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Second Periodical Test in Science 7

___1. Which of the following instruments can magnify or enlarge the image that are too small to be seen by unaided
A. Telephone B. Microscope C. Radio D. X-ray machine
___2. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Base B. Pillar C. LPO D. Arm
___3. Which of the following is a platform on which the slide containing the specimen is held in place with a pair of stage clips?
A. Mirror B. Inclination joint C. Stage D. Body tube
___4. Which of the following is an adjustable part and used for collecting and reflecting light?
A. Mirror B. Inclination joint C. Stage D. Body tube
___5. Which of the following is a movable hinge that attaches the frame of the microscope to the base?
A. Mirror B. Inclination joint C. Stage D. Body tube
___6. Which of the following is located above the revolving nosepiece and it keeps off the dust from the lenses?
A. Dust shield B. Revolving nosepiece C. Base D. Arm
___7. Which of the following is a stable structure on which the microscope firmly rests?
A. Dust shield B. Revolving nosepiece C. Base D. Arm
___8. Which of the following is a curve handle of the microscope that connects the base and the body tube?
A. Dust shield B. Revolving nosepiece C. Base D. Arm
___9. To obtain total magnification, what should you do to the magnification of the eyepiece and the objective lens power?
A. Add B. Multiply C. Divide D. Subtract
___10. A microscope is set to 10x eyepiece and 40x objective. What is the total magnification?
A. 140x B. 60x C. 400x D. 100x
___11. Which of the following liquids can you use to make a wet mount?
A. Water B. Ethanol C. Methanol D. Acid
___12. What is the correct way of carrying a microscope?
A. Hold the arm by grasping it with one hand and support the base with the other hand.
B. Hold the arm by grasping with one hand and the stage with the other hand
C. Hold the base by grasping with two hands D. Hold the arm by grasping with one hand
___13. How do we clean the microscope?
A. with a wet cloth B. with a dry and rough cloth
C. with a dry but smooth cloth D. with a smooth but wet cloth
___14. It was Hadji’s turn to observe the specimen under the microscope. What do you think is the best way to look
under the microscope?
A. with both eyes open B. with both eyes closed
C. with one eye open D. none of the above
___15. Why it is necessary for the specimen to be observed under the microscope must be thin?
A. so that the image will be clearer B. so that the image would be bigger
C. so that light could pass through the specimen D. so that a high magnification objective can be used
___16. Which of the following shows letter “e” seen under the microscope?
A. B. C. D.

___17. The brain is what part of which organ system?

A. Nervous B. Skeletal C. Muscular D. Digestive
___18. The heart pumps blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to the different parts of the body. To which organ
system does the heart belong?
A. Circulatory B. Digestive C. Excretory D. Reproductive
___19. Each part of an organ system plays a specific function. Which of the following structures DOES NOT match its function?
A. Eyes: Eyesight B. Kidneys: Respiration C. Heart: Circulation D. Stomach: Digestion
___20. Which is the correct sequence- from biggest to smallest – of the levels of organization in an organism?
A. cell - organ - organ system - tissue B. organ - organ system - tissue - cell
C. tissue - cell - organ - organ system D. organ system - organ - tissue – cell
___21. Which of the following is an organ of the digestive system?
A. Stomach B. Kidney. C. Brain D. Lungs
___22. Edward’s father was hospitalized due to chest pain and difficulty of breathing. Laboratory examination
revealed increased cholesterol in blood. Which organ system is mostly affected?
A. Circulatory system B. Nervous system C. Excretory system D. Digestive system
___23. Venus loves to eat junk food and enjoys adding fish sauce (patis) and soy sauce in his meal. One day, she
was complaining of difficulty in urinating accompanied by severe pain in the side and back below the ribs.
Which organ has a problem in this situation?
A. Heart B. Kidney C. Lung D. Stomach
___24. The organ systems of plants consist of the root and shoot system. Why is it important for this organ system to
work together?
A. To grow and survive B. To avoid pest and other animals
C. To survive floods and strong winds D. To survive droughts and earthquakes
___25. What is unicellular?
A. One cell B. Many cells C. No nucleus D. DNA
___26. Who was the first person to see cells under the microscope and give them a name?
A. Robert Hooke B. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek C. Theodor Schwann D. Matthias Schleiden
___27. Which of the following is a semi permeable membrane?
A. Cell membrane B. Lysosome C. Mitochondrion D. Nucleus
___28. Which of the following is the control system of the cell?
A. Cell membrane B. Lysosome C. Mitochondrion D. Nucleus
___29. What is the main function of the cell wall?
A. To protect and provide support for the cell B. Convert solar energy to chemical energy
C. Build protein D. Takes in carbon dioxide
___30. Which cell organelle is responsible for making protein?
A. Ribosome B. Mitochondria C. Cell Membrane D. Nucleus
___31. What cell organelle is responsible for powering the cell?
A. Ribosome B. Mitochondria C. Cell Membrane D. Nucleus
___32. If the chloroplast of a plant cell is damaged, which will it be unable to do?
A. Protect the cell B. Make food for the cell
C. excrete waste materials D. give instruction for cell to reproduce
___33. Which cell structure stores food, nutrients, and waste?
A. Vacuole B. Cell membrane C. Vacuum D. Cell body
___34. Which of the following structures are NOT involved in asexual reproduction?
A. Gametes B. Root C. Stem D. Tuber
___35. A sperm unites with an egg cell to form a zygote. Which is process taking place?
A. Asexual reproduction B. Fertilization C. Pollination D. Vegetative propagation
___36. Which of the following performs fertilization during reproduction?
A. Chicken B. Hydra C. Mushroom D. Yeast
___37. Which part of the flower are involved in sexual reproduction?
A. Stamen and sepals B. Stamen and pistil
C. Petals and pistil D. Petals and pollen grains
___38. Which of the following organism undergo budding?
A. Starfish B. Onion C. Molds D. Hydra
___39. Which of the following is considered as a biotic component of the ecosystem?
A. Flood B. Sunlight C. Temperature D. Wildlife
___40. Which of the following represents an abiotic component of the environment?
A. Grass on the fields B. Sprouting mongo seeds
C. Sea cow nursing its young D. Temperature in a mountain
___41. Why are plants considered as producers?
A. Plants produce fruits that can be eaten by animals
B. Plant provide vegetable for animals and human consumption
C. Plants produce root crops that supply carbohydrates to animals
D. Plants convert energy from the Sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose (food)
___42. Which of the following correctly shows the organization in an ecosystem, from the smallest to the largest
A. Community, Ecosystem, Organism, Population, Biomes B. Ecosystem, Community, Population, Organism, Biomes
C. Organism, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biomes D. Population, Community, Biomes, Ecosystem, Organism
___43. A remora is a fish that has an adhesive disk on the back of its head that it uses to attach itself to a large
shark. When food floats away from the shark’s mouth as it feeds, the remora collects the scraps. Drawings of
a shark with a remora attached and a remora’s adhesive disk are shown below. The relationship between the
remora and the shark is an example of?

A. Competition B. Commensalism C. Predation D. Parasitism

___44. A plant is pollinated by a species of moth. The moths lay their eggs in the flowers of the plant for protection
and food. Which of the following best defines the ecological interaction between the plant and the moths?
A. Commensalism B. Competition C. Mutualism D. Parasitism
___45. What type of ecological interactions exit between the snake and the mouse?
A. Predation B. Competition C. Mutualism D. Parasitism
___46. When bees get food and plants get pollinated, this is an example of what type of symbiotic relationship?
A. Predation B. Competition C. Mutualism D. Parasitism
___47. Fish kills can occur due to reduced amount of which abiotic component in bodies of water?
A. Carbon Dioxide B. Water C. Oxygen D. Soil
___48. As more people have moved to the beach, the sea turtle population has decreased. Which is most likely the
cause of this decrease?
A. Tropical storms B. Habitat loss C. Increase in predators D. Warmer temperatures
___49. What is the process by which plants use the sun's energy to make food?
A. Condensation B. Carnivore C. Organism D. Photosynthesis
___50. Kaingin is a practice of clearing forest lands to plant agricultural crops upland and can cause all of the
following, EXCEPT:
A. Soil erosion and degradation B. Destroys the nutrients in the soil
C. Destroys wildlife habitat D. Promotes growth of plants and trees

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