withstand the dangers that come in their way.

Spiritual Possession
Upon choosing this circle at 2nd level, you learn of how
to summon the spirits of beasts to inhabit your own
body, granting you certain benefits for as long as they
dwell. Each possession can be summoned as an action
and lasts for the duration of one minute.

You may become possessed while you are in a Wild

Shape form. Additionally, you can talk to animals and
understand them as long as you are possessed. Once
you’ve become possessed, you cannot be possessed
again until completing a short rest.

Bear Spirit: Your Constitution score increases

by 2. You grow 1 size larger. Your weight is multiplied by
8. You have advantage in Strength checks. If you grapple
a creature, the creature becomes restrained. If you move
towards an enemy, you can use Dash as a bonus action.

Serpent Spirit: Your Dexterity score increases

by2. You have advantage on Dexterity checks. Your
melee weapon reach increases by 5 feet. Your unarmed
strikes deal an extra 1d6 poison damage. This damage
increases by 1d6 each time your proficiency bonus

Wolf Spirit: Your Strength increases by 2. You

cannot be surprised. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Suvival) checks made to track a creature. You have
120 feet darkvision. When you attack creatures whose
current hit points are lower than their maximum hit
points score with a weapon attack, you deal an extra
1d8 points of weapon damage. This damage increases
by 1d8 each time your proficiency bonus increases.

Stag Spirit: Your speed increases by 10

feet. You can jump up to your walking speed without
a running start. Difficult terrain does not affect your
movement. You have advantage on Dexterity saving
throws and Concentration checks. When you move away
from a hostile creature, you can take the Dash action as
a bonus action.

Butterfly Spirit: Your AC increases by 2. You

can take the Dodge action as a bonus action. Your
movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Macabre Forms Giant You become one size larger. Your attacks
deal an extra 1d4 weapon damage. Your
The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform carrying capacity doubles and your
into creatures of the undead type as well. Starting at weight increases by eight times.
2nd level, you can use your Wild Shape to assume the
form of an undead creature that you have seen before. Humanoid You understand, speak and write a
The undead creature’s challenge rating may not exceed language that the creature knew in life.
the limitations applied to your beast forms, according to Once per long rest and as an action,
the Beast Shapes table. you can assume the appearance of the
creature this talisman was created from
Talismans of Decay for the duration of 1 hour.
Monstrosity You cannot speak and write but you can
At 6th level, you have learned to create talismans out understand the languages you already
of dead creatures. During a short rest, you can create know. As a bonus action on your turns,
1 talisman of your choice. Depending on the type of you can make an extra attack.
creature that you made the talisman from, consult the
Ooze Your body becomes capable of absorbing
Talisman Table to see what benefits a creature wearing
an object that weights no more than
a talisman gets. A creature can only wear one talisman
1 pound, storing it underneath your
at a time. You can have a number of active talismans
skin. You must use an action to store or
equal to your proficiency bonus. If you create more
withdraw an item in this manner.
talismans, the oldest talisman you have created loses
its magical properties. All talismans are considered Plant You are vulnerable to fire damage. When
magical items and require attunement. you receive healing, you receive 1 extra
die of healing from whatever source has
caused you to restore hit points.
Talisman Effect
Undead You can use Undead Fortitude once per
Aberration You gain a +1 to your Intelligence score
(to a maximum of 20). Additionally, you
have advantage on Intelligence saving
All Must Serve The Cycle
Beast You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns,
or a different natural weapon of your At level 10, when a creature that is wearing a Talisman
choice. Your unarmed strikes deal of Decay made by you is reduced to 0 hit points within
1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to possess its
damage, as appropriate to the natural body. You assume total control over the creature and
weapon you chose. can issue mental commands to it, having access to its
Celestial You have a pool of healing power that available traits and abilities. The possessed creature
replenishes when you take a long rest. acts according to your commands, right before your turn
As an action using that pool, you can in the initiative count. Unless commanded by you, the
restore a total number of hit points equal possessed creature simply stands motionless. During
to your druid level to a creature within this process, the possessed creature is considered Dying
your reach. In addition, you cannot enter and must make Death saving throws normally. As soon
temples dedicated to fiendish deities. as it regains any hit points, your control over it ends. You
can use this feature once per short rest.
Construct Your AC increases by 1. Once per long
rest, on a failed saving throw against a
spell or magical effect that would cause
Desecrated Edges
you to become charmed or frightened,
At 14th level, you can desecrate a weapon or 10 pieces
you may choose to succeed instead.
of ammunition with your blood. The process takes 10
Dragon You gain resistance to the type of damage minutes and at the end of the process you suffer 1d6,
the dragon’s breath dealt. Additionally, 1d8, 1d10 or 1d12 necrotic damage (which cannot be
you grow scales that increase your AC reduced in any way).
by 1.
Elemental You gain resistance to 1 type of damage. Your maximum hit points are reduced by the same
Choose the type of damage you are amount until you finish a long rest. The weapon deals
resistant to from the immunities the an extra weapon damage dice equal to the damage dice
elemental creature had. you used to damage yourself, until you complete a long
Fey You have advantage on your saves against
Charm and Frightening effects.
Fiend You understand, speak and write Abyssal.
In addition, you cannot enter temples
dedicated to celestial deities and can use
the Hellish Rebuke spell as a 2nd-level
spell once before completing a long rest.
Forge Domain: Paladin
Oath of Inheritance

Tenets of Inheritance
aith can be an abstract concept but The tenets of the Oath of Inheritance vary by paladin
forever remains the common element based on the history and aspirations of their inherited
among Paladins. It is the compass that relic, but always revolve around attaining its sacred
directs them to their cause and its form purpose.
may vary from a God, to a king or even
to a symbol of a greater ideal. A Paladin Ancestral Duty. I shall honor the values of this Relic
who takes the Oath of Inheritance and embrace its quest as my own.
pledges their life to a relic weapon that hosts a spirit or
a type of sentient force within. By doing so, they inherit A Forger’s Legacy. I shall not falter in the face of fear
a duty to abide by its ideals, honor its history, follow its and redeem the aspirations of this relic’s predecessors.
guidance and wield it with grace towards seeing the
purpose for which it has been forged or the unfinished The Past Demands Salvation. I shall succeed where
business of its previous wielder ultimately fullfiled. others have failed in my stead, for I know their spirits
Whether an ancient artifact of olden times or a family are watching over me.
heirloom, weapon and wielder become bound to one
another and venture together towards unraveling their Duty Above Thyself. Until the day my quest is through,
mutual destiny. duty shall precede my own desires.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Oath Spells Channel Divinity
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below. When you take this oath at 3rd level, you can use
a bonus action on your turn to cause the spirit that
Paladin Level Spells lies dormant within your Relic weapon to stir into
awakening. You gain the following two Channel Divinity
3rd Divine Favor, Identify options.
5th Enhance Ability, Spiritual Weapon
Weapon of Legacy. For the next minute, when
9th Dispel Magic, Spirit Guardians
you deal radiant damage to a creature, that creature
13th Guardian of Faith, Stoneskin must succeed on a Charisma saving throw of DC 8 +
17th Circle of Power, Legend Lore your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier or be
blinded until the start of its next turn.

Oath of Inheritance Armor of Legacy. For the next minute, when a

creature damages you with a melee weapon attack, the
Starting at level 3, a melee weapon that you are creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw of
proficient with and is in your possession awakens DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
with sentience by the spirit of its Predecessor. The blinded until the end of its turn.
Predecessor is the spirit of the weapon’s creator or
previous owner, which for some reason became imbued
with it. Through your oath to see their aspirations met, Aura of Exploding Radiance
weapon and spirit become bound to you as your Relic.
Also at 7th level, you emanate an aura while you’re not
The Relic can see and hear up to 30 feet around it but incapacitated. The aura extends 10 feet from you in
can only communicate with you telepathically. While every direction but not through total cover.
wielding the Relic you cannot be disarmed. You can
summon the Relic out of thin air as a bonus action and Once per turn, when you deal radiant damage to a single
dismiss it as an action. As part of a long rest, you can target, up to a number of creatures equal to half your
transfer the soul of your Predecessor to another weapon, proficiency bonus of your choice within the aura (other
along with the powers they provide. than your primary target) must make a Charisma saving
throw or suffer half of the radiant damage you dealt. At
The Relic’s personality and powers depend on the 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Predecessor’s spirit that inhabits it. You may choose the
spirit’s alignment, backstory and goals, or leave them to Aid of a Legendary Warrior
the DM’s discretion.
Starting at level 15, as a reaction, you can summon the
spirit of the Predecessor that resides within your Relic
Alignment Powers weapon to your side until the start of your next turn.
Lawful Whenever you are taking a long rest, For the duration of this effect, when a creature makes
the sword casts the spell alarm on a weapon or spell attack against you, it does so with
itself without expending a spell slot. disadvantage as the spirit of the Predecessor attempts
When you make a melee weapon attack to parry and deflect it. You can use this ability as many
with this weapon, roll a d100. If you times as your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) before
roll equal to your Paladin level + your completing a long rest.
Charisma modifier or lower, you can
infuse the attack with a level 1 divine Additionally, every time you roll a critical hit with a
smite without expending a spell slot. melee weapon attack, the spirit of the Predecessor
attacks as well, dealing an extra weapon die damage.
Neutral You can cast the spell healing word If you are knocked unconscious, the soul of the
once per long rest without expending Predecessor persists.
a spell slot. Whenever a creature is
attacked within your reach, you can Champion of Legacy
use a reaction to add a +3 to their AC
until the end of the attacker’s turn. At 20th level, the Aid of a Legendary Warrior lasts for
Chaotic Whenever an ally that you can see one minute whenever it is activated. Furthermore, when
takes damage, you can use your you miss a weapon attack with your Relic weapon and
reaction to move up to half of your the Aid of a Legendary Warrior is active, the spirit of
speed towards them. If at the end of the Predecessor attacks, seeing an opening. You can
this movement they are within reach, use your bonus action to cast divine smite and deal the
you can use lay on hands on them. damage rolled normally but you do not deal weapon
damage since the initial attack has missed.

In addition, when an unconscious ally is within your

Aura of Exploding Radiance, the Aid of the Legendary
Warrior protects them as well.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Grave Domain: Barbarian Soul Shatter

Path of the Deathsworn Starting at 14th level, you become able to peer into the
realm of the Ethereal and discern the reverberations of
very culture has its own heroes. For spiritual energy that every living creature has. Instead of
the barbaric tribes that have attacking your enemies’ physical body directly, you can
been imperiled by acts of vile draw out and attack their spiritual form instead.
necromancers in the past, those
heroes are the Deathsworn. By After successfully hitting a creature with an attack but
becoming Deathsworn, the mightiest before rolling for damage, you may choose to target
warriors among the savage clan take the creature’s spiritual form. The form has a number of
a sacred vow before the eyes of Gods and kinsmen hit points equal to one fourth of the creature’s total hit
alike; to face their own death valiantly, and to hunt down points. Destroying its spiritual form causes the creature
the undead and those that command them. Having to take psychic damage equal to the hit points of its
already sworn their lives to the service of their Gods and spiritual form. The damage caused by this effect cannot
tribe, these warriors become truly fearless. Unyielding be prevented by any means, such as by resistance or
protectors of ancient burial mounds, their wrath immunity to Psychic damage.
descends upon those that would dare defile them, as
one fated day, they seek to earn their own resting place In addition, the creature must succeed a Wisdom saving
among their legendary ancestors of the old. throw of 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency
bonus or become cursed by you. The curse you bestow
The Dead and the Dying upon the creature may cause either one of the following
effects, which last for the duration of one minute.
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can
cast the spell speak with dead without expending a spell • Any healing effect received by the creature, including
slot as a ritual. Additionally, whenever you are raging regeneration, is reduced by half its normal amount.
and a creature drops to 0 hit points within 30 feet of
you, your rage damage increases by 1 up to a number of • The creature gains disadvantage on its Intelligence,
times equal to your proficiency bonus. This bonus is lost Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
on you as soon as your rage ends.
• The creature becomes incapacitated. At the end of
Howl of the Damned each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom
saving throw. On a success, the effect ends on the
Starting at 3rd level, upon reducing a creature to 0 target.
hit points, you may spend a bonus action to release a
bellowing howl, causing all enemies within 30 feet of If killed while cursed in this manner, the creature
the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw of DC 8 cannot ever become resurrected, animated or have its
+ your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. On soul interacted with by any means other than the effects
a failed save, they become frightened of you for the of the True Resurrection and Wish spells.
duration of a minute. Each affected creature may repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, in order
to end the effect. On a successful save, it becomes
immune to this effect for the following 24 hours.

Unyielding Conviction
Starting at 6th level, whenever you or an ally makes a
Death saving throw within 30 feet of you, they may do
so with advantage. Once per long rest, upon succeeding
on a Death saving throw, you can choose to regain 1 hit

Sealed Fate
At 10th level, while you are raging, you gain the
following benefit:.

• When you attack a creature that is frightened, you

may do so with advantage.

• Whenever you miss an attack against a creature,

your critical range against that creature increases
by 1, adding up. The critical range returns to normal
as soon as you successfully land a critical hit on the
creature or attack a different target.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Knowledge Domain: Monk • Religion. Whenever you score a critical hit on an
attack roll against a creature, you regain 1 expended
Way of the Chronicler

ki point. Additionally, whenever you expend a ki point,
you add your Wisdom modifier on your next damage
part from religious practices, several roll.
monastic orders are on a mission of
collecting and preserving the vast Instinctive Knowledge
knowledge of the world. Inside their
monasteries, monks, scholars and sages Beginning at level 11, you can use your reaction to gain
translate, copy and archive books from information about your opponents and then use it to
all over the world, so that the words of your benefit.
wisdom will endure the passing of time and be passed
onto the next generations. Throughout history, places • When a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see
such as these have often been targeted by ill-intented makes a weapon attack against you, you can use your
parties, who aspired to use their contents to their reaction to expend a ki point and replace your AC with
own advantage or worse, destroy them. Due to this, a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check until the start of your
the monks have trained themselves in order to not next turn.
only protect the important work they carry out, but
also to overcome any danger that may arise upon a • When you make a monk weapon attack against a
journey of retrieving an ancient scroll or lost relic from creature and miss you gain a +1 bonus on your attack
somewhere in the world, in order to bring it back into rolls against that creature. This bonus is lost on you
the safekeeping of their order. as soon as you successfully hit the creature.

Studied Scholar Enlightenment

Starting at 3rd level, choose one of the following skills At 17th level, you can enter a state of absolute
to become proficient in: Arcana, History, Medicine or enlightenment that allows you to read your opponents
Religion. You also gain expertise with that skill, which perfectly. As a bonus action on your turn you can expend
means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability 5 ki points and enter a state of heightened awareness
check you make with it and you may expend a ki point to that lasts up to one minute. For the duration of the effect,
give yourself advantage before making the skill check you can choose to gain one of the following benefits:

Know Thy Enemy • You regain 2 ki points at the start of your turn. You
cannot gain more ki points than your maximum.
Additionally at 3rd level, whenever you successfully hit a
creature with a monk weapon, you learn their AC. • You can use all the benefits of Path Towards
Furthermore, once per long rest and at the start of Enlightenment.
your turn, you can designate a creature that you can
see. The first time you make a successful monk weapon • A creature of your choice within 15 feet of you gains
attack against the designated creature each round, you temporary hit points equal to half your monk level
add your proficiency bonus on your damage rolls and every time you expend any amount of ki.
you learn if their current hit points are higher, equal or
below half of their maximum hit points.

Path Towards Enlightenment

At level 6, you can choose another skill from Studied
Scholar to become proficient in. Depending on the skills
you have chosen you gain the following benefits:

• Arcana. When a creature casts a spell within 5 feet of

you that uses somatic components, you can use your
reaction to make a monk weapon attack against them.
On a success, the casting of the spell fails.

• History. Whenever you are in combat with a type of

creature that you have already fought in the past, you
know their resistances and immunities (if they have
any). Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack
and damage rolls against such creatures. The type
of creature must be specific; for example if you have
fought a humanoid orc in the past, you are familiar
with humanoid orcs and not humanoid elves.

• Medicine. Whenever you attack a humanoid with

unarmed strikes you can expend a ki point to strike
specific points in their body. Instead of dealing
damage the humanoid regains a number of hit points
equal to the amount of damage you would deal.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Life Domain: Artificer Orb of Assistance
Restoration Specialist

At 3rd level, as an action, you can summon an orb of
assistance in an unoccupied space within 15 feet of
ife tends to manifest into various and you. Its speed is equal to your walking speed and it can
mysterious forms. Ever since the hover for up to 10 feet away from the ground. It has 5 hit
moment of Creation, many are those points and 12 AC. A use of mending restores the orb to
have attempted to comprehend full hit points. Its saving throws are the same as yours.
its essence and manipulate the
invigorating force that breathes life into On each of your turns, you can control the orb as a
the countless beings who tread upon bonus action to move and do one of the following things:
the worlds. Some seek to do so through the study of the
arcane arts. Others, through the advancement of science Restore. A creature of your choice within 5 feet of the
and technology. In some rare occasion, exceptionally orb that has less than half of its maximum hit points,
bright individuals prove themselves industrious enough regains hit points equal to your artificer level + your
to apply both of these methodologies into practical use. Intelligence score. If the orb uses restore on a creature
Accomplished arcanists as well as trained physicians, that has not completed a short or long rest since it last
these brilliant artificers deploy their magically enhanced, received its benefits, the creature must make a DC 5
mechanical contraptions in order to cure the sick, heal Constitution saving throw or take lightning damage
the wounded and restore life wherein it has been lost. equal to your artificer level + your Intelligence score.
As front line medics, they have invented ways to not only The DC increases by 5 for every subsequent try.
save lives, but also to protect themselves from harm.
Their research is never ending, as they study the mortal Assist. A creature of your choice within 5 feet of
biology and strive to discover new ways through which it the orb has advantage on its next attack roll or saving
can be enhanced and preserved. throw.

Distract. A creature of your choice within 5 feet

of the orb has disadvantage on its next attack roll.

Zap! You can cast your next spell through the orb.

Lightning Pulse
At 5th level, whenever a creature regains hit points by
you or your orb, you or a creature of your choice within
30 feet of you, gains a number of hit points equal to
your proficiency bonus. Alternatively, you can choose
to damage a creature within 30 feet of you dealing
lightning damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

At level 15, you restore hit points or deal damage equal

to double your proficiency bonus.

Inner Life Force

At 9th level, whenever you restore hit points to a
creature you add your proficiency bonus to the amount
restored. Additionally, when you deal damage to a
creature, you deal an extra number of radiant damage
equal to your proficiency bonus.

Heart of Restoration
Upon reaching 15th level, you can replace the orb of
restoration with your own heart. You stop aging, become
immune to lightning damage and no longer need food or
water to sustain yourself. Additionally, you can hover for
up to 10 feet from the ground.

You can still use Orb of Assistance as a bonus action,

but it is now centered at you. The range of the effects
increases to 30 feet.

Finally, if you drop to 0 hit points, you can, instead of

rolling a death saving throw, overclock the orb within
you to regain 5d8 hit points. When you regain hit points
this way, you cannot do so again until you complete a
long rest.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Light Domain: Sorcerer
Luminomancer Origin Lightborn

Starting at 1st level, you learn the Light cantrip.
he power of divine Light has been Furthermore, when you reach level 5, you learn the
depicted in various different ways - Daylight spell and can cast it without expending a
celestial beings, descending from the spell slot for as many times as your Charisma modifier
skies or holy warriors who have been (minimum 1) before completing a long rest.
imbued with its power by the Gods.
In truth, the Light is a cosmic force Moreover, you become proficient with shortswords and
that flows throughout the multiverse. scimitars.
Sometimes, children are born with a special attunement
to its essence, for reasons yet unknown. Whether by Luminomancy
chance or choice made by divine will, these characters
grow capable of wielding and bending the Light. Gifted Additionally, at level 1, when you cast Light on a weapon
with sorcery, they employ these powers in order to you are wielding, you may add your proficiency bonus
purge their foes and illuminate the truth behind their to your damage rolls. Whenever you make an attack roll
attempts for deceit. with this weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier
instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and
damage rolls.

Upon reaching level 5 and you have cast the Light spell
on your hands, whenever you deal damage with a spell,
you also add your Charisma modifier to the damage roll.

Radiant Technique
At level 6, whenever you cast a spell as an action, you
can make a melee weapon attack as a bonus action.

Furthermore, once per short rest and as an action, you

can cause an area illuminated by light produced by you
to gain the effects of the Zone of Truth spell.

Flash Step
At level 14, whenever a creature hits you with a melee
weapon attack, you can use your reaction to burst in
sunlight. All creatures within 10 feet of you that can
see you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
or be pushed up to 10 feet back and be blinded until
the start of their next turn. Creatures that have sunlight
sensitivity make the saving throw with disadvantage. In
addition, as part of the same reaction, you can teleport
to an unoccupied space that you can see within a 30-foot

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your

Charisma modifier, before completing a long rest.

Searing Brilliance
At level 18, whenever you hit with a weapon affected
by the Light spell or deal damage with a spell, you
can choose to deal radiant damage instead of normal
damage. You ignore resistances to radiant damage and
if a creature is immune to radiant damage, you still deal
half radiant damage (rounded down).

In addition, as a bonus action, you can spend a number

of Sorcery points to cause an equal number of creatures
of your choice that start their turn within an area
illuminated by light produced by you to take radiant
damage equal to double your Charisma modifier, for the
duration of one minute.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Nature Domain: Rogue

any think of the wilds as a hostile
and uncharted terriory, a frontier
and boundary to the expansion
of civilization. In reality though,
the various natural habitats
contain communities of their
own. Whether hermits by
choice or social outcasts, some individuals have grown
more accustomed to being part of those, rather than
living within the confines of a civilized society. They
understand their rules, respect the food chain as the
highest authority there is and live off by foraging what
the land has to offer, while learning to co-exist in mutual
respect with the various species of plant and beast that
consist it. Constantly adapting to survive, they grow
a deeper understanding of the behavioral patterns or
defense mechanisms of various creatures through keen
obsvervation and interaction. Then, they employ their
cunning wits as well as magical means in order to copy
them and develop their own. Since none can know for
certain exactly how they first came in possession of Druidic Heritage
such traits, they are considered to be gifted by nature
itself in a rare and extraordinary way. Starting at 3rd level, you become able to use the
Druidcraft and Shillelagh cantrips. Additionally, you
can use the Entangle spell once per long rest without
Animal Mimicry expending a spell slot. Your spellcasting ability for these
spells is Wisdom. When you use Shillelagh, the weapon
Starting at 3rd level, you can use a bonus action to becomes a finesse weapon that deals either piercing or
mimic the predation mechanisms of wild beasts by slashing damage, which is chosen by you upon casting
partially adapting their form. You gain the benefits of the the spell.
bestial aspect of your choice until you end the effects as
a bonus action or until are knocked unconscious. Natural Remedy
Bear Paw. You can cause one of your arms Upon reaching 9th level, your adaptation ability expands
to assume the form of a bear paw. The paw cannot to mimic the regenerative properties of some plants
wield weapons. You may attack with the paw, dealing and creatures. As an action you may secrete restorative
slashing damage equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier sludge rolling the extra damage of your sneak attack
on a successful hit and causing the target to become and regaining that many hit points.
grappled by you.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
Snake Fangs. Your teeth turn into poisonous Wisdom modifier (minimum onc), before completing a
snake fangs. You gain resistance to poison damage and long rest.
immunity to the poisoned condition. As a bonus action,
you can make a bite attack against a creature for 1d6
points of poison damage. The creature must succeed
Verdant Growth
on a Constitution saving throw of DC of 8 + your Starting at level 13, whenever you roll an 18 or more on
proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier or become an attack roll against a creature using a weapon made
poisoned until the end of their next turn. from the Shillelagh cantrip and the attack is successful,
vines sprout out of the ground around the creature,
Hawk Eyes. Your eyes change into that of a causing the effects of the Entangle spell upon it.
hawk. You may ignore half cover and three quarters
cover during your attacks. Additionaly, whenever you
roll for an attack with advantage against a creature, you
Beastial Aspect
may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage roll. When you reach 17th level, your Animal Mimicry
improves. If you hit a creature with Bear Paw, the
You may use this feature for as many times as your creature is now restrained instead of grappled. When
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) before completing a long a creature fails their Constitution saving throw against
rest. Snake Fangs, the target is poisoned for 1 minute instead
of until the end of their next turn and, take 1d6 poison
damage at the start of each of their turns. Finally, when
you make attacks with Hawk Eyes active, your weapon
attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Protection Domain: Fighter

weapon is defined by the reason it is Ironskin
drawn. That is the simple code behind the
ideal of those who pledge their martial Starting at 10th level, during a long rest, you can focus
prowess into the service of others. They your body and mind into the strenuous training you have
follow the warrior’s path not for glory, been through in the past. You gain resistance to either
arrogance or coin, but on behalf of those bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage, which lasts
who cannot fight back themselves. Living until you take another long rest. Additionally, whenever
bastions of fortitude, these warriors do not waver you take damage from the damage type that you chose,
against any foe. They stand vigorously against all threats, you may use your reaction to push your attacker for 5
to protect the meek and vanquish their oppressors, as feet towards a direction of your choice, as long as they
well as destroy those whose rampant vanity amasses were within your reach when they attacked.
victims in its wake. In the field of battle, their unyielding
endurance stands as a testament of their willpower to Juggernaut
all those who dare challenge them.
At 15th level, you may use Shove as a bonus action. If
Parrying Stance the creature is pushed, you may move into the space it
Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you are hit by an attack
you can, as a reaction attempt to parry the incoming Immovable Bastion
blow, rolling an attack roll with your weapon. If the
result is higher than your opponent’s attack roll, the At 18th level, your Ironskin feature grants you immunity
enemy’s attack misses instead. This attack roll gains +2 instead of resistance. You also become immune to any
if you are using a shield. Until the start of your next turn, effects that would cause you to be moved against your
you may attempt to parry additional attacks, equal to the will or knocked prone.
number of attacks granted by your Extra Attack feature,
without using additional reactions. In addition, you may In addition, whenever you successfully cause an
use the Protection Fighting style without using a shield. attack to miss using Parrying Stance or the Protection
Fighting style, you can immediately use Shove on the
Rush to Their Aid creature who attempted it.

Furthermore at level 7, when an ally is targeted by an

attack, you can use your reaction to move up to half of
your speed towards them. If you end your move within
5 feet of them, you may use the Protection fighting
style or attempt to parry the attack, as if you were using
Parrying Stance. If the attack misses, your second wind
ability recharges. It may recharge in this way only once
per short rest.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Tempest Domain: Ranger Nomadic Trail
Nomad of the North

Also at 7th level, you gain proficiency on Wisdom
(Survival) checks. If you are already proficient, you gain
ew are those who dwell in the most expertise. In addition, whenever you are about to suffer
desolate corners of the world. Even fewer, a level of exhaustion, you may use half of your maximum
are those who dare to call them their hit die to avoid the effect. Finally, while in an arctic
homeland. In these frozen wastes, the environment, you can use the Hide action as a bonus
unforgiving cold claims the weak while action.
the strong constantly fight for survival
against the monstrous predators native Bitter Winds, Greater
to these environments. Those brave nomads employ an
unwavering determination along with a set of uniquely At 11th level, your ability to summon the bitter winds
cultivated skills in order to adapt to the terrain and becomes more potent. Summoning them grants you the
overcome the looming threats posed by the daily life following, additional benefits.
in those wilds, as the slightest of mistakes could prove •
fatal in an instant. • Creatures of your choice gain resistance to fire and
cold damage for as long as they remain within the
effect’s radius.
Northern Nomad Magic
• Enemy creatures that do not have resistance or
immunity to cold damage take 1d8 cold damage and
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell upon must make a Constitution saving throw for every
reaching certain levels in this class, as shown at the turn they start within the effect’s radius. On a failure,
following table. The spell counts as a Ranger spell for their movement speed is reduced by 10 feet. Upon a
you but does not count against the number of Ranger second failure, their speed becomes halved. By failing
spells you know. again, their speed becomes 0. By succeeding at any
point, they remove all applied effects and become
immune to this effect of your Bitter Winds for the next
Ranger Level Spells 24 hours.
3rd Ice Knife
• You can use the Hide action without using any terrain
5th Misty Step
elements other than the winds.
9th Sleet Storm
13th Locate Creature Tundra Stalker
17th Cone of Cold Starting at 15th level, whenever you deal cold damage
to a creature outside your turn, you can also make a
weapon attack against it as a reaction.
Bitter Winds
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain the ability to summon
gales of northern winds to envelop you in a 30-foot
radius centered at you, decreasing the temperature
and hindering your foes’ vision. You can summon or
dismiss the winds as a bonus action, up to a number of
times equal to your proficiency bonus before completing
a long rest. The effects persist for the duration of a
minute, and grant the following benefits.

As a Reaction, you may extinguish any non-magical

flames that are no bigger than a 5-foot cube within the
effect’s range, or douse flames off targets and items
set ablaze. Ranged attacks against you are made with

Starting at 7th level, while your Bitter Winds are active,
you can conjure projectiles made or pure ice from thin
air or coat your meele weapon with rime as part of your
attack action. The conjured projectile or coated meele
weapon deals an extra 1d4 cold damage on a hit. The
damage dice increases as you grow stronger, becoming
1d6 at level 10, 1d8 at level 15 and 1d10 at level 20.

Cold Blooded
Additionally at 7th level, you gain advantage on saving
throws made against spells and effects related to cold.
Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones
Trickery Domain: Wizard Jack in a Box
School of the Fool

Starting at level 10, you can attune yourself to a small,
mundane box through a ritual that lasts 10 minutes,
eality is but a concept we create for causing it to become magical for as long as you remain
ourselves, based on our own perception in attunement to it. The box’s dimensions must be no
of the world. Various Wizards have more than 1 foot long and 1 foot wide, and it may weight
yearned to define what is true and what no more than 2 pounds. You can spend an action to
is false regarding the veiled mysteries store any spell that you are capable of casting within the
of the universe, to a point where they box. The spell remains stored until expended, or until
deemed such a task to be futile. Others you choose to store a different spell. For as long as a
went mad, no longer able to tell the difference between spell is stored within the box, your available spells per
the truth and a mere illusion of it. Rather than trying to day are decreased in the appropriate manner, as if you
determine reality itself, those arcanists have therefore have already cast that spell.
indulged themselves with the creation of alternate
realities, studying the very methods that are capable of A stored spell becomes triggered in one of two different
fooling the mortal senses. They deploy these abilities ways; either by spending a bonus action, or by having
in combat, taking pleasure in merely observing how a a creature to open the box. The spell’s effect is always
fearsome enemy can be turned into a pawn, once they centered at the box’s location and the box itself
gain control over their setting. remains unaffected by any damage it may cause to its

Flickering Image Theater of Ploy

Starting at 2nd level, whenever you tap into the Weave, At level 14, for every mirror image of yours that is active,
you can form an illusory visage of yourself to distract you gain a bonus +1 to your spellcasting DC when
and confuse your foes. Whenever you cast a spell on casting spells that belong to the school of illusion.
your turn that is not a cantrip, you create a mirror image
of yourself that functions as having a single active mirror In addition, upon casting a spell while having at least
image through means of the Mirror Image spell. You one active mirror image, you can make a Charisma
cannot have more than 4 active mirror images at a time, (Deception) check against all creatures that can
by any means. perceive you casting it. On a success, your spell cannot
become counterspelled. If it is a spell that belongs to the
Wit’s End school of illusion, any Intelligence (Investigation) checks
made by other creatures to see through it are made with
Starting at 6th level, upon targeting a creature with a disadvantage.
spell attack, you can use your bonus action to force that
creature to make a Wisdom saving throw against your
spellcasting DC. On a failed save it suffers one of the
following effects.

• The creature thinks it is surrounded by enemies and

makes a melee weapon attack against a creature of
your choice within its reach.

• The creature thinks all of its enemies have stopped

fighting and lowers its guard. Its AC is reduced by
a number equal to your proficiency bonus until it is
successfully hit by an attack or a spell.

• The creature stops perceiving the presence of another

creature of your choice until that creature moves,
attacks or forces another creature to make a saving

• The creature suffers an attack on its mind. The next

time the creature makes a Wisdom, Charisma or
Intelligence saving throw (your choice upon deciding
the effect) it does so with disadvantage.

You can use this feature for a number of times equal to

your proficiency modifier before completing a long rest.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

Songs of War
Upon joining the College of Rhapsody at 3rd level, you
learn how to inspire your allies, coordinate their attacks
and demoralize your enemies through your music. As
a bonus action, you may expend a bardic inspiration
to recite a Song of War. The song is enhanced with
magical properties and affects a number of creatures
equal to your proficiency bonus. The creatures must
be within 30 feet of you and able to hear you. You may
continue a song’s recital for up to 10 minutes, unless
you willingly decide to end it sooner (no action required)
or become interrupted. While reciting a song of war, you
are unable to cast spells. Each time you recite a Song of
War, you may choose among the following options.

Deathly Paean. The paean encourages your

allies to face the prospect of death in battle with honor.
War Domain: Bard Affected creatures gain advantage on saving throws
made to avoid becoming frightened. In addition, they
College of Rhapsody gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the

amount you rolled on your bardic inspiration die, at the
start of each of their turns.
ards are known for their musical talents
among other charismatic features. They Clarion Call. You discern an opportune
often compose songs about the heroic moment to strike and inspire your allies to valiantly
deeds of others, although most of the charge against your foes. An affected creature that
times, their tales are but figments of the moves up to 10 feet in a straight line towards an enemy
imagination. There are those among may deal an extra amount of damage on their first melee
them however, who dare to look their foe weapon attack for each turn, equal to the amount you
in the eye and live to tell the tale. They can be found rolled on your bardic inspiration. In addition, an affected
at the head of great armies or amidst the chaos of a creature may choose to spend its reaction in order to
battlefield, where the greatest triumphs and tragedies immediately make a 10 feet movement to a direction of
are being born. A Rhapsodist is a proud student of their choice.
warfare who has not only witnessed history with
their own eyes, but was also a part of it. Their songs Battle Hymn. Your song shakes the resolve
and memoirs speak of rebels and conquerors, loyal of your foes, discouraging and decreasing their morale.
comrades and formidable foes, and a time when they Creatures of your choice must succeed a Charisma
themselves were marching side by side with heroes that saving throw or have their AC reduced by an amount
became legends, inspiring their allies with tunes of war. equal to half the amount you rolled on your bardic

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones

War Herald
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with martial
weapons, medium armors and shields. In addition,
whenever you successfully hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack, as part of your attack action, you can
inspire a creature with your bardic inspiration.

Scholar of the Battlefield

Starting at 6th level, you gain an Extra Attack. Moreover,
your awareness in the field of battle combined with
your indulgement in the arts of warfare make you an
expert tactician. You are able discern the flaws in your
strategy and call out your allies to exploit them, in order
to gain the upper hand in a conflict. During your attack
action, you may spend your bonus action to include an
additional effect in a single attack made by you.

Alternatively, when an ally within 30 feet of you that can

hear you declares an attack, you may use your reaction
to advice them towards performing a maneuver that
will allow them to include the additional effect in their
attack. The ally may choose to either heed that advice,
or not.

Expose Weakness. The affected creature gains

+5 on the attack roll, but will deal half damage (rounded
down) if the attack hits.

Frontal Assault. The affected creature gains

advantage on its attack. All melee weapon attacks
against the affected creature are made with advantage
until the start of its next turn.

Gain Distance. The affected creature and

their target both move 5 feet away from each other in
opposite directions, if its attack is successful.

Close the Gap. The affected creature’s weapon

reach may increase by 5 feet, but if the attack misses,
it falls prone.

You may use this feature as many times as your

Charisma modifier, before completing a long rest.

Rhapsody of the Fallen

Starting at level 14, when an ally drops to 0 hit points
within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to
inspire your other allies to avenge their fallen. All
creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you that can
hear you have advantage on their attacks until the end of
their next turn.

Additionally, you can begin reciting a Song of War effect

without expending a bardic inspiration.

Chapter VII: The Enlightened Ones


Author’s Note About The Creators

Dear reader, This book would have never been made possible without
the involvement of these talented writers and artists.
First of all, I would like to personally thank you for Working with them has been truly a pleasure. Make
purchasing this book! It means the world to me, sure to browse the internet for more of their work and
especially in times troubled such as the ones we are support their creative endeavors!
currently dealing with, when art creators can use
as much support as they can possibly get from their George Sfendourakis
communities, in order to continue existing. Editor - Storyteller

This book stands as my first collaboration attempt with Forever Dungeon Master for over ten years in multiple
other independent, content creators. It has been an game systems and a professional editor, George’s input
amazing journey for me and a privilege to work with has been invaluable. He developed the divine Avatars
each one of them. I’m grateful for the trust they have and the character options, while supervising the book’s
shown in me and I’m looking forward to working with editing process.
them again in future projects.
I would like to thank all the wonderful artists and
illustrators who have allowed the inclusion of their Angelos Kyprianos
incredible artworks, in a manner approachable for an Author - Game Designer
indie creator such as me. Should you take notice of an
artwork that inspires you while perusing this book, feel Creator of the Meteor Tales Pen & Paper, Roleplaying
free to return to the Credits page in order to discover Game and an author of fantasy novels, Angelos was the
the artistic hand behind it. inspiration behind this book.

I would also like to thank the unseen heroes of this

project, our group of playtesters, who remained
focused and patient at every step along the way. Their Nikolas Totief
contribution has been vital in the making of this book. Author - Game Designer

Lastly, I would like to mention that this book’s contents There have been multiple instances in his life during
derive from a larger scale world-building effort of mine, which he has been paid to write words. He has created
called The Eren Chronicles. My aim is to continue most of the mechanics of the divine Avatars, as well as
releasing parts of it in the form of various different the character options.
publishments in the near future. My hope is that,
steadily and through your support, I will manage to
share with you the world that lives in my mind and paint
a bigger picture of it, while at the same time allowing all
Chrysanthi Lykousi
content to be compatible with any Dungeons & Dragons
3D Artist - Graphics Designer
setting that might suit your interest.
Chrysanthi has been a professional visual artists for the
Once again, thank you for your love and support and
past four years, collaborating with various studios and
wish to you the most glorious of adventures!
projects. She has designed the graphic elements and
the layout of this book.
Kind regards,
Nicos Ostas

The Monster Statblocks have been created using the

online tool Tetra-Cube.

E very End is a New Beginning

More Titles By The Eren Chronicles
Now Available at

Star Signs: Children of the Stars

features a supplementary system to
the lore and core rules of Dungeons &
Dragons 5e, focusing on aspects relative
to the power of the stars and the cosmic
essence derived from the various planes
of existence. Through its pages, you
will delve deep into the mysteries of the
universe and discover how its forces affect
the world, bless newborn children with
unique talents and provide the means to
augur the fates.

The Carnival of Tears is a plug and play

adventure, suitable for any campaign
setting and capable of accomodating
a party of characters regardless of
their level. The story revolves around a
jolly and colorful carnival, full of exotic
performances, festive activities and
fun competitions for you to partake in.
Beware though, for it hides a woeful
secret. Behind the charade, a contractor
Devil called the Jack of Tears is secretly
using it as a means of collecting the souls
of its gambling visitors.

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