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Kylle Joel V.



Bank Manager and Teller

1. Give three personal characteristics /strengths of a bank manager. Regarding this,how

will you use it as a manager to make an effect or influence the bank you managed?

To be considered a good manager, you must be organized, reliable, and

approachable. While these attributes are necessary, they're not enough on their own.
The bank manager must be communicative. The people working in the bank must work
together as a team, and a communicative system must be applied to ensure that every
employee is informed about the status of the whole bank. Managers must also be able
to keep morale high during times of stress, as well as do anything for their employees
and put them first. Motivating others is a skill that requires a certain level of maturity.
Managers who cannot be bothered with their team because they think it will come
naturally are unlikely to succeed at motivating employees. It's better to show your
employees what motivates you than to hope that they will naturally gravitate toward your
interests. Communication also plays an important role when it comes to problem-solving
and decision-making. When there is a problem or issue at work, everyone involved must
have access to information concerning it so they can make an informed decision on how
best to deal with it. Effective communication is essential in any organization. It should
not matter whether you're straight-talking or sensitive about certain subjects what
matters is that your message is heard by your employees. A manager who does not
communicate with her employees leaves them feeling frustrated and ignored.
Communication helps to boost morale and motivation, which can help work run more
smoothly without any misunderstandings or mishaps. A manager who is someone
whom employees can talk to will also give them peace of mind and trust in their
leadership abilities. Flexibility and patience are two virtues that help your team to
flourish. When you're too strict with your employees and make them unhappy, they may
begin to feel like they don't belong at the company. A good manager will be able to
recognize their staff's needs and be sure that they get the time off when they need it.
Patience is important in relationships with your employees because it helps them feel
valued and respected; when you have this quality, it's easier for people to work hard for
a job they love or find satisfying work.
2. We are now facing an information economy due to the continued explosion of the
digital world, many banking institutions are becoming more virtual on a day-to-day
basis. What job duties would you see as being fluent in this role as a Teller of the bank?
The position of teller necessitates ease in public settings. They must be able
to talk easily and coherently to interact with a wide range of people from various
backgrounds. Teller is the most trusted role in the bank because it has a direct
relationship with customers. Tellers can provide information about products, services,
and benefits of those products or services. Teller helps customers with their financial
needs by providing information about bank accounts, credit cards, and loans. Teller also
processes transactions for customers and provides product and service advice to
customers. Customers can often tell if a teller is having a bad day by how they interact
with them and what they say to them. While other employees may be having a bad day,
it seems like tellers are always calm and collected when dealing with customers and are
never rude to them. Additionally, the teller must be knowledgeable about various
payment methods, including cash and credit cards. A strong sense of customer service,
effective communication skills, and knowledge of financial transactions are necessary
for the job of the teller. They must also be able to comprehend the needs of their clients
and offer the appropriate services. Teller is an occupation that requires one to work
closely with other people who may not speak English as their first language. They
should also have good listening skills because they will be required to take notes and
record information for their customers or co-workers or supervisors. A teller's job is to
ensure that customers do not get annoyed by them. This is why it is imperative for them
to always be attentive during their shifts so that they can answer questions from
customers as soon as possible and resolve any issues that arise at all times during the

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