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Academic excellence is highly regarded in the

society where we live. The situation is further aggravated

by the educational system of the country where instead of

facilitating a child’s growth and development, the entire

focus remains on performance in the exams. Growing

expectations of parents coupled with academic pressure has

led to increased stress levels in today’s students are

leaving them vulnerable to severe depression and suicidal

tendencies.(Haider, 2022). People who fall short typically

face harsh criticism, which makes them doubt their abilities

and knowledge. In order to build a good future and thrive in

life in the face of the harsh competition in the world,

parents constantly push their kids to the limit. However,

the students' intense pressure not only hinders their growth

and learning but also increases their worry and anxiety.

Doctor Luthar 2022, says that if you are a hard-

working parent, has a good career, and a good income, it

doesn’t help to push your child. Another research study from

2015 discovered that lectures and punishments are

ineffective ways to deal with poor grades. Warm parent-child

interactions and a learning-supportive environment at home

are what actually work. According to Dr. Browning (2018), in

order to receive the praise and encouragement they seek,

students entangled in this negative feedback cycle drown

themselves in work. Neglecting one's physical and

occasionally even mental health is a common indication of

this. She even asserted that a student's need for academic

approval frequently results from a fear of failing and being

rejected. However, this desire for excellence causes

students to place more value in their grades than in their

worth as people.

Students' expectations are constantly raised to the

point where they are impossible to meet and where the end

result is unclear. It's never really about improving

yourself; it's about how other people view your intelligence

and whether they think you're deserving of praise.(McNerry,

2022) Under the mentality of academic validation, the value

of your work forms the basis of your entire sense of self-

worth. Therefore, if your work fails miserably to set your

own set standards, your internal perspective changes, and

your mental health suffers. It is risky, unhealthy, and

ineffective. It's a common misconception that students'

grades and study habits can be improved by the desire for

academic validation. Some studies have shown that despite

their high levels of study motivation, people who believe

their grades validate them do not typically perform better

on assignments and tests.

However, most of this research didn't attempt to

pinpoint the causes, instead focusing on identifying the

effects. Finding out why students are being academically

validated is crucial since it can help with finding a viable

solution to this issue. As the researchers try to figure out

why students are being academically validated by their

parents, they decided to concentrate more on the effects

because it is the primary issue that they are attempting to

solve due to time constraints. There is an urgent need to

address the concerns of parenting expectations and academic

stress in this day and age, where a decimal number can make

all the difference in a person's life. To grasp the

challenges and develop particular solutions to lighten the

load on the children, we must work together as a cohesive

team to perform deeper research and more extensive


The results of the current study will assist in

reducing the problem, increasing awareness among others, and

trying to persuade people—especially parents—to stop

validating their kids academically. Moreover, it is hoped

that the findings of these studies would offer the problem's

best solutions and responses.

Statements of the problem

This study aims to determine the effects of academic

validation of the parents and how it affects the academic

performance of the STEM-11 students in ACLC-Naga.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions;

1. What are the effects of parental academic validation

on grade 11 STEM students? 

2. What makes a student academically validated?

3. What are the coping mechanisms of the Grade 11 STEM

students in ACLC-Naga?


In this study, the researchers make use of a

quantitative method design that involves numerical data in

order to get a consistent result. Also, to quickly reach a

large number of respondents, the researchers chose to use

Google Forms to conduct their survey due to a lack of time.

Because once a person chooses to participate in the survey

there, the outcomes will be instantly compiled, and it won't

cause them too much struggle. Moreover, it was non-

experimental in the sense that the variables in this study

is to identify the effects of Academic Validation of the

parents among the grade 11 students of STEM 11-A in ACLC

Naga was not manipulated or altered in any way. To help them

clearly identify the solutions to the issues raised in the

mini-research, the researchers created a few questions that

respondents were asked to answer in order to analyse the

effects of the main issue. This are the following;

For students;

1. Are you academically validated by your parents?

2. For you, what is the effects of being academically

validated? Does is affects you negatively or


3. What are the strategies you do to maintain your


4. What are the strategies you do to maintain your

For parents;

1. Do you think academic validation is good for the


2. Do you think academic validation can help your child

to be more confident in school?

3. As a parent do you think you are academically

validating your child?




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