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1. Noel loves gardening, while he is cultivating the soil, he found out that soil contains humus, rocks, and
insects. Which of the following best describes soil?
A. Homogeneous mixture B. Heterogeneous mixture
C. Pure substance D. Solutions
2. A liquid has the following properties: one phase, colorless and with varying boiling point. Which of the
following BEST describes the liquid?
A. Element B. Compound C. Mixture D. Substance
3. Zymon’s school activity has something to do with solubility of a substance. Which of the following describes
A. The ability of the liquid to mix with other substances.
B. The time it takes for a substance to settle at the bottom.
C. The ability of the solvent to dissolve a solute.
D. The rate of pouring the solute into a liquid.
4. Scientific Method is used in all branches of Science. Why is a scientific method an important process in
performing experiments?
A. It takes more work. B. It provides more data. C. It is useful and takes a lot of effort.
D. It ensures that the results can be trusted and repeated
5. For your performance task in your Science subject, you were tasked by your teacher to check if the given
liquid sample is a substance or a mixture. Which among these tests will you use?
I. Color comparison II. Taste comparison III. Boiling point test IV. Melting point test
A. I, II, III and IV B. I, II and III only C. I, III and IV only D. I and III only
6. Given the following observations, which of the solid samples are probably the SAME substances?
Sample Color Mass (g) Melting Point (0C) Density (g/mL)

Solid 1 Gray 15 120 3.2

Solid 2 Brown 18 115 3.2

Solid 3 Black 17 130 2.5

Solid 4 Gray 13 115 3.2

A. Solids 1 and 2 B. Solids 2 and 3 C. Solids 1 and 4 D. Solids 2 and 4

7. Which of these activities will cause more salt to dissolve in a saturated salt solution?
I. By stirring it continuously II. By heating the solution III. By adding more water to the solution
A. I only B. II only C. I and II only D. I, II, and III
8. In which step is the solution described as saturated?

1 5 grams Salt completely dissolved

2 5 grams Salt completely dissolved

3 5 grams Salt completely dissolved

4 5 grams Some sugar is seen at the bottom of the container

A. Step 1 B. Step 2 C. Step 3 D. Step 4

9. While your mother is at the market, your father boils salt water. You observed that when the water
completely evaporates, salt (NaCl) is left in the bottom of the casserole. Which of the following is left in the
A. Compound B. Element C. Metal D. Mixture
10. You were asked by your mother to heat a liquid in a pan. You forgot to immediately switch off the heat, and
all of the liquid had evaporated. However, you saw that some solid materials had accumulated on the pan's
surface. What conclusion can you draw from your observation?
A. The liquid was a pure substance.
B. The liquid was composed of a single material.
C. The liquid was a mixture with dissolved solid materials.
D. The liquid material was a pure substance because it evaporated.
11. Your sister loves jewelries. If you can make a bracelet as a gift for her birthday, how many parts of gold and
copper are needed to produce 21 Karat jewelry?
A. 21 parts are made up of copper and 3 parts of gold
B. 21 parts are made up of gold and 3 parts of copper
C. 21 parts are made up of gold and 4 parts of copper
D. 21 parts are made of gold and 5 parts of copper
12. A solution is prepared by mixing 30 g of sugar in 70 g of water. What are the concentrations of the solute
and solvent in percent by mass?
A. Solute: 10%; Solvent: 90% B. Solute: 20%; Solvent: 80%
C. Solute: 30%; Solvent: 70% D. Solute: 40%; Solvent :60%
13. Which best describes the functions of the microscope?
A. It makes faraway objects look closer. B. It makes small objects appear larger.
C. It decreases the size of small objects. D. It increases the size of small object
14. Which of the following lists is the correct order of the five levels of organization in the human body, from
most to least complex?
A. Organism → Organ System → Tissue → Organ → Cell
B. Organism → Organ System → Organ → Tissue → Cell
C. Cell → Tissue → Organ → Organ System → Organism
D. Cell → Organ → Tissue → Organ System → Organism
15. A plant cell being observed is seen at the upper most part of the field of view. If you want to center the
specimen, in which direction should you move the slide?
A. Move the slide to the bottom B. Move the slide to the top
C. Move the slide to the left D. Move the slide to the right
16. A certified Plantita like your mom always made sure to take care of her plants. Plants needs water, radiant
energy, minerals and carbon dioxide. This statement shows that an organism depends on which of the
A. Abiotic component B. Biotic component C. Essential nutrients D. Minerals
17. The word symbiosis comes from the Greek SYM and BIOS, meaning, together and life, or life working
together. When a bee hops from one flower to another, what kind of symbiotic relationship is exhibited?
A. Commensalism B. Mutualism C. Parasitism D. Predation
18. Organs are functional units of both plants and animals. How will you compare a plant from an animal in
terms of organ systems’ complexity?
A. Both plants and animals have simple organ systems.
B. Both plants and animals have complex organ systems.
C. Plant has a complex organ system while an animal has a simple organ system.
D. Plant has a simple organ system while an animal has a complex organ system
19. Cancer starts from cells that start to grow uncontrollably fast. They destroy tissues and organs. What does
this say about the effects of diseased cells on the higher levels of organization in an organism?
A. Diseased cells do not affect the other parts of an organism
B. Cancer involves only certain kinds of cells and does not affect any other kind of cell
C. Diseased cells affect only the next higher levels of organization that they make up-tissues
D. Diseased cells damage the higher levels organization they make up: tissues, organs, organ systems
and eventually the whole organism
20. Bacteria are single-celled, or simple organisms that are invisible to the naked eye. Which of the following
statements is correct about bacteria?
A. Bacteria are eukaryotic
B. Bacteria are vertebrate
C. Bacteria are prokaryotic
D. Bacteria are multicellular.
21. Changes in abiotic factors in the ecosystem such as water, temperature, and soil may cause drastic effects
for some organisms. Which of the following results are caused by these changes?
I. Limits plant growth II. Affect the net crop production
III. Water retention IV. Limits plant reproduction
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. I, II, and IV only D. II and IV only
22. The Cell Theory describes the basic properties of all cells. Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE?
I. All cells come from pre-existing cell. II. All organisms are made up of one or
more cells.
III. All the life functions of organisms occur within cells.
IV. All living things use DNA as the genetic information molecule.
A. I, and IV only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III only D. I, II, III, and IV
23. Which of the following is/are TRUE about plant and animal cells?
I. Both animal and plant cells have no nucleus.
II. Both animal and plant cells have cell membrane, mitochondria, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and nucleolus
III. An animal cell has centriole while a plant cell has chloroplast.
IV. Cell wall is present only in plant cells and not in animal cell.
A. I and II only B. II & III only C. II, III, and IV
D. IV only
24. An ecosystem is a system consisting of biotic and abiotic components that function together as a unit.
Which of the following BEST describes a limiting factor in the ecosystem?
l. The presence or absence of a factor that limits the growth of organisms in the ecosystem.
ll. It determines the carrying capacity of the place.
lll. It determines the number of certain populations that can survive in an area.
A. l only B. ll only C. l and ll D. l, ll, and lll
25. Electromagnetic waves or EM waves are waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an
electric field and a magnetic field. Which type of electromagnetic waves enables humans to see?
A. Infrared waves B. Microwaves C. Radio waves D. Visible light
26. The speed of a sound is the distance travelled per unit of time by a sound wave. Which of the following
media is the speed of sound decreasing?
A. air, water, ice B. glass, air, alcohol C. air, alcohol, water D. wood, water, air
27. You and your two siblings accompanied your mother in getting your modules from your school. Your
average speed in walking is 1.4 m/s while your mother is 1.3 m/s. Your older sibling walks at an average of
1.5 m/s while your younger sibling is 1 m/s. Who walks fastest?
A. You B. Your mother
C. Your older sibling D. Your younger sibling
28. Which of the following situation/s show an accelerating object?
I. A bike turning along a curve II. A truck slowing down to park
III. A jogger jogging with a constant speed IV. A dog that suddenly chase a child
A. II B. I and II C. I, II, and III D. I, II, and IV
29. Robert moves from point A to point B then to point C and finally to point D as shown in the diagram below.
Find the distance and displacement made by the Robert.

A. Distance-80 m, Displacement-30m
B. Distance-100 m, Displacement- 30m
C. Distance-130 m, Displacement-30m
D. Distance-130 m, Displacement-50m
30. A jeepney with a constant speed of 40 km/hr is running in a straight line. Does the jeepney acquire
A. Yes, because it is running in a straight line.
B. Yes, because it has a speed of 40 km/hr
C. No, because the jeepney has a constant speed D. A and B
31. Which is faster, a car traveling at 144 km/hr or a van moving at 40 m/s? Why?
A. The car because it has greater speed than the van.
B. The van because it has greater speed than the car.
C. None, because the two vehicles have the same speed.
D. None, because it is impossible to compare the speeds based on the given.
32. Which of the following situations show that waves carry energy?
I. Collapsing of buildings due to earthquakes
II. Moving of boats on the surface of the ocean
III. Vibrating of window glasses due to loud sound
IV. Increasing of temperature of objects when placed under the sun
A. I B. II and III only C. II, III and IV only D. I, II, III and IV
33. Rainbows are formed when sunlight is scattered from raindrops into the eyes of an observer. Which of the
following is the reason behind the arrangement of rainbow as ROYGBV?
A. The colors are arranged based on decreasing wavelength and frequency.
B. The colors are arranged based on increasing wavelength and frequency.
C. The colors are arranged based on increasing wavelength and decreasing frequency.
D. The colors are arranged based on decreasing wavelength and increasing frequency.
34. Which of the following situations demonstrate the correct flow of heat?
I. Ice melting when left on the kitchen sink.
II. Heat flowing from the person’s foot to the cold floor.
III. A hot iron nail cooling down when placed in a bowl of cold water.
IV. A thermometer warming up when placed in the armpit of a person with fever.
A. II only B. II and IV C. I, II and IV D. I, II, III, and IV
35. Analyze the given. Which is travelling the slowest?
Vehicles Total Distance Elapsed Time

Tricycle 60 kilometers 90 minutes

Motorcycle 30 kilometers 30 minutes

Bus 55 kilometers 45 minutes

Car 65 kilometers 60 minutes

A. Bus B. Car C. Tricycle D. Motorcycle

36. You are going to pour a boiling water into a glass. How will you prevent the glass from cracking?
A. Get a ceramic spoon and place it inside the glass before pouring the boiling water.
B. Get a metal spoon and place it inside the glass before pouring the boiling water.
C. Get a plastic spoon and place it inside the glass before pouring the boiling water.
D. Get a wooden spoon and place it inside the glass before pouring the boiling water.
37. On a summer day, a puddle of water on a road dries up easily, turning water into vapor. How does heat
transfer in this scenario?
A. The sun transfer heat by convection and the road transfer heat by radiation
B. The sun transfer heat by conduction and the road transfer heat by convection.
C. The sun transfer heat by radiation and the road transfer heat by convection and conduction
D. The sun transfer heat by conduction and the road transfer heat by convection and radiation
38. To locate exact places on the Earth, we must look at ___________.
A. the lines of latitude only. B. the lines of longitude only.
C. the neighboring area to describe the location.
D. the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude.
39. Biodiversity refers to the variety of living species on Earth, including plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi.
Which of the following is the most important reason in preserving our biodiversity?
A. It promotes tourism in the country B. It creates income opportunities for people
C. It increases the rate of survival of species in the area
D. It indicates effective laws made by the government
40. Is there a relationship between our latitude position and high diversity of life forms in the country?
A. Yes. The Philippines is surrounded with oceans and bodies of water.
B. No. There is no relationship between latitude position and high diversity of life forms in the country.
C. No. The latitude position of the Philippines has no connection with high diversity of life in the country.
D. Yes. The Philippines is near the equator where there is sunshine all year round and rainfall is
41. Resources are characterized as renewable or nonrenewable. Why are coal, petroleum and natural gas
considered nonrenewable resources if they were produced from plant and animal remains?
A. It takes a very long time to produce them.
B. Using those resources result in environmental problems.
C. They are difficult to locate and explore from Earth.
D. The Philippines is dependent on supply from other countries
42. The Philippines is the fifth most mineral-rich country in the world for gold, nickel, copper, and chromite. Is
there a relationship between the presence of minerals in our country with any geologic structure?
A. No. The presence of minerals in the Philippines has no connection with geologic structures.
B. Yes. The presence of minerals in the Philippines indicates that the country is rich in resources.
C. No. There is no direct relationship between the presence of minerals in the Philippines with any
geologic structure
D. Yes. The presence of minerals in the Philippines indicates the presence of geologic structures like
active faults and volcanoes.
43. The atmosphere is comprised of layers based on temperature. What is the correct order of Earth's
atmospheric layers from bottom to top?
A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere
C. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
44. In which layer do virtually all-weather phenomena take place?
A. Exosphere B. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere D. Troposphere
45. The Philippines is a tropical country with only two seasons – a dry season and a wet season. Why do
seasons change in the Philippines?
A. The sun is directed to the southern hemisphere only.
B. The sun is somehow tilted to both Northern and Southern hemisphere.
C. Seasons change because the earth is stationary directing its rays to Northern hemisphere always.
D. Seasons change because direct rays of the sun shift from one hemisphere to the other as the Earth
goes around the sun.
46. Which of the following is most likely to cause a rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere in
the future?
A. atomic warfare B. carbon dioxide from fossil fuels
C. dust clouds from volcanoes D. depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer
47. While on the beach, a group of Grade 7 learners are studying local winds. Sebastian, the leader of the
group explains that the wind direction during the day is usually the reverse of the wind direction at night.
Which of the following statements supports Sebastian’s claim?
A. There is more water in the sea than on land.
B. This is usually an indication that an El Nino event is under way.
C. The water remains at about the same temperature all throughout the day.
D. Land heats up faster than water during the day and it also cools faster at night
48. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Without a natural greenhouse effect, the temperature of
the earth would be about -18 0C instead of 150C at present. Why are scientists concerned about the
greenhouse effect?
A. There is no technology that will keep the temperature of Earth constant.
B. Planting trees in wider areas is not possible; Earth has many desert areas.
C. Human activities like burning of fossil fuels and deforestation enhance the greenhouse effect.
D. The human population is increasing rapidly; more carbon dioxide will be released to the atmosphere.
49. Why do you think the earth and the moon do not bump with each other as they travel around the sun?
A. Because the moon is smaller than the earth.
B. Because the moon is far away from the earth.
C. Because the earth rotates faster than moon.
D. Because the earth and moon have their own orbits and planes.
50. In astronomy, the complete or partial obscuring of a celestial body by another is known as eclipse. How
does a solar eclipse happen?
A. When the shadows of Earth and Moon are cast in space.
B. When the moon comes directly between Sun and Earth.
C. When the Sun is on the opposite side of the Earth and the moon.
D. When the shadows of Moon and Earth is neither too high nor too low.

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