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Name: _________________________________________________________


LESSON 3: Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation

Definition of Terms:

 AREA- refers to the size of the surface

 FERTILIZER- any material added to the soil to support nutrient
 GROSS INCOME/ SALES- the equivalent value of the product sold
 INTEREST- is the corresponding value that will be added to the principal as payment for
using money of the lender
 NET INCOME- is the value remains after all the expenses have been deducted from the
gross income or sales
 CASH- a record that is kept by the farmer that shows the budget of the project
 SALES- a record tells the farmer how much was gained in the venture
 EXPENSES PAID- a record report found in the production
 ESTIMATION- method of measurement and forecasting analysts or farmers prediction
 PRINCIPAL- refers to the amount you owned
 VOLUME- is the content of a body or object

- The resources that used in farm - The activities happened in a

production, most of them are farm


1. SEEDS 1. Labor requirement for Land Preparation

 Plowing using tractor/ animal
 Cleaning the land using hoe
 Harrowing using hand tractor
 Preparation of Furrow
 Trellis Preparation (cucurbits)
 Mulching
 Digging Holes (for orchard)
2. Labor requirement in Planting
 Transplanting
 Production of seedlings
3. Labor requirement for plant care
 Fertilizer application
 Pest Control

IRRIGATION- the process of applying controlled amounts of water to plants at needed intervals
HARVESTING- gather (a crop) as a harvest
It shows figures to the entrepreneur if the business should be continued, expanded or to be
declared for bankruptcy. It serves as a guide for important decision making in a company/
business. It can increase the profitability of your business, cutdown unnecessary expenditures that
may affect the capital money. It also reduces risk of business failure, improve employee
productivity, job satisfaction, enhance production efficiency and improve management of the
business. In the short term, business report will help you decipher the smallest to the biggest
aspect of your business if it is conducive for greater profit.
1. CASH RECORD- it is a record of cash accounts in a project. It can be seen in one record,
or this may be a special cash record wherein the cash received journal and cash payments
journal are separately recorded transactions.
2. FARM SALES RECORD- it is used to record all sales in rice production. There are two (2)
kinds of farm sales record: GENERAL and CLASSIFIED.
a. General- has only one amount column where the value of farm produce sold is
recorded. The other columns are for the other pertinent information such as a
date, unit description and unit value.
b. Classified- contains special columns for the main product of the farm stock

3.STOCK RECORD- it shows the stock of supplies and materials needed by the farm for all
farming activities, especially in large- scale production. It is useful in determining how much
supplies and materials are needed per cropping. Aside from the date item columns, the stock
record has three main columns: the received column, the issued column, and the balance
a. received column- has three sub columns: quantity, unit price and total amount of
the materials received.
b. issue column- shows the quantity used.
c. balance column- shows the materials or supplies which are unused.

determined the annual profitability of
a farm enterprise. It lists the different crops grown in the farm during the whole year, the
amount spent for the production, the total sales, the remaining stock, and the net income. This
record summarizes the performance of the farm in each year. It can be also used by the farmer
in determining which crop is performing well or which is not. It could be the basis of the farmer
in deciding what crop has to be maintained or which one is supposed to be changed.
5. COST AND PROFIT ANALYSIS- it tells the farmer how much profit will gain for the project
undertaken. It contains a list of all the farming activities that were done in a season and the
expenses incurred per farming activity. It also indicates the cost of supplies and materials used
for the cropping season. The cost and return analysis helps the farmer get the total cost of
production and estimate the net return will gain depending on the crop yield or the mode of

The following table shows a

sample cost and return analysis in rice production for one hectare lowland and irrigated rice.
Method of planting- Transplanting (Wet Season)
Variety- HYV
Seeds- 2 bags certified seeds at P1, 200.00/ sack
Soil condition- High/ Medium NPK (Soil Test Results) (RR=68-28-45)

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