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Complete each statement, question, or short answer with the present continuous.

1. It ________________ (snow) now, and I _________________ (wear) a nice, warm sweater.

2. ________________________? (he / study) Yes, he ______. He _________________ (read)
his textbook.
3. Dad _________________ (not make) dinner right now. He _________________ (work) late at
the office.
4. Jerome _________________. (exercise) and Ann _________________ (take) a shower.
5. The children _________________ (not watch) TV. They _________________ (listen) to
6. __________________________ this morning? (it / rain) No. It’s cloudy and windy, but it
_________________. (not rain)
7. ______________________ (they / meet) in the office right now? Yes, they ________.

Read the sentences about the small town of Monroe. Rewrite the sentences using the
quantifiers in the box. Use each quantifier only once.

a lot of all a few no one

1. In Monroe, 0% of the people drive before the age of 16.

2. One hundred percent of children start school by the age of six.
3. Eighty-nine percent of couples have more than one child
4. 5% of families have more than four children.

Unscramble the sentences and complete the answers.

1. you do what weekends usually do on

Q: _______________________________________________________
A: I __________________________________________________ (often/ play sports)

2. ever you go jogging do with a friend

Q: _______________________________________________________
A: No,___________________________________________________ (always / alone)

3. you play do tennis how often

Q: _______________________________________________________
A: I ___________________________________________________ (four times a week)
4. do you what in the evening usually do
Q: _______________________________________________________
A: My family and I __________________________________ (almost always / watch tv)

Choose the correct response

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