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Instructions on Peer Review Assignment

Total evaluation process of this training session include an individual peer review assignment. It
is requested to all to follow the instructions below to understand, assess and complete the given
assignment. The instructions are:

1. Understanding the Assignment: This assignment will contain one single story based on
the sixteen modules have been taught so far. Story of this assignment will carry core
themes of all the modules. At the end of the story, questions will be asked based on the
story & modules. Giving answer to all the asked questions is necessary.
2. Resources for the Assignment: All the required insights, information, and resources for
completion of the given assignment will be covered within sixteen modules. Hence, it is
requested to go through the modules again and again if necessary.
3. Answering the questions: To answer all of the questions only theoretical knowledge
would not be enough. The combination of theoretical knowledge as well as critical
thinking, descriptive answers, elaborating the understanding etc. will required.
4. Creating an outline: If necessary creation of outline is highly encouraged.
5. Reviewing draft: Before submitting the final assignment paper, the draft of questions
should be checked frequently. All the grammar, punctuation marks, and spelling errors
should be checked twice.
6. Submission: Submit the assignment if you think it is ready.

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